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X-band sea-clutter nonstationarity: influence of long waves   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
In this paper, we deal with the problem of modeling the backscattering from sea surface for low-grazing-angle and high-resolution radar systems. Based on the electromagnetic two-scale model, we analyzed both the amplitude and frequency modulations induced on the small-scale Bragg resonant waves by the large-scale surface tilt and advection due to the swell presence. Evidence of sea-clutter nonstationarity has been verified and the relationship between the variations of clutter spectral features, such as texture, Doppler centroid, and bandwidth, have been studied by processing real sea-clutter data recorded by the IPIX radar of McMaster University, Hamilton, ON, Canada. An autoregressive nonstationary process is proposed and validated to model the physical phenomenon.  相似文献   
Molecular-level characterization of natural organic matter (NOM) has been elusive due to the inherent complexity of natural organic mixtures and to the fact that individual components are often polar and macromolecular. Electrospray ionization (ESI) is a “soft” ionization technique that ionizes polar compounds from aqueous solution prior to injection into a mass spectrometer. The highest resolution and mass accuracy of compounds within NOM have been achieved when ESI is combined with an ultrahigh-resolution mass spectrometer such as the Fourier transform ion cyclotron resonance mass spectrometer (FT-ICR MS). With this technique, individual molecules within a variety of natural organic mixtures can be detected and their elemental composition can be determined. At low mass-to-charge (m/z) ratio, the resolution is high enough to assign exact molecular formulas allowing specific components of these mixtures to be identified. In addition to molecular identification, we can now use ESI FT-ICR MS to examine molecular-level changes in different organic mixtures as a function of relevant geo-processes, such as microbial alterations and photochemistry. Here we present the results from the application of ESI FT-ICR MS to two geochemical questions: (1) the effect of photoirradiation on the molecular composition of fulvic acids and (2) the role of protozoan grazers in the modification of DOM in aquatic systems.  相似文献   
The effects of monochromatic and polychromatic UV and visible (VIS) radiation on the optical properties (absorption and fluorescence) of chromophoric dissolved organic matter (CDOM) were examined for a Suwannee River fulvic acid (SRFA) standard and for water from the Delaware and Chesapeake Bays. The primary (direct) loss of absorption and fluorescence occurred at the irradiation wavelength(s), with smaller secondary (indirect) losses occurring outside the irradiation wavelength(s). The efficiency of both direct and indirect photobleaching decreased monotonically with increasing wavelength. Exposure to polychromatic light increased the CDOM absorption spectral slope (S), consistent with previous field measurements. An analysis of the monochromatic photobleaching kinetics argues that a model based on a simple superposition of multiple chromophores undergoing independent photobleaching cannot apply; this conclusion further implies that the absorption spectrum of CDOM cannot arise solely from a simple superposition of the spectra of numerous independent chromophores. The kinetics of CDOM absorption loss with the monochromatic irradiation were employed to create a simple, heuristic model of photobleaching. This model allowed us to examine the importance of the indirect photobleaching losses in determining the overall photobleaching rates as well as to model the photobleaching of natural waters under polychromatic light fields. Application of this model to natural waters closely predicted the change in the CDOM spectral shape caused by photodegradation. The time scale of this process was consistent with field observations acquired during the summertime for coastal waters in the Middle Atlantic Bight (MAB). The results indicate that the ratio of the photodegradation depth to the mixed layer depth is a key parameter controlling the rate of the photobleaching in surface waters.  相似文献   
Real-time integration of multi-parametric observations is expected to accelerate the process toward improved, and operationally more effective, systems for time-Dependent Assessment of Seismic Hazard (t-DASH) and earthquake short-term (from days to weeks) forecast. However, a very preliminary step in this direction is the identification of those parameters (chemical, physical, biological, etc.) whose anomalous variations can be, to some extent, associated with the complex process of preparation for major earthquakes. In this paper one of these parameters (the Earth’s emitted radiation in the Thermal InfraRed spectral region) is considered for its possible correlation with M ≥ 4 earthquakes occurred in Greece in between 2004 and 2013. The Robust Satellite Technique (RST) data analysis approach and Robust Estimator of TIR Anomalies (RETIRA) index were used to preliminarily define, and then to identify, significant sequences of TIR anomalies (SSTAs) in 10 years (2004–2013) of daily TIR images acquired by the Spinning Enhanced Visible and Infrared Imager on board the Meteosat Second Generation satellite. Taking into account the physical models proposed for justifying the existence of a correlation among TIR anomalies and earthquake occurrences, specific validation rules (in line with the ones used by the Collaboratory for the Study of Earthquake Predictability—CSEP—Project) have been defined to drive a retrospective correlation analysis process. The analysis shows that more than 93 % of all identified SSTAs occur in the prefixed space–time window around (M ≥ 4) earthquake's time and location of occurrence with a false positive rate smaller than 7 %. Molchan error diagram analysis shows that such a correlation is far to be achievable by chance notwithstanding the huge amount of missed events due to frequent space/time data gaps produced by the presence of clouds over the scene. Achieved results, and particularly the very low rate of false positives registered on a so long testing period, seems already sufficient (at least) to qualify TIR anomalies (identified by RST approach and RETIRA index) among the parameters to be considered in the framework of a multi-parametric approach to t-DASH.  相似文献   
