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The paper presents the comparison between the results of small-scale model tests and prototype measurements of wave overtopping at a rubble-mound breakwater. The specific structure investigated is the west breakwater of the yacht harbour of Rome at Ostia (Italy) and is characterized by a gentle seaward slope (1/4) and by a long, shallow foreshore. The laboratory tests firstly aimed at carefully reproducing two measured storms in which overtopping occurred and was measured. The tests have been carried out in two independent laboratories, in a wave flume and in a wave basin, hence using a two-dimensional (2-D) and a three-dimensional (3-D) setup. In the 2-D laboratory tests no overtopping occurred during the storm reproductions; in the 3-D case discharges five to ten times smaller than those observed in prototype have been measured. This indicates the existence of model and scale effects. These effects have been discussed on the basis of the results of several parametric tests, which have been carried out in both laboratories, in addition to the storm reproductions, varying wave and water level characteristics. Final comparison of all the performed tests with 86 prototype measurements still suggests the existence of scale and model effects that induce strong underestimation of overtopping discharge at small scale. The scale reproduction of wave breaking on the foreshore, together with the 3-D features of the prototype conditions and the absence of wind stress in the laboratory measurements, have been individuated as the main sources of scale and model effects. The paper also provides a comparison between the data and a largely used formula for wave overtopping discharges in the presence of structures similar to the one at hand. The suitable value of a roughness factor that appears in that formula is investigated and good agreement is found with other recent researches on rubble-mound breakwaters.  相似文献   
In all the archipelagos forming Macaronesia, volcanis predominate, but pre-Quaternary sediments are also present, though playing a humble role.Calcareous deposits have by far the greatest significance throughout the known stratigraphic record. Tertiary occurrences tend to be thin, show more gentle dips, whereas the Mesozoics attain thicknesses of 400 m (certain), attitudes steeper, often vertical.To date, Mesozoics are recognized only in Maio (Cape Verde), are possible in S. Nicolau (Cape Verde) and Fuerteventura (Canary Islands). Whether strata as old as Jurassic is present in these three islands is a moot point. Ample arguments, pro and con, have been presented for Maio; there is meagre evidence in S. Nicolau; pure conjecture in Fuerteventura.Beginning with the Neogene, the stratigraphic record for Macaronesia is more substantial, the Vindobonian being present or then strongly suspected in all archipelagos.The sedimentary rocks in these islands have not aroused the same interests as the volcanics, and undeniably they are of far less importance as regards rock constitution. The status of investigations varies widely within the different islands, and as of the present, we must frankly recognize that our knowledge of the sedimentaries is only of reconnaissance standard.
Zusammenfassung Auf allen Inselgruppen, die man als Makaronesen zusammenfaßt, überwiegen vulkanische Gesteine; prä-quartäre Sedimente gibt es — in geringem Umfang — ebenfalls.Kalkablagerungen haben, nach den bekannten stratigraphischen Zeugnissen zu urteilen, die größte Bedeutung. Tertiär ist in geringer Mächtigkeit und schwach geneigt vertreten, während das Mesozoikum bis zu 400 m nachgewiesene Mächtigkeit erreicht und verstellt, oft vertikal auftritt.Bisher ist Mesozoikum nur in Maio (Kapverden) bekannt, möglicherweise auch in S. Nicolau (Kapverden) und Fuerteventura (Kanarische Inseln). Ob Schichten jurassischen Alters und den drei Inseln vorkommen, ist umstritten. Argumente dafür und dagegen sind für Maio reichlich zusammengetragen worden; für S. Nicolau gibt es magere Hinweise, für Fuerteventura nur Vermutungen.Seit dem Neogen sind die stratigraphischen Zeugnisse auf den makaronesischen Inseln umfangreicher; so ist Vindobon auf allen Inselgruppen vorhanden oder sein Vorkommen mindestens sehr wahrscheinlich gemacht.Die sedimentären Gesteine haben auf den Inseln nicht das gleiche Interesse gefunden wie die vulkanischen, und sie sind auch ganz sicher von geringerer Bedeutung, soweit es sich um ihren Gesteinscharakter handelt. Der Forschungsstand ist innerhalb der Inseln sehr unterschiedlich, und wir müssen eingestehen, daß zur Zeit unser Wissen über die sedimentären Gesteine sieh noch im Anfangsstadium befindet.

