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We report intermediate resolution H spectroscopy of the black hole candidate Nova Muscae 1991 during quiescence. We classify the companion star as a K3-K4V which contributes 85±6 percent to the total flux from the binary. The photospheric absorption lines are broadened by 106±13 kms−1 with respect to template field stars, leading to a system mass ratio of q =M1/M2 = 7.8−2.0+3.4. Doppler imaging of the H line shows strong emission coming from the secondary star (EW=3.1±0.6Å) which we associate with chromospheric activity. However, the hot-spot is not detected and this may indicate a lower mass transfer rate than in other X-ray transients of comparable orbital periods. The surface brightness distribution of the accretion disk in H follows a relation I∝R−1.1, less steep than typically observed in cataclysmic variables. Updated system parameters are also presented.  相似文献   
We have monitored S Ori 45, a young, low-mass (20 M j up) brown dwarf of the σ Orionis cluster (~3 Myr, 352 pc), using optical and near-infrared filters. S Ori 45 (spectral type M8.5) is found to be multi-periodic with a dominant modulation at 2.5–3.5 h, and a short modulation at about 46 min. We ascribe the longer of these modulations to a rotation period. After comparing these results with observations of more massive cluster brown dwarfs and field brown dwarfs, we conclude that substellar objects present rotational and angular momentum evolution. We have also obtained intermediate-resolution near-infrared spectroscopy of S Ori 70, which is a T-class, free-floating planetary candidate member in the σ Orionis cluster. Its observed spectrum has been compared to data of field brown dwarfs of similar types and to theoretical spectra computed for different surface temperatures and gravities. We conclude that S Ori 70 has a significantly cool, low-gravity atmosphere. This supports the young age of this object and its membership in the cluster. From state-of-the-art evolutionary models, the mass of S Ori 70 is estimated at 3 times the Jovian mass (+5 ?2 M j up), challenging current stellar/substellar formation models. S Ori 70 remains the lowest mass object so far identified in any open cluster.  相似文献   
Precise photometric observations of stars in the double cluster h and Persei reveal a large spread in the colours and magnitudes of the upper Main-Sequence; half of the stars are variables that are Be stars or related stars. The reported age difference between both clusters is found to be spurious. Rotation apparently affects both the intrinsic and the observed colours of the early-type stars in h and Persei. This result questions the validity of photometric calibrations that heavily rely on h and Persei or similar clusters.Paper presented at the 11th European Regional Astronomical Meeting of the IAU on New Windows to the Universe, held 3–8 July, 1989, Tenerife, Canary Islands, Spain.  相似文献   
Intermediate resolution (/ 25 000) CCD spectra of the oxygen triplet at 7770 Å have been analyzed to determine oxygen abundances in a sample of metal-deficient stars with metallicities covering the range –2.5[Fe/H]–0.2. Important oxygen overabundances ([O/Fe]1) are found in the more metal deficient stars of the sample. We briefly discuss the information that these observations provide about the early nucleosynthesis history and chemical evolution of the Galaxy.  相似文献   
We present observations of the 3130 Å Beii resonance doublet in stars of intermediate metal deficiency, –0.6[Fe/H]–1.1 obtained with the Intermediate Dispersion Spectrograph and IPCS detector at the 2.5 m Isaac Newton Telescope on La Palma. The derived beryllium abundances range from 5.6×10–12 (one hafl solar) to 2×10–12 (one sixth solar). These values, interpolated between the sets of previous beryllium measurements at higher and at lower metallicities, serve to confirm the monotonic variation of the Be abundance with Fe during the evolution of the galactic disc. We find that there was no extreme burst of Be production in the halo. To circumvent the effects of depletion, a statistical set of data is needed, for which the upper envelope can be used to trace galactic Be evolution. We note that no observations with sufficient sensitivity to detect Be in the extremely metal deficient stars of the halo have been reported to date.  相似文献   
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