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The results of studying the features of the hydrogeological structure and chemical and isotope composition of thermal waters from the central part of Vietnam that are characterized by intense manifestations of intrusive magmatism are presented. It is established that low–and high–thermal waters with temperature varying within 30–85°C are developed in the area under study. The value of total mineralization of the hydrotherms ranges from 0.05 to 10.05 g/dm3. It is assumed that the circulation of thermal waters that are different in temperature and chemical composition occurs at two levels. The regular change of the hydrotherm composition in the direction from mineralized chloride sodium, including with increased Ca content, to fresh sodium bicarbonate is revealed. The ratio of δ18O–δ2H isotopes indicates that the water component is based on meteoric water. In the coastal areas, there is an isotope shift towards the ocean waters, which is also confirmed by the hydrogeochemical data. The key factors for forming the chemical composition of the thermal waters in South Trungbo are their genetic type, the interaction processes in the “water–rock–gas–organic substance” system, and their equilibrium–nonequilibrium state.  相似文献   
Atacama Large Millimetre/sub-millimetre Array(ALMA) observations of CO(1–0) and CO(2–1) emissions from the circumstellar envelope of the asymptotic giant branch(AGB) star EP Aqr have been made with four times better spatial resolution than previously available. They are analysed with emphasis on the de-projection in space of the effective emissivity and flux of matter using as input a prescribed configuration of the velocity field, assumed to be radial. The data are found to display an intrinsic axisymmetry with respect to an axis making a small angle with respect to the line of sight. A broad range of wind configurations, from prolate(bipolar) to oblate(equatorial) has been studied and found to be accompanied by significant equatorial emission. Qualitatively, the effective emissivity is enhanced near the equator to produce the central narrow component observed in the Doppler velocity spectra and its dependence on star latitude generally follows that of the wind velocity with the exception of an omni-present depression near the poles. In particular, large equatorial expansion velocities produce a flared disc or a ring of effective emissivity and mass loss. The effect on the determination of the orientation of the star axis of radial velocity gradients, and possibly competing rotation and expansion in the equatorial disc, is discussed. In general,the flux of matter is found to reach a broad maximum at distances of the order of 500 AU from the star.Arguments are given that may be used to favour one wind velocity distribution over another. As a result of the improved quality of the data, a deeper understanding of the constraints imposed on morphology and kinematics has been obtained.  相似文献   
The South China Sea and adjacent areas is a large region with diversely complicated geological conditions. In spite of investigations carried out over the past many years, the marine geological structure in many places has remained poorly understood because of the deficient data, a thick seawater layer as well as of the sensitive areas among the countries in the region. In this paper, the authors study and apply a model-based methodology of the modeling and interpretation of the newest gravity data and others, which are 3D modeling, frequency filtering, horizontal gravity gradient and maximum horizontal gravity gradient, in order to determine clearly the basement structure. The basement features such as the main faults systems, uplift-depression zones and seafloor spreading axis, oceanic boundary in the region have been defined. The achieved results are checked by the seismic data available for the region. From the studied results, the authors have brought out some initial remarks on the structure and form of the basement in the South China Sea and adjacent areas.  相似文献   
Recognizing the importance of building disaster resilience for education sector, this study aims to develop a methodology to measure the level of educational resilience to cope with natural disasters and is then applied in Central Vietnam. The assessment tool in this paper is developed through a combination of climate disaster resilience indexes and the 16 tasks of Hyogo framework for action designed for education sector. It looks at five dimensions namely physical conditions, human resources, institutional issues, external relationships, and natural conditions, with each dimension characterized by three parameters and five variables. Findings from this study provide important insights into enhancing resilience of the education system in Thua Thien Hue at the provincial, local, and school levels. By giving the overall resilience situation, it can help policy-makers and practitioners in developing an effective plan to increase the level of educational resilience. In addition, it provides the School Management Board with a means to assess the school??s resilience level and set out priorities that need to be focused on with regard to the improvement of school safety and disaster risk reduction education.  相似文献   