Résumé Le matériel volcanique domine dans les îles de l'archipel des Macaronesia. Les sédiments pré-quaternaires sont aussi présents, bien que jouant un rôle plus modeste.Les formations calcaires sont de loin les plus représentatives des dépôts reconnus de la colonne stratigraphique. Les dépôts cénozoiques sont généralement peu épais et présentent de faibles pendages, tandis que ceux du Mésozoique atteignent des épaisseurs de 400 m (démontrées), et des pendages importants, atteignant souvent la verticale.Jusqu'à présent, les dépôts mésozoiques ont été reconnus uniquement à Maio (Cap Vert), sont possibles à S. Nicolau (Cap Vert) et Fuerteventura (Iles des Canaries). La présence de Jurassique dans ces trois îles est encore un sujet de controverse. De nombreux arguments, positifs ou négatifs, ont été présentés concernant l'île de Maio; les arguments positifs sont légèrement dominants à S. Nicolau; le problème est à l'état de pure hypothèse à Fuerteventura.On peut faire débuter sans ambiguité la colonne stratigraphique des îles de l'archipel Macaronesia au Néogène, le Vindobonien étant présent ou fortement suspecté dans toutes les archipels.Les roches sédimentaires dans ces îles n'ont pas suscité le même intérêt que les roches volcaniques, et indéniablement leur importance est moindre. L'état d'avancement de ces travaux varie largement d'une île à l'autre, mais à l'heure actuelle, nous devons reconnaître qu'ils en sont seulement au stade de la reconnaissance.

, , , , - . , . , 400 ; - . Maio, , . S. Nicolau Fuertaventura. - — : , . Maio; . S. Nicolau , Fuertaventura . . , - . , , . .
The results of a palaeomagnetic investigation of a 27 m thick loess/palaeosol sequence in Viatovo (NE Bulgaria) are presented in this paper. The sequence consists of topsoil S0, seven loess horizons (L1–L7) and six interbedded palaeosols (S1–S6) overlying a red clay (terra rossa) complex. Magnetic viscosity experiments, IRM acquisition, AMS analysis and NRM stepwise alternating and thermal demagnetisation experiments of pilot samples were implemented for precise determination of the characteristic remanence and construction of a reliable magnetostratigraphical scheme. Analysis of IRM acquisition curves using the expectation – maximization algorithm of Heslop et al. [Heslop, D., Dekkers, M., Kruiver, P., van Oorschot, H., 2002. Analysis of isothermal remanent magnetization acquisition curves using the expectation – maximization algorithm. Geophys. J. Int., 148, 58–64] suggests that the best fitting is obtained by three coercivity components. Component 1 corresponds to SD maghemite/magnetite, while component 2 is probably related to the presence of oxidised detrital magnetites. The third component shows varying coercivities depending on the degree of pedogenic alteration of the samples and probably reflects the presence of detrital magnetite grains oxidised at different degree.

The relevance of the Viatovo section as a key representative sequence for the loess cover in the Danube basin is confirmed by the presence of geomagnetic polarity changes in the lower part of the sequence. The youngest one recorded in the seventh loess unit L7 can be identified as corresponding to the Matuyama/Brunhes palaeomagnetic polarity transition. Two normal magnetozones were found in the red clay complex, probably corresponding to the Jaramillo and Olduvai subchronozones of the Matuyama chron.  相似文献   

