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The 218.4 ± 0.4, 228.8 ± 0.9 and 231.9 ± 0.7 Ma 40Ar/39Ar laser probe pseudo-plateau ages (2σ; 49–63% 39Ar-release) of very low-grade meta-pelitic whole-rocks from the Sakaigawa unit date high-P/T metamorphism. We argue that this event occurred in a subduction–accretion complex, not along the East Asian continental margin, but on the Pacific side of the proto-Japan superterrane. Proto-Japan was a Permian magmatic arc, presently dispersed in the Japanese islands, which also contained older subduction–accretion complexes. The arc system was fringing but not yet part of the Eurasian continent. The Middle to Late Triassic high-P/T tectono-metamorphic event was partly coeval with proto-Japan’s collision with proto-Eurasia along the southward extension of the Central Asian Orogenic Belt, causing the main metamorphism in the Hida-Oki terrane. It is possible that this system continued via the Cathaysia block (China) to Indochina. The Late Permian to Middle Triassic Indosinian event might stem from docking of Pacific-derived terranes with Southeast Asia’s continental margin. The concept of the proto-Japan superterrane implies that the Qinling-Dabie-Sulu suture zone joined the Central Asian Orogenic Belt to the east of the North China craton and did not continue to Japan, as commonly assumed.  相似文献   
Electrical properties of rocks depend on composition (i.e. bulk properties of the constituents), micro structure (i.e. geometrical arrangement of the constituents) and interfacial effects. We consider here a rock as a three component system — grains, pores, and interfaces — in order to account for the observed behaviour. We review first the main results relative to DC. conductivity. Surface conductivity effects show up clearly in the case of shaly formations or at low salinities. Although Archies' law (1942) and Waxman and Smits model (1968) are widely used, a more physically based model is that of Johnson and Sen (1988). We review also the variable frequency conductivity (complex conductivity) data and models. The important effect in that case is the enhancement of the dielectric constant at low frequencies (Knight and Nur, 1987) which can be interpreted as a geometrical effect although electrochemical interactions may also play an important role at low frequencies, depending on the rock type.  相似文献   
In the frequency range from millihertz to hundreds of megahertz, many different physical and physico-chemical processes contribute to the electrical polarization of porous water-bearing rocks. This makes the interpretation of their electrical spectra a complicated problem and requires both elaborate theories and model experiments. At high frequencies, the Maxwell–Wagner–Bruggeman–Hanai (MWBH) theory of effective media, which takes into account only bulk properties, shape and partial volume of components, is very appropriate. At low frequencies, surface films, polarization of the electrical double layer (EDL) and clustering of conductive components can produce very strong polarization; corresponding theoretical models are considered in a companion paper ( Chelidze & Gueguen 1999 , hereafter referred to as Paper I). This paper is devoted to the review of experimental data and their comparison with theoretical models.
  Experiments on saturated mineral powders and rocks with various surface areas and surface chemistries confirm the existence of significant surface contributions to the electrical spectra of conductivity and polarization of water-bearing rocks and the dominance of this contribution over MWBH values at low frequencies. The effective dielectric constant of porous saturated rocks increases with the surface-to-volume ratio of the system and strongly depends on the surface charge ( ζ potential). At ζ potential, equal to zero, the low-frequency dielectric permittivity (DP) is minimal. The experimental data on relaxation times and the magnitude of the surface polarization of water-bearing porous systems can be satisfactorily explained by theories of film polarization, diffusional polarization generated by deformation of an 'open' electrical double layer (EDL) and percolation.  相似文献   
While the d.c. electrical properties of a rock, through the volume conductivity, provide information on pore space structure (Formation factor) and pore fluid, the frequency dependence of the electrical parameters allows the characterization of the pore-matrix interfaces. To illustrate these properties, we present here some results of measurements performed on sedimentary rocks (Vosges and Fontainebleau sandstones). These samples have a classical electrical response, i.e. a ‘Cole and Cole’ frequency behaviour near a certain relaxation frequency and a low-frequency dispersion. We discuss some of the models that have been proposed in the past to explain this behaviour. It appears that most of them are valid near and above the relaxation frequency, but only Dissado and Hill's model seems to be satisfactory over the whole frequency range. The fractal nature of the interfaces, assumed in two of these models but appropriate only for one of them, could also be a convenient explanation for the frequency dependence.  相似文献   
