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Stable carbon and nitrogen isotope ratios from bones of contemporaneous Late Atlantic aurochs and early cattle in eastern Denmark are significantly different and provide information on the origin and feeding strategies of the earliest domestic cattle. The data show that the early cattle were feeding on grass right from the beginning 4000 cal. yr BC. In contrast, the youngest aurochs population primarily browsed and grazed from the dense forest floor resulting in rather negative δ13C values measured on bone collagen. The oldest aurochs have similar isotope values to the earlier cattle, whereas the youngest aurochs have similar values to Late Atlantic red deer from the same locality. As eastern Denmark was largely covered by forest, speculations on the origin of the grazing areas are many. The grass may have grown in openings in the forest, at the forest fringe, or more likely on the newly reclaimed coastal land areas exposed by the decreasing rate of eustatic sea‐level rise contemporaneously with isostatic uplift, during the Littorina transgressions. The stable isotope values do not indicate that leaf foddering of the early cattle was of importance.  相似文献   
Rare-earth abundances through the 3000-m thick Faeroes Plateau basalt monitor the Faeroe-Iceland plume activity with time. An abrupt change from light Re-enriched to depleted patterns is observed naer the boundary of the middle and upper series of the Faeroes Plateau basalt. The discontinuity seems to reflect a change of volcanic regime from plume-derived to more akin to oceanic type. The change also coincides with field evidence for beginning of subsidence of the plateau. Using existing spreading rate history for the North Atlantic during the 50–60-m.y. B.P. period, which is one of deceleration, the change of volcanic regime suggests a decline of intensity of the Faeroe-Iceland plume during the late part of the period. Rising blobs, rather than a continuous plume, appears preferable for modeling the temporal plume activity.  相似文献   
The earliest (Miocene) plateau basalts of northwest Iceland form an olivine tholeiite series with elevated contents of Ti, K, P, Rb, Ba and Sr. They are closely similar to ‘plume’ tholeiites of the Faeroes (Paleocene-Eocene) and the Reykjanes Peninsula, Iceland (Recent) and confirm the Miocene renaissance in northeast Atlantic plume activity previously suggested on geophysical grounds.It is argued that the elevated contents of Ti, K, etc., are due to the ascent in a plume column of high pressure alkalic magmas and their re-equilibration to low pressure olivine tholeiites largely by additional melting at 10–20 km depth and 1150–1300°C.The 1800 m northwest Iceland sequence lacks stratigraphic variation suggesting random extraction from an extensive melt region with a nearly stable range of P-T-chemical conditions.  相似文献   
This paper presents the first unambiguous terrestrial palaeoecological record for the late glacial “Bølling warming” in Denmark. Pollen and macrofossil stratigraphies from pre-Bølling to 10,800 cal yr BP are presented from a small kettle hole in Southwest Denmark, during which the lake basin developed from an immature stage after the deglaciation to complete infilling in the early Holocene. Results show that the recently deglaciated landscape bore a discontinuous vegetation of pioneer plants. After the Bølling warming, an open Dryas octopetala-Betula nana community developed with Helianthemum oelandicum. Subarctic species were dominant and local successions were probably delayed by relatively unstable and infertile soils. There is no indication of a climate cooling during the period corresponding to the Older Dryas, but the occurrence of several drought tolerant and steppe species indicates that the period was relatively dry. In the Allerød period the Dryas-B. nana vegetation was initially replaced by an open Salix and grass dominated vegetation and some 400 years later, the first tree birches were documented presumably occupying moist and sheltered soils while drier land remained open. In the Younger Dryas period trees disappeared and the vegetation became open again and dominated by subarctic species. Following climate warming at the Younger Dryas–Holocene transition a shrub community of Empetrum and Juniperus developed. After approximately 200 years it was replaced by birch forest. Overall, the late-glacial vegetation cover had a more open and patchy character than inferred from previous pollen studies as assessment of the vegetation succession based on macrofossil evidence is essential. The inferred general vegetation development corresponds well with results of other studies in the region. Canonical ordinations (RDA) indicate that vegetation changes at the landscape scale during the Lateglacial period were driven by changes in climate, soils and competition for light.  相似文献   