Summary Methods for the elimination of the regional effect from gravity data are discussed in this paper. A historical review of the average gradient method used in torsion balance data is given. The connection between the averaging, or grid method, used on the gravity meter data and the average gradient method is pointed out and a criticism of these methods is given. Due to the ambiguity of the interpretation of gravity data no unique determination of the regional effect is possible and no mechanical method for its removal can be found. The determination of a regional gravity effect is an interpretation problem and for this reason it is unavoidably the subject of geological consideration and of the personal judgement of the interpreter. The method of smoothing the isogams and gravity curves is also discussed. A few suggestions are made for breaking the gravity data into two components (regional and residual) by the analysis of the gravity data. Finally the application of the second derivative methods for the elimination of the regional effect is discussed.  相似文献   
Consequent upon continued active field investigations and the advent of radioactive dating of samples from the area, the time is thought opportune to attempt a synthesis of Precambrian correlations throughout West Africa. Some isotope age determinations would, at first glance, appear to necessitate radically new concepts of stratigraphic successions and correlations. For example, the Ahaggar Suggarian and the Anti-Atlas Precambrian I suggest age values consonant with Upper or then Middle Precambrian times; the Older and Younger Granites of Nigeria appear to have been emplaced in Lower Palaeozoic and Jurassic times respectively. These and other examples trend towards younger ages than had hitherto been surmised for many stratigraphic units. However, it is thought premature at this time to place too much emphasis on isotope age values obtained for these ancient rocks of West Africa.Field studies to date have been more successful in establishing successions rather than correlations, whereas isotope age determinations have achieved little in either respect.Several well-known series, once placed in the Precambrian, e.g. Falemian, Akjoujt, Bakel, are now thought to be rather Cambro-Ordovician in age. On the other hand, for other familiar units, e.g. Ahnet Purple Series, Buem Formation, the stratigraphic position remains problematical.
Zusammenfassung Nach fortgesetzten aktiven Feldforschungen und mit dem Erscheinen von radioaktiven Datumsbestimmungen von Proben aus dem Gebiet, scheint es an der Zeit, eine Synthese der präkambrischen Verhältnisse in ganz Westafrika zu unternehmen.Einige isotopische Altersbestimmungen scheinen auf den ersten Blick eine vollkommen neue Auffassung der stratigraphischen Sukzessionen und Korrelationen nötig zu machen. So lassen zum Beispiel das Ahaggar Suggarien und das Anti-Atlas Präkambrium I Alterswerte vermuten, die mit dem oberen und mittleren Präkambrium übereinstimmen; die älteren und jüngeren Granite in Nigeria scheinen im unteren Paläozoikum bzw. im Jura übergelagert worden zu sein. Diese und andere Beispiele zeigen einen Trend zu jüngerem Alter, als bisher für viele stratigraphische Einheiten angenommen wurde. Jedoch wird es für verfrüht gehalten, den isotopischen Alterswerten für diese alten Gesteine in Westafrika eine zu große Bedeutung beizumessen.Feldstudien waren bisher erfolgreicher bei der Herstellung von Sukzessionen als bei der Herstellung von Korrelationen, während die isotopischen Altersbestimmungen für beides wenig erbracht haben.Einige wohlbekannte Reihen, z. B. Falemien, Akjoujt und Bakel, die zuvor ins Präkambrium gelegt wurden, werden nun dem Alter nach eher dem Kambro-Ordovicium zugeordnet. Andererseits bleibt für andere bekannte Reihen, z. B. die Ahnet Purple Series und de Buem Formation, die stratigraphische Position problematisch.

