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The Keoladeo National Park, Bharatpur, a man-made fresh water wetland carved out of a natural depression on the floodplain of two minor tributaries of the Yamuna-Gambhir and the Banganga is the country’s finest waterfowl habitat. This important wetland was set aside as a bird sanctuary in 1956 and it was elevated to the status of a National Park in 1981. It was also designated a Ramsar site- a wetland of international importance under the Ramsar convention. This important wetland has distinction of being the only Indian wetland to be included under both the Ramsar and the World Heritage convention. The attempt has been made to evaluate the habitat of Sarus crane in the Keoladeo National Park using satellite data — IRS LISS III and PAN merged product and GIS. Geocoded data of IRS —1C LISS III of 21 March 1999 on 1: 50,000 scale and PAN data of March 17, 1999 were used to generate the vegetation cover type map and open water. The maps showing drainage, human habitations, contours, roads, etc. were prepared using the Survey of India topographical sheets and contour map of park area. Information regarding habitat parameters was collected from the existing literature and field observations. The Sarus crane mainly fed in the wetland on the rhizome ofNymphaea sp.,Scirpus tuberosus andEleocharis plantaginea. As there were changes in their habitat requirements at different seasons, the sighting of Sarus crane in each habitat were recorded along with the time and activity during observation. The most utilized habitat for the entire period of study was moderately wet grassland followed by pools. The pools were used mainly during the summer. The water depth requirement observed was between 30–40 cm and 20–40 cm. The suitability maps for Sarus crane were then generated using all remote sensing based and conventional information using rule based equations in the GIS within the Keoladeo National Park.  相似文献   
Microalgal lipids can be enhanced through varying nitrogen (N) content, and limited supply of nitrogen source seems to be valuable approach for increased lipid accumulation in microalgae. In this study, Chlorella sp. IM-02 was observed under fluorescence microscope for increased number of lipid bodies under nitrogen scarcity. Fourier transform infrared spectroscopy was used to determine spectral changes due to varying lipid content under nitrogen-starved (N0, without sodium nitrate), nitrogen-limited (N0.1, N0.25, N0.5 and N1.0 representing 0.1, 0.25, 0.5 and 1.0 g/L of sodium nitrate, respectively) and nitrogen-sufficient (N1.5, i.e., 1.5 g/L sodium nitrate) setting. Chlorophyll content was also monitored under these conditions as growth indicator. Various biochemical components viz. total carbohydrates, total proteins and total lipids were also estimated under varying nitrogen levels spectrophotometrically. On fourth day itself, maximum lipid productivity was observed in case of N0.5, which is having one-third of nitrogen concentration present in original growth media, BG-11. This concludes N0.5 as suitable nitrogen provision for better production of lipids in Chlorella sp. IM-02 without much compromising the biomass production as both growth and lipid quantity are key parameters affecting the lipid productivity of any microalgal strain.  相似文献   
In the present investigation, an attempt has been made to explore the possibility of hydrocarbon prospects in the carbonaceous shale deposits of Spiti and Chikkim formations exposed in the Spiti valley of the Tethys Himalaya. Twenty samples, collected from successive levels of these litho-units, have been subjected to maceral analysis, Rock-Eval Pyrolysis and six samples to Fourier Transform Infra-red Spectroscopy (FTIR) and nuclear magnetic resonance (NMR) analyses. The study reveals the presence of mainly kerogen-III type of organic matter but some of the shale samples have shown a good amount of total organic carbon (TOC) to the tune of 3.19% which is sufficient to produce hydrocarbon. The results indicate the presence of methane occurring as free and fixed hydrocarbon in the shale samples. Few levels are especially rich in hydrocarbon. They have shown encouraging results with potential for generating liquid as well as lighter hydrocarbon. The data is also supported by the FTIR and NMR studies.  相似文献   
