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Based on in situ microprofiles, chamber incubations and eddy covariance measurements, we investigated the benthic carbon mineralization and nutrient regeneration in a ~65-m-deep sedimentation basin of Loch Etive, UK. The sediment hosted a considerable amount of infauna that was dominated by the brittle star A. filiformis. The numerous burrows were intensively irrigated enhancing the benthic in situ O2 uptake by ~50 %, and inducing highly variable redox conditions and O2 distribution in the surface sediment as also documented by complementary laboratory-based planar optode measurements. The average benthic O2 exchange as derived by chamber incubations and the eddy covariance approach were similar (14.9 ± 2.5 and 13.1 ± 9.0 mmol m?2 day?1) providing confidence in the two measuring approaches. Moreover, the non-invasive eddy approach revealed a flow-dependent benthic O2 flux that was partly ascribed to enhanced ventilation of infauna burrows during periods of elevated flow rates. The ratio in exchange rates of ΣCO2 and O2 was close to unity, confirming that the O2 uptake was a good proxy for the benthic carbon mineralization in this setting. The infauna activity resulted in highly dynamic redox conditions that presumably facilitated an efficient degradation of both terrestrial and marine-derived organic material. The complex O2 dynamics of the burrow environment also concurrently stimulated nitrification and coupled denitrification rates making the sediment an efficient sink for bioavailable nitrogen. Furthermore, bioturbation mediated a high efflux of dissolved phosphorus and silicate. The study documents a high spatial and temporal variation in benthic solute exchange with important implications for benthic turnover of organic carbon and nutrients. However, more long-term in situ investigations with like approaches are required to fully understand how environmental events and spatio-temporal variations interrelate to the overall biogeochemical functioning of coastal sediments.  相似文献   
A high-resolution marine geophysical study was conducted during October-November 2006 in the northern Gulf of Aqaba/Eilat, providing the first multibeam imaging of the seafloor across the entire gulf head spanning both Israeli and Jordanian territorial waters. Analyses of the seafloor morphology show that the gulf head can be subdivided into the Eilat and Aqaba subbasins separated by the north-south-trending Ayla high. The Aqaba submarine basin appears starved of sediment supply, apparently causing erosion and a landward retreat of the shelf edge. Along the eastern border of this subbasin, the shelf is largely absent and its margin is influenced by the Aqaba Fault zone that forms a steep slope partially covered by sedimentary fan deltas from the adjacent ephemeral drainages. The Eilat subbasin, west of the Ayla high, receives a large amount of sediment derived from the extensive drainage basins of the Arava Valley (Wadi ’Arabah) and Yutim River to the north–northeast. These sediments and those entering from canyons on the south-western border of this subbasin are transported to the deep basin by turbidity currents and gravity slides, forming the Arava submarine fan. Large detached blocks and collapsed walls of submarine canyons and the western gulf margin indicate that mass wasting may be triggered by seismic activity. Seafloor lineaments defined by slope gradient analyses suggest that the Eilat Canyon and the boundaries of the Ayla high align along north- to northwest-striking fault systems—the Evrona Fault zone to the west and the Ayla Fault zone to the east. The shelf–slope break that lies along the 100 m isobath in the Eilat subbasin, and shallower (70–80 m isobaths) in the Aqaba subbasin, is offset by approx. 150 m along the eastern edge of the Ayla high. This offset might be the result of horizontal and vertical movements along what we call the Ayla Fault on the east side of the structure. Remnants of two marine terraces at 100 m and approx. 150 m water depths line the southwest margin of the gulf. These terraces are truncated by faulting along their northern end. Fossil coral reefs, which have a similar morphological appearance to the present-day, basin margin reefs, crop out along these deeper submarine terraces and along the shelf–slope break. One fossil reef is exposed on the shelf across the Ayla high at about 60–63 m water depth but is either covered or eroded in the adjacent subbasins. The offshore extension of the Evrona Fault offsets a fossil reef along the shelf and extends south of the canyon to linear fractures on the deep basin floor.  相似文献   
