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Sedimentary core samples were collected from Mikawa Bay and analyzed for organic C, N and P, carbohydrate and protein including amino acids. Sedimentation rates for each of the core samples were found to lie in the range of 0.21–0.24 g cm–2yr–1 by the210Pb method. Degradation rate constants of organic C, N and P, carbohydrate and protein including amino acids had ranges of 3.8–5.5, 4.7–5.9, 6.3–7.4, 5.7–6.8 and 3.9–6.8×10–2yr–1, respectively. The rate of degradation of organic matter in the sediment was also calculated and is discussed in relation to the flux of particulate organic matter to the surface of the sediment.  相似文献   
2500年来艾比湖的环境演变信息   总被引:22,自引:9,他引:22  
通过对艾比湖缘1,8m浅孔的沉积相和孢粉组合,结合14C测年资料分析。指出近2500年来艾比湖的沉积环境总体是比较稳定的,但由于气候波动引起艾比湖水位曾发生较明显的变化。约在公元前300~400年,是艾比湖面积缩小时期;约公元前300—公元300年,即东周末至西晋,是艾比湖水位较高时期;约公元300—1400年,即东晋至15世纪初,是艾比湖的高水位时期;约15世纪初至17世纪中是艾比湖的水位下降期,但水位比现代仍然高;约17世纪中至19世纪初的小冰期是艾比湖的水位上升期。研究还提供了历史时期湖泊的盐度变化和湖周发生大火的信息。  相似文献   
Careful micrometeorological measurements on an empty parking lot allowed determination of the surface fluxes of sensible heatH and of momentum by applying profile equations derived from Monin-Obukhov similarity theory with two sets of the stability correction function for momentum m and sensible heat h . These fluxes were compared with reference values ofH independently determined by means of an eddy correlation technique. In general, better agreement was found betweenH values derived from profiles with the stability functions of Brutsaert (1992) and referenceH values, than when the Businger-Dyer functions were used to deriveH. The disagreement in the latter comparison was especially serious under strongly unstable conditions, with the value ofy=–z/L (wherez is the height andL is the Obukhov length) larger than 10. A closer look at the procedure for calculatingH from the profiles revealed that the large differences between theH values derived with these two different versions of the stability correction functions were caused by the small differences of the h values, and not by the larger differences of the m values. This result stems from the strong sensitivity of the resultingH values on the choice of h .  相似文献   
Two sandy sediment cores (Cores D227-120 and D380) were collected from inside a deep-sea giant clam (Calyptogena soyoae) community off Hatsushima Island, western Sagami Bay, central Japan (35°59.9′N, 139°13.6′E; 1160 m deep) and a muddy sediment core (Core D227-202) was obtained from outside the community by the submersibleShinkai 2000. The chloride concentration of the pore waters is constant vertically and sulfate reduction using sedimentary organic matter occurs in Core D227-202 (21 cm long). The chloride concentrations are lower by 7% at the 7.5–9 cm depth in Core D227-120 (9 cm long) and by 3% at the 11–12 cm depth in Core D380 (16 cm long) than those of the overlying bottom waters in the cores from inside of the community. Sulfate concentration decreases remarkably and dissolved inorganic carbon, alkalinity, ammonium-N, and hydrogen sulfide concentrations increase significantly with increasing depth in Core D380.δ34S values of sulfate ions increase from +20.5 to +35.3‰ andδ13C values of dissolved inorganic carbon decrease drastically from −7.0 to −45‰ with increasing depth from the top to the bottom of the core, although theδ13C values of the organic carbon of the sediments are−23.7 ± 0.9‰ in Core D380. These results indicate that sulfate reduction using methane is active within the sediments just beneath the living clams and that the hydrogen sulfide produced can be used by endosymbiotic sulfur oxidizing bacteria living in the gills ofC. soyoae in the community.  相似文献   
Nobuhiko  Nakano  Yasuhito  Osanai  Masaaki  Owada  Yasutaka  Hayasaka  Tran Ngoc  Nam 《Island Arc》2009,18(1):126-143
The Kontum Massif in central Vietnam is composed of various metamorphic complexes including a high-temperature southern part (Kannak and Ngoc Linh complexes) and a low- to medium-temperature northern part (Kham Duc complex). The Kham Duc complex exhibits Barrovian-type medium-pressure metamorphism evidenced by kyanite- and/or staurolite-bearing metapelites. The garnet–gedrite–kyanite gneiss, which is the focus of the present study, preserves several mineral parageneses formed during a prograde and retrograde metamorphic history: staurolite + quartz in gedrite, garnet + gedrite + kyanite in the matrix, and spinel + cordierite symplectite between gedrite and sillimanite. The calculated semiquantitative petrogenetic grid reveals peak pressure conditions of 620–650°C at 1.1–1.2 GPa and peak temperature conditions of 730–750°C at 0.7–0.8 GPa. The monazite U–Th–Pb electron microprobe ages of the garnet–gedrite–kyanite gneiss and associated gneisses yield 246 ± 3 Ma for the Kham Duc complex, which is similar to the age of the high- to ultrahigh-temperature metamorphism in the adjacent Kannak and Ngoc Linh complexes of the southern Kontum Massif. The present results indicate that both the Barrovian-type and ultrahigh-temperature metamorphism occurred simultaneously in the Kontum Massif during an event strongly related to Permo–Triassic microcontinental collision tectonics in Asia.  相似文献   
