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In ancient times human activities were tightly related and sensitive to rainfall amounts and seasonal distribution. East Mediterranean settlements were concentrated around numerous small to large springs, such as the Judean Mountains area. The goals of this study were to determine (a) the sensitivity of total discharge, recession curve, and response time of such springs to annual precipitation patterns, and (b) how spring hydrology responds to series of drought or wet years and to transitions from drought to normal and/or wet episodes (and vice versa). These goals were achieved by setting a finite-element hydro-geological flow model for selected perched springs that characterize the numerous springs throughout the carbonate karst terrain in the Judean Mountains. In addition, we estimated the effect of proposed regional past climate changes on the springs; in so doing, we transfer climate change to community size, livelihood and economic strength that were highly dependent on agricultural productivity. The results of the hydro-geological model revealed that these mountainous communities had the potential to prosper during historically wetter episodes and were probably adapted to short-term variability in annual rainfall. However, moderate to extreme droughts lasting only a few years could have led to a partial or even total abandonment of the springs as focal sites of intensive agricultural production. Spring drying eliminated the primary cause for the location of settlement. This occurred simultaneously in numerous settlements around the mountains of the southern Levant and therefore, must have caused dramatic economic and societal changes in the entire region, perhaps even resonating afar.  相似文献   
Europe has come to recognize that its regions have a major role to play in achieving its cohesion and competitiveness objectives. EU policies and Structural Fund principles are therefore increasingly geared towards enhancing regional capacities. Regions across Europe are responding, with varying results so far. The Randstad, in the Netherlands, presents itself as a ‘far from best’ example. Despite continued and serious attempts to strengthen capacities and institutions, the region still lacks effective governance. This paper explores the question why it is next to impossible to establish a framework for effective governance in the Randstad and distils some lessons for other regions in Europe.  相似文献   
The geomorphic evolution of the Jordan River in recent decades indicates that interaction between incision and high-magnitude floods controls sinuosity changes under increasing mouth gradients during base-level fall. The evolution of the river was analyzed based on digital elevation models, remotely sensed imagery, hydrometric data, and a hydraulic model. The response varies along the river. Near the river mouth, where incision rate is high and a deep channel forms, overbank flooding is less likely. There, large floods exert high shear stress within the confined channel, increasing sinuosity. Upstream, near the migrating knickzone channel gradients also increase, incision is more moderate and floods continue to overtop the banks, favoring meander chute cutoffs. The resulting channel has a downstream well-confined meandering segment and an upstream low-sinuosity segment. These new insights regarding spatial differences along an incising channel can improve interpretations of the evolution of ancient planforms and floodplains that responded to base-level decline. © 2018 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   
Global eustatic lowstands can expose vast areas of continental shelves, and occasionally the shelf edge and the continental slope. The degree of fluvial connectivity to receding shores influences the redistribution of sediments across these emerging landscapes. Shelf and slope emergence in the Dead Sea since the middle of the 20th century, offers a rare opportunity to examine evolution of stream connectivity in response to continuous base-level decline. We characterize the connectivity evolution of two streams, using high-resolution time series of aerial imagery and elevation models, field mapping, and grain-size analyses. Our rich spatiotemporal dataset of evolving channel geomorphology, sediment transport conditions, and sediment redistribution, allows calculating potential coarse sediment mobility in response to base level decline. Following shelf emergence, alluvial fans first prograded onto the low-gradient shelf under unfavourable conditions for transporting coarse sediment to the regressing shoreline. Then, with shelf and slope emergence, the two adjacent streams evolved differently. The smaller, more arid watershed still maintains its highstand delta progradation on the shelf and is practically disconnected from the receding lake. The larger catchment, heading in wetter environments and having a narrower shelf, has incised the shelf and renewed and gradually intensified the sediment transport from the highstand to the lowstand delta. Sediment mobilization to lowstand shorelines is controlled by the evolution of the channel profile and by the average speed of gravel transport (10s-100s m yr-1). These findings from the Dead Sea are relevant to fluvial processes operating on continental shelves during glacial maxima. Streams would have commonly stored high proportions of their coarse sediment on the continental shelves rather than efficiently connecting with the lowstand level. Additionally, differences in sediment routing patterns should exist among nearby streams, primarily due to continental margin geometry and watershed hydrology. © 2019 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   
The objective of this paper is to introduce a novel paradigm to reduce the computational effort in waterflooding global optimization problems while realizing smooth well control trajectories amenable for practical deployments in the field. In order to overcome the problems of slow convergence and non-smooth impractical control strategies, often associated with gradient-free optimization (GFO) methods, we introduce a generalized approach which represent the controls by smooth polynomial approximations either by a polynomial function or by a piecewise polynomial interpolation, which we denote as function control method (FCM) and interpolation control method (ICM), respectively. Using these approaches, we aim to optimize the coefficients of the selected functions or the interpolation points in order to represent the well-control trajectories along a time horizon. Our results demonstrate significant computational savings, due to a substantial reduction in the number of control parameters, as we seek the optimal polynomial coefficients or the interpolation points to describe the control trajectories as opposed to directly searching for the optimal control values (bottom hole pressure) at each time interval. We demonstrate the efficiency of the method on two and three-dimensional models, where we found the optimal variables using a parallel dynamic-neighborhood particle swarm optimization (PSO). We compared our FCM-PSO and