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Medium-grade metapelites from the Torrox unit (Western Alpujarrides,Betic Cordilleras) provide an example of the phase relationshipsto be expected from extensional collapse of thickened crust.The rocks contain assemblages formed by combinations of St–Bt–GrtKySil–And,and are characterized by a marked state of textural and compositionaldisequilibrium that originated during post-peak, near-isothermaldecompression at moderately high temperatures (from >10 to2–3 kbar, at 550–650C). Major disequilibrium featuresinclude abundant reaction textures, metastable coexistence ofthe three aluminium silicate (Als) polymorphs, wide heterogeneitiesin the composition of phases within single samples and unsystematicor abnormal Mg-Fe partitioning among biolite, garnet and staurolite.Reaction relations and compositional trends of phases can beshown to be consistent with expectations from model systems,however, indicating that disequilibrium was a consequence ofreaction overstepping along the isothermal decompression path.Ensuing fast, near-isobaric cooling abruptly terminated metamorphism,and allowed for the preservation of disequilibrium featuresafter decompression. Given that the rocks decompressed at relativelyhigh temperature, the occurrence of reaction overstepping suggeststhat decompression proceeded at a very fast rate, consistentwith a bulk exhumation velocity in the range of 5–10 km/Ma,as estimated from available radio-metric data for this stage. KEY WORDS: decompression; disequilibrium; extensional collapse; medium-grade metapelites; reaction overstepping *Corresponding author. Telephone: + 34 58 243355. Fax: + 34 58 243368. e-mail: agcasco{at}goliat.ugr.es  相似文献   
To understand the petrogenesis of peraluminous granites syntectonicto the Dorsal de Canguçu Transcurrent Shear Zone in theSul-rio-grandense Shield, Brazil, melting experiments were performedon one of the potential protoliths, a cordierite-bearing semi-peliticmetasedimentary gneiss (PE-1). Experiments were conducted atpressures of 5, 10 and 15 kbar, at temperatures of 700–900°C,and under fluid-absent and 5% H2O-present conditions. The experimentsshow that fluid-absent melting begins at near-solidus conditions,around 700°C, promoted by participation of retrogressivephengitic muscovite in the reaction Mus + Kf ± Qz = melt± Fe–Ti oxide ± Als, producing a very smallamount of melt (<9%) with widely ranging composition. Allhypersolidus experiments (>800°C) produced S-type graniticmelts promoted by participation of biotite or cordierite inthe reactions Bio + Pl + Crd + Qz = Px + Fe–Ti oxide +melt at 5 kbar, and Bio + Pl + Crd ± Qz = Grt + Als ±Kf + melt at 10 and 15 kbar, both producing a high amount ofmelt (10–63% by volume). The melt compositions obtainedat 900°C and 15 kbar under fluid-absent conditions, promotedby biotite or cordierite breakdown, are similar to the syntectonicgranites. However, it is unlikely that the granites were formedat this pressure (corresponding to a depth of melting of  相似文献   
Analysis of Neogene cores from the Eastern Venezuela Basin along 65 km of a west–east trending shoreline allows characterization of the sedimentological and ichnological signatures of wave, river and tidal processes. The area displays deltas prograding northward from the Guyana Shield. Twenty‐three facies are defined and grouped into four categories (wave‐influenced, river‐influenced, tide‐influenced and basinal). Wave‐dominated deltaic deposits occur mostly in the Tácata Field. The delta plain was characterized by tide‐influenced distributary channels separated by interdistributary bays. Fluvial discharge in the delta front and prodelta was repeatedly interrupted by storm‐wave reworking and suspended sediment fallout. Delta‐front and prodelta deposits contain some ichnotaxa that typically do not occur in brackish water (for example, Chondrites and Phycosiphon). Amalgamated storm deposits are unburrowed or contain vertical Ophiomorpha. Lateral (especially on the updrift side) to the river mouths, waves caused nearly continuous accretion of the associated strandplains. These deposits are the most intensely bioturbated, and are dominated by the estenohaline echinoid‐generated ichnogenus Scolicia. River‐dominated deltaic deposits are present in the Santa Bárbara, Mulata, Carito and El Furrial Fields. Low‐sinuosity rivers characterized the alluvial plain, whereas the subaerial delta plain was occupied by higher‐sinuosity rivers. The subaqueous delta plain includes