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The Mauritius Radiotelescope (MRT) is a T-shaped array of helical antennas with a 2048 m EW arm and a 890 m South arm. The primary objective of the telescope is to produce a sky survey in the declination zone -15° to -65° with a point source sensitivity of 200 mJy and an angular resolution of 4'×4.6'cosec(z) at 151.6 MHz, z being the zenith angle . This paper describes the telescope and the present status  相似文献   
The characteristics of source rocks and weathering of Palaeoproterozoic phyllitic rock of Mahakoshal Group and Mesoproterozoic shales and siliciclastics of Vindhyan Supergroup exposed in Son Valley, Central India have been investigated by analyzing their chemical compositions. The investigations pertaining to the relationship between major-elements were carried out along Parshoi, Chitrangi, and Markundi areas of Son valley, Central, India. The studied rock strata have been classified into three categories namely phyllitic rocks, shales and sandstone.The A-CN-K ternary diagram, CIW, CIA, MIA, and ICV values indicate about the similar provenance or source rocks subjected to severe chemical weathering, under dry and hot-humid climates in a basic and acidic environment with changing lower to higher PCO2 of continental flora. Various geochemical discriminantts diagrams, elemental ratios suggest that rocks are derived from post-Archaean-Proterozoic igneous source. The igneous source was mainly granite with a minor contribution of granodioritic rock, in a passive margin setting. The sediments responsible for formation of shale and sandstones were most likely deposited in the interglacial period in between the Mesoproterozoic and Neoproterozoic glacial times. Compositionally the sandstones is distinctive of cratonic environments with their passive continental margin setting. However, the phyllities of Mahakoshal Group suggests their formation under lower weathering conditions in dry climatic conditions which were operating on more intermediate to basic igneous rocks with abundance of mafic minerals.  相似文献   
The 27 November 1945 earthquake in the Makran Subduction Zone triggered a destructive tsunami that has left important problems unresolved. According to the available reports, high waves persisted along the Makran coast and at Karachi for several hours after the arrival of the first wave. Long-duration sea-level oscillations were also reported from Port Victoria, Seychelles. On the other hand, only one high wave was reported from Mumbai. Tide-gauge records of the tsunami from Karachi and Mumbai confirm these reports. While the data from Mumbai shows a single high wave, Karachi data shows that high waves persisted for more than 7 h, with maximum wave height occurring 2.8 h after the arrival of the first wave. In this paper, we analyze the cause of these persistent high waves using a numerical model. The simulation reproduces the observed features reasonably well, particularly the persistent high waves at Karachi and the single high wave at Mumbai. It further reveals that the persistent high waves along the Makran coast and at Karachi were the result of trapping of the tsunami-wave energy on the continental shelf off the Makran coast and that these coastally-trapped edge waves were trapped in the along-shore direction within a ∼300-km stretch of the continental shelf. Sensitivity experiments establish that this along-shore trapping of the tsunami energy is due to variations in the shelf width. In addition, the model simulation indicates that the reported long duration of sea-level oscillations at Port Victoria were mainly due to trapping of the tsunami energy over the large shallow region surrounding the Seychelles archipelago.  相似文献   
The pressure, temperature and composition of ore fluids that resulted in gold deposition in the Archean, greenstone-hosted Hutti deposit have been studied using fluid inclusions and the compositions of arsenopyrite and chlorite. Five types of fluids have been identified in fluid inclusions in quartz veins associated with mineralization. They are (1) monophase CO 2-rich fluid; (2) low-salinity (0 to 14 wt% NaCl equivalent) and high-salinity (16 to 23 wt% NaCl equiv.) aqueous fluids; (3) high-salinity (28 to 40 wt% NaCl equiv.), polyphase aqueous fluids; (4) CO 2–H 2O–NaCl fluids of low salinity (0–8 wt% NaCl equiv.); and (5) a few carbonic inclusions with halite±nahcolite. The diversity of entrapped fluid composition is explained in terms of changes in fluid pressure and temperature which affect a more or less uniform supply of primary low-salinity CO 2–H 2O–NaCl fluid to the shear zone. Geothermobarometric studies indicate that during mineralization temperature ranged between 360 and 240 °C, and fluid pressure between 3,600 and 1,600 bar. The data are interpreted in terms of the cyclic fault-valve mechanism for active shear zones. Deposition of gold and sulfides has been studied on the basis of constraints from the composition of wall-rock chlorite, ore-mineral assemblages, and textural features. Tubular channels, 20 to 100 µm wide and up to 500 µm long that arise from fractures and C-planes in sheared quartz veins are reported for the first time. The channels have pyrrhotite, arsenopyrite, pyrite and gold at their distal ends, with calcite filling up the remaining part. These channels form in response to increases in T and P, by dissolution of quartz grains, guided by dislocations in them. At the PT conditions of interest, gold and sulfide deposition takes place in the shears and fractures of quartz veins from CO 2–H 2O–NaCl ore fluid of low salinity and pH due to changes in phase compositions that occur during the process of shear failure of the enclosing rocks. In the wall rock where pH is buffered, gold deposition takes place from the predominant Au(HS) 2 - species with progressive sulfide deposition and decrease in SS, from 0.01 to 0.001 mol/kg as T falls from 360 to 240 °C.  相似文献   
