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The Palaeoproterozoic Dabla granitoid pluton of the North Khetri Copper Belt is located to the east of a NNE-SSW trending lineament with numerous albite-rich intrusives, the intraplate ‘albitite line’. The Dabla pluton is essentially made up of calcic amphibole-bearing granitoids, displaying a concentric bimodal distribution of alkali-feldspar granites, comprising a microcline-albite granite and an albite-granite. The dominant rock type is pink-coloured granite, which is characterised by quartz, microcline, albite and hastingsitic hornblende, and occurs in the marginal parts of the pluton. The volumetrically subordinate albite-granite in the central part of the pluton is invariably white in colour, non-foliated and is mainly composed of quartz, albite and amphibole of actinolite to ferro-actinolite composition. The albite-granite is characterised by low K2O (0.06-0.09%), Rb (<5 ppm) and Ba (<20 ppm), high Na2O (7.19-7.36%) and high Na/K ratios (122.4-185.2) as compared to the granite. These rocks are not subjected to any metamorphic overprint, especially the albite-granite, which shows pristine abundances of major and trace elements. The rocks are highly evolved as reflected in their high SiO2 (72 to 78%) contents and high DI (89.5-97) values. The Dabla granitoids are characterised by similar REE and spider patterns, displaying LREE enriched slopes, flat HREE profiles and strong negative Sr, P, Ti and Eu anomalies suggesting their comagmatic nature. Nevertheless, the granite is relatively more fractionated [(La/Yb)N = 3.89-8.19] and show higher REE abundances (466-673 ppm) as compared to the albite-granite [(La/Yb)N = 1.97-2.96; REE = 220-277 ppm]. Distinctive features of these rocks are their low Ca (0.21-1.53%), Mg (<0.02-0.19%), Al (11.84-12.96%) and Sr (12-46 ppm) abundances, high Zr (155-631 ppm), Y (67-156 ppm), Nb (14-91 ppm), and Ga (20-31 ppm) concentrations and high Fe*-number, high Ga/Al ratio and high agpaitic index (AI) values. These features, coupled with their ferroan, alkaline and metaluminous nature, are typical of within-plate aluminous A-type granites. The geochemical data further indicate that the Dabla magma was generated at fairly high temperature, apparently in an upper mantle region, under relatively low H2O activities and reduced conditions and emplaced at a shallow depth in an extensional tectonic environment.  相似文献   
Mud bank formation during the southwest monsoon along the southwest coast of India remains an enigma to the researchers and coastal community in spite of several earlier studies. The present study attempts to unravel the mystery through a high-frequency, season-long time-series observation at Alappuzha, located at the southern part of the west coast of India, a region of frequent occurrence of mud bank. Using 7-month-long weekly time-series observation, we identified strong winds and high waves associated with onset of the southwest monsoon and subsequent three episodic atmospheric low-pressure events (LPEs).With the help of in situ time-series data, we show that the strong winds and high waves associated with southwest monsoon pre-conditions the near shore bottom sediment to bring it into suspension. The high amplitude waves associated with the southwest monsoon, while propagating from the deep water to shallow water region, interact with the bottom initiating bottom-sediment movement and its suspension due to wave refraction and shoaling. The sporadic occurrence of the atmospheric LPEs enhances the process of suspension of bottom sediment in the near shore region leading to the formation of fluid mud. Simulations with a cohesive sediment transport model yielded realistic estimates of sediment transport, in the presence of an onshore current, a pre-requisite for transporting the fluid mud toward the coast. The prevailing onshore upwelling current during the southwest monsoon provides the favorable pre-requisite conditions for transporting the fluid mud through depression channel network towards the coast. Once sufficient quantity and thickness of fluid mud is accumulated in the near shore region, it acts as a wave damper for subsequent high monsoon waves, as indicated by the time-series wave data, leading to the formation of tranquil mud bank region. Depression channel networks extending from the shelf to the coast off Alappuzha, Kochi, Ponnani, Beypore, and Ullal were found in the bathymetric charts, thus explaining why mud banks occur only at few locations in spite of the prevalence of similar monsoon conditions.  相似文献   
Very little work has been done in generating alternatives to the Poisson process model. The work reported here deals with alternatives to the Poisson process model for the earthquakes and checks them using empirical data and the statistical hypothesis testing apparatus. The strategy used here for generating hypotheses is to compound the Poisson process. The parameter of the Poisson process is replaced by a random variable having prescribed density function. The density functions used are gamma, chi and extended (gamma/chi). The original distribution is then averaged out with respect to these density functions. For the compound Poisson processes the waiting time distributions for the future events are derived. As the parameters for the various statistical models for earthquake occurrences are not known, the problem is basically of composite hypothesis testing. One way of designing a test is to estimate these parameters and use them as true values. Momentmatching is used here to estimate the parameters. The results of hypothesis testing using data from Hindukush and North East India are presented.  相似文献   