Sedimentary rocks of the section in the Red River fold zone of northern Viet Nam are considered. It is shown that secondary mineral parageneses formed in two stages. The first stage (35–17 Ma ago) corresponded to the period of structure extension and sediment subsidence to a depth of about 6 km. This period and subsequent 10 Ma were marked by the formation of a usual dia- and catagenetic zoning of metasedimentary rocks. The second stage (5–7 Ma ago) corresponded to processes of compression that were responsible for the deformation of rocks into gentle folds and 1.5 to 2.2 times contraction of the section thickness in different places. The sequential–mineralogical zoning was disturbed at this stage. Smectites and mixed-layer minerals were replaced by chlorites and hydromicas. Organic material also responded to compression simultaneously with inorganic components. The bituminous component was released from humic matter and rocks became enriched in hydrocarbons.  相似文献   
The Jinping–Song Da rift structure in the Emeishan Large Igneous Province is composed of Permian high- and low-Ti volcanic and volcanoplutonic ultramafic-mafic associations of different compositions and genesis. High-Ti picrites, picrobasalts, basalts, and dolerites are enriched in LREE and depleted in HREE and show low Al2O3/TiO2 ratios (~4), commensurate εNd(T) values (+0.5 to +1.1), and low (Th/Nb)PM ratios similar to those of OIB-enriched mantle source. The established geochemical characteristics evidence that the parental melts of these rocks were generated from garnet lherzolite at the depths of garnet stability (~200 to 400 km). Later, high-Mg low-Ti volcanics (komatiites, komatiitic basalts, and basalts) and associating small peridotite-gabbro massifs and komatiite-basalt dikes were produced as a result of ~20% partial melting of depleted water-poor (≤0.03 wt.% H2O) peridotite substratum from the hottest upper part of mantle plume at relatively shallow depths (100–120 km). The LREE-depleted komatiites and komatiitic basalts are characterized by low (Ce/Yb)CH values, 187Re/188Os = 0.05–1.2, 87Sr/86Sr = 0.704–0.706, positive εNd(T) values (+3 to +8), γOs = –0.5 to +0.9, and strong negative anomalies of Ba, K, and Sr on the spidergrams. The scarcer LREE-enriched komatiites, komatiitic basalts, and basalts vary greatly in chemical composition and values of εNd(t) (+6.4 to –10.2), 87Sr/86Sr (0.706–0.712), and γOs (+14.8 to +56), which is due to the different degrees of crustal contamination of parental magmas. The Rb-Sr isotopic age of basaltic komatiite is 257 ± 24 Ma. The Re-Os age determined by analysis of 12 komatiite samples is 270 ± 21 Ma. These data agree with the age of flood basalts of the Emeishan Large Igneous Province. The komatiite-basalt complex of the Song Da rift is still the only Phanerozoic PGE-Cu-Ni-complex of this composition. The geochemistry of accompanying Cu-Ni-PGE-ores confirms their relationship with komatiite-basaltic magmatism.  相似文献   
The Cuu Long Basin (Mekong Basin) is a rift basin off southern Vietnam, and the most important petroleum producing basin in the country. However, information on petroleum type and characteristics has hitherto been largely unavailable to the public. This paper presents petroleum geochemical data on nine oil samples from four different producing fields in the Cuu Long Basin: the Dragon (Rong), Black Lion (Sutu-Den), Sunrise (Rang ?ong) and White Tiger (Bach Ho) Fields. The oils are highly paraffinic with bimodal normal alkane distributions and show moderate pristane to phytane ratios and a conspicuous hyperbolic decrease in abundance with increasing carbon number of hopane homologues from C30 to C35. The TPP-index of Holba et al. (Holba, A.G., Dzou, L.I., Wood, G.D., Ellis, L., Adam, P., Schaeffer, P., Albrecht, P., Greene, T., Hughes, W.B., 2003. Application of tetracyclic polyprenoids as indicators of input from fresh–brackish water environments. Organic Geochemistry 34, 441–469) is equal to 1 in all samples which in combination with tricyclic triperpane T26/T25 ratios >1 and the n-alkane and hopane distributions mentioned above provide a strong indication of an origin from lacustrine source rocks. This is supported by the absence of marine C30 desmethyl steranes (i.e. 24-n-propylcholestanes) and