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Qβ for shear-waves is determined for the inner part of the Hellenic arc, the back-arc area, as a function of frequency in the range 0.6–16 Hz. We used 314 digital records from 32 earthquakes with magnitudes (Mw) ranging from 3.9 to 5.1. Epicentral distances ranged from 65 to 515 km. The data were obtained in 1997 during a 6-month operation of a digital portable network in Greece. The Qβ estimates were made for five frequency bands centred at 0.8, 1.5, 3.0, 6.0 and 12.0 Hz and the Qβ values obtained were 47, 79, 143, 271 and 553, respectively. The results show that Qβ for S-waves increases with frequency taking the form Qβ=55f 0.91 (or Qβ−10.018f−0.91). The high attenuation and the strong frequency dependence found, which is close to the frequency dependence of coda Q for Greece, are characteristic of an area with high seismicity, rapid extension, and in agreement with other similar studies in Greece.  相似文献   
Deltaic environments are commonly assumed to be relatively minor sites of biogenic silica burial because of the small quantities of opaline silica detected by most operational analytical techniques. Rapid conversion of biogenic silica into authigenic silicates is also often discounted as a significant control on oceanic silica budgets. A variety of evidence for extensive early diagenetic alteration of biogenic silica in rapidly accumulating Amazon delta sediments indicates that both of these general assumptions are unjustified. Apparent lack of significant biogenic silica storage in deltaic environments, particularly in the tropics, may be largely an artifact of operational definitions that do not include early diagenetic products of biogenic silica. Biogenic silica particles buried in suboxic Amazon delta deposits can be unaltered, partially dissolved, covered with aluminosilicate or metal-rich coatings, or completely reconstituted into authigenic K-Fe-rich aluminosilicate minerals. Pore water (K, Mg, F, Si) and solid-phase distributions, direct observations of particles, laboratory experiments, and depositional context indicate that authigenic clays form rapidly (<1 yr) in the seasonally reworked surface layer (∼ 0.5-2 m) of the delta topset and are disseminated during sediment remobilization. Fe, Al-oxide rich debris derived from the tropical drainage basin is an abundant reactant, and thus the supply of biogenic silica is a major control on the amount of clay formed.The mild 1% Na2CO3 alkaline leach procedure commonly used to estimate biogenic silica was modified to include an initial mild leach step with 0.1N HCl to remove metal oxide coatings and to activate poorly crystalline authigenic phases for alkaline dissolution. Well-crystallized clays are not significantly affected by this modification nor is bulk Amazon River bed sediment. The two-step procedure indicates that ∼90% of the biogenic silica originally present in deposits is converted to clay or otherwise altered, raising the effective quantity of biogenic silica stored from ∼33 to ∼296 μmol Si g−1 (∼1.8% SiO2). Biogenic Si stored in the delta increases away from the river mouth, across shelf and along the dispersal system where primary production is highest. The K/Si ratio of labile authigenic material is ∼0.19 mol mol−1, far higher than Amazon River suspended matter (∼0.07 mol mol−1). Diagenetic models indicate formation rates in the mobile sediment layer of ∼2.8 μmol K g−1 yr−1 (∼16 μmol Si g−1 yr−1). Inclusion of authigenic alteration products of biogenic silica in estimates of reactive Si burial increases the deltaic storage of riverine Si to ∼22% of the Amazon River input. The rapid formation of aluminosilicates from biogenic SiO2, seawater solutes, and remobilized Fe, Al-oxides represents a form of reverse weathering. Rapid reverse weathering reactions in tropical muds and deltaic deposits, the largest sediment depocenters on Earth, confirms the general importance of these processes in oceanic elemental cycles.  相似文献   
The paper focusses on seismic damage analysis of reinforced concrete (R/C) members, accounting for shear–flexure interaction in the inelastic range. A finite element of the beam-column type recently proposed by the writers for the seismic analysis of R/C structures is first briefly described. The analytical model consists of two distributed flexibility sub-elements which interact throughout the analysis to simulate inelastic flexural and shear response. The finite element accounts for shear strength degradation with inelastic curvature demand, as well as coupling between inelastic flexural and shear deformations after flexural yielding. Based on this model, a seismic damage index is proposed taking into account both inelastic flexural and shear deformations, as well as their interaction. The finite element and the seismic damage index are used to analyse the response of R/C columns tested under cyclic loading and failing either in shear or in flexure. It is shown that the analytical model and damage index can predict and describe well the hysteretic response of R/C columns with different types of failure.  相似文献   
Wildfires are a common experience in Alaska where, on average, 3,775?km2 burn annually. More than 90% of the area consumed occurs in Interior Alaska, where the summers are relatively warm and dry, and the vegetation consists predominantly of spruce, birch, and cottonwood. Summers with above normal temperatures generate an increased amount of convection, resulting in more thunderstorm development and an amplified number of lightning strikes. The resulting dry conditions facilitate the spread of wildfires started by the lightning. Working with a 55-year dataset of wildfires for Alaska, an increase in the annual area burned was observed. Due to climate change, the last three decades have shown to be warmer than the previous decades. Hence, in the first 28?years of the data, two fires were observed with an area burned greater than 10,000?km2, while there were four in the last 27?years. Correlations between the Palmer Drought Severity Index and the Canadian Drought Code, against both the number of wildfires and the area burned, gave relatively low but in some cases significant correlation values. Special emphasis is given to the fire season of 2004, in which a record of 27,200?km2 burned. These widespread fires were due in large part to the unusual weather situation. Owing to the anticyclonic conditions of the summer of 2004, the composite anomaly of the 500?mb geopotential height showed above normal values. The dominance of a ridge pattern during summer resulted in generally clear skies, high temperatures, and below normal precipitation. Surface observations confirmed this; the summer of 2004 was the warmest and third driest for Interior Alaska in a century of climate observations. The fires lasted throughout the summer and only the snowfalls in September terminated them (at least one regenerated in spring 2005). Smoke from the forest fires affected the air quality. This could be demonstrated by measurements of visibility, fine particle matter, transmissivity of the atmosphere, and CO concentration.  相似文献   
