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The Mondego estuary, a shallow warm-temperate intertidal system located on the west coast of Portugal, has for some decades been under severe ecological stress, mainly caused by eutrophication. Water circulation in this system was, until 1998, mainly dependent on tides and on the freshwater input of a small tributary artificially controlled by a sluice. After 1998, the sluice opening was effectively minimised to reduce the nutrient loading, and the system hydrodynamics improved due to engineering work in the upstream areas. The objective of the present study was to evaluate the effect of the mitigation measures implemented in 1998. Changes to the hydrodynamics of the system were assessed using precipitation and salinity data in relation to the concentrations of dissolved inorganic nutrients, as well as the linkage between dissolved N:P ratios and the biological parameters (phytoplankton chlorophyll a concentrations, green macroalgal biomass and seagrass biomass). Two distinctive periods were compared, over a ten year period: from January 1993 to January 1997 and from January 1999 until January 2003. The effective reduction in the dissolved N:P atomic ratio from 37.7 to 13.2 after 1998 is a result of lowered ammonia, but not the oxidised forms of nitrogen (nitrate plus nitrite), or increased concentrations of dissolved inorganic phosphorus. Results suggest that the phytoplankton is not nutrient limited, yet maximum and mean biomass of green macroalgae was reduced by one order of magnitude after the mitigation measures. This suggests that besides lowering the water residence time of the system, macroalgal growth became nitrogen limited. In parallel to these changes the seagrass-covered area and biomass of Zostera noltii showed signs of recovery.  相似文献   
The analysis of the dynamic behavior of floating units usually employs a coordinate system with origin in the unit's center of gravity, which significantly simplifies the global mass matrix. Hydrodynamic coefficients are then computed considering the same coordinate system. However, to analyze other conditions of mass distribution and maintain the simplicity of a global mass matrix, it is necessary to determine again the hydrodynamic coefficients, thereby reducing the efficiency of the entire process. Another important point is that the geometries frequently used in floating units are such that the cross-terms of an added mass are relatively unimportant when compared with the main terms, and it is, therefore, common to use only some of them to analyze the unit's dynamic behavior. Recently, however, in the search for production systems suitable for water depths greater than 3000 m, other geometries have been considered in technical and economic feasibility studies. It is possible that for these new geometries all terms of the added mass matrix must be included in the analysis. This paper presents the full development used to determine the complete global mass matrix, the inertial and hydrodynamic inertial loads that make use of the added mass matrices considering any coordinate system and the six degrees of freedom, including all cross-terms.  相似文献   
Benthic macroinvertebrates communities are the most consistently emphasized biotic component of aquatic ecosystems and are one of the biological indicators required for assessment by the European Water Framework Directive. In this context, several indices based on these communities have been developed in order to assess ecological quality of estuarine systems. In the present work we used AMBI, M-AMBI, BENTIX and BAT to distinguish ecological status of five small estuarine systems of the Portuguese south and southwest coasts. Although indices outputs did not differ between systems and sampling seasons, results indicated that the metrics in which these indices are based could differentiate community structures as a result of two main gradients that force these communities: the natural variability, and the anthropogenic impact.  相似文献   
Cerastoderma edule and Mya arenaria are two common bivalve species in European waters. Longevity and maximum size are much greater in the latter species. Because comparison of species life-history strategies states that a long life span (i.e. high annual survival) generally goes with lower fecundity, we hypothesise that reproductive output would be lower in M. arenaria than in C. edule. In the present paper, we studied the reproductive strategies of these two species in an intertidal and a subtidal area of the western Dutch Wadden Sea, by following seasonal changes in absolute and relative weights of somatic and gonadal tissues in these bivalves. Starting of spawning was similar in the two species, around May, except for intertidal M. arenaria, which initiated spawning in August. Individual energy investment in reproduction was similar