marine diatom-derived norcholestanes. Based on the overall biological marker distributions, the lakes probably belonged to the overfilled or balanced-fill types defined by Bohacs et al. (Bohacs, K.M., Carroll, A.R., Neal, J.E., Mankiewicz, P.J., 2000. Lake-basin type, source potential, and hydrocarbon character. An integrated sequence-stratigraphic–geochemical framework. AAPG Studies in Geology 46, 3–34). The oils were generated from source rocks at early- to mid-oil-window maturity, presumably Oligocene lacustrine shales that are present in the syn-rift succession. Oils from individual fields may, however, be distinguished by a combination of biological marker parameters, such as the oleanane index, the gammacerane index, the relative abundance of tricyclic terpanes, the proportions of diasteranes and 28-norspergulane, complemented by other parameters. The oils of the Cuu Long Basin show an overall similarity to the B-10 oil from the Song Hong Basin off northern Vietnam, but are markedly different from the seepage oils known from Dam Thi Nai on the coast of central Vietnam.  相似文献   
The ecological aspect of meiofaunal communities in Can Gio mangrove forest, Ho Chi Minh city, Vietnam has not been investigated before. The composition, distribution, density and biodiversity of meiofaunal communities were studied along an intertidal transect at the Khe Nhan mudflat. Each time, three replicate samples were collected in four stations along a transect following the water line from low tide level up to the mangrove forest edge. In total, 18 meiofaunal taxa were found with the dominant taxa belonging to Nematoda, Copepoda, Sarcomastigophora and Polychaeta. The densities of meiofauna ranged from 1156 inds/10 cm2 to 2082 inds/10 cm2. The increase in densities from the mangrove forest edge towards the low water line was significant. Along the mudflat transect, the biodiversity (expressed by different indices) was relatively high at different taxonomic levels but did not vary significantly along the mudflat except for taxa richness. Eighty nematode genera belonging to 24 families with Comesomatidae having the highest abundance 33.8 % were found.Theristus andNeochromadora decreased in densities from the lower water line towards the mangrove forest edge, whileParacomesoma andHopperia are typical and more abundant at the middle of the mudflat.Halalaimus increased from high on the mudflat to the low water line.  相似文献   
The king scallop (Pecten maximus) is one of the most important benthic species of the English Channel as it constitutes the first fishery in terms of landings in this area. To support strategies of spatial fishery management, we develop a high-resolution biophysical model to study scallop dispersal in two bays along the French coasts of the English Channel (i.e. the bay of Saint-Brieuc and the bay of Seine) and to quantify the relative roles of local hydrodynamic processes, temperature-dependent planktonic larval duration (PLD) and active swimming behaviour (SB). The two bays are chosen for three reasons: (1) the distribution of the scallop stocks in these areas is well known from annual scallop stock surveys, (2) these two bays harbour important fisheries and (3) scallops in these two areas present some differences in terms of reproductive cycle and spawning duration. The English Channel currents and temperature are simulated for 10 years (2000–2010) with the MARS-3D code and then used by the Lagrangian module of MARS-3D to model the transport. Results were analysed in terms of larval distribution at settlement and connectivity rates. While larval transport in the two bays depended both on the tidal residual circulation and the wind-induced currents, the relative role of these two hydrodynamic processes varied among bays. In the bay of Saint-Brieuc, the main patterns of larval dispersal were due to tides, the wind being only a source of variability in the extent of larval patch and the local retention rate. Conversely, in the bay of Seine, wind-induced currents altered both the direction and the extent of larval transport. The main effect of a variable PLD in relation to the thermal history of each larva was to reduce the spread of dispersal and consequently increase the local retention by about 10 % on average. Although swimming behaviour could influence larval dispersal during the first days of the PLD when larvae are mainly located in surface waters, it has a minor role on larval distribution at settlement and retention rates. The analysis of the connectivity between subpopulations within each bay allows identifying the main sources of larvae which depend on both the characteristics of local hydrodynamics and the spatial heterogeneity in the reproductive outputs.  相似文献   
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