The ages of fossil planktonic foraminifera,Pulleniatina obliquiloculata, in sediments (core 3bPC) from the western North Pacific were determined by aspartic acid chronology, which uses the racemization reaction rate constant of aspartic acid (kAsp). Aspartic acid racemization-based ages (Asp ages) ranged from 7,600 yrBP at the surface, to 307,000 yrBP at a depth of 352.9 cm in the sediments. This sediment core was also dated by the glacial-interglacial fluctuation of δ18O chronology, and the ages determined by both chronologies were compared. The ages derived from aspartic acid chronology and δ18O stratigraphy were more or less consistent, but there appeared to be some differences in age estimates between these two dating methods at some depths within the core. In the core top sediments, the likely cause for the age discrepancy could be the loss of the surface sediment during sampling of the core. At depths of 66.3 and 139 cm within the core, Asp ages indicated reduced sedimentation rates duringca. 60,000-80,000 yrBP andca. 140,000–190,000 yrBP. The maximum age differences in both chronologies are 33,000 yr and 46,600 yr during each of these periods. These anomalous reductions in sedimentation rates occurring during these periods could possibly be related to some geological events, such as an increased dissolution effect of the calcium carbonate in the western North Pacific. Another possible reason for these age differences could be the unreliability in δ18O ages of core 3bPC as they were estimated by δ18O ages of another core, 3aPC.  相似文献   
Sinking particles collected from year-long time-series sediment traps at 1674, 4180, 5687 and 8688 m depths, the underlying bottom sediment at 9200 m depth, and suspended particles from surface and subsurface waters in the northwestern North Pacific off Japan were analyzed for long-chain alkenones and alkyl alkenoates (A&A) which are derived mainly from Gephyrocapsacean algae, especially Emiliania huxleyi and Gephyrocapsa oceanica. Alkenone temperature records in sediment trap samples at 1674 m were almost similar to observed sea surface temperatures (SST) with a time delay of one half to one full month. However, alkenone temperatures in trap samples were about slightly lower than measured SST in late spring to early fall. The lowering might be caused by formation of the seasonal thermocline. Nevertheless, these temperature drops observed in trap samples were smaller than those actually observed in a subsurface layer off central Japan. Vertical profiles of A&A concentrations and alkenone temperatures in suspended particles collected from the subsurface waters in early fall indicated that these compounds were produced mostly in a surface mixed layer above the depth of the chlorophyll maximum even in warm seasons. These results suggested that alkenone temperatures strongly reflected SST rather than the temperatures of thermocline waters in these study areas even in such a warm season. Pronounced maxima in A&A fluxes found in sediment trap samples at 1674 m in late spring to summer showed that A&A productions were highest during the periods of spring bloom, according to a time delay between alkenone temperatures and observed SST. Seasonal patterns of alkenone records in trap samples at 4180 and 5687 m could also preserve SST signals well, suggesting that A&A in deep sea waters were mainly derived from primary products in the surface layer. A&A fluxes tended to decrease with water depth, and the ratios of A&A to particulate organic carbon (POC) rapidly decreased in underlying bottom sediment. This clearly indicates that A&A were decomposed and diluted by other refractory organic materials in either the water column or the sediment–water interface. However, A&A compositions were consistently uniform between the trap samples and the underlying bottom sediments, so that A&A could not qualitatively alter during early diagenetic processes.  相似文献   
Marine aerosols in the western North Pacific were collected using a cascade impactor. Size-separated aerosols were analyzed for organic carbon, alkanes and polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons (PAH). The results showed that the rate of decrease of the atmospheric concentrations of these organic components with increase in distance from Japan as well as from the coast of the Eurasian Continent was in the order PAHalkanes>organic carbon. The bulk of all these organic components occurred in the smallest size fraction of particles (<1m). Analysis of the alkanes and PAH indicated that the hydrocarbons in aerosols in Japanese coastal marine areas are primarily derived from terrestrial anthropogenic sources which also contribute to a lesser extent to aerosols in marine areas about 1,000 km off the coast of Japan. In remote marine areas the hydrocarbons on small particles (<1m) have principally a natural terrestrial origin while those on larger particles are marine in origin.  相似文献   
Sinking particles were analyzed for their nitrogen isotopic ratio δ15N) of total particulate nitrogen (PN), stable carbon isotopic ratio (δ13C) and radioactive isotopic ratio (δ14C) of total particulate organic carbon (POC), at three different latitudinal (temperate, subpolar and equatorial) and geomorphological (trench, proximal abyssal plain and distal abyssal plain) sites in the western North Pacific Ocean using year-long time series sediment trap systems, to clarify the common vertical trends of the isotopic signals in deep water columns. Although the δ15N and δ13C values of sinking particulate organic matter (POM) were partly affected by the resuspension of sedimentary POM from the sea floor, especially in the trench, the changes in δ15N and δ13C values owing to the resuspension could be corrected by calculation of the isotopic mass balance from δ14C of sinking POC. After this correction, common downward decreasing trends in δ15N and δ13C values were obtained in the deep water columns, irrespective of the latitudes and depths. These coincidental isotopic signals between δ15N and δ13C values provide new constraints for the decomposition process of sinking POM, such as the preferential degradation of 15N- and 13C-rich compounds and the successive re-formation of the sinking particles by higher trophic level organisms in the deep water column.  相似文献   
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