40Ar/39Ar dating on muscovites, performed on leucogranitic intrusions of Charroux–Civray plutonic complex, points out the existence of two peraluminous magmatic activities, whose equivalents are known in the Limousin: (1) garnet-bearing leucogranitic veins at ca. 340 Ma; (2) a specialised leucogranite associated with W ± Sn deposits at ca 310 Ma. However, available 40Ar/39Ar data do not allow us to provide further data concerning the age and the geometry at depth of a large leucogranitic body identified by geophysics. To cite this article: P. Alexandre et al., C. R. Geoscience 334 (2002) 1141–1148.  相似文献   
LA-ICP-MS U-Pb analyses performed on zircon grains from the Lizio granite yielded an emplacement age of 316 ± 6 Ma. Typical S-C structures show that the Lizio granite was emplaced contemporaneously with dextral shearing along the northern branch of the South Armorican Shear Zone and that it was therefore active at that time. 40Ar/39Ar analyses performed on muscovite grains yielded plateau dates ranging between 311.5 and 308.2 Ma. Muscovite chemistry is typical of primary magmatic muscovite, which precludes a late fluids-induced resetting of the K-Ar isotopic system. 40Ar/39Ar dates thus likely correspond to the cooling ages below the argon closure temperature. Considering the uncertainties on the measured ages, we can propose that either the Lizio granite cooled down quickly in less than a million of years or that it remained in a hot environment for several millions of years after its emplacement. This latter scenario could have been sustained by shear heating during dextral shearing along the northern branch of the South Armorican Shear Zone.  相似文献   
Muscovites from the Blond granite (West French Massif Central) were dated by the 40Ar/39Ar single-grain method. The 40Ar/39Ar ages obtained vary from 305.5 ± 0.3 Ma to 311.3 ± 0.5 Ma, and most of the age spectra are slightly saddle-shaped. The analyzed muscovites show phengitic recrystallization under optical microscope observations, SEM images, and electron microprobe chemical analyses. It is proposed that the saddle-shaped age spectra result from a partial recrystallization, which produced three different isotopic reservoirs in the analyzed white mica single grains: domains of early muscovite, domains of neocrystallized muscovite formed by phengitic and Al-Fe substitutions, and “low-activation energy sites.”  相似文献   
International Journal of Earth Sciences - One of the striking features that characterise the late stages of the Variscan orogeny is the development of gneiss and migmatite domes, as well as...  相似文献   
The Connecticut Valley–Gaspé (CVG) trough represents a major, orogen-scale Silurian–Devonian basin of the Northern Appalachians. From Gaspé Peninsula to southern New England, the CVG trough has experienced a contrasting metamorphic and structural evolution during the Acadian orogeny. Along its strike, the CVG trough is characterized by increasing strain and polyphase structures, and by variations in the intensity of regional metamorphism and contrasting abundance of c. 390–370 Ma granitic intrusions. In southern Quebec and northern Vermont, a series of NW–SE transects across the CVG trough have been studied in order to better understand these along-strike variations. Detailed structural analyses, combined with phase equilibria modelling, Raman spectrometry, and muscovite 40Ar/39Ar dating highlight a progressive and incremental deformation involving south–north variation in the timing of metamorphism. Deformation evolves from a D1 crustal thickening event which originates in Vermont and progresses to southern Québec where it peaked at 0.6 GPa/380°C at c. 375 Ma. This was followed by a D2 event associated with continuous burial in Vermont from 378 to 355 Ma, which produced peak metamorphic conditions of 0.85 GPa/380°C and exhumation in Quebec from 368 to 360 Ma. The D3 compressional exhumation event also evolved from south to north from 345 to 335 Ma. D1 to D3 deformation events form part of a continuum with an along-strike propagation rate of ~50 km/Ma During D1, the burial depth varied by more than 15 km between southern Quebec and Vermont, and this can be attributed to the occurrence of a major crustal indenter, the Bronson Hill Arc massif, in the New England segment of the Acadian collision zone.  相似文献   
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