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The dynamics of two counter-streaming electron–positron–ion unmagnetized plasma shells with zero net charge is analysed in the context of magnetic field generation in gamma-ray burst internal shocks due to the Weibel instability. The effects of large thermal motion of plasma particles, arbitrary mixture of plasma species and space charge effects are taken into account. We show that, although thermal effects slow down the instability, baryon loading leads to a non-negligible growth rate even for large temperatures and different shell velocities, thus guaranteeing the robustness and the occurrence of the Weibel instability for a wide range of scenarios.  相似文献   
作者于1989年7月和11月分别收到黄宗国先生采自大亚湾附着物试板和香港大学张佩珊女士采自香港潮间带的一批标本,还有严文侠先生于1990年6月采自珠江口浮标的标本,共计37号,经整理鉴定为8科12属15种。其中8种为中国近海的首次纪录。 以上材料大部分取自附着物试板和浮标,小部分采自潮间带。  相似文献   
In this paper,the characteristics of density current under the action of waves are describedwith the help of flume experiment and theoretical analysis.The study shows that turbid water under the ac-tion of the waves can present three types of motion,i.e.significant stratification,fragile stratification andstrong mixing.The motion of turbid water presents significant stratification when(H/D)/△ρ/ρ~(1/2)≤4.5,generally this state is known as density current.The formulas of motionvelocity,thickness,and discharge of density current moving on horizontal bottom are derived by use of ba-sic equations such as momemtum equation,equation of energy conservation and continuity equation offluid.The time-average velocity and the thickness of density current under the action of waves have a rela-tionship with such parameters as relative density(△ρ/ρ),wave height(H),and water depth(D).Whenthese parameters are determined,the time-average thickness and motion velocity of density current are al-so determined.The relat  相似文献   
藤壶属(Genus Balanus)是甲壳类蔓足亚纲(Subclass Cirripedia)藤壶科(Family Balanidae)中最大的一属,它在有害海洋附着生物中是主要组成成分。许多种附着于船底、水下设施或建筑物上,致使船舰燃料消耗增加,航速减低,降低浮标浮力,缩小管道通路,侵占某些水产养殖对象的有效附着面,污损养殖架筏和绳索,加快水下金属的腐蚀等,对海防、海运交通、工业和渔业常造成一定危害,同人类的关系颇为密切。随着我国科学事业的发展,特别是附着生物防除工作的进展,对于种类的确切鉴定和生物学及生态学资料需要日益增多,只有在搞清种类的基础上,根据不同种的生物学和生态特征,采取相应的措施,才能有效地进行防除工作。 中国近海的藤壶属,国内外仅有一些零星记载,缺乏全面而系统的报告。我们早在五十年代,就注意到我国沿海常见的一些主要附着生物,特别是当时作为“布纹藤壶” Balanus Amphitrite communis Darwin(=B.reticulatus Utinomi)和“克氏藤壶”Balanus Amphitrite krügeri Nilsson-Cantell(=B.uliginosus Utinomi)描记的两个类型,无论在栖息环境、繁殖习性或幼虫形态上都有显著差异,因而怀疑它们不是一个种内的亚种,而应属于不同的种。为了解决上述和类似的问题,给生态和防除研究工作提供更为准确的基本资料,我们对藤壶亚目的种类进行了系统的研究,本文是研究报告的第一部分。根据的是中国科学院海洋研究所历年采集收藏的标本,共鉴定31种和亚种,分隶于7个亚属,其中有6新种,有9种在我国是首次记录(种名录见190页)。新种的模式标本均保存于中国科学院海洋研究所。  相似文献   
从1989年4月~1990年10月,我科在69例病人中使用CHIMEHERB人工皮,覆盖治疗了供皮区,Ⅱ°烧伤创面、脱痂创面的残余肉芽创面.临床应用表明:CHIMEHERB人工皮能加快创面的愈合,是目前较好的一种创面覆盖物,用人工皮覆盖创面2~3天后,人工皮干燥,不需再换药,可减轻病人的痛苦.  相似文献   
张韧  蒋国荣  李妍 《海洋科学》2001,25(2):38-42
基于NCEP/NCAR再分析资料和COADS海洋资料中的全球月平均海平面气压场、850hPa纬向风场及海洋温度场,利用Matlab中的Neural Network Toolbox仿真环境和BP模型改进算法比较准确地仿真和反演出了南方涛动指数、赤道纬向风指数和滞后的赤道东太平洋海温之间的动力结构和预报模型。该模型具有很好的拟合精度和可行的预报效果。可在一定时效内预测赤道东太平洋月平均海温的变化趋势。由于所建系统是具有直接因果关系的预报模型,因此不仅可直接用于预测,而且可有效避免类拟非线性微分方程组在积分过程中由于对初值敏感性而可能产生的对预报结果的不确定性。  相似文献   
