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Erciyes stratovolcano, culminating at 3917 m, is located in the Cappadocian region of central Anatolia. During its evolution, this Quaternary volcano produced pyroclastic deposits and lava flows. The great majority of these products are calc-alkaline in character and they constitute Kocdag and Erciyes sequences by repeated activities. Alkaline activity is mainly observed in the first stages of Kocdag and approximately first-middle stages of Erciyes sequences. Generally, Kocdag and Erciyes stages terminate by pyroclastic activities. The composition of lavas ranges from basalt to rhyolite (48.4–70.5 wt.% SiO2). Calc-alkaline rocks are represented mostly by andesites and dacites. Some compositional differences between alkaline basaltic, basaltic and andesitic rocks were found; while the composition of dacites remain unchanged. All these volcanics are generally enriched in LIL and HFS elements relative to the orogenic values except Rb, Ba, Nb depleted alkaline basalt. 87Sr/86Sr and 143Nd/144Nd isotopic composition of the volcanics range between 0.703344–0.703964, 0.512920–0.512780 for alkaline basalts and change between 0.704322–0.705088, 0.512731–0.512630 for alkaline basaltic rocks whereas calc-alkaline rocks have relatively high Sr and Nd isotopic ratios (0.703434–0.705468, 0.512942–0.512600). Low Rb, Ba, Nb content with high Zr/Nb, low Ba/Nb, La/Yb ratio and low Sr isotopic composition suggest an depleted source component, while high Ba, Rb, Nb content with high La/Yb, Ba/Nb, low Zr/Nb and low 87Sr/86Sr ratios indicate an OIB-like mantle source for the generation of Erciyes alkaline magma. These elemental and ratio variations also indicate that the different mantle sources have undergone different degree of partial melting episodes. The depletion in Ba, Rb, Nb content may be explained by the removal of these elements from the source by slab-derived fluids which were released from pre-collisional subduction, modified the asthenospheric mantle. The chemically different mantle sources interacted with crustal materials to produce calc-alkaline magma. The Ba/Nb increase of calc-alkaline samples indicates the increasing input of crustal components to Erciyes volcanics. Sr and Nd isotopic compositions and elevated LIL and HFS element content imply that calc-alkaline magma may be derived from mixing of an OIB-like mantle melts with a subduction-modified asthenospheric mantle and involvement of crustal materials in intraplate environments.  相似文献   
Neogene volcanism in the Eastern Rif (Morocco) comprises a series of calc-alkaline, potassic calc-alkaline, shoshonitic and alkaline volcanic rocks. According to new stratigraphical, along with new and previous chronological and geochemical data, the orogenic volcanism was successively (1) calc-alkaline (basaltic andesites and andesites: 13.1 to 12.5 Ma, rhyolites: 9.8 Ma), (2) K-calc-alkaline (basaltic andesitic to rhyolitic lavas and granodiorites: 9.0 to 6.6 Ma), and (3) shoshonitic (absarokites, shoshonites, latites, trachytes: 7.0 to 5.4 Ma). The later Pliocene volcanism was basaltic and alkaline (5.6 to 1.5 Ma). The calc-alkaline and K-calc-alkaline series exhibit lower K2O (0.7–5.3 wt.%), Nb (8–19 ppm) contents and higher 87Sr/86Sr (0.70773–0.71016) than the shoshonitic series (K2O: 2.4–7.2 wt.%, Nb: 21–38 ppm, 87Sr/86Sr: 0.70404–0.70778). Pliocene alkaline basalts have a sodic tendency (Na2O/K2O: 1.7–3.5), high Nb content (up to 52 ppm), and low 87Sr/86Sr ratio (0.70360–0.70413). The variations through time of K2O, Nb and Sr isotopic ratio reflect different mantle sources: (i) calc-alkaline, potassic calc-alkaline and shoshonitic series are derived from a mantle source modified by older subduction, (ii) alkaline basalts are derived mainly from an enriched mantle source. Through time, incompatible elements such as Nb increased while 87Sr/86Sr decreased, suggesting a decreasing influence of metasomatized mantle (inherited subduction). Such evolution is related to the post-collision regimes operating in this area, and could be linked to the succession of extensional, compressional and strike-slip fault tectonics.  相似文献   