The magnetic fractions of ilmenite from the beach placer deposit of Chavara, southwest India have been studied for mineralogical and chemical composition to assess the range of their physical and chemical variations with weathering. Chavara deposit represents a highly weathered and relatively homogenous concentration. Significant variation in composition has been documented with alteration. The most magnetic of the fractions of ilmenite, separated at 0.15 Å, and with a susceptibility of 3.2 × 10?6 m3 kg?1, indicates the presence of haematite–ilmenite intergrowth. An iron-poor, titanium-rich component of the ilmenite ore has been identified from among the magnetic fractions of the Chavara ilmenite albeit with an undesirably high Nb2O5 (0.28%), Cr2O3 (0.23%) and Th (149 ppm) contents. The ilmenite from Chavara is compared with that from the nearby Manavalakurichi deposit of similar geological setting and provenance. The lower ferrous iron oxide (2.32–14.22%) and higher TiO2 (56.31–66.45%) contents highlight the advanced state of alteration of Chavara. This is also evidenced by the relatively higher Fe3+/Fe2+ ratio compared to Manavalakurichi ilmenite. In fact, the ilmenite has significantly been converted to pseudorutile/leucoxene.  相似文献   
A three-dimensional multi-level turbulence model is developed to simulate tide induced circulation in coastal waters. Based on the bathymetry data, the coastal waters are divided into a number of layers. In every layer, the velocities are integrated along the layer depth. The eddy viscosity and diffusivity are computed from the Prandtl mixing length turbulence model. This multi-level model solves for the water surface elevations and currents in different water depths. Comparison of numerical results with the measured data shows good conformity.  相似文献   
Mean-sea-level data from coastal tide gauges in the north Indian Ocean were used to show that low-frequency variability is consistent among the stations in the basin. Statistically significant trends obtained from records longer than 40 years yielded sea-level-rise estimates between 1.06–1.75 mm yr− 1, with a regional average of 1.29 mm yr− 1, when corrected for global isostatic adjustment (GIA) using model data. These estimates are consistent with the 1–2 mm yr− 1 global sea-level-rise estimates reported by the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change.  相似文献   
We use daily satellite estimates of sea surface temperature (SST) and rainfall during 1998–2005 to show that onset of convection over the central Bay of Bengal (88–92°E, 14–18°N) during the core summer monsoon (mid-May to September) is linked to the meridional gradient of SST in the bay. The SST gradient was computed between two boxes in the northern (88–92°E, 18–22°N) and southern (82–88°E, 4–8°N) bay; the latter is the area of the cold tongue in the bay linked to the Summer Monsoon Current. Convection over central bay followed the SST difference between the northern and southern bay (ΔT) exceeding 0.75°C in 28 cases. There was no instance of ΔT exceeding this threshold without a burst in convection. There were, however, five instances of convection occurring without this SST gradient. Long rainfall events (events lasting more than a week) were associated with an SST event (ΔT ≥ 0.75°C); rainfall events tended to be short when not associated with an SST event. The SST gradient was important for the onset of convection, but not for its persistence: convection often persisted for several days even after the SST gradient weakened. The lag between ΔT exceeding 0.75°C and the onset of convection was 0–18 days, but the lag histogram peaked at one week. In 75% of the 28 cases, convection occurred within a week of ΔT exceeding the threshold of 0.75°C. The northern bay SST, T N , contributed more to ΔT, but it was a weaker criterion for convection than the SST gradient. A sensitivity analysis showed that the corresponding threshold for T N was 29°C. We hypothesise that the excess heating (∼1°C above the threshold for deep convection) required in the northern bay to trigger convection is because this excess in SST is what is required to establish the critical SST gradient.  相似文献   
This paper reports on measurements of sensible and latent heat and CO2 fluxes made over an irrigated potato field, growing next to a patch of desert. The study was conducted using two eddy correlation systems. One measurement system was located within the equilibrium boundary layer 800 m downwind from the edge of the potato field. The other measurement system was mobile and was placed at various downwind positions to probe the horizontal transition of vertical scalar fluxes. Latent (LE) and sensible (H) heat fluxes, measured at 4 m above the surface, exhibited marked variations with downwind distance over the field. Only after the fetch to height ratio exceeded 75 to 1 didLE andH become invariant with downwind distance. When latent and sensible heat fluxes were measured upwind of this threshold, significant advection of humidity-deficit occurred, causing a vertical flux divergence ofH andLE.The measured fluxes of momentum, heat, and moisture were compared with predictions from a second-order closure two-dimensional atmospheric boundary layer model. There is good agreement between measurements and model predictions. A soil-plant-atmosphere model was used to examine nonlinear feedbacks between humidity-deficits, stomatal conductance and evaporation. Data interpretation with this model revealed that the advection of hot dry air did not enhance surface evaporation rates near the upwind edge of the potato field, because of negative feedbacks among stomatal conductance, humidity-deficits, andLE. This finding is consistent with results from several recent studies.  相似文献   
Logistic regression has been used in the study to integrate indicator patterns for estimation of the probability of occurrence of gold deposits in a part of the auriferous Archaean Hutti–Maski schist belt. Data used consist of categorical and continuous variables obtained from a coded lineament map and geochemical anomaly maps of the pathfinder elements of gold in soil and groundwater. Main effects and interactions of the variables studied were used in formulating the logistic regression model. Regression models using lineament-proximity data, combined with soil and groundwater geochemical anomalies were tested on parts of the schist belt with data not used in estimation of model parameters. Predicted probabilities greater than 0.9 identified known deposit locations in the area.  相似文献   
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