Résumé Par suite des recherches actives et prolongées sur le terrain et de la venue d'échantillons radio-actifs datés de cette région, le temps semble opportun pour tenter une synthèse de corrélations précambriennes de toute l'Afrique Occidentale.A première vue, quelques déterminations d'âge absolu semblent nécessiter de nouvelles idées de successions et de corrélations stratigraphiques. Par example, l'Ahagar Suggarien et l'Anti-Atlas Précambrien I suggèrent des valeurs d'âge conforme au temps Précambrien supérieur ou moyen; les Vieux Granites (Older Granites) et les Granites Jeunes (Younger Granites) du Nigéria semblent avoir été placés respectivement dans le Paléozoique inférieur et le Jurassique. Ces examples-ci, et encore d'autres, tendent à indiquer pour beaucoup d'unités stratigraphiques des âges plus jeunes qu'on n'a supposés jusqu'à présent. Mais il est encore prématuré d'appuyer trop sur les valeurs d'âge absolu obtenus pour ces anciens terrains de l'Afrique Occidentale.Jusqu'à présent, des recherches sur le terrain ont réussi à établir des successions plutôt que des corrélations, pendant que les déterminations d'âge absolu n'ont eu que peu de succès des deux côtés.Quelques séries bien connues, qui jadis étaient placées dans le Précambrien, p. ex. le Falmien, la Série de l'Akjoujt et les Quartzites de Bakel sont à présent considérés d'être plutôt de l'âge Cambro-Ordovicien. Par contre, la position stratigraphique reste problématique pour d'autres unités bien connues, comme pour la Série Pourprée de l'Ahnet, la formation de Buem, et d'autres.

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The Mio-Pliocene aquifer of the coastal sedimentary basin of Benin is the most exploited aquifer for water supply to the urbanised region in the southern part of the country. The population explosion is putting increasing pressure on quantitative and qualitative aspects of the groundwater resources. Preventing groundwater contamination caused by surface waters requires a thorough understanding of surface-water/groundwater interactions, especially the interactions between the Mio-Pliocene aquifer and surface waters. This study aimed to investigate the interactions between groundwater and surface waters along the major rivers (Sô River and Ouémé Stream) and brooks in the Ouémé Delta. Field campaigns identified 75 springs located in the valleys which feed the rivers, and thus maintain their base flow. The piezometric results indicated, through flow direction assessment, that the Mio-Pliocene aquifer feeds Ouémé Stream and Sô River. Chemical analyses of groundwater and surface waters show similar chemical facies, and changes in the chemical composition in groundwater are also observed in the surface waters. Moreover, the isotopic signatures of surface waters are similar to those of the groundwater and springs, which led to the identification of potential groundwater discharge areas. As a result of groundwater discharge into surface waters, the fraction of groundwater in the surface water is more than 66% in the brooks, regardless of the season. In the Ouémé Stream and Sô River, the fraction of groundwater is 0–21% between June and September, while from October to March it is 47–100%.

Loess-palaeosol deposits in the lower Danube area represent the southeastern edge of the loess cover in Europe. Detailed rock magnetic investigations of the loess/palaeosol sequence in Viatovo in NE Bulgaria reveal that magnetite and maghemite of very fine superparamagnetic grain size are responsible for the magnetic enhancement of palaeosol units. A detailed palaeoclimatic record is obtained through high-resolution measurements of magnetic susceptibility, frequency dependent magnetic susceptibility and CaCO3 content. Magnetic proxies indicate a more warm and humid climate during the development of the older palaeosol units (S4–S6).  相似文献   
Archaeomagnetic dates derived from geomagnetic field direction records in baked materials are proposed for a mediaeval brick kiln (from inclination I and declination D) and for bricks from a brick wall (from I only) in northern Belgium. They are used to verify whether a brick chronology based on the format of bricks is feasible in Flanders. The brick kiln yielded a highly reliable average magnetization direction corresponding to an archaeomagnetic date around A.D. 1650, using the British and French geomagnetic field secular variation curves as a reference, at least half a century younger than expected from historical data. The fidelity of the geomagnetic records was controlled by measuring the magnetic anisotropy of the bricks. Anisotropy of magnetic susceptibility (AMS) measurements demonstrate that the bricks have a shape related magnetic fabric, which is induced during the molding process. A test to control whether AMS can substitute for the anisotropy of thermo‐remanent magnetization (ATRM) failed because of induced changes during laboratory heating. © 2003 Wiley Periodicals, Inc.  相似文献   
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