The paper describes and evaluates an incremental plasticity constitutive model for unsaturated, anisotropic, nonexpansive soils (CMUA). It is based on the modified Cam-Clay (MCC) model for saturated soils and enhances it by introducing anisotropy (via rotation of the MCC yield surface) and an unsaturated compressibility framework describing a double dependence of compressibility on suction and on the degree of saturation of macroporosity. As the anisotropic and unsaturated features can be activated independently, the model is downwards compatible with the MCC model. The CMUA model can simulate effectively: the dependence of compressibility on the level of developed anisotropy, uniqueness of critical state independent of the initial anisotropy, an evolving compressibility during constant suction compression, and a maximum of collapse. The model uses Bishop's average skeleton stress as its first constitutive variable, favouring its numerical implementation in commercial numerical analysis codes (eg, finite element codes) and a unified treatment of saturated and unsaturated material states.  相似文献   
This study investigates the long-term capacity of the North Aegean coastal systems to transport and store conservative pollutants that originate from the Black Sea. Emphasis is placed on modeling the dispersion and accumulation of a passive tracer that represents a Black Sea pollutant (BSP) substance that continuously discharges from the Dardanelles exit into the North Aegean, for a long period of time (16?years). The effects of the Black Sea water (BSW) inflows, meteorological forcing, and seasonal stratification are assessed with a 3D hydrodynamic model (Estuary, Lake and Coastal Ocean Model), after validation with available field data. The salinity, water temperature, and discharge from the Dardanelles Strait are taken to be seasonally varied. According to the authors' best knowledge, the present paper constitutes the first numerical modeling attempt in the literature that apart from the long-term hydrodynamic characteristics that have also been studied in previous works, a suitable tracer is introduced in order to predict the long-term fate, distribution, and accumulation of pollutants that originate from the Black Sea into the North Aegean coastal regions. The overall results of the present investigation indicate that the BSP concentration is very high at the coastal waters of Thassos, Samothraki, and Limnos islands, as well as along the mainland coastal waters between Alexandroupolis and Strymonikos Gulf, during summer and autumn when strong water column stratification occurs. In general, the BSP concentration in the North Aegean surface waters reaches considerable high values (47?C58?% of the initial pollutant concentration at Dardanelles inflow) within 16?years. Even for depths more than 500?m the BSP concentration is still remarkable, slightly increasing with time. The increase of the BSP concentration with respect to time at various depths (from free surface up to 750?m) is also investigated.  相似文献   
This paper explores the potential of using satellite radar inteferometry to monitor time-varying land movement prior to any visible tension crack signs. The idea was developed during dedicated geotechnical studies at a large open-pit lignite mine, where large slope movements (10–20 mm/day) were monitored and large fissures were observed in the immediate area outside the current pit limits. In this work, differential interferometry (DInSAR), using Synthetic Aperture Radar (SAR) ALOS images, was applied to monitor the progression of land movement that could potentially thwart mine operations. Early signs of land movements were captured by this technique well before their visual observation. Moreover, a qualitative comparison of DInSAR and ground geodetic measurements indicates that the technique can be used for the identification of high risk areas and, subsequently, for the optimization of the spatial distribution of the available ground monitoring equipment. Finally, quantitative land movement results from DInSAR are shown to be in accordance with simultaneous measurements obtained by ground means.  相似文献   
This paper investigates the influence of the petrographic characteristics of mafic ophiolitic rocks on the initiation and propagation of microcracks during uniaxial compression. The microcrack patterns of a troctolite and a diorite, collected from the Pindos and Othrys ophiolites (Greece), respectively, were analysed. Thorough observation and quantification of microcracks before and after the uniaxial compression test were conducted. Combined fluorescent and polarised microscopy of polished thin sections, together with digital image analysis, indicated that the intragranular microcracks are the dominating crack type in both loaded and unloaded specimens, only in terms of their total number and length. On the other hand, the intergranular and transgranular cracks seem to grow more readily compared to the intragranular cracks, implying that the longer microcracks grow more extensively under stress. The orientation of most of the newly formed intragranular and transgranular microcracks is nearly parallel to the loading direction; however, some of the randomly oriented transgranular cracks have probably been formed during the propagation of intergranular cracks. In the troctolite, the frequency of the intragranular microcracks decreases in the olivine crystals after the uniaxial compression test due to their partial serpentinisation, which increases their resistance to brittle deformation. In the plagioclase crystals of the troctolite, microcracks are often oriented parallel to the cleavage planes, implying that such crystallographic orientations act as planes of weakness. On the contrary, the plagioclase crystals of the diorite are mainly crossed by randomly oriented microcracks, presumably due to their high degree of alteration. In the diorite, the evolution of microcracks is substantially controlled by the two perfect cleavages of amphibole. The failure of a rock occurs as a result of the growth, interaction and coalescence of a great number of pre-existing and newly formed intragranular and transgranular microcracks. The petrographic and microcrack analysis may assist in the selection of the most suitable rock type for various construction applications.  相似文献   
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