It is necessary to model and analyze the ionospheric effects due to a direct relationship between Global Positioning System (GPS) applications and changes in the ionosphere. In order to monitor these changes, the ionosphere can be represented by the vertical total electron content (VTEC) which can be used to analyze ionospheric conditions from a variety of stations. In this study, 21 stations were used to carry out analysis and estimation of VTEC. Three days during a geomagnetic storm, namely, 7, 8, and 9 January 2005, are chosen for investigation. In addition, the de-correlation time of the VTEC was estimated to define ionospheric variations in time using autocorrelation analysis. The de-correlation time of the ionosphere is based on correlation times estimated by using autocorrelation functions. From the high-latitude stations, the mean of the correlation times decreased from 8 to 6 epochs during a storm. In this time period, it was found from the station results that the ionosphere was more affected at the high-latitude than at the mid-latitude region.  相似文献   
Historical aerial photographs are an invaluable tool in shoreline mapping and change detection in coastal landscapes. We evaluate the extent to which structure-from-motion (SfM) photogrammetric methods can be applied to quantify volumetric changes along sandy beaches, using archival imagery. We demonstrate the application of SfM-derived digital surface models (DSMs) at East Beach and Lady Bay in southwest Victoria, Australia, using photographic datasets taken in 1969, 1977 and 1986, and compare them to LiDAR-derived DSMs acquired at both sites in 2007. The SfM approaches resulted in two entire and two partial suitable DSMs out of six datasets. Good-quality DSMs were spatially continuous with a good spread of ground control points (GCPs) near the beach at Lady Bay, whereas unsuitable DSMs were mostly restricted by poor distribution and number of GCPs in spatially segmented areas of East Beach, due to limited overlapping of images, possible poor quality of GCPs and also the propagation of errors in the derived point clouds. A volume of approximately 223 000 ± 72 000 m3 was deposited at Lady Bay between 1969 and 2007, despite minimal erosion observed near the breakwater. The partially suitable dataset of East Beach indicated that beach erosion of at least 39 m3 m−1 occurred immediately to the east of the seawall after 1977. We also discuss the drawbacks and strengths of SfM approaches as a benchmark of historical erosion assessments along sandy beaches. © 2020 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   
通过对克孜尔水库跨断层形变特征进行分析,结果显示:①垂直形变每年3~4月、10~11月分别为峰、谷值时间;水平形变每年6~7月、1月分别为峰、谷值时间.②垂直变形的峰-谷时间间隔在1997年之前多为5~8个月,1998年后多为1~3个月;谷-峰值时间间隔在1997年前多为4~7个月,1998年后多在8~11个月.水平形...  相似文献   
The Quaternary evolution of the Gulf of İzmit, situated on the tectonically active North Anatolian Fault Zone (NAFZ), was investigated using seismic reflection, paleontologic, and sediment textural data. On the basis of seismic stratigraphic and sedimentologic-paleontologic interpretations, four depositional units were distinguished within the Plio-Quaternary sequence of the Gulf of İzmit. According to these data, Plio-Quaternary deposits supplied from the northern terrestrial area started to accumulate during a progradational phase, in a south-facing half-graben. A coarse-grained sedimentary unit prograding into the gulf from the south since 200 ka b.p. indicates a dramatic variation in the evolution of the gulf, with the initiation of a new strike-slip fault of the NAFZ and a corresponding uplift of the Armutlu Peninsula in the south of the gulf. During the evolution of this fault from a wide shear zone consisting of right-stepped strike-slip faults and pull-apart basins to a localized principal fault zone, sediments were deposited under the influence of northerly prograding terrestrial and shallow-marine conditions due to relative sea-level fluctuations in the Marmara Sea. During this period, the Gulf of İzmit was invaded mainly by Mediterranean and partly by Black Sea waters. In the latest glacial period, shallow areas in the gulf became subaerially exposed, whereas the central and western sub-basins of the gulf turned into lakes. The present evolution of the Gulf of İzmit is controlled by the after effects of the new rupture of the NAFZ and the estuarine nature of the gulf environment.  相似文献   
