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This paper serves two purposes. The first is to make available to the geomorphological community the first in a short series of up-to-date digital maps of ‘classic’ coastal landforms of the U.K. — Hurst Castle Spit. The second is to demonstrate that conventional surveying techniques and readily available graphics software on a PC or Mackintosh will provide an entry into digital mapping for geomorphological applications. Comments are included on how the digital map may be utilized.  相似文献   
The Dominique drill hole has penetrated the volcanic shieldof Eiao island (Marquesas) down to a depth of 800 m below thesurface and 691•5 m below sea-level with a percentage ofrecovery close to 100%. All the lavas encountered were emplacedunder subaerial conditions. From the bottom to the top are distinguished:quartz and olivine tholeiites (800–686 m), hawaiites,mugearites and trachyte (686–415 m), picritic basalts,olivine tholeiites and alkali basalts (415–0 m). The coredvolcanic pile was emplaced between 5•560•07 Ma and5•220•06 Ma. Important chemical changes occurred during this rather shorttime span (0•34 0•13 Ma). In particular, the lowerbasalts differ from the upper ones in their lower concentrationsof incompatible trace elements and their Sr, Nd and Pb isotopicsignature being closer to the HIMU end-member, whereas the upperbasalts are EM II enriched. The chemical differences betweenthe two basalt groups are consistent with a time-related decreasein the degree of partial melting of isotopically heterogeneoussources. It seems unlikely that these isotopic differences reflectchanges in plume dynamics occurring in such a short time span,and we tentatively suggest that they result from a decreasingdegree of partial melting of a heterogeneous EM II–HIMUmantle plume. Some of the intermediate magmas (the uppermost hawaiites andmugearites) are likely to be derived from parent magmas similarto the associated upper basalts through simple fractionationprocesses. Hawaiites, mugearites and a trachyte from the middlepart of the volcanic sequence have Sr–Nd isotopic signaturessimilar to those of the lower basalts but they differ from themin their lower 206Pb/204Pb ratios, resulting in an increasedDMM signature. Some of the hawaiites-mugearites also displayspecific enrichments in P2O5, Sr and REE which are unlikelyto result from simple fractionation processes. The isotopicand incompatible element compositions of the intermediate rocksare consistent with the assimilation of MORB-derived wall rocksduring fractional crystallization. The likely contaminant correspondsto Pacific oceanic crust, locally containing apatite-rich veinsand hydrothermal sulphides. We conclude that a possible explanationfor the DMM signature in ocean island basalts is a chemicalcontribution from the underlying oceanic crust and that studiesof intermediate rocks may be important to document the originof the isotopic features of plume-derived magmas. KEY WORDS: alkali basalt; assimilation; mantle heterogeneity; Marquesas; tholeiile *Corresponding author  相似文献   
The Permian–Triassic Boundary sequence at Çürük Dag, near Antalya, Turkey, begins with a major erosion surface interpreted as being the Late Permian lowstand, on which lies ca 0·4 m of grainstone/packstone composed of ooids, peloids and bioclasts. Most ooids are superficial coats on fragments of calcite crystals presumed to be eroded from crystal fans which are no longer present. The erosion surface is smooth and shows no evidence of dissolution; the grainstone/packstone contains intraclasts of the underlying wackestone, proving erosion. Next are 15 m of microbialite comprised of interbedded stromatolites, thrombolites, plus beds of planar limestones with small‐scale erosion. The latter comprise a complex interlayering of stromatolitic, thrombolitic and peloidal fabrics and precipitated crystal fans, which form a hybrid of microbialite and inorganic carbonate, together with bioclastic debris and micrite. The Çürük Dag microbialite sequence is repetitious; the lower part is more complex, with abundant stromatolites and hybrid microbialites. Some of the stromatolites are themselves hybrids composed of peloids and crystal fans. In the upper part of the sequence stromatolites are missing and the rock is composed mostly of recrystallized thrombolites that develop upwards from tabular to domal form. The domes form directly below small breaks in microbialite growth where very thin shelly micrites and grainstones/packstones are deposited. Repetition of facies may be controlled by sea‐level change; a deepening‐up model is consistent with the evidence. Stromatolites (with abundant crystal fans) dominate in shallower water, deepening through hybrid microbialite and interlayered sediments to thrombolite, probably no more than a few tens of metres deep, followed by breaks and renewal of microbialite growth. An interpretation of open marine fully oxygenated waters for microbialite growth is consistent with ongoing parallel work that has identified Bairdioid ostracods in the microbialite, a group known to be open marine. However, other researchers have proposed low oxygen conditions for Permian–Triassic boundary facies globally, so work continues to confirm whether the Çürük Dag microbialite grew in dysoxic or normally oxygenated conditions. The principal stimulus for post‐extinction microbialites is likely to be carbonate supersaturation of the oceans. The microbialite sequence is overlain by a further 25 m of grainstone/packstone (without microbialite), followed by Early Triassic shales. Overall, microbialites form a thin aggradational sequence during an overall relative sea‐level rise, consistent with global eustatic rise following the Late Permian lowstand.  相似文献   

