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The Cap Bon Peninsula, belonging to northeastern Tunisia, is located in the Maghrebian Alpine foreland and in the North of the Pelagian block. By its paleoposition, during the Cenozoic, in the edge of the southern Tethyan margin, this peninsula constitutes a geological entity that fossilized the eustatic, tectonic and climatic interactions. Surface and subsurface study carried out in the Cap Bon onshore area and surrounding offshore of Hammamet interests the Miocene deposits from the Langhian-to-Messinian interval time. Related to the basin and the platform positions, sequence and seismic stratigraphy studies have been conducted to identify seven third-order seismic sequences in subsurface (SM1-SM7), six depositional sequences on the Zinnia-1 petroleum well (SDM1-SDM6), and five depositional sequences on the El Oudiane section of the Jebel Abderrahmane (SDM1–SDM5). Each sequence shows a succession of high-frequency systems tract and parasequences. These sequences are separated by remarkable sequence boundaries and maximum flooding surfaces (SB and MFS) that have been correlated to the eustatic cycles and supercycles of the Global Sea Level Chart of Haq et al. (1987). The sequences have been also correlated with Sequence Chronostratigraphic Chart of Hardenbol et al. (1998), related to European basins, allows us to arise some major differences in number and in size. The major discontinuities, which limit the sequences resulted from the interplay between tectonic and climatic phenomena. It thus appears very judicious to bring back these chronological surfaces to eustatic and/or local tectonic activity and global eustatic and climatic controls.  相似文献   
Among numerous offshore structures used in oil extraction, jacket platforms are still the most favorable ones in shallow waters. In such structures, log piles are used to pin the substructure of the platform to the seabed. The pile’s geometrical and geotechnical properties are considered as the main parameters in designing these structures. In this study, ANSYS was used as the FE modeling software to study the geometrical and geotechnical properties of the offshore piles and their effects on supporting jacket platforms. For this purpose, the FE analysis has been done to provide the preliminary data for the fuzzy-logic post-process. The resulting data were implemented to create Fuzzy Inference System (FIS) classifications. The resultant data of the sensitivity analysis suggested that the orientation degree is the main factor in the pile’s geometrical behavior because piles which had the optimal operational degree of about 5° are more sustained. Finally, the results showed that the related fuzzified data supported the FE model and provided an insight for extended offshore pile designs.  相似文献   
Environmental flows are generally characterized by complex bed morphology and high current speeds. Such configurations favor the formation of vortex structures that strongly affect hydrody-namics and sediment transport. Large-Eddy Simulation (LES) enables investigation of the dynam-ics of the largest turbulence scales and, thanks to enhanced calculation resources, has now become applicable for simulating environmental flows. In this paper, a LES approach is developed in a CFD code (TELEMAC-3D), which was originally developed to simulate free surface flows using RANS methods. The present developments involve implementing subgrid models, boundary con-ditions and numerical schemes suitable for LES. The LES version of TELEMAC-3D was validated by comparing results on the model with experimental data for flow past a cylinder. Then, the model was applied to a test case representing flow over dunes. After validating the hydrodynamics, the model was used to assess the bottom shear stress, using both a RANS and a LES approach. Com-parison highlighted the potential contribution of LES to investigating the hydrodynamic forces acting on the bottom.  相似文献   
Little information exists on the potential of soil enzyme activities,which are sensitive to soil properties and management,for the characterization of sediment sources at the catchment scale.The objective of this study is to explore and evaluate enzyme activity as tracer for sediment fingerprinting in the Hiv catchment(55 km~2),Iran.Therefore,four enzymes were measured from 42 different sampling sites,covering three sediment source areas(rangeland/surface erosion,orchard/surface erosion,and streambank erosion),as well as from 12 sediment samples from reservoir check dams (sediment sinks).The results indicate that,based upon backward mode discriminant analysis,βglucosidase and dehydrogenase,allowed more than 95%of the samples to be correctly assigned to their source areas.These enzymes were selected as input data for a mixing-model to determine the relative contribution of the sampled sediment sources.The mean contributions from rangeland, orchard and streambank sources in the study area were estimated as 11.3%,15.1%and 73.7%, respectively.Using geochemical tracers,the mean contribution from rangeland,orchard and streambank sources was estimated as 14.1%,9.5%and 74.8%,respectively.Combined biochemical and geochemical tracers,similar values were obtained(18.7%,10.7%and 70.7%,respectively).Our results indicate that soil enzyme activity allows for a good characterization of sediment sources,and can provide a complementary tool to currently existing sediment fingerprinting approaches.However, the method should be also tested in other regions.  相似文献   
Major ion geochemistry and environmental isotopes were used to identify the origins and the mineralisation processes of groundwater flowing within the three aquifer levels of the multilayer system of the Gafsa-south mining district (Southwestern Tunisia). It has been demonstrated that groundwaters are characterised by a Ca–Mg–SO4 water type. Geochemical pattern is mainly controlled by the dissolution of halite, gypsum and/or anhydrite as well as by the incongruent dissolution of dolomite. δ18O and δ2H values are much lower than the isotopic signature of regional precipitation and fall close to the meteoric water lines, indicating that groundwaters have not been significantly affected by evaporation or mineral–water reactions. The distribution of stable and radiogenic isotopes (δ18O, δ2H, δ13C and 14C) within the aquifer levels suggests that the deep confined aquifer receives a significant modern recharge at higher altitudes, while, the shallow unconfined aquifer has been mainly recharged under cooler paleoclimatic condition, likely during Late Pleistocene and Early Holocene humid periods. However, waters from the intermediate confined/unconfined aquifer have composite isotopic signatures, highlighting that they are derived from a mixture of the two first end-members.  相似文献   