The photoluminescence (PL) spectra, excitation spectra, and PL decay curves of natural, heat-treated, and γ-ray-irradiated thenardites from Ai-Ding Salt Lake, Xinjiang, China, were studied. The natural thenardite under 300 nm excitation showed milk-white luminescence, and the PL spectrum consisted of an extremely broad band with a peak located at approximately 509 nm, spreading over a wide range of UV and visible wavelengths. The excitation spectra, obtained by monitoring the luminescence at 530 nm, consisted of a broad band with a peak located at approximately 235 nm and a flat band spreading over a wide range of UV and visible wavelengths. The PL decay curve of natural thenardite consisted of a fast-decay component with a lifetime of less than 0.1 μs and a slow-decay component with a half-decay time of approximately 0.4 s. The heat treatment of thenardite at 900°C for 20 min reduced the luminescence efficiency to 1/100. The γ-ray irradiation of thenardite reduced the luminescence efficiency to approximately half.  相似文献   
In this study, the fossil microfaunal composition of 28 Recent sediment samples from Lake İznik and 19 samples from Lake Sapanca was investigated. The presence of at least ten marine ostracod and 23 foraminifer species in the sediments of Lake İznik, and at least one marine ostracod and two foraminifer species in the sediments of Lake Sapanca confirm that these lakes must have been connected to the world ocean sometime during the late Quaternary. The most obvious former link between these lakes and the Mediterranean Sea would have been via the Marmara Sea with an eastward extension of the Gemlik and İzmit bays. The proximity of Lake Sapanca to the lower course of the Sakarya River, however, also supports earlier suggestions that there may have been a temporary connection with the Black Sea via this river valley. Whatever the case, the findings of this study clearly demonstrate that vertical tectonic movements need to be taken into account when reconstructing the late Quaternary sea-level history of this region.  相似文献   
Neogene Yamadağı volcanic rocks consist of basaltic trachyandesite, trachyandesite, andesite, and dacite. The major- and trace-element chemistry indicates that the lavas are dominantly calc-alkaline and mildly alkaline in character, sodic in nature, and intermediate to acidic in composition. REE and trace-element patterns of volcanic rocks are similar to those typical of within plate magmatics. Volcanic rocks have low 87Sr/86Sr (0.70389–0.70633) and high 143Nd/144Nd ratios (0.51267–0.51276) and mostly plot within the mantle array of the isotope ratio diagram. The linear correlations among 87Sr/86Sr143Nd/144Nd, SiO287Sr/86Sr and SiO2143Nd/144Nd isotope ratios in the volcanics suggest that fractional crystallization combined with minor assimilation was an important process within the collision zone.  相似文献   
China has become the biggest CO2 emitter in the world. In China, economic development in different regions is not the same. Thus, it is necessary to study the regional decoupling relationship between energy-related CO2 emission and economic development. Considering the regional difference of economic development, energy consumption and CO2 emission, provincial regions in China are divided into seven economic bands. The Tapio decoupling method is adopted to calculate the decoupling index in the seven regions over the study period 1996–2013. Furthermore, the WCDM is developed to study the driving factors governing the decoupling state. The result showed that decoupling development differed in each economic band; North-East and North-West, showed a better trend and a worse one, respectively, than the others. Economic factor showed a stable trend of negative effect, and energy intensity factor was the crucial factor to accelerate the process of CO2 emission decoupling. Only in Yangtze River delta, economic band had structural factor shown a positive effect during the research period, and emission efficiency factor was not stable and showed a negative effect in most years in every region.  相似文献   
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