This study proposes an empirical approach that can lead to the sustainable management of groundwater resources. This approach enables a comprehensive understanding of an aquifer, delineates distinct hydrological scenarios, and recommends a set of operational activities for each sub-region of the aquifer. The paper focuses on the Coastal aquifer of the Gaza Strip region which has been divided into three sub-regions. The southern sub-region (WSW) is classified as scenario “+a2”, which indicates that it can be used as a multi-annual groundwater reservoir. The northern sub-region (NW-E) is designated scenario “-a2”, where the recommended operational measures include injection of freshwater in wells and cleaning of the surface environment. The third sub-region (CSE), is classified as scenario “-b2”, which requires severe management measures to correct both a negative hydrological and environmental situation. The approach also involves on-going monitoring of the aquifer, and can be considered as an empirical tool to provide preliminary guidelines for long-term groundwater management.  相似文献   
The Permian–Triassic boundary interval in shallow shelf seas of South China shows Upper Permian limestones overlain by lowermost Triassic microbialites. Global sea‐level rose across the Permian–Triassic boundary, but an irregular top‐Permian erosion surface across a 10 km north–south transect of the Great Bank of Guizhou contains evidence of sea‐level fluctuation. The surface represents the ‘event horizon’ of mass extinction, below the biostratigraphic Permian–Triassic boundary defined by first appearance datum of conodont Hindeodus parvus. An Upper Permian foraminiferal grainstone beneath this surface contains geopetal sediments, etched grains, and pendent and meniscus cements interpreted here as vadose. However, these latter diagenetic processes occurred before the event horizon and were followed by erosion of the final Permian surface. This erosion cuts previous fabrics but lacks evidence of weathering or bioerosion. A few centimetres below is an earlier grainstone that was also eroded but lacks proof of sub‐aerial processes. Samples therefore reveal one, or possibly two, small‐scale relative sea‐level changes before the Triassic transgression in this area, and these may relate to local tectonics. The final Permian surface is subject to at least four interpretations: (i) sub‐aerial physical erosion and dissolution by carbon dioxide‐enriched fresh water or carbon dioxide‐enriched mixed water, prior to Triassic transgression; (ii) sub‐aerial physical erosion overprinted by dissolution related to carbon dioxide‐enriched sea water in the Early Triassic transgression; (iii) submarine dissolution affected by acidified sea water due to rapid increase in volcanically‐derived carbon dioxide and oxidized methane released from marine clathrates; (iv) submarine dissolution due to acid anoxic waters rising across the continental shelf, unrelated to atmospheric carbon dioxide or oxidized methane. Field and petrographic evidence suggests that (i) is the simplest option; and it is possible that (ii) and (iii) occurred, but none are proved. Option (iv) is unlikely given the evidence and modelling of supersaturation of upwelled waters with respect to bicarbonate.  相似文献   
The aim of this article is to describe the double resonance magnetometer system designed and built by the Division de Magnétométrie of the C.E.N. Grenoble, and used by the Département des Recherches Minières du CE.A. For the measurement of magnetic anomalies of geological origin it is necessary to make differential measurements between a mobile instrument which scans the region of interest and a fixed compensatory instrument. The apparatus described here features the following main characteristics: — it gives a direct numerical measurement of the differential magnetic field between the two instruments with an accuracy of 0.01 gamma (10-7 Oe). — it is designed to be easily operated in geological field work (light weight, low power, possibility to make continuous measurements along a given profile, the measuring signals being radio-linked there are no wires connecting the instruments). Firstly we describe the components of the magnetometer itself namely: double resonance magnetometer heads and differential numerical magnetometer. Secondly we describe the measuring technique.  相似文献   
Carbonate platforms across Western Europe were superseded at the Middle–Upper Jurassic (Callovian–Oxfordian) boundary either by alternating marl–limestone and widespread marl deposits or by condensed sections containing iron ooids. The characteristics of marine condensed sections in the south-eastern part of the Paris Basin (France) and their distribution pattern are examined here, and a model of iron ooid formation is developed. Iron ooids are found from the shoreface to the offshore zone. They are most abundant in the median-to-distal offshore transition zone, where they originally formed. They also occur commonly, albeit often as reworked grains, in the proximal offshore zone, to which they were transported. The contemporaneous, thick, predominantly marl sections that occur laterally are devoid of iron ooids and were deposited in deeper settings (distal offshore zone). The iron ooids are composed of goethite. Typically, they have a nucleus made up of a clump of goethite crystals and a laminated cortex. Three distinctive nanostructures are identified in the cortex laminae: (i) a nanograined crystalline structure typical of primary goethite; (ii) a secondary nanoflaked structure thought to have formed mechanically by reorientation of the goethite crystals; and (iii) a coalesced structure acquired by subsequent diagenetic recrystallization. The iron ooids formed successively (i) by lamina growth when goethite precipitated in the surface layer of the sediment (nanograined structure) and (ii) by interruption of growth when the ooids were remobilized by hydrodynamic agents, as reflected by the flaked nanostructure; (iii) these two nanostructures were sometimes transformed into a coalesced structure by recrystallization when ooids were buried.  相似文献   
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