In this paper, we present an operational model to estimate the actual evapotranspiration (ET) of crops cultivated on hilly terrains. This new model has the following three characteristics: (1) ET modelling is based on a Penman?CMonteith (PM) type equation (Monteith 1965) where canopy resistance is simulated by following an approach already illustrated by Katerji and Perrier (Agronomie 3(6):513?C521, 1983); (2) the estimation of ET, by means of the PM equation, is made by using meteorological variables simulated on sloped sites as input; (3) these variables are simulated by using simple relationships linking the variables measured at a reference site on plane to the topographic characteristics of the site (slope, orientation, altitude as difference between reference, and sloped sites). This approach presents two advantages if compared with previously proposed models: Not only computation steps are greatly simplified but also error sources due to the simulation of climatic variables in sloped sites and the ET estimation are well distinguished. This model was validated at hourly and daily scales at four sites cultivated with wheat and oats offering a wide range of slope and orientation values: a reference site on plane, site 1 (9° sloping, NW orientation, 7 m from the reference site in plane), site 2 (6°, SE, 12 m) and site 3 (1°, SE, 18 m). At hourly scale, the new model performed well at all sites studied. The observed slope of the linear relationships between estimated and measured ET values ranged between 0.93 and 1.03, with coefficients of determination, r 2, between 0.80 and 0.98. At daily scale, the slopes of the linear relationships between measured and estimated ET for the sites on plane and the sloped sites were practically the same (0.98?±?0.01); however, the coefficient of determination r 2 observed in the site on plane was clearly greater (0.98) than that observed in the sloped sites (0.83). The presented analysis does not show any significant systematic effect of topography (slope and orientation of the plots) on the good performance of the proposed model for the ET estimation. Furthermore, we observed that coefficients of determination tend to decrease with the increase in the slope of the site, which translates into increased inaccuracy of the climatic variables simulation, in particular the net radiation, as the slope of the site increases. The proposed model allows to verify the different steps for calculating the fluxes, to identify the eventual sources of error and to make the needed corrections. For this reasons, the proposed model seems to be particularly ??operational??, i.e. a useful tool for estimating fluxes on hilly terrains.  相似文献   
Elastic wave propagation in an irregularly layered medium   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
The indirect boundary element method (IBEM) is used to simulate wave propagation in two-dimensional irregularly layered elastic media for internal line sources. The method is based on the integral representation for scattered elastic waves using single layer boundary sources. Fulfillment of the boundary conditions leads to a system of integral equations. Results are obtained in the frequency domain and seismograins are computed through Fourier synthesis. In order to test and validate the method we present various comparisons between our results and the time series obtained analytically for a buried line source in a half-space and by using the recently developed spectral element method (SEM).  相似文献   
Eighty-five stranded or bycaught harbor porpoises collected from the Danish North Sea between 1980 and 2005 were analyzed for perfluorochemicals in the liver. PFOS was the predominant compound, making up on average 88.9% of the ∑PFC, followed by PFOSA (7.8%). PFUnA (1.9%) and PFDA (1.2%) were detected in most samples. PFHxS, PFNA and PFOA were only found in a minority of the samples. We found substantial differences in PFC concentrations among life history stages, the highest concentrations were found in neonates, suckling juveniles and lactating females. Such differences should be considered when PFC levels in wildlife are evaluated. The high concentrations found in young porpoises are of concern as PFCs have known toxic effects on the development of the central nervous system and reproductive organs. Despite efforts to reduce PFC emissions, a decreasing temporal trend of concentrations was not detected for any compound. PFCA concentrations were found to be increasing.  相似文献   
Metazoan/microbial bioconstructions, or biostalactites (BSTs), discovered in submarine caves of Apulia c. 20 years ago—and later found in several shallow‐water Mediterranean caves—are receiving increasing attention in the last years. Examination of a single BST from the “lu Lampiùne” cave (Apulia), at the limit between the Adriatic and the Ionian seas, has been addressed for the first time in this paper. The BST started growing at c. 6,000 years ago with a rapid accretion of large‐sized serpulids (Protula), slowing down since about 3,000–4,000 years ago with a shift in main bioconstructors, probably caused by environmental changes. The present‐day community on the outer BST surface is dominated by skeletonised epibionts, mostly small‐sized serpulids, bryozoans and foraminifers, which contribute carbonate to the BST growth, by encrusting sponges, and by a few endobionts, including boring bivalves and insinuating sponges. New data remarkably increase biodiversity known for the “lu Lampiùne” cave and the cave habitat in the region. Thirty‐five taxa (16 bryozoans, 10 serpulids, 3 brachiopods, 2 foraminifers, 2 sponges, 1 bivalve and 1 cirriped) are recorded for the first time from Apulian marine caves, highlighting the need for further research in the area. In addition, the BST‐associated community seems to differ from those of individual BSTs from other Mediterranean caves, revealing the individuality of these communities.  相似文献   

Green manuring of legume crops can improve soil fertility and sustainability. To evaluate its agronomic and environmental effectiveness, gaseous losses of ammonia (NH3) in the surface layer need to be quantified by direct measurements in the field. However, the application of the eddy-covariance technique to atmospheric NH3 is challenging: its high reactivity, water solubility, and low background concentrations all hinder the response time of closed-path sensors for fast measurements of NH3 concentration. Ammonia emissions following green manuring were measured for 21 days using a flux system equipped with a fast-pulsed quantum-cascade tunable-infrared-laser spectrometer. The noisy cross-covariance function for this configuration indicates flux measurements are close to the limit of detection; the low signal-to-noise ratio further increases the uncertainties, introducing a mirroring effect on the fluxes, which results in the rapid alternation between emission and deposition, within the limit of detection (around 13 and 20 ng m?2 s?1, at the 95 and 99% confidence limits, respectively). An evaluation of the measurement errors is presented, focussing on three technical aspects of the eddy-covariance system: (1) time lag, (2) random error, and (3) limit of detection. The NH3 fluxes measured by the spectrometer are close to its limit of detection, with a random error of the same order as the flux.

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