distributary channels and tide‐influenced interdistributary bays. Further seaward, successions are characterized by terminal distributary‐channel and distributary mouth‐bar deposits, as well as by delta‐front and prodelta deposits showing evidence of sediment gravity‐flow and fluid‐mud emplacement. Delta‐front and prodelta deposits are unbioturbated to sparsely bioturbated, suggesting extreme stress, mostly as a result of high fluvial discharge and generation of sediment gravity flows. Tidal influence is restricted to interdistributary bays, lagoons and some distributary channels. From an ichnological perspective, and in order of decreasing stress levels, four main depositional settings are identified: river‐dominated deltas, tide‐influenced delta plains, wave‐dominated deltas and wave‐dominated strandplain–offshore complexes.  相似文献   
Lacustrine deposits are well represented in the lower part of the Late Carboniferous Agua Colorada Formation in the north-west Sierra de Narváez, Catamarca Province, Argentina. Lake Narváez was one of the several water bodies formed in the region immediately after the Gondwana glaciation. The lacustrine transport system has been divided into three distinct zones: delta, shallow lake and deep lake. Delta progradation proceeded from the ESE. Coarse-grained delta plain and turbidite delta front deposits suggest that the delta was formed close to the headwaters (‘short-headed stream delta’type). During periods of high discharge, river mouths acted as bypass zones and fine and very fine sands were transported further into the lake by underflow currents. The clastic material supplied by the deltaic system was partially reworked by wave action. Sands accumulated in unstable conditions at the upper delta front as a consequence of delta progradation. As a result of the addition of clastics in the steep delta front, turbidity currents were formed, spreading their load along the lower delta slope. Deep lacustrine deposits are typically stacked, forming two different kinds of progradational turbidite lobe sequences. Type I lobes were formed in a basinal setting and were probably detached from their feeder systems as a result of sediment-bypassing in a shallow lake during periods of low lake level. These turbidite lobes are replaced upwards by type II lobes, which were formed on the delta slope during periods of lake level rise that allowed the onset of delta progradation. The presence of highly deformed sandstone bodies suggests rapid depositional rates in a high slope setting, whereas the occurrence of hummocky cross-stratified sandstones indicates wave reworking of the sands initially emplaced by turbidity currents. Therefore, the inner part of type II lobes was formed above storm wave base. The depositional history of Lake Narváez can be traced through four evolutionary stages: lake transgression, formation of type I lobes, formation of type II lobes and delta progradation. Tectonic activity was probably important at the early stage of lake evolution, but the subsequent depositional history was mainly controlled by fluctuations of lake level.  相似文献   

On the basis of the degree of mineralization, the groundwater of Apan-Tochac sub-basin may be considered as fresh (TDS < 500 ppm). However, chlorination is necessary to make it fit for human consumption. Major ion analyses of over 235 water samples reveal a striking relationship between hydrochemical evolution and the groundwater flow system. A high content of total dissolved solids, and low values of the Ca:Mg ratio are present in wells located on the plain (discharge zone), whereas opposite conditions are associated with wells located in higher regions (recharge zone). Statistical data analysis using the method of principal components allowed to differentiation of two hydrochemical families: (a) low mineralization corresponding to the recharge zone, and (b) high mineralization corresponding to the discharge zone. Waters of the Ca + Mg + HCO3, and Na + Mg + HCO3 hydrochemical fades are present and the former is dominant. The water is slightly alkaline, having slight problems of salinity during the year owing mainly to Ca2+HCO3 ? and Na+Cl? salts. The hydrochemistry of the groundwater reflects the pattern of local groundwater flow for this sub-basin.  相似文献   