The age of the marine Nodular Limestone Formation of the Bagh Group is refined at Substage level through ammonoid and inoceramid index taxa. The study is based on the fresh collections from three well-defined successive intervals (Lower Karondia, Upper Karondia and Chirakhan members) of this formation having excellent exposures in different localities of the Narmada Basin, central India. The first record of the widely distributed Turonian ammonoid genera Spathites Kummel and Decker and Collignoniceras Breistroffer from the Nodular Limestone Formation constrained its age exclusively to Turonian. The Early Turonian species Spathites (Jeanrogericeras) aff. revelieranus (Courtiller) and Mytiloides labiatus (Sclotheim) occur in the lower part, while the Middle Turonian marker Collignoniceras cf. carolinum (d’Obrbigny) and Inoceramus hobetsensis (Nagao and Matsumoto) occurs in the upper part of the Karondia Member. The record of the index species Inoceramus teshioensis (Nagao and Matsumoto) in association with Placenticeras mintoi Vredenburg from Chirakhan Member allows a definite Late Turonian age. The present contribution is an attempt to resolve the controversies in the age of the Nodular Limestone Formation and also demarcation of the three divisions (Early, Middle and Late) of the Turonian Stage in the Narmada Basin, central India.  相似文献   
Comprehensive, reliable and uptodate information on natural resources is a pre-requsite for undertaking planned development activities. A knowledge of the present potential resources is esential for formulating and executing effective management strategies for their proper utilisation as the resources are inter dependent and not inexhaustible. Geological and gemorphological mapping are the basic tools not only for search of minerals but also in geotechnical investigations and geologic hazards mapping etc. Romote sensing technique is best suited for inaccessible and hostile terrain study. It ranks very high among others due to its inbuilt and inherent capability of large area coverage and speed for exploring resources and contents within the earth. It suitably overcomes the drawback of uneconomical conventional surveying method and also the handicap of satellite imagery its lack of resolution and stereoscopy. In the present work, an attempt has been made to study an area covering 14.35 sq Km with a view to evolve its geological, geomorphic expressions and explore resource potential by using aerial photographic interpretations. There is plenty of scope to develop photo interpretation technique as a rapid method in exploitation of resource potential and its management.  相似文献   
In order to examine the spatial variability of the aerosol characteristics across the Brahmaputra valley, a land campaign was conducted during late winter (February 3–March 2) 2011. Measurements of particulate matter (PM, PM10, PM2.5) and black carbon (BC) concentrations were made onboard an interior redesigned vehicle. The length of the campaign trail stretched about 700 km, covering the longitude belt of 89.97°–95.55°E and latitude belt of 26.1°–27.6°N, comprising 13 measurement locations. The valley is divided into three sectors longitudinally: western sector (R1: 89.97°–91.75°E), middle sector (R2: 92.5°–94.01°E) and eastern sector (R3: 94.63°–95.55°E). Spatial heterogeneity in aerosol distribution has been observed with higher PM10 and PM2.5 concentrations at the western and middle sectors compared to the eastern sector. The locations in the western sector are found to be rich in BC compared to the other two sectors and there is a gradual decrease in BC concentrations from west to east of the Brahmaputra valley. Two hotspots within the western and middle sectors with high PM and BC concentrations have been identified. The associated physico-optical parameters of PM reveal abundance of PM2.5 aerosols along the entire valley. High population density in the western and middle sectors, together with the contribution of remote aerosols, leads to higher anthropogenic aerosols over those regions. Spectral Radiation-Transport Model for Aerosol Species (SPRINTARS) slightly underestimates the measured PM10 and PM2.5 at the eastern sector while the model overestimates the measurements at a number of locations in the western sector. In general, BC is underestimated by the model. The variation of BC within the campaign trail has not been adequately captured by the model leading to higher variance in the western locations as compared to the middle and eastern locations.  相似文献   
