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A first application of geomorphological methods to the assessment of sandstone deterioration at Angkor is presented. Damage diagnosis was carried out on the first eastern tier of the central pyramid of the 1,000 year-old Ta Keo temple. Methods combine field observations and measurements at 230 sampling points, high-resolution lasergrammetry and stereophotogrammetry on a 2-m2 test zone, and SEM observations. The first results indicate that decay operates through a synergistic combination of weathering phenomena dominated by scaling and solution, and exhibits a high spatial variability. Percentages of deteriorated surfaces vary from 17.6 to 93.8%, and average stone recession values from 0.00 to 2.71 cm (minimum) and 0.34 to 5.49 cm (maximum). On the test-zone, stereophotogrammetry and 3D-mapping of the present and reconstructed initial states using lasergrammetry indicate that erosion scars up to 6 cm deep have formed since 1963. On the whole, the amount of deteriorated surfaces more than tripled between 1963 and 2008. The degree of implication of salts in stone decay remains unclear for most efflorescences are composed of calcite (CaCO3), with secondary importance of barite (BaSO4) and gypsum (CaSO4·2H2O). Future prospects aim to evaluate the impact on stone decay of the clearing out of the temple from the forest in the 1920s.  相似文献   
Speleothem fluid inclusions are a potential paleo-precipitation proxy to reconstruct past rainwater isotopic composition (δ18O, δD). To get a better insight in the extraction of inclusion water from heated speleothem calcite, we monitored the water released from crushed and uncrushed speleothem calcite, heated to 900 °C at a rate of 300 °C/h, with a quadrupole mass spectrometer. Crushed calcite released water in three not well individualised peaks between 25 and 360 °C, 360 and 650 °C and between 650 and 800 °C while uncrushed calcite released water in two distinct temperature intervals: between 25 and 550 °C and between 550 and 900 °C.Water from two speleothems from the Han-sur-Lesse cave was recovered using three different techniques: i) the crushing and heating to 360 °C technique, ii) the decrepitation by heating to 550 °C and iii) the decomposition by heating to 900 °C technique. Measurements of the δD of water recovered by the decomposition of Han-sur-Lesse calcite heated to 900 °C did not show a 20 to 30‰ offset as found by previous authors. However a difference of 7‰ was observed between water released before and after decomposition of the calcite. Water recovery from the Han-sur-Lesse samples suggests that a simple heating technique (up to 550 °C) without crushing could both (a) recover water with δD representative of that of the drip water and (b) double the water yield as compared to the crushing and heating method.Our study warns for possible contamination of the recovered inclusion water with hydration water of lime, responsible for the recovery of water with very negative δD values.  相似文献   
Dissolved Fe concentrations in subterranean estuaries, like their river-seawater counterparts, are strongly controlled by non-conservative behavior during mixing of groundwater and seawater in coastal aquifers. Previous studies at a subterranean estuary of Waquoit Bay on Cape Cod, USA demonstrate extensive precipitation of groundwater-borne dissolved ferrous iron and subsequent accumulation of iron oxides onto subsurface sands. Waquoit Bay is thus an excellent natural laboratory to assess the mechanisms of Fe-isotope fractionation in redox-stratified environments and determine potential Fe-isotope signatures of groundwater sources to coastal seawater. Here, we report Fe isotope compositions of iron-coated sands and porewaters beneath the intertidal zone of Waquoit Bay. The distribution of pore water Fe shows two distinct sources of Fe: one residing in the upward rising plume of Fe-rich groundwater and the second in the salt-wedge zone of pore water. The groundwater source has high Fe(II) concentration consistent with anoxic conditions and yield δ56Fe values between 0.3 and −1.3‰. In contrast, sediment porewaters occurring in the mixing zone of the subterranean estuary have very low δ56Fe values down to −5‰. These low δ56Fe values reflect Fe-redox cycling and result from the preferential retention of heavy Fe-isotopes onto newly formed Fe-oxyhydroxides. Analysis of Fe-oxides precipitated onto subsurface sands in two cores from the subterranean estuary revealed strong δ56Fe and Fe concentration gradients over less than 2m, yielding an overall range of δ56Fe values between −2 and 1.5‰. The relationship between Fe concentration and δ56Fe of Fe-rich sands can be modeled by the progressive precipitation of Fe-oxides along fluid flow through the subterranean estuary. These results demonstrate that large-scale Fe isotope fractionation (up to 5‰) can occur in subterranean estuaries, which could lead to coastal seawater characterized by very low δ56Fe values relative to river values.  相似文献   