Structural analysis of Jebel Chemsi and Belkhir located in southern Tunisian Atlas lead to propose the fault-propagation fold as a model for these anticlines. Geometric analogy is settled after dip surveys and observation of several anticline kinks. Several, independent geomorphologic observations support the hinge migration kinematics characterizing this numerical model. The geomorphological hallmarks used matches to (1) alluvial fan progradation, (2) knick points on longitudinal profiles of channel streams and (3) anomalies on the drainage net in the eastern limits of the fold. These anomalies proved a centrifugal hinge migration of, at least, last folding stages in the direction prospected by the model. Results of numerical modelling using Ramp EM software showed detachment layer at 5.5 km that matches to Triassic series. Shortening amplitude is about 2 km for Jebel Chemsi and 1.5 km for Jebel Belkhir. Locally, we highlighted the role of inherited faults in locating and controlling the compressive deformation. In active tectonic region, the use of geomorphological approach is suitable to highlight the folding kinematics and thus to prove the deformation model. In our case study, many special conditions, such as excellent outcropping resulting of arid climate, constant base level and good lithological contrast, allow objective interpretations  相似文献   

Independent and complementary methods were used for pore pressure assessment in the eastern Tunisian basins. Drilling data and surveys allow settling the pore pressure profile in these basins. The main used parameters are mud weights, formation pressure surveys, drilling parameters, well logs, fluids exchange with formation and borehole issues. In the eastern Tunisia platform, the pore pressure profiles show changes in overpressure magnitude in all the three dimensions of the basin (location and depth/stratigraphy). We highlighted two overpressure intervals form bottom to top: The late Cretaceous in the North-eastern part, and the Tertiary overpressure interval hosted in the Palaeocene to Miocene series. The structural analysis of overpressure location shows that the Tertiary interval is likely to have originated in a disequilibrium compaction in Cenozoic grabens. Pore pressure cross sections and maps confirm the link between active normal faults that segmented the basin to grabens and highs and pore pressure anomalous area. In the Senonian interval, we noted mature source-rocks that can explain the overpressure in the late Cretaceous interval. In addition, the recent to active compressive tectonics may have contributed to both pore pressure anomaly generations. The fluid overpressures characterization in the eastern Tunisian sedimentary basins helps in hydrocarbons exploration. Indeed, the overpressure interval in the reservoir levels stimulates and improves the production in the oilfields and contributes to hydrocarbon trapping. Moreover, the adequate prediction of pore pressure profile contributes to reduce drilling cost and enhance the drilling operations safety.  相似文献   
The structural and sedimentological study of fault-propagation folds in Southern Tunisia highlights a special geometry of the growth strata (strata deposited simultaneously with the formation or growth of a fold). This distinct geometry is visible in the uppermost growth-strata beds and consists of one flank with unconformity as opposed to the other flank with perfect conformity. This geometry can be explained by the mechanism of fault-propagation folding, with asymmetrical flank dips and hinge migration kinematics. This kinematics was originally predicted by the fault-propagation fold model, which facilitates the study of this special geometry in a narrow domain of sedimentation-to-shortening ratios. A plot projection provides a generalisation of the results of all types of fault-propagation folds by revealing the expected geometry of the growth strata. This study constitutes one of the most complete examples of kinematic model validation on a field scale.  相似文献   
Nowadays, detecting and interpreting random variation extracted from satellite image time series is a far-reaching real-world issue. A more adequate approach should be designed to deal with this challenge. In this paper, we propose an efficient knowledge-based approach for vegetation monitoring using normalized derivation vegetation index time series. First, a decomposition process is designed to separate seasonal, trend and remainder components. Then, a genetic based schema is proposed to generate association rules. The extracted knowledge is intended to interpret the remainder component extracted during the previous phase by discovering the hidden link between random variation and climate observations. For validation purpose, a database covering the regions in Northwestern Tunisia is used for a period starting from 2000 to 2012. The data have been derived from Moderate resolution Imaging Spectroradiometer and fused with ground climate data (temperature and precipitation) in the form of fuzzy association rules. The obtained results show the efficiency of the proposed approach by reducing the non-stationarity effect.  相似文献   
This paper presents geochemical analysis of drilled cutting samples from the OMZ‐2 oil well located in southern Tunisia. A total of 35 drill‐cutting samples were analyzed for Rock‐Eval pyrolysis, total organic carbon (TOC), bitumens extraction and liquid chromatography. Most of the Ordovician, Silurian and Triassic samples contained high TOC contents, ranging from 1.00 to 4.75% with an average value of 2.07%. The amount of hydrocarbon yield (pyrolysable hydrocarbon: S2b) expelled during pyrolysis indicates a good generative potential of the source rocks. The plot of TOC versus S2b, indicates a good to very good generative potential for organic matter in the Ordovician, Silurian and Lower Triassic. However, the Upper Triassic and the Lower Jurassic samples indicate fair to good generative potential. From the Vankrevelen diagram, the organic matter in the Ordovician, Silurian and Lower Triassic samples is mainly of type II kerogen and the organic matter from the Upper Triassic and the Lower Jurassic is dominantly type III kerogen with minor contributions from Type I. The thermal maturity of the organic matter in the analyzed samples is also evaluated based on the Tmax of the S2b peak. The Ordovician and Lower Silurian formations are thermally matured. The Upper Silurian and Triassic deposits are early matured to matured. However, Jurassic formations are low in thermal maturity. The total bitumen extracts increase with depth from the interval 1800–3000 m. This enrichment indicates that the trapping in situ in the source rocks and relatively short distance vertical migration can be envisaged in the overlying reservoirs. During the vertical migration from source rocks to the reservoirs, these hydrocarbons are probably affected by natural choromatography and in lower proportion by biodegradation.  相似文献   
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