Severe weather conditions create negative impacts on humans. One of the severe weather conditions is storms. In the scope of this study, the storm effects on the Marmara Region were investigated using data for the period 2000 to 2010 giving the hourly averaged wind direction and speed in the Marmara Region, as provided by the Turkish Meteorological Service. The monthly distribution of storms has been estimated and their daily variability has been investigated. Additionally, air masses that cause storms have been determined by using NCEP/NCAR re-analysis data. Other than this, by studying the storms, extreme values have been ascertained and northerly values from these storm values (since in percentage terms they are larger) and hourly variability in a single day for 17 weather stations have been depicted graphically. The days that northerly storms reached extreme values are shown with the meteorological maps (surface chart, 850, 700, 500, and 300 hPa) and the temperature diagrams for Istanbul in the Marmara Region have been examined and analysed.  相似文献   
A new spectral factorization method is presented for the estimation of a causal as well as a causally invertible ARMA operator from the correlation sequence of seismic traces. The method has been implemented for multichannel deconvolution of seismic traces with the aim of exploiting the trace-to-trace correlation that exists within seismograms. A layered earth model with a small reflectivity sequence has been considered, and the seismic traces have been considered as the output of a linear system driven by white noise reflection coefficient sequences. The present method is the concatenation of three algorithms, namely Kung's method for state variable ( F , G , H ) realization using a singular value decomposition (SVD) algorithm, Faurre's technique for computation of the strong spectral factor and Leverrier's algorithm for ARMA representation of the spectral factor. The inverted ARMA operator is used as a recursive filter for deconvolution of seismic traces. In the example shown, two traces with a covariance sequence of 160 ms length have been considered for multichannel deconvolution of stacked seismic traces. The results presented, when compared with those obtained from a conventional deconvolution algorithm, have shown encouraging prospects.  相似文献   
This study comprises (1) an analysis of recent climate trends at two sites in north-west India (Ludhiana in Punjab and Delhi) and (2) an impact and risk assessment for wheat yields associated with climatic variability. North-west Indian agriculture is dominated by rice-wheat rotation in which the wheat season (‘rabi’, November to March) is characterized by predominantly dry conditions—superimposed by very high inter-annual variability of rainfall (17 to 260 mm in Ludhiana and <1 to 155 mm in Delhi). While rainfall remained without discernable trend over the last three decades, minimum and average temperatures showed increasing trends of 0.06 and 0.03°C year???1, respectively, at Ludhiana. The site in (metropolitan) Delhi was apparently influenced by city-effects, which was noticeable from the decrease in solar radiation of 0.09 MJ m???2 day???1 year???1. The CERES-wheat model was used to calculate yields of rainfed wheat that were at both locations highly correlated with seasonal rainfall. An assessment framework was developed to quantify yield impacts due to rainfall variability in three steps: (1) data from different years were aggregated into four classes, i.e., years with scarce, low, moderate, and high rainfall, (2) yield records of each rainfall class were ranked according to yield to facilitate (3) a comparison of yields with identical rank, i.e. among the best yield of each class, the second-best, etc. The class with moderate rainfall was taken as baseline yield to compute yield impacts of other rainfall scenarios. Years with scarce rainfall resulted in only 34% (Ludhiana) and 35% (Delhi) of the baseline yield. The yields in years with low rainfall accounted for 61% (Delhi) and 49% (Ludhiana) of the baseline yields. In Ludhiana, high rainfall years resulted in 200% yield as compared to the baseline yield, whereas they reached only 105% in Delhi. Low-intensity (1× and 3×) irrigation decreased the relative yield losses, but entailed a higher vulnerability in terms of absolute yield losses. Only high-intensity (4×) irrigation buffered wheat yields against adverse rainfall years. Early sowing was beneficial for wheat yields under all rainfall scenarios. The framework could be a valuable decision-support tool at the farm level where seasonal rainfall variability is high.  相似文献   
Summary. Electrical and magnetic fields due to arbitrarily oriented lightning over an imperfectly conducting ground have been obtained. The theory has been applied to K -changes, return strokes and horizontal lightning. The results are in good agreement with the experimental observations previously reported by many workers.  相似文献   
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