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The synthetic amphibole Na0.95(Li0.95Mg1.05)Mg5Si8O22(OH)2 was studied in situ at high-T, using IR OH-stretching spectroscopy and synchrotron X-ray powder diffraction. At room-T the sample has P21 /m symmetry, as shown by the FTIR spectrum. It shows in the OH region two well-defined and intense absorptions at 3,748 and 3,712 cm−1, respectively, and two minor bands at 3,667 and 3,687 cm−1. The main bands are assigned to the two independent O–H groups in the primitive structure. The two minor bands evidencing the presence of small amount of vacant A-site (A0.05). With increasing T, these bands shift continuously and merge into a unique absorption at high temperature. A change as a function of increasing T is revealed by the evolution of the refined unit-cell parameters, whose trend shows a transition to C2/m at about 320–330°C. The spontaneous scalar strain, fitted with a tricritical 2–6 Landau potential, gives a T c of 325(10)°C (β parameter = 0.27). Comparison with the second-order P21 /mC2/m phase transition at 255°C for synthetic amphibole ANa0.8B(Na0.8Mg1.2)CMg5Si8O22(OH)2 indicates that the substitution of Na with Li at the B-sites strongly affects the thermodynamic character and the T c of the phase transition. The comparison of LNMSH amphiboles with cummingtonitic ones shows that the high-T thermodynamic behaviour is affected by A-site occupancy.  相似文献   
A synthetic clinopyroxene with composition LiFe3+Ge2O6, monoclinic s.g. P21/c, a = 9.8792(7), b = 8.8095(5), c = 5.3754(3) Å, β = 108.844(6)°, V = 442.75(16) Å3, has been studied by in situ low- and high-temperature single-crystal X-ray diffraction. The variation of lattice parameters and the intensity of the b-type reflections (h + k = 2n + 1, only present in the P-symmetry) with increasing temperature showed a displacive phase transition from space group P21/c to C2/c at a transition temperature T tr = 789 K, first order in character, with a sudden volume increase of 1.6% and a decrease of β by 1° at the transition. This spontaneous dilatation is reversible, shows a limited hysteresis of ±10°C, and corresponds to the vanishing of the b-type reflections, thus indicating a symmetry increase to space group C2/c. Below T tr an expansion is observed for all the cell parameters, while the β angle remained almost constant; at T > T tr the thermal volume expansion is due to dilatation of the structure in the $(\bar{1}\,0\,1) A synthetic clinopyroxene with composition LiFe3+Ge2O6, monoclinic s.g. P21/c, a = 9.8792(7), b = 8.8095(5), c = 5.3754(3) ?, β = 108.844(6)°, V = 442.75(16) ?3, has been studied by in situ low- and high-temperature single-crystal X-ray diffraction. The variation of lattice parameters and the intensity of the b-type reflections (h + k = 2n + 1, only present in the P-symmetry) with increasing temperature showed a displacive phase transition from space group P21/c to C2/c at a transition temperature T tr = 789 K, first order in character, with a sudden volume increase of 1.6% and a decrease of β by 1° at the transition. This spontaneous dilatation is reversible, shows a limited hysteresis of ±10°C, and corresponds to the vanishing of the b-type reflections, thus indicating a symmetry increase to space group C2/c. Below T tr an expansion is observed for all the cell parameters, while the β angle remained almost constant; at T > T tr the thermal volume expansion is due to dilatation of the structure in the ([`1] 0 1)(\bar{1}\,0\,1) plane, mostly along [0 1 0], and pure shear in the (0 1 0) plane due to the decrease of β. From comparison with silicate analogues, the germanate clinopyroxenes are more expansible, while the P21/c expands more than the C2/c phase. The evolution of Q 2 (calculated as the normalized intensity of b-type reflections) with T in the framework of the Landau theory has been done using a standard expression for a first order phase transition. We observe a jump of Q 02 = 0.538(2) at T tr, with T c of 481(7) K, b/a = −2,290 K, and c/a = 3,192 K, and thus far from being tri-critical point. A closely related composition (LiFe3+Si2O6) shows an equivalent phase transition at 228 K, which is very close to the tri-critical point and 561 K cooler. This result indicates that a change in the composition of tetrahedral sites can have dramatic effects on the P21/c ↔ C2/c displacive phase transition in clinopyroxenes. The major changes observed in the evolution of the crystal structure with T are observed in the M2 polyhedron, with a volume decrease by ca. 13.3%, compared to ca. 1.3% observed in the M1 polyhedron. The tetrahedra behave as rigid units with neither a significant change of volume at T > T tr (<1‰), nor a change of tilting of the basal plane. No change in coordination is observed at T > T tr in the M2 polyhedron, which remains sixfold coordinated although a strong deformation of this polyhedron is observed. This deformation is related to a strong change by 51.4° at T tr of the kinking angle (O3–O3–O3 angle) of the B-chain of tetrahedra, which switches from O-rotated to S-rotated [from 143.3(5)° to 194.7(6)°]. The A-chain is S-rotated at T < T tr [206.8(5)° at 703 K] and extends by 12° at the transition.  相似文献   
The volume variation as a function of pressure along the jadeite–aegirine solid solution was determined at room temperature up to pressures between 6.5 and 9.7 GPa by single-crystal X-ray diffraction. The unit-cell volumes collected at room pressure for the different compositions indicate a slight deviation from linearity along the join. The pressure–volume data have been fitted using a third-order Birch-Murnaghan equation of state (BM3-EoS). The bulk modulus, K T0, varies from 134.0(7) GPa for pure jadeite to 116.1(5) GPa for pure aegirine. Its evolution with composition along the join is not linear and can be described by the following second order polynomial:
The value of the first pressure derivative K′ is close to 4 for all the samples investigated and can be used in a BM3-EoS to determine the volume variations of these pyroxenes up to 7–10 GPa. Along the join the highest compressibility among the crystallographic directions is always observed along a, however, the compression along b is the most affected by compositional changes. The strain ellipsoid analysis indicates that the major compression occurs on the (0 1 0) plane along a direction at about 145° to the c axis (from c to a). The anisotropy of the compression increases with increasing the aegirine component, as confirmed by the analysis of both the axial compressibility and the strain tensor.  相似文献   
This paper describes single-crystal measurements on a crystal plate cut from a naturally-occurring almandine-rich single crystal (Alm69Pyr19Spe8Gro4) from Wrangell Alaska. The objective was to measure the mean-squared-displacement (msd) tensor precisely using M?ssbauer spectroscopy. Parallel quantum-mechanical calculations based on X-ray determined atomic displacement parameters and M?ssbauer parameters from polycrystalline measurements indicated that the msd tensor should display significant anisotropy, easily measurable within the precision of the M?ssbauer experiment. For each single-crystal orientation the observed M?ssbauer spectrum represents a macroscopic quantity that is the average over six symmetry-related (local) dodecahedral sites in which the high-spin Fe2+ ions reside. The anisotropy in the measured msd tensor is, nevertheless, unequivocal. Furthermore, the magnitudes of the M?ssbauer-determined msd principal values exceed those of the corresponding X-ray-determined quantities by a factor 3.7. The equivalent recoilless fractions are also anisotropic and consequently one observes the Gol’danskii–Karyagin Effect (GKE), as manifested by an asymmetric quadrupole doublet in polycrystalline absorbers. Moreover, the line widths of the two quadrupole lines are markedly different but angle invariant. This is interpreted as implying that, in addition to anisotropy in the msd tensor, differential spin–spin relaxation is present in the $ m = \pm 3/2 \leftrightarrow \pm 1/2 $ and $ m = \pm 1/2 \leftrightarrow \pm 1/2,\, \mp 1/2 $ nuclear transitions. While both effects contribute to the quadrupole asymmetries observed in M?ssbauer spectra of polycrystalline almandine, the GKE is apparently predominant.  相似文献   