We present a method, based on the concept of age and residence time, to study the water renewal in a semi-enclosed domain. We split the water of this domain into different water types. The initial water is the water initially present in the semi-enclosed domain. The renewing water is defined as the water entering the domain of interest. Several renewing water types may be considered depending on their origin. We present the equations for computing the age and the residence time of a certain water type. These timescales are of use to understand the rate at which the water renewal takes place. Computing these timescales can be achieved at an acceptable extra computer cost.The above-mentioned method is applied to study the renewal of epilimnion (i.e. the surface layer) water in Lake Tanganyika. We have built a finite element reduced-gravity model modified to take into account the water exchange between the epilimnion and the hypolimnion (i.e. the bottom layer), the water supply from precipitation and incoming rivers, and the water loss from evaporation and the only outgoing river. With our water renewal diagnoses, we show that the only significant process in the renewal of epilimnion water in Lake Tanganyika is the water exchange between the epilimnion and the hypolimnion, other phenomena being negligible.  相似文献   
The objective in this experimental work is to evaluate the capability of several cylindrical buoys to follow and measure waves. Eleven configurations have been studied, eight among which were furnished with disks of different diameters at the waterline. The experiments took place in the test basin at ISITV. On the one hand, we have obtained a set of transfer coefficients for each frequency and each configuration in regular waves. On the other hand, we have determined the corresponding transfer functions, then we have used the latter to measure irregular waves. The time signals as measured by the buoys with and without corrections have been compared with wave gage measurements and subjected to a wave-by-wave analysis. The results allow the conclusion that the buoy with a medium size disk constitutes the best compromise. In fact, it permits the buoy to follow the free surface while minimizing parasitic motions.  相似文献   
The abundance of different size classes of perch and roach in the littoral zone of Lake Geneva was compared between submerged aquatic vegetation and unvegetated zones. Samples were taken with gillnets during four periods between June and October 1993. During the vegetation period (June to September), perch 9 cm and roach 10 cm were more abundant in vegetation whereas roach > 20 cm were more abundant in open water. Perch larger than 18 cm and medium roach were equally distributed in both habitats whatever the period, whereas medium perch distribution fluctuated according to the period. In October, after the decline of the vegetation, no more differences in fish distribution were observed except for small roach, which were always more abundant in the vegetated sites.  相似文献   
The purpose of this study is to derive a solid-solution model for potassic white micas (KWM) encountered in rocks of various bulk compositions, over a wide range of P-T conditions. A compilation of phengite compositions lead us to propose a seven-thermodynamic-component (muscovite, Fe2+-Al-celadonite, Mg-Al-celadonite, annite, phlogopite, pyrophyllite and paragonite) ionic solid-solution model which accounts for the Tschermak, Fe-Mg, di/trioctahedral, pyrophyllitic and paragonitic substitutions observed in nature. A four-site mixing model with symmetric Margules parameters to model the Tschermak substitutions, asymmetric Margules parameters to model the other substitutions, and ideal intersite interaction has been adopted. In contrast to previous models, the relevant thermodynamic data and solid-solution properties are calibrated with independent sets of published experiments conducted for the KMASH, KFASH, KFMASH, and KNASH systems, as well as about 200 natural data involving KWM assemblages. The constraints span a wide range of pressure and temperature conditions (150 to 750 °C, 0.5 to 30 kbar), so that our model does not need to be extrapolated outside the calibration range to be used for P-T thermobarometric purposes. The calculated thermodynamic data are interconsistent with the TWQ thermodynamic database and solid-solution models, including that recently published for chlorites.  相似文献   
The discovery of crude oils and condensates at ever higher temperatures casts doubt on the validity of the usual geochemical modelling approach, that uses empirical reactions and rate constants. The solution used to account for such a high thermal stability is presently to adjust the rate parameters, but the physical meaning and scientific value of such a strategy can be questioned. We have developed a mechanistic model consisting of 5200 lumped free radical reactions to describe the thermal evolution of a mixture of 52 organic species meant to represent light petroleum. Rate constants used are those available in the literature or estimated using well established thermochemistry-reactivity correlations. Chemical structures included in the model are linear, branched and cyclic hydrocarbons, hydro- and alkyl-aromatics, PAHs, and three heteroatomic compounds. Reactions include cracking and alkylation chains and inhibiting and accelerating reactions from the various reactants. This model has been applied to several mixtures with various proportions of reaction inhibitors and accelerators, and to a composition representing a light mature oil. From the results obtained, we conclude that mature oils will be stable up to 240–260 °C, depending on their composition, and that the thermal cracking of oil to gas is not possible under reasonable basin conditions. The kinetics of petroleum cracking are thus much slower than generally recognized.  相似文献   
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