NASA’s Meteoroid Environment Office has implemented a program to monitor the Moon for meteoroid impacts from the Marshall Space Flight Center. Using off-the-shelf telescopes and video equipment, the Moon is monitored for as many as 10 nights per month, depending on weather. Custom software automatically detects flashes which are confirmed by a second telescope, photometrically calibrated using background stars, and published on a website for correlation with other observations. Hypervelocity impact tests at the Ames Vertical Gun Range facility have begun to determine the luminous efficiency and ejecta characteristics. The purpose of this research is to define the impact ejecta environment for use by lunar spacecraft designers of the Constellation manned lunar program. The observational techniques and preliminary results will be discussed. The U.S. Government's right to retain a non-exclusive, royalty-free license in and to any copyright is acknowledged.  相似文献   
The topsoil of clayey slope is easy to erosion because it is weak in its strength, water stability and erosion resistance. A new organic polymer soil stabilizer, which was developed for the stabilization treatment of clay slope topsoil and was named as STW, was introduced in this study. In order to understand the effect of STW on the stabilization of clayey soil, laboratory tests on the unconfined compressive strength, shear strength, water stability and erosion resistance of untreated and treated soil specimens are performed, The results indicated that STW soil stabilizer can significantly increased the unconfined compression strength, shear strength, water stability and erosion resistance of clayey soil. The unconfined compression strength increased with the increasing of curing time and the variation mainly occurs in the first 24-hour. With the addition amounts of STW increasing, the strength, water stability and erosion resistance increased at the curing time being 48 h, but in the case of friction angle, no major change was observed. Based on the scanning electron microscopy (SEM) analysis of the stabilized soil, the stabilization mechanisms of STW soil stabilizer in the clayey soil were discussed. Finally, a field test of the stabilization treatment of clay slope topsoil with STW was carried out, and the results indicated that the STW soil stabilizer on the stabilization treatment of clay slope topsoil is effective for improving the erosion resistance of slope topsoil, reducing the soil loss and protecting the vegetation growth. Therefore, this technique is worth popularizing for the topsoil protection of clay slope.  相似文献   
We describe the fabrication of organically modified sol–gel (ORMOSIL) planar optodes for mapping the two-dimensional oxygen distribution in sediments. All sensor foils were based on the use of ruthenium(II)-tris-(4,7-diphenyl-1,10-phenantrolin)-perchlorate, which is a fluorescent dye quenched dynamically by oxygen. Sensors made with different sol–gel immobilisation matrices, different concentrations of precursors and indicator dye, as well as different types of scattering particles co-immobilised in the sensor foil were investigated systematically. Optimal sensor performance was obtained with dye concentrations of 2–10 mmol/kg in an immobilisation matrix made of diphenyldiethoxy-silan and phenyltriethoxy-silan precursors with addition of organically coated TiO2 particles. The sensors exhibited a good mechanical stability and a high sensitivity from 0% to 100% oxygen, which remained constant over at least 36 days. The planar optodes were used with a fluorescent lifetime imaging system for direct mapping of the spatio-temporal variation in oxygen distribution within marine sediment inhabited by the polychaete Hediste diversicolor. The measurements demonstrated the spatio-temporal heterogeneity of the oxygen distribution in bioturbated sediments due to burrow structures and non-constant irrigation activity of the polychaete, which is difficult to resolve with microsensors or with traditional biogeochemical techniques.  相似文献   
The Hipparcos Catalogue contains members of nearby OB associations brighter than 12th magnitude in V . However, membership lists are complete only to magnitude V =7.3. In this paper we discuss whether proper motions listed in the 'Astrographic Catalogue+Tycho' reference catalogue (ACT) and the Tycho Reference Catalogue (TRC), which are complete to V ∼10.5 mag, can be used to find additional association members. Proper motions in the ACT/TRC have an average accuracy of ∼3 mas yr−1. We search for ACT/TRC stars which have proper motions consistent with the spatial velocity of the Hipparcos members of the nearby OB associations already identified by de Zeeuw et al. These stars are first selected using a convergent-point method, and then subjected to further constraints on the proper-motion distribution, magnitude and colour to narrow down the final number of candidate members. Monte Carlo simulations show that the proper-motion distribution, magnitude, and colour constraints remove ∼97 per cent of the field stars, while at the same time retain more than 90 per cent of the cluster stars.