for the two species but, unlike M. arenaria, C. edule spawned completely, releasing all energy of gonadal mass in the form of gametes. Mya arenaria used the gonad not only for reproduction but also for storage. In the intertidal area, we found a trade-off between longevity and reproduction, i.e. maximum reproductive output (expressed as a proportion of body mass) was higher in C. edule than in M. arenaria. However, since body size is larger and life span longer in M. arenaria than in C. edule, mean lifetime reproductive output per individual must be higher in the first than in the latter. Based on the differences in reproductive strategies of these two species, we hypothesise that the negative effects of warming climate on bivalve population dynamics in the Wadden Sea will be stronger in C. edule than in M. arenaria.  相似文献   
A radon anomaly in a nuclear track detector placed on a fault was detected prior to the destructive (Ms = 8.1) Mexican earthquake of 19 September 1985. The fault is a structural feature of the geothermal field Los Azufres, 260 km NE of the epicentral area. Since no other phenomenon can be found as a possible cause for the radon anomaly, it is proposed that preseismic regional stress perturbations may produce changes in the fluid transport patterns at the fault, suggesting that radon measurements in similar conditions could provide a good precursor in high seismic risk areas.  相似文献   
A series of medium grade metamorphic rocks of the western sector of the Sierras Pampeanas Terrane in central western Argentina are represented by amphibolites, gneisses and schists derived from sedimentary as well as from igneous rocks. The metavolcanics consist of amphibolites, quartz-K-feldspar-muscovite schists, and hornblende-biotite and biotite-epidote-plagioclase schists. Based on petrographic and geochemical data they are interpreted as originating as basaltic tholeiites, rhyolites and mesosilicic volcanics. The distribution and geochemical behavior are similar to present day western Pacific lavas, mainly those developed on island arcs or heavily attenuated continental crust. Based on these characteristics, an accretionary tectonic model involving a series of island-arc collisions is proposed for the Proterozoic. The complex Proterozoic tectonic history of the western Sierras Pampeanas has been partially obliterated by the emplacement of the Early Paleozoic magmatic arc rocks.  相似文献   
The distributions of polycyclic alkanes were monitored in a Neocomian sequence (well 1-ESS-34) from the Espirito Santo Basin, southeast Brazil. The profiles included, apart from regular hopanes, significant concentrations of 18α(H), 28,30-bisnorhopane and subordinate amounts of gammacerane. Sterane concentrations, normally with hopane/sterane <5, were compatible with other geochemical data indicating a predominantly planktonic/microbial source of the deposited organic matter. Sample maturities ranged from very immature to the onset of oil generation, allowing biomarker distributions to be followed along a broad maturation range. The ability of certain molecular ratios (e.g. C27 17α(H)/17β(H)hopanes) to reflect a maturity sequence with depth in the closely-spaced strata of the immature upper levels (Jiquiá Stage) showed the value of molecular techniques over classical geochemical methods (e.g. vitrinite reflectance) for the study of immature sequences. The presence in the oils of southern Espirito Santo of 28,30-bisnorhopane, gammacerane and methyl steranes in similar concentrations as in extracts of the deepest levels of the 1-ESS-34 well qualify the Jiquia Stage as the probable source rock of oils accumulated in the basin.  相似文献   
The evaporitic celestite-barite deposits of Neuquen,Argentina   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
Celestite-barite occurrences of early Cretaceous age were studied in the Extra-Andean region of Neuquén, West central Argentina. The ores are located in a Subandean Mesozoic belt and show a conspicuous stratabound character related to evaporitic facies. The study of the geologic evolution of the sedimentary sequence allows prediction of the temporal and spatial setting of the evaporitic facies. Stratigraphy is the main geologic control for the celestite-barite ores and their areal distribution depends on the structure of the region. Based on the geometry and texture of the mineralization three types of ores have been recognized: 1) celestite beds syngenetic with the evaporitic facies; 2) epigenetic stratabound ores formed by "in situ" mobilization of celestite with stalactite growth and cavity infilling; 3) epigenetic vein-type ores formed by mobilized barium enriched solutions.Lithofacies and isotopic 87Sr/86Sr analyses together with the geological evidence confirm an evaporitic origin for the celestite beds.  相似文献   
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