A natural Ca-poor pigeonite (Wo6En76Fs18) from the ureilite meteorite sample PCA82506-3, free of exsolved augite, was studied by in situ high-temperature single-crystal X-ray diffraction. The sample, monoclinic P21/c, was annealed up to 1,093°C to induce a phase transition from P21/c to C2/c symmetry. The variation with increasing temperature of the lattice parameters and of the intensity of the b-type reflections (h + k = 2n + 1, present only in the P21/c phase) showed a displacive phase transition P21/c to C2/c at a transition temperature T Tr = 944°C, first order in character. The Fe–Mg exchange kinetics was studied by ex situ single-crystal X-ray diffraction in a range of temperatures between the closure temperature of the Fe–Mg exchange reaction and the transition temperature. Isothermal disordering annealing experiments, using the IW buffer, were performed on three crystals at 790, 840 and 865°C. Linear regression of ln k D versus 1/T yielded the following equation: ln k\textD = - 3717( ±416)/T(K) + 1.290( ±0.378);    (R2 = 0.988) \ln \,k_{\text{D}} = - 3717( \pm 416)/T(K) + 1.290( \pm 0.378);\quad (R^{2} = 0.988) . The closure temperature (T c) calculated using this equation was ∼740(±30)°C. Analysis of the kinetic data carried out taking into account the e.s.d.'s of the atomic fractions used to define the Fe–Mg degree of order, performed according to Mueller’s model, allowed us to retrieve the disordering rate constants C 0 K dis+ for all three temperatures yielding the following Arrhenius relation: ln( C0 K\textdis + ) = ln K0 - Q/(RT) = 20.99( ±3.74) - 26406( ±4165)/T(K);    (R2 = 0.988) \ln \left( {C_{0} K_{\text{dis}}^{ + } } \right) = \ln \,K_{0} - Q/(RT) = 20.99( \pm 3.74) - 26406( \pm 4165)/T(K);\quad (R^{2} = 0.988) . An activation energy of 52.5(±4) kcal/mol for the Fe–Mg exchange process was obtained. The above relation was used to calculate the following Arrhenius relation modified as a function of X Fe (in the range of X Fe = 0.20–0.50): ln( C0 K\textdis + ) = (21.185 - 1.47X\textFe ) - \frac(27267 - 4170X\textFe )T(K) \ln \left( {C_{0} K_{\text{dis}}^{ + } } \right) = (21.185 - 1.47X_{\text{Fe}} ) - {\frac{{(27267 - 4170X_{\text{Fe}} )}}{T(K)}} . The cooling time constant, η = 6 × 10−1 K−1 year−1 calculated on the PCA82506-3 sample, provided a cooling rate of the order of 1°C/min consistent with the extremely fast late cooling history of the ureilite parent body after impact excavation.  相似文献   
The unit-cell parameters of two columbite samples along the (Fe,Mn)Nb2O6 solid solution were measured by means of high-pressure single-crystal X-ray diffraction up to pressures of 7 GPa. The compressional behaviour of these minerals was studied as a function of composition and degree of order. The P–V data of all the samples were fitted with a third-order Birch–Murnaghan equation of state. For the two samples with different compositions but identical degree of order the substitution of Mn for Fe causes a decrease of the bulk modulus K T0, from 153(1) to 146(1) GPa, without any effect on the pressure first derivative K′. For the two samples with the same composition, cation ordering causes an increase of the bulk modulus from 149(1) to 153(1) GPa and of the pressure first derivative from 4.1(2) to 4.8(3). The compressional behaviour is anisotropic with a linear axial compressibility scheme β b > β c β a for all samples, regardless of composition and degree of order. Such anisotropy increases sligthly with increasing Mn content.  相似文献   