The procedure has been applied to five nearby associations: the three subgroups of Sco OB2, plus Per OB3 and Cep OB6. In all cases except Cep OB6, we find evidence for new association members fainter than the completeness limit of the Hipparcos Catalogue. However, narrow-band photometry and/or radial velocities are needed to pinpoint the cluster members, and to study their physical characteristics.  相似文献   
An innovative approach is presented, in which the discontinuous deformation analysis (DDA) method is used to estimate historic ground motions by back analysis of unique structural failures in archaeological sites. Two archaeological sites in Israel are investigated using this new approach and results are presented in terms of displacement evolution of selected structural elements in the studied masonry structure. The response of the structure is studied up to the point of incipient failure, in a mechanism similar to the one observed in the field. Structural response is found to be very sensitive to dynamic parameters of the loading function such as amplitude and frequency. Prior to back analysis of case studies, two validations are presented. Both compare the performance of DDA with analytical solutions and present strong agreement between the two. Using comprehensive sensitivity analyses, the most likely peak ground acceleration (PGA) and frequency that must have driven the observed block displacements are found for the two case studies—the Nabatean city of Mamshit and the medieval fortress of Nimrod in southern and northern Israel, respectively. It is found that horizontal peak ground accelerations (HPGA) of 0.5g and 1g were required to generate the observed deformations in Mamshit and Nimrod, respectively. Although these might seem too high, considering structural and topographic amplifications it is concluded that the analyses suggest ground motions of 0.2g at a frequency of 1.5 Hz for Mamshit and up to 0.4g at a frequency of 1 Hz for Nimrod. These values provide constraints on the seismic risk associated with these regions as appears in the local building code using a completely independent approach. Copyright © 2007 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   
The goal of this work was to understand the main hydrodynamic processes acting on tidal flats of the coast of Amapá near the mouth of the Amazon River, and how they change over the short term (~ 20 years). The analysis of morphological and geobotanical units was carried out by applying processing and interpretation methods to optical and synthetic aperture radar (SAR) images, combined with data on water salinity, maximum flood height, sedimentary facies data, rainfall and river discharge. The temporal analysis of morphological and geobotanical units suggests the relative stabilization of savannah, ‘várzea’ and mangrove areas during the drier period and increasing tidal amplitude between 1987 to 1997. The wetter period and decreasing tidal amplitude between 1997 to 2008 led to an increase in the area of ‘várzea’ and lakes over savannah, and the expansion of mangroves mainly over the inundated field and tidal mud/mixed flats. Therefore, the decrease in rainfall index during the drier period is well‐correlated with the reduction of the Calçoene River discharge and jointly with increasing tidal amplitude favored the increase of migration rate of the mud bank and erosion profile along the littoral. It was followed by the increase of the Calçoene River discharge and jointly with decreasing tidal amplitude during the wetter period, favoring the development of mangroves on muddy substrates near the coastline. Copyright © 2013 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   
Effectiveness of a new organic polymer sand-fixing agent on sand fixation   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
Sand erosion due to wind is a serious problem in the relatively arid and semiarid areas. A new organic polymer sand-fixing agent (PVIN), polymerized by the monomer of vinyl acetate, initiator and cross-linking agent, is introduced in this study. To understand the effect of PVIN on sand fixation, the strength test, water-retaining test and wind erosion test were performed. The results indicated that the presence of PVIN could improve the structural strength, water retaining and anti-wind erosion ability. When the sand-fixing agent was applied on the sand surface, the crust in surface layer was produced. The structural strength variations determined by micropenetrometer indicated that the specimens treated with concentrations of 1, 3, 5, 10, and 20% PVIN have produced the crusts with thickness being approximately 1, 2, 4–5, 5, and 5–6 mm and the strength being around 1, 4.5, 18, 26 and 41, respectively. This crust has a good water-absorption, water-retaining and anti-evaporation properties. It can also improve the anti-wind erosion ability, and also prevent the loose sand surface from forming a sand dune in the wind erosion conditions. Additionally, this sand-fixing agent has a low cost, it is easier to produce and apply and also produces no additional pollution. Therefore, this can be considered as an ideal soil-fixing agents to control sand erosion in the relatively arid and semiarid areas.  相似文献   
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