Two short sediment cores from the Archipelago Sea in the northern Baltic Sea were examined for their siliceous microfossils in order to study recent eutrophication in the area. The diatom record was divided into diatom assemblage zones. Locally weighted weighted averaging regression and calibration was applied for the quantitative reconstruction of past TN concentrations. The cores were dated using radiometric (210Pb, 226Ra and 137Cs) methods. The diatom assemblages in the topmost zones in both cores indicate eutrophication during the last decade. TN reconstructions partially fail to trace the actual measured TN concentrations. Especially from the late 1980s to the mid 1990s, the dominating diatom species are more influenced by other factors, such as the length of the ice season, than by nutrient concentrations. It seems that in the Archipelago Sea, diatom assemblages are principally governed by climatic fluctuations with a moderate influence of eutrophication in recent years. The peak in sedimentation in the early 1990s coincides with the short ice seasons indicating that sedimentation may increase with decreasing ice-cover extent due to warming climate.  相似文献   
The history of the Lateglacial and Preboreal sedimentary succession from the Store Slotseng kettle hole basin, SW Denmark is presented. A tephrostratigraphical and multi‐proxy investigation of the sediments, including stable isotope geochemistry, reveals small‐ and large‐scale changes in the surrounding environment through time. Three distinct tephra horizons are observed. Two of them are identified as the Preboreal Hässeldalen Tephra and the Younger Dryas Vedde Ash. The third was deposited around the Pre‐Bølling/Bølling transition. The Preboreal sediments record two significant decreases in authigenic carbonate content. Using tephrostratigraphy the lower one is identified as occurring during the Preboreal Oscillation, while the upper one is contemporaneous with the Rammelbeek Phase, which by some is recognised above the Preboreal Oscillation. This period has not previously been observed in this region. The discovery of the Hässeldalen Tephra in the Store Slotseng basin expands the known southwestern limit of the ash cloud, and increases the area for potential future observations. The Hässeldalen Tephra (c. 11.3 cal. ka BP) was deposited just prior to the Preboreal Oscillation and as such has a large potential for precise correlation and characterization of this short climatic perturbation.  相似文献   
The Cu (Pb, Zn) mine of Orijärvi (1757–1956) was the first mining operation in Finland where flotation techniques (1911–1955) were used to enrich ore. Large quantities of tailings were produced. The impacts of past mining activities on the aquatic ecosystem of nearby Lake Orijärvi were studied using a combination of paleolimnological methods (analysis of sedimentary diatom frustules, chrysophycean cysts, metal concentrations and radiometric datings). The acid mine drainage (AMD) – derived metal impact to the lake was found to be the strongest thus far recorded in Finland. Concentrations of Cu, Pb and Zn in sediments are two to three orders of magnitude higher than background values. During the most severe loading phase, there were practically no algae in the lake. Achnanthes  minutissima was the hardiest species able to tolerate increased metal contents. The metal load has changed the properties of sediments in such a way that chrysophycean cysts were impossible to identify because of coating and corrosion. Lake water still has elevated heavy metal concentrations, indicating that the impact from the tailings area continues to affect the lake. It has low productivity, and the planktic diatom community is still not developed. The study demonstrates that unremediated mining areas form a major risk to the environment. The damage to aquatic ecosystem can remain severe for decades after the mining activities have ceased.  相似文献   