The single-cell microgel electrophoresis assay or the comet assay was used to evaluate DNA damage of dispersed crude oil on sea urchins (Strongylocentrotus droebachiensis) and mussels (Mytilus edulis L.). Sea urchins were exposed to 0.06 and 0.25 mg/L dispersed crude oil in a continuous flow system, while the mussels were exposed to 0.015, 0.06 and 0.25 mg/L dispersed crude oil. Sea urchin coelomocytes and mussel haemocytes were sampled after 4 and 5 weeks exposure, respectively. In the sea urchin coelomocytes, there was a significant concentration-related increase in the percentage of DNA in comet tail. In mussel haemocytes, there was a significantly higher percentage of DNA in comet tail for all treatments compared to the control. The responses were concentration-related up to 0.06 mg/L oil. The two highest exposure concentrations of mussels were not significantly different from each other. These results indicate that the comet assay can be used for biomonitoring of DNA damage in marine invertebrates following oil contamination.  相似文献   
The Magellan seamounts began forming as large submarine shield volcanoes south of the equator during the Cretaceous. These volcanoes formed as a cluster on the small Pacific plate in a period when tectonic stress was absent. Thermal subsidence of the seafloor led to sinking of these volcanoes and the formation of guyots as the seamounts crossed the equatorial South Pacific (10–0°S) sequentially and ocean surface temperatures became too high for calcareous organisms to survive. Guyot formation was completed between about 59 and 45 Ma and the guyots became phosphatized at about 39–34 and 27–21 Ma. Ferromanganese crusts began formation as proto-crusts on the seamounts and guyots of the Magellan Seamount cluster towards the end of the Cretaceous up to 55 Ma after the formation of the seamounts themselves. The chemical composition of these crusts evolved over time in a series of steps in response to changes in global climate and ocean circulation. The great thickness of these crusts (up to 15–20 cm) reflects their very long period of growth. The high Co contents of the outer parts of the crusts are a consequence of the increasing deep circulation of the ocean and the resulting deepening of the oxygen minimum zone with time. Growth of the Co-rich Mn crusts in the Magellan Seamount cluster can be considered to be the culmination of a long journey through time.  相似文献   
The northern margin of the Qaidam Basin is one of the main oil-gas exploration areas in western China, where source rocks are composed mostly of Middle and Lower Jurassic dark mud shale, carbargillite and coal. A large number of subsurface and outcrop samples differing in lithology with different types of organic matter were selected for resource evaluation, research and calculation. And among them, 13 samples were used for simulation experiment on hydrocarbon generating potential of various source rocks. At first, two kinds of heating modes were compared through simulation experiment, including single temperature-step heating and continual heating. Perhaps, the process of hydrocarbon generation and expulsion occurred naturally between a close system and an open system. In addition, the first heating mode was convenient, and all its reaction products were involved in the whole thermal evolution, and the final simulation experimental results were basically in consistency with the natural evolution trend Therefore, the first heating mode was adopted and the hydrocarbon yield of every sample was worked out. According to the type and lithology of organic matter and the hydrocarbon yield of samples for simulation experiment, hydrocarbon generation and expulsion mode with three kinds of lithology and five types of source rock has been established to provide the basis for hydrocarbon generation evaluation, research and resource calculation.  相似文献   
旅游地图是人们旅行和导购导游的常用工具,对各地旅游业的发展具有十分重要的推动作用。本文论述了网络化旅游地图发行方式上所具有的优势,分析了当前旅游地图网络化的发展现状及存在问题,探讨了加快旅游地图网络化发展的策略与措施。  相似文献   
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