In this study chlorophyll measurements were made during March 2012 in the estuarine waters of Off Kakinada and Yanam coast, Bay of Bengal onboard a coastal vessel. In-situ water samples and optical data was collected at 21 stations (surface to 150 m depth) using Underwater radiometer (Hyperpro-II). In-vivo chlorophyll profiles were collected using wet labs fluorometer integrated with underwater Hyperspectral radiometer. Chlorophyll-a concentrations were estimated using HPLC by collecting the water samples at each sampling location. And also chlorophyll-a concentrations were retrieved from the OCM-2 data of OCEANSAT-2 satellite, processed using SeaDAS v.6.2 with the available global ocean colour algorithms namely, OC2 and OC4V4. A total of 33 samples used covering all the stations for chlorophyll-a estimation, and surface water samples of all the stations only being used for direct comparison among chlorophyll concentrations of HPLC, in-situ (fluorometrically integrated to Hyperpro-II) and retrieved from OCM-2. A good correlation found between the Fluorometer derived and HPLC measured chlorophyll-a concentration with an R2 value of 0.78. The relation between Chlorophyll-a concentration measured from HPLC and retrieved from OCM-2 (OC2 and OC4V4 algorithms) using SeaDASv.6.2 for 10 samples has been compared for validation and obtained an R2 value of 0.6. Also comparisons done with the in-situ measured (fluorometer) Chlorophyll-a concentration with OCM-2 chlorophyll data (OC4-V4 and OC2 algorithms) and validation with 10 concurrent in-situ surface measurements showed a significant overestimation by OCM-2 at low chlorophyll-a concentrations and underestimation at high chlorophyll-a concentrations.  相似文献   
Analytical solutions describing the concentration distribution along one-dimensional unsteady seepage flow through adsorbing saturated finite porous medium have been obtained. An exponential function concentration is enforced at the source of the dispersion, while the change in the concentration is zero at the other boundary. A new time variable has been introduced to solve the unsteady flow problem and the solution is illustrated.  相似文献   
The Khetri region forms a late Palaeoproterozoic igneous–metamorphic complex in NE Rajasthan, India. Seven granitoid plutons of the Khetri complex have been studied for zircon U–Pb and Pb–Pb dating along with whole-rock and Nd–Sr isotope geochemistry to provide new constraints on the Palaeoproterozoic magmatic activity in the Aravalli orogen of northwestern India. Most intrusives show evidence of moderate to extreme albitisation forming microcline–albite granite and albite granite, respectively. The rocks are metaluminous to weakly peraluminous, largely ferroan and intraplate A-type granites. The U–Pb zircon ages for four plutons cover a time span of 1732–1682 Ma, whereas Pb–Pb zircon evaporation data for three intrusives indicate minimum emplacement ages between 1671 and 1537 Ma. The Nd–Sr isotopic systematics suggest the involvement of Neoarchaean to Palaeoproterozoic crustal components in the petrogenesis of these granitoids. A regional survey of late Palaeoproterozoic ages in the Aravalli orogen provides evidence for a geographically widespread extension-related event in the northwestern Indian shield about 1720–1700 Ma ago. The record of comparable ages and the magmatic history reported in parts of North America and the North China Craton may indicate the significance of this event for the rift tectonics of the hypothetical supercontinent Columbia.  相似文献   
The free-convection flow of an incompressible and viscous fluid past an exponentially accelerated infinite vertical plate is analysed. The Laplace transform method is used to obtain the expressions for velocity and skin-friction. The effect of various parameters, occuring into the problem, is discussed with the help of graphs and table.  相似文献   
New productivity measurements using the 15N tracer technique were conducted in the north-eastern (NE) Arabian Sea during six expeditions from 2003 to 2007, mostly in winter. Our results indicate that the NE Arabian Sea has a potential for higher new productivity during blooms. Nitrate uptake by plankton is the highest during late winter. New productivity and f-ratios in the NE Arabian Sea are mainly controlled by hydrodynamic and meteorological parameters such as wind strength, sea surface temperature (SST), mixed layer depth (MLD) and mixed layer nitrate. Deepening of the mixed layer supplies nitrate from below, which supports the observed nitrogen uptake. Higher f-ratios during blooms indicate the strong coupling between surface layers and sub-surface layers. Deepening of mixed layer below 100 m (from its inter-monsoon value between 30 and 40 m) transferred often more than 100 mmol N–NO3 m? 2 into the surface layers from below. The observed winter blooms in the region are supported by such input and are sustained for more than a month. Higher new productivity has been found in late winter, whereas transport of nitrate is maximum in early winter. In general, new production varies progressively during winter. Diurnal cycling of the mixed layer could be the reason for the under utilization of entrained nitrate during early winter. New productivity values and wind strength show significant differences during Feb–Mar 03 and Feb–Mar 04. These differences indicate that the winter cooling and parameters related the biological productivity also vary inter-annually. However, the difference between the new productivity values between Feb–Mar 03 and Feb–Mar 04 is much lower than the difference between Jan 03 and Feb–Mar 03. The results suggest that amplitude of seasonal variation is higher than the inter-annual variation in the region. During spring, Fickian diffusive fluxes of nitrate into the surface layer range from 0.51 to 1.38 mmol N–NO3 m? 2 day? 1, and can account for 67% and 78% of the observed nitrogen uptake in the coastal and open ocean regions, respectively. We document the intra-seasonal and inter-annual variations in new productivity during winter and identify sources of nitrate which support the observed productivity during spring.  相似文献   
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