Gem-quality alexandrite, hiddenite and kunzite, elbaite and topaz minerals were characterized through a multi-methodological investigation based on EMPA-WDS, LA-ICP-MS, and laser-induced breakdown spectroscopy (LIBS). With respect to the others, the latter technique enables a simultaneous multi-elemental composition without any sample preparation and the detection of light elements, such as Li, Be and B. The criteria for the choice of minerals were: (a) the presence of chromophore elements in minor contents and/or as traces; (b) the presence of light lithophile elements (Li, Be and B); (c) different crystal chemistry complexity. The results show that LIBS can be employed in mineralogical studies for the identification and characterization of minerals, and as a fast screening method to determine the chemical composition, including the chromophore and light lithophile elements.  相似文献   
A compressional study of (Na,Ca)(Ti3+,Mg)Si2O6-clinopyroxenes was carried out at high pressures between 10−4 and 10.2 GPa using in situ single-crystal X-ray diffraction, Raman spectroscopy and optical absorption spectroscopy. Compressional discontinuities accompanied by structural changes, in particular, the appearance of two distinct Ti3+–Ti3+ distances within the octahedral chains at 4.37 GPa, provide evidence for the occurrence of a phase transition in NaTi3+Si2O6. Equation-of-state parameters are K 0 = 115.9(7) GPa with K′ = −0.9(3) and K 0 = 102.7(8) GPa with K′ = 4.08(5) for the low- and high-pressure range, respectively. The transition involves a C2/c–P [`1] \overline{1} symmetry change, which can be confirmed by the occurrence of new modes in Raman spectra. Since no significant discontinuity in the evolution of the unit-cell volume with pressure has been observed, the transition appears to be second-order in character. The influence of the coupled substitution Na+Ti3+↔Ca2+Mg2+ on the static compression behavior and the structural stability has been investigated using a sample of the intermediate composition (Na0.54Ca0.46)(Mg0.46Ti0.54)Si2O6. No evidence for a deviation from continuous compression behavior has been found, neither in lattice parameter nor in structural data and the fit of a third-order Birch–Murnaghan equation-of-state to the pressure–volume data yields a bulk modulus of K 0 = 109.1(5) GPa and K′ = 5.02(13). Raman and polarized absorption spectra have been compared to NaTiSi2O6 and reveal major similarities. The main driving force for the phase transition in NaTi3+Si2O6 is the localization of the Ti3+ d-electron and the accompanying distortion, which is suppressed in the (Na,Ca)(Ti3+,Mg)Si2O6-clinopyroxene.  相似文献   
The crystal structure and chemical composition of a crystal of (Mg14?x Cr x )(Si5?x Cr x )O24 (x ≈ 0.30) anhydrous Phase B (Anh-B) synthesized in the model system MgCr2O4–Mg2SiO4 at 12 GPa and 1600 °C have been investigated. The compound was found to be orthorhombic, space group Pmcb, with lattice parameters a = 5.900(1), b = 14.218(2), c = 10.029(2) Å, V = 841.3(2) Å3 and Z = 2. The structure was refined to R 1 = 0.065 using 1492 independent reflections. Chromium was found to substitute for both Mg at the M3 site (with a mean bond distance of 2.145 Å) and Si at the octahedral Si1 site (mean bond distance: 1.856 Å), according to the reaction Mg2+ + Si4+ = 2Cr3+. Such substitutions cause a reduction in the volume of the M3 site and an increase in the volume of the Si-dominant octahedron with respect to the values typically observed for pure Anh-B and Fe2+-bearing Anh-B. Taking into account that Cr3+ is not expected to be Jahn–Teller active, it appears that both the Cr3+–for–Mg and Cr3+–for–Si substitutions in the Anh-B structure decrease the distortion of the octahedra. Electron microprobe analysis gave the Mg13.66(8)Si4.70(6)Cr0.62(4)O24 stoichiometry for the studied phase. The successful synthesis of this phase provides new information for the possible mineral assemblages occurring in the Earth’s deep upper mantle and shed new light on the so-called X discontinuity that has been observed at 275–345 km depth in several subcontinental and subduction zone environments.  相似文献   
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