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International Journal of Earth Sciences - The geometry and emplacement of the ~ 96 km2, Late Cretaceous Sintra Igneous complex (SIC, ca. 80 Ma) into the West Iberian passive...  相似文献   
In order to establish the magnetic carriers and assess the reliability of previous paleomagnetic results obtained for Eocene marine marls from the south Pyrenean basin, we carried out a combined paleo- and rock-magnetic study of the Pamplona-Arguis Formation, which crops out in the western sector of the southern Pyrenees (N Spain). The unblocking temperatures suggest that the characteristic remanent magnetization (ChRM) is carried by magnetite and iron sulphides. The ChRM has both normal and reversed polarities regardless of whether it resides in magnetite or iron sulphides, and represents a primary Eocene magnetization acquired before folding. Rock magnetic results confirm the presence of magnetite and smaller amounts of magnetic iron sulphides, most likely pyrrhotite, in all the studied samples. Framboidal pyrite is ubiquitous in the marls and suggests that iron sulphides formed during early diagenesis under sulphate-reducing conditions. ChRM directions carried by magnetic iron sulphides are consistent with those recorded by magnetite. These observations suggest that magnetic iron sulphides carry a chemical remanent magnetization that coexists with a remanence residing in detrital magnetite. We suggest that the south Pyrenean Eocene marls are suitable for magnetostratigraphic and tectonic purposes but not for studies of polarity transitions, secular variations and geomagnetic excursions, because it is difficult to test for short time differences in remanence lock-in time for the two minerals. The presence of iron sulphide minerals contributing to the primary magnetization in Eocene marine marls reinforces the idea that these minerals can persist over long periods of time in the geological record.  相似文献   
The existing United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change (UNFCCC) has failed to deliver the rate of low-carbon technology transfer (TT) required to curb GHG emissions in developing countries. This failure has exposed the limitations of universalism and renewed interest in bilateral approaches to TT. Gaps are identified in the UNFCCC approach to climate change TT: missing links between international institutions and the national enabling environments that encourage private investment; a non-differentiated approach for (developing) country and technology characteristics; and a lack of clear measurements of the volume and effectiveness of TTs. Evidence from econometric literature and business experience on climate change TT is reviewed, so as to address the identified pitfalls of the UNFCCC process. Strengths and weaknesses of different methodological approaches are highlighted. International policy recommendations are offered aimed at improving the level of emission reductions achieved through TT.  相似文献   
Assumptions of simple geometries for alluvial deposits (related to main rivers) can preclude determination of complexities that are revealed as fundamental controls in underground flow. Although subhorizontal contacts between alluvial and substratum materials are expected, previous sedimentary or erosional processes can result in irregular geometries, only accessible through detailed analysis. The studied case presents the 3D reconstruction of a Quaternary terrace in the proximities of Sabiñánigo (Southern Pyrenees, Northeastern Spain), lying on homogeneous Eocene marls. The studied area is located in an industrialized area supporting strongly pollutant chemical industry (chlorinated pesticides) for the past 50 years. The objective of the study was to constrain the groundwater pathway along the area to subsequently analyze leakage of chemicals to the water table. In order to reveal preferred flow paths, a detailed characterization of the internal structure of the alluvial deposits (0.5–13 m thick) and their relations with the Tertiary substratum was carried out by means of ground penetrating radar (GPR, 50 and 100 MHz antennas). The obtained models permit identifying several topographic highs in the alluvial/substratum contact, determining preferred pathways in water flow, favoring particular conditions associated with low levels of the water table. The presented results support the interest of application of GPR surveys in order to characterize the groundwater pathways in expected homogeneous areas and their importance in order to establish the contaminant surveillance network.  相似文献   
New paleomagnetic analyses of Triassic, Cretaceous and Eocene strata in the south-central Pyrenees show evidence for a widespread remagnetization, located along the southern border of the Axial Zone, the Internal Sierras, and the northern part of the Jaca-Pamplona basin. This remagnetization, always reversed in polarity, was acquired after an extensive period of Late Eocene–Early Oligocene folding and tilting in the area, and affects limestones, sandstones, marls and red beds. In addition, a characteristic prefolding component was identified in 30% of Upper Cretaceous and Triassic red beds. These results, together with a revaluation of previously published paleomagnetic data from the central Pyrenees, indicate that the spatial distribution of the postfolding remagnetization coincides with that of a domain of pressure solution cleavage. A relationship between the intensity of the remagnetization and the characteristic (prefolding component) with respect to the density of cleavage surfaces, leads us to propose a mechanism for the remagnetization related to the development of pressure solution cleavage that is framed within the tectonic evolution of the central Pyrenees. Partial dissolution of rock under tectonic compression leads to the liberation and subsequent accumulation of insoluble minerals in cleavage planes. Magnetic grains are part of the relatively insoluble residue, and they reorient in the presence of the ambient field after they are freed during dissolution of the rock matrix. Chemical reequilibrium (dissolution and/or neoformation of magnetic carriers) during this process cannot be excluded. The remagnetization mechanism we propose can help to explain widespread remagnetizations in low to moderately deformed rocks without the need of large-scale migration of orogenic fluids.  相似文献   
A combined sedimentological, shape-preferred orientation and anisotropy of magnetic susceptibility (AMS) analysis has been performed at the Arroyofrío Bed (Callovian–Oxfordian boundary level) in the locality of Moneva (Iberian Range, NE Spain). The Arroyofrío bed is a widespread iron-ooid limestone interval forming a condensed sequence. The present study has focused on the analysis of the potential presence of a preferred ooid orientation at the Arroyofrío bed. The obtained data show that ooids were originally ellipsoidal and had an imbricate disposition with respect to the bedding/lamination surface. The main ooid orientation within the bedding plane shows a NNE–SSW trend. Results of AMS analyses show a magnetic foliation parallel or slightly imbricated with respect to bedding and magnetic lineation parallel to the main ooid orientation. Magnetic mineralogy of studied samples shows that AMS is mainly controlled by magnetite with minor contributions of hematite and paramagnetic minerals (that can reach contributions of 35 %). The analyzed ooids show axial ratios between 1.4 and 2.8 (intrinsic anisotropy), while the anisotropy of their distribution shows lower anisotropies (e.g., Rs = 1.15) or very low values of the anisotropic magnetic parameters (e.g., P′ < 1.01). Sedimentary texture, matrix features, bioturbation and fossil content influenced both ooid main orientation and the magnetic fabric. Magnetic lineation and main orientation of long ooid axes are transverse to the inferred coastline in the studied area and parallel to the expected paleocurrent direction with respect to the Ejulve-Maestrazgo paleogeographic high. The direct correlation between AMS magnetic lineation and the ooid analysis permits to demonstrate that the paleocurrent imprint can be recorded by means of AMS despite the highly ferromagnetic context fabric and at coarse deposits. Obtained results support the interest and reliability of AMS to unravel paleocurrent imprints for paleogeographic reconstructions.  相似文献   
Magnetic susceptibility in rocks is the sum of the contributions of different magnetic particles (paramagnetic, diamagnetic and ferromagnetic s.l.). These contributions can be measured at variable temperatures or at variable fields (hysteresis loops). Both are time‐consuming techniques that cannot be routinely used in magnetic fabrics analysis. In this study, we propose a simplified method to determine the ferro‐ and paramagnetic contributions to the susceptibility, based on the discrete measurement of susceptibility at two different fields (near 0 and 2.5 T). The results obtained in samples from the Southern Pyrenees and Ebro Basin indicate that the ferromagnetic contribution vary considerably within homogeneous susceptibility values and within the expected range of paramagnetic values. Standard bulk susceptibilities higher than 200 10?6 SI contribute significantly to the ferromagnetic fraction (>50% on average).  相似文献   
Magnetic fabric allows to unravel the petrofabrics of sedimentary rocks and to assess their deformational history. The use of this technique, in addition to classical structural field observations in the limbs of seven asymmetric folds in the Pyrenees, helps to determine the differences of internal deformation as well as the folding kinematics. Three folds developed during the Variscan Orogeny in Ordovician and Devonian rocks, and four folds developed during the Pyrenean Orogeny in Eocene rocks, are studied. Folds show a variety of structural locations, in different thrust sheets of the Southern Central Pyrenees, different cleavage development, age, geometry and lithology. Sampling follows an equivalent lithological layer in the two limbs, except for one case, of the selected folds. Results show a modified tectonic magnetic fabric in most sites with the magnetic lineation on the tectonic foliation plane. A larger scattering of the magnetic lineation (maximum magnetic anisotropy axis) and a higher intensity of the preferred orientation of minerals (eccentricity of the anisotropy of magnetic susceptibility - AMS ellipsoid) is better observed in the overturned (short) limb of the asymmetric Variscan folds than in the normal (long) limb. On the other hand, the shape parameter in Alpine folds is generally larger in the overturned (short) limb then in the normal (long) one. A good clustering of the minimum magnetic anisotropy axes is observed in all limbs. The combination of the AMS data with the structural data helps to understand and better constrain the deformation degree in these asymmetric folds and to unravel the deformational history.  相似文献   
Miocene continental saltpans are scattered in the Central Valley of the Atacama Desert, one of the driest regions on Earth. These evaporitic deposits are hydrologically inactive, and are detached from groundwater brines or aquifers. The surface of the saltpans, also known as salars, comprises desiccation polygons, commonly with nodular salt structures along their sides. The morphology and bulk mineralogy of salt polygons differs between and within salars, and the shape and internal structure of salt nodules varies between different polygon types. Based on field observation, and mineralogy and crystallography data, we generated a conceptual model for the genesis and evolution of these surface features, whereby rare rainfall events are responsible for the transformation of desiccation salt polygons and the initial formation of salt nodules along polygon borders. In addition, frequent, but less intense, deliquescence events further drive the evolution of salt nodules, resulting in a characteristic internal structure that includes laminations, and changes in porosity and crystal morphologies. As a result, and despite the extreme dryness, the surfaces of fossil salars are dynamic on timescales of several years to decades, in response to daily cycles in atmospheric moisture, and also to rare and meager rainfall events. We propose that fossil salars in the Atacama Desert represent an end stage in the evolution of evaporitic deposits under extreme and prolonged dryness. Copyright © 2015 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   
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