Two sediment cores from the Archipelago Sea in the northern Baltic Sea were examined for their siliceous microfossils in order to study the Holocene palaeoenvironmental history of the area. The diatom record was divided into local diatom assemblage zones (LDAZ). An age model was constructed using independent palaeomagnetic and AMS-14C methods. The early history of the Archipelago Sea was freshwater. Initial brackish-water influence is observed at 7,950 ± 80 cal. BP (LDAZ4), but fully brackish conditions were established at 7,700 ± 80 cal. BP (LDAZ5). Diatom assemblages indicate increasing salinity, warming climate, and possible increasing trophic state during the transition from lacustrine to brackish-water conditions. The decreasing abundance of Pseudosolenia calcar-avis (Schultze) Sundström and the increasing abundance of the ice-cover indicator species Pauliella taeniata (Grunow) Round and Basson indicate reduced salinity and climatic cooling after ~5,000 cal. BP. LDAZ boundaries do not always correlate with changes in the sediment appearance, which underlines the importance of defining biostratigraphic boundaries independently to the sediment visual character, in contrast with the conventional practice for classifying the Baltic Sea sediments.  相似文献   
We conducted multi-proxy geochemical analyses (including measurements of organic carbon, nitrogen and sulphur stable isotope composition, and carbonate carbon and oxygen isotope composition) on a 13.5 m sediment core from Lake Bliden, Denmark, which provide a record of shifting hydrological conditions for the past 6,700 years. The early part of the stratigraphic record (6,700–5,740 cal year BP) was wet, based on δ18Ocarb and lithology, and corresponds to the Holocene Thermal Maximum. Shifts in primarily δ18Ocarb indicate dry conditions prevailed from 5,740 to 2,800 cal year BP, although this was interrupted by very wet conditions from 5,300 to 5,150, 4,300 to 4,050 and 3,700 to 3,450 cal year BP. The timing of the latter two moist intervals is consistent with other Scandinavian paleoclimatic records. Dry conditions at Lake Bliden between 3,450 and 2,800 cal year BP is consistent with other paleolimnological records from southern Sweden but contrasts with records in central Sweden, possibly suggesting a more northerly trajectory of prevailing westerlies carrying moisture from the North Atlantic at this time. Overall, fluctuating moisture conditions at Lake Bliden appear to be strongly linked to changing sea surface temperatures in the Greenland, Iceland and Norwegian seas. After 2,800 cal year BP, sedimentology, magnetic susceptibility, δ13CORG, δ13Ccarb and δ18Ocarb indicate a major reduction on water level, which caused the depositional setting at the coring site to shift from the profundal to littoral zone. The Roman Warm Period (2,200–1,500 cal year BP) appears dry based on enriched δ18Ocarb values. Possible effects of human disturbance in the watershed after 820 cal year BP complicate attempts to interpret the stratigraphic record although tentative interpretation of the δ18Ocarb, magnetic susceptibility, δ13CORG, δ13Ccarb and δ18Ocarb records suggest that the Medieval Warm Period was dry and the Little Ice Age was wet.  相似文献   
The organic matter content of marine sediments is often used to infer past changes in ocean conditions. However, the organic carbon pool preserved in coastal sediments is a complex mixture derived from different sources and may not reflect in situ processes. In this study, we combine taxonomic identification of reworked palynomorphs with pyrolysis organic geochemistry and reflected-light organic petrographic microscopy to investigate the provenance, composition and preservation of organic matter in a marine sediment core retrieved from the NE Greenland shelf. Our study reveals continuous yet variable input of land-derived organic carbon to the marine environment throughout the late Younger Dryas–Holocene, with the highest input of inert carbon in the late Younger Dryas. Although the sediments contain some recent marine palynomorphs, there is no other evidence of fresh marine organic carbon. In contrast, our results indicate that these shelf sediments represent a significant sink of recycled organic carbon. The results of pyrolysis geochemistry revealed that ~90% of the total organic carbon in the sediments is inert. The organic petrography analyses revealed that >70–84% of the organic carbon in the sediment core is terrigenous. Reworked dinoflagellate cysts showed a continuous provenance of Cretaceous land-derived material, most likely from the nearby Clavering Island. Our study points to the importance of constraining the organic matter origin, composition and preservation in marine sediments to achieve more accurate palaeoenvironmental reconstructions based on organic proxies.  相似文献   
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