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Site 24 was the subject of a 14-year (5110-day) study of a ground water plume created by the disposal of manufactured gas plant (MGP) tar into a shallow sandy aquifer approximately 25 years prior to the study. The ground water plume in 1988 extended from a well-defined source area to a distance of approximately 400 m down gradient. A system of monitoring wells was installed along six transects that ran perpendicular to the longitudinal axis of the plume centerline. The MGP tar source was removed from the site in 1991 and a 14-year ground water monitored natural attenuation (MNA) study commenced. The program measured the dissolved mono- and polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons (MAHs and PAHs) periodically over time, which decreased significantly over the 14-year period. Naphthalene decreased to less than 99% of the original dissolved mass, with mass degradation rates of 0.30 per year (half-life 2.3 years). Bulk attenuation rate constants for plume centerline concentrations over time ranged from 0.33 ± 0.09 per year (half-life 2.3 ± 0.8 years) for toluene and 0.45 ± 0.06 per year (half-life 1.6 ± 0.2 years) for naphthalene. The hydrogeologic setting at Site 24, having a sandy aquifer, shallow water table, clay confining layer, and aerobic conditions, was ideal for demonstrating MNA. However, these results demonstrate that MNA is a viable remedial strategy for ground water at sites impacted by MAHs and PAHs after the original source is removed, stabilized, or contained.  相似文献   
The composition and nature of high-Cr minerals in lithic clasts from the carbonatites of the Veseloe occurrence, northern Transbaikalia, were considered. In order to determine their source, the Cr-bearing phases were compared with chromite, magnetite, and rutile from ultrabasic rocks, mantle xenoliths, and eclogites. It was suggested that the xenoclasts studied were formed at great depths, whereas the carbonatites were directly derived from the mantle rather than formed by the crustal differentiation of a silicate-carbonate melt.  相似文献   
Isotope-geochemical study of the Ermakovskoe fluorine–beryllium deposit was carried out to estimate the ore sources and role of host carbonate rocks in its formation. We analyzed oxygen and carbon isotope compositions in marbles, skarn carbonates, ore and post-ore parageneses; oxygen isotope compositions in oxides, silicates, apatite; and sulfur isotope composition in sulfides and sulfates. Sources of fluids participating in the rock and ore formation were determined using hydrogen and oxygen isotope compositions in hydroxyl-bearing minerals: phlogopite from marbles, vesuvian from skarns, eudidymite and bertrandite from ore parageneses, and bavenite of the post-ore stage. Isotopic studies suggest crustal source of sulfur, oxygen, and carbon dioxide, while oxygen and hydrogen isotope compositions in the hydroxyl-bearing minerals points to the contribution of meteoric waters in the formation of the fluorine-beryllium ores.  相似文献   
A U-Pb (SHRIMP-II) geochronological study of rocks from the Sayzhenski, Snezhny and Nizhne-Burulzayski massifs, incorporated into the Vitim alkali province (Sayzhenski Complex) has been made. The acquired data indicate that the rocks formed in the interval of 520-486 Ma. The proximity of their age to accretionary-collision processes in the Central Asian fold belt, accompanied by intràplate magmatism, has been noted. Two independent stages in the evolution of Vitim Province magmatism are suggested: Early Paleozoic (520-485 Ma) and Late Paleozoic (350-290 Ma).  相似文献   
The paper presents mineralogical features and EPMA results of the Khamambettu carbonatites. The mineralogical data suggest that these rocks have been generated in magmatic and hydrothermal stages. Mineral geothermometer for carbonatite give temperatures of 790°–980°C. Fluid inclusion measurements in monazite (hydrothermal stage) give temperatures of 220°–290°C. One of the features of the carbonatites is high content of magnesia that is defined by the presence of dolomite, olivine, spinel, phlogopite, Mg-rich ilmenite. Chloritization, serpentinization, amphibolization, silicification processes and occurrence of barite, monazite-(Ce), strontianite, celestine are related to hydrothermal stage. Hydrothermal minerals at the Khamambettu were formed by recrystallization of primary carbonatite minerals in the presence of Ba, (SO4)2?, REE and Si carried in solution by the hydrothermal fluid.  相似文献   
The key mineralogical features of the Newania carbonatites, that illustrate their derivation from primary mantle melts (Gruau et al. Terra Nova, Abstract Suppl 1:336, 1995; Viladkar Petrology 6(3):272–283, 1998; Basu and Murty Abstracts of Goldschmidt Conference A40, 2006), are the presence of magnesite, graphite and Cr-rich magnetite. Magnesite is an early crystallizing phase. Cr-rich magnetite and graphite coexist with carbonatite minerals and precipitated from carbonate magma. Graphite, as well as gaseous CO2 and carbonate minerals such as dolomite and magnesite, can be stable in peridotite mantle. Coexistence of these minerals is controlled by fO 2 and PT-conditions. Mineral geothermometers for the Newania carbonatite give temperatures from 463 to 950°C. The parental source for Newania carbonatites was characterized by a relatively high log (fHF/fH2O) level which increased during the crystallization history of Newania. The estimated oxygen fugacity (for ilmenite–magnetite pairs) varies from ?1.5 to +3.5 (log-bar unit deviation from FMQ buffer), which is supported by the presence of Fe-columbite, and the composition of phlogopite, amphibole and pyroxene that have an elevated concentration of Fe3+. However, the oxygen fugacity range represented by co-existing early-crystallized graphite and magnesite is below that of the FMQ buffer and lies on the CCO buffer.  相似文献   
Aluminium phosphate and aluminium phosphate-sulphate (APS) minerals occur as disseminated crystals and fine-grained aggregates in kyanite schists near Ichetuyskoye, in the Dzhida basin (West Transbaikal region, Russia). Petrographical, mineralogical and geochemical data suggest a metamorphic evolution through prograde and retrograde stages. Lazulite-scorzalite and trolleite in association with kyanite, quartz, muscovite, paragonite, topaz, rutile, magnetite and hematite formed during the prograde stage. More than 25 minerals identified in schists are genetically related to the retrograde stage. Some phosphates and all of the APS minerals belong to the alunite, beudantite and plumbogummite groups. Electron-microprobe data reveal the presence of wide compositional variations and complex solid-solution series among the members. The main crystal-chemical variations of the APS solid-solution series in the alunite supergroup concern the relative proportions of svanbergite, woodhouseite, goyazite, crandallite, florencite-(Ce) and natroalunite. Chemical analyses of APS minerals indicate extremely high amounts of LREE, Sr, Ba, Ca and Na. In some cases, APS minerals have compositions of Ba and Ca,Ba phosphates?C sulphates.  相似文献   
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