Existing formulations for bed sediment entrainment under steady flow are incapable of explaining two well-documented observational facts: (i) water flow requires considerably higher dimensionless shear stresses to move the bed grains than air flow; and (ii) under open channel flow, steep granular beds are more stable than beds with milder slopes. These two facts, together with recent direct measurements of forces acting on bed grains giving time-mean negative drags ( Schmeeckle et al. , 2007 ), question the conventional models of forces used so far. Here, fluid forces acting on bed particles are treated in a new way in order to take into consideration the fundamental interference effects, thus obtaining appropriate magnitude estimates that exhibit good agreement with direct force measurements by Schmeeckle et al. (2007) . Impulsive pressure fluctuations generated by turbulence are shown to be capable of dislodging the bed grains by saltation under air flow, whereas they can only produce a rocking effect under water flow, thus explaining the first anomaly. On the other hand, previous work by the authors allows a direct estimate of space averaged time-mean drag and lift forces exerted on bed grains. Both components have the same order of magnitude but, contrary to the common belief, the mean lift is downward, which provides an explanation for the second anomaly. Finally, spatial disturbances of pressure, both positive and negative, appear to generate maximum, persistent, local forces considerably greater than mean forces, thus allowing an explanation for the observed negative time-mean drag. A new formula for predicting incipient motion of sediment under open channel flow is derived, which incorporates all dynamically significant effects and gives very good agreement with observation for the entire range of bed slopes.  相似文献   
We describe a new species of Early Cretaceous bird from the Yixian Formation of Liaoning Province. Xinghaiornis lini gen. et sp. nov. is relatively large and characterized by a long, toothless rostrum and an elevated pedal digit I. The design of the skull and feet suggests that this bird was likely a mud-prober. This discovery provides strong support indicating that this avian trophic specialization originated at least 125 million years ago.  相似文献   
Lower Priabonian coral bioherms and biostromes, encased in prodelta marls/clays, occur in the Aínsa‐Jaca piggyback basin, in the South Central Pyrenean zone. Detailed mapping of lithofacies and bounding surfaces onto photomosaics reveals the architecture of coral buildups. Coral lithosomes occur either isolated or amalgamated in larger buildups. Isolated lithosomes are 1 to 8 m thick and a few hundred metres wide; clay content within coral colonies is significant. Stacked bioherms form low‐relief buildups, commonly 20 to 30 m thick, locally up to 50 m. These bioherms are progressively younger to the west, following progradation of the deltaic complex. The lowermost skeletal‐rich beds consist of bryozoan floatstone with wackestone to packstone matrix, in which planktonic foraminifera are abundant and light‐related organisms absent. Basal coral biostromes, and the base of many bioherms, consist of platy‐coral colonies ‘floating’ in a fine‐grained matrix rich in branches of red algae. Corals with domal or massive shape, locally mixed with branching corals and phaceloid coral colonies, dominate buildup cores. These corals are surrounded by matrix and lack organic framework. The matrix consists of wackestone to packstone, locally floatstone, with conspicuous red algal and coral fragments, along with bryozoans, planktonic and benthonic foraminifera and locally sponges. Coral rudstone and skeletal packstone, with wackestone to packstone matrix, also occur as wedges abutting the buildup margins. Integrative analysis of rock textures, skeletal components, buildup anatomy and facies architecture clearly reveal that these coral buildups developed in a prodelta setting where shifting of delta lobes or rainfall cycles episodically resulted in water transparency that allowed zooxanthellate coral growth. The bathymetric position of the buildups has been constrained from the light‐dependent communities and lithofacies distribution within the buildups. The process‐product analysis used here reinforces the hypothesis that zooxanthellate corals thrived in mesophotic conditions at least during the Late Eocene and until the Late Miocene. Comparative analysis with some selected Upper Eocene coral buildups of the north Mediterranean area show similarities in facies, components and textures, and suggest that they also grew in relatively low light (mesophotic) and low hydrodynamic conditions.  相似文献   
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