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We investigate the controls on the architecture of coarse‐grained delta progradational units (PUs) in the Pliocene Loreto basin (Baja California Sur, Mexico), a half‐graben located on the western margin of the Gulf of California. Dorsey et al. (1997b) argued that delta progradation and transgression cycles in the basin were driven by episodic fault‐controlled subsidence along the basin‐bounding Loreto fault. Here we test this hypothesis by a detailed analysis of the sedimentary architecture of 11 exceptionally well‐exposed, vertically arranged fluvio‐deltaic PUs, each of which shows lateral facies transition from proximal alluvial facies palaeo‐seaward into distal pro‐delta facies. Of these 11 PUs, seven exhibit a lateral transition from a shoal water to Gilbert‐delta facies associations as they are traced palaeo‐seaward. This transition is characterised by down‐transport development of foresets, which grow in height up to 35 m. Foreset units thicken in a basinward direction, with initially an oblique topset–foreset geometry that becomes increasingly sigmoidal. Each delta is capped by a shell bed that records drowning of the delta top. This systematic transition in delta architecture records increasing water depth through time during individual episodes of progradation. A mechanism that explains this transition is an accelerating rate of fault‐controlled subsidence during each PU. During episodes of low slip rate, shoal‐water deltas prograde across the submerged topography of the underlying delta unit. As displacement rate accelerates, increasing bathymetry at the delta front leads to steepening of foresets and initiation of Gilbert deltas. Subsequent delta drowning results from sediment starvation at the shoreline at high slip rates because of sediment trapping upstream. The observed delta architecture suggests that the long‐term (>100 kyr) history of slip on the Loreto fault was characterised by repetitive episodes of accelerating displacement accumulation. Such episodic fault behaviour is most likely to be because of variations in temporal and spatial strain partitioning between the Loreto fault and other faults in the Gulf of California. A physical explanation for the acceleration phenomenon involves evolving frictional properties on the episodically active Loreto fault.  相似文献   
Within a variety of sedimentary rocks of differing maturity, the configurations of a suite of acyclic isoprenoid acids have been examined by gas Chromatographic (in a few cases also by combined gas chromatography-mass spectrometry) analysis of their diastereoisomeric methyl and (?)-menthyl esters. The samples include the Eocene Messel (Germany) and Green River (U.S.) shales, the Permian Irati shale (Brazil) and a number of Lower Toarcian shales from the Paris Basin. The isomer distributions show that isomerisation occurs at the chiral centres with increasing maturation (to increase the number of isomers) and that the rate of isomerisation increases for centres (C-2,C-3) closest to the carboxyl group. These results suggest that adsorption of the carboxyl group to a catalyst surface may control the isomerisation rates by way of access to the catalyst.  相似文献   
The absolute stereochemistry of pristane in a sample of contemporary marine Zooplankton, Messel shale (Germany) and Djatibarang (Java) crude has been determined by gas Chromatographic methods. The relative stereochemistry in Irati shale (Brazil), Green River (U.S.) crude, Halibut (Australia) crude has also been determined, and confirmed for a sample of the Green River shale. The stereoisomer distributions indicate a loss of stereospecificity of the phytol-derived 6(R),10(S) pristane with increasing geological maturation. For example, the least mature geological sample, the Eocene Messel shale, contains solely the 6(R),10(S) isomer, whereas a mature sample, Djatibarang crude, contains 50% of the 6(R),10(S) isomer and 25% of each of the 6(R),10(R) and 6(S),10(S) isomers.  相似文献   
The significance and validity of integrating data obtained from a variety of analytical techniques to understand, elucidate and model kerogen's complex chemical structure is reported here using degradative (open and closed system pyrolysis, chemical oxidation), non-degradative (13C CP/MAS NMR) and optical (incident white light and blue light) methods. Seven Cambrian Alum Shale samples, ranging in maturity from immature to post-mature with respect to petroleum generation, were studied and were chosen for their simple geological history, uniform organic matter type and high organic carbon content. The Alum Shale kerogens, which primarily consist of algal organic matter, liberate low molecular weight gaseous and aromatic compounds on pyrolysis and give mostly branched dicarboxylic acids on chemical oxidation. 13C NMR spectroscopy shows that the Alum Shale kerogens are anomalously rich in oxygen-bearing functional groups (such as C = O, ArCO, CHO, CHxO), most of which apparently remain intact within the kerogen macro-molecule (KMM) through the diagenetic and catagenetic stages. Fragments released by different degradative techniques are quantified and the aromaticity (fa), O/C and relative proportions of various carbon types estimated by 13C NMR. A synthesis of these data has allowed us to better understand the chemistry of the Alum Shale kerogen.  相似文献   
Green infrastructure (GI)-based approaches to urban drainage such as sustainable urban drainage systems (SUDS) could provide Sub-Saharan cities with an opportunity to address projected climate change impacts and existing deficits in their drainage infrastructure, even more so due to the synergies between an enhanced green infrastructure stock and sustainable urban development. The objective of this paper was to assess the theoretical value of using green infrastructure for stormwater management as an alternative and supplement to conventional pipe-based stormwater management systems. A SWOT analysis is performed to assess the potential that SUDS hold if adopted and implemented in Sub-Saharan cities. This analysis is based on a review of sustainable stormwater management as well as urban planning and governance literature. Results show that despite seemingly significant barriers to the adoption of SUDS in Sub-Saharan cities such as low prioritization on the urban agenda and lack of data among others, the concept may hold valuable potential for flood risk reduction, even more so due to its multi-functionality and synergies with urban agriculture, amenity and water supply. In the light of the existing threats and weaknesses, it is recommended that GI-based SUDS may be best approached initially as experiments at a local community scale.  相似文献   
We present an integrated study of subsurface and surficial karst landforms to unravel the uplift history of karst landscape in a tectonically-active area. To this end, we apply a multidisciplinary approach by combining cave geomorphology and Th/U dating of speleothems with remote sensing plus geophysical imaging of surface landforms. We use as an example Mt. Menikio in northern Greece where four caves share well-defined epiphreatic/shallow phreatic characteristics that are related to the distribution of surface and buried doline fields and provide evidence for three distinct water table stillstands (e.g. expressed as cave levels) now lying at ~130 m, ~800 m and ~1600 m a.m.s.l. Our dating constraints delimit the age of the lower water table stillstand prior to 77 ka ago and imply a maximum rate of relative base level drop of 0.45 mma-1, which is consistent with relative tectonic uplift rate estimates along currently active normal faults. We interpret the elevation of the higher water table stillstands to reflect earlier phases of uplift related to the regional tectonic events associated with the development of the North Anatolian Fault and the Northern Aegean area. Our analysis shows that the combined study of epiphreatic/shallow phreatic caves and surficial karst landforms together, is a robust way to investigate the uplift history of a karst landscape in a tectonically-active setting. © 2019 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   
SPICES (Spectro-Polarimetric Imaging and Characterization of Exoplanetary Systems) is a five-year M-class mission proposed to ESA Cosmic Vision. Its purpose is to image and characterize long-period extrasolar planets and circumstellar disks in the visible (450?C900 nm) at a spectral resolution of about 40 using both spectroscopy and polarimetry. By 2020/2022, present and near-term instruments will have found several tens of planets that SPICES will be able to observe and study in detail. Equipped with a 1.5 m telescope, SPICES can preferentially access exoplanets located at several AUs (0.5?C10?AU) from nearby stars (<25 pc) with masses ranging from a few Jupiter masses to Super Earths (??2 Earth radii, ??10 M??) as well as circumstellar disks as faint as a few times the zodiacal light in the Solar System.  相似文献   
Constraining slip rates and spacings for active normal faults   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Numerous observations of extensional provinces indicate that neighbouring faults commonly slip at different rates and, moreover, may be active over different time intervals. These published observations include variations in slip rate measured along-strike of a fault array or fault zone, as well as significant across-strike differences in the timing and rates of movement on faults that have a similar orientation with respect to the regional stress field. Here we review published examples from the western USA, the North Sea, and central Greece, and present new data from the Italian Apennines that support the idea that such variations are systematic and thus to some extent predictable. The basis for the prediction is that: (1) the way in which a fault grows is fundamentally controlled by the ratio of maximum displacement to length, and (2) the regional strain rate must remain approximately constant through time. We show how data on fault lengths and displacements can be used to model the observed patterns of long-term slip rate where measured values are sparse. Specifically, we estimate the magnitude of spatial variation in slip rate along-strike and relate it to the across-strike spacing between active faults.  相似文献   
We present detailed data on channel morphology, valley width and grain size for three bedrock rivers crossing active normal faults which differ in their rate, history and spatial distribution of uplift. We evaluate the extent to which downstream changes in unit stream power correlate with footwall uplift, and use this information to identify which of the channels are likely to be undergoing a transient response to tectonics, and hence clarify the key geomorphic features associated with this signal. We demonstrate that rivers responding transiently to fault slip-rate increase are characterised by significant long-profile convexities (over-steepened reaches), a loss of hydraulic scaling, channel aspect ratios which are a strong non-linear function of slope, narrow valley widths, elevated coarse-fraction grain-sizes and reduced downstream variability in channel planform geometry. We are also able to quantify the steady-state configurations of channels, that have adjusted to differing spatial uplift fields. The results challenge the application of steady-state paradigms to transient settings and show that assumptions of power-law width scaling are inappropriate for rivers, that have not reached topographic steady state, whatever exponent is used. We also evaluate the likely evolution of bedrock channels responding transiently to fault acceleration and show that the headwaters are vulnerable to beheading if the rate of over-steepened reach migration is low. We estimate that in this setting the response timescale to eliminate long-profile convexity for these channels is ∼1 Myr, and that typical hydraulic scaling is regained within 3 Myr.  相似文献   
A plane strain model for a fault is presented that takes into account the inelastic deformation involved in fault growth. The model requires that the stresses at the tip of the fault never exceed the shear strength of the surrounding rock. This is achieved by taking into account a zone, around the perimeter of the fault surface, where the fault is not well developed, and in which sliding involves frictional work in excess of that required for sliding on the fully developed fault. The displacement profiles predicted by the fault model taper out gradually towards the tip of the fault and compare well with observed displacement profiles on faults. Using this model it is found that both (1) the shape of the displacement profile, and (2) the ratio of maximum displacement to fault length are a function of the shear strength of the rock in which the fault forms. For the case of a fault loaded by a constant remote stress, the displacement is linearly related to the length of the fault and the constant of proportionality depends on the shear strength of the surrounding rock normalized by its shear modulus. Using data from faults in different tectonic regions and rock types, the in situ strength of intact rock surrounding a fault is calculated to be on the order of 100 MPa (or a few kilobars). These estimates exceed, by perhaps a factor of 10, the strength of a well developed fault and thus provide an upper bound for the shear strength of the crust. It is also shown that the work required to propagate a fault scales with fault length. This result can explain the observation that the fracture energy calculated for earthquake ruptures and natural faults are several orders of magnitude greater than that for fractures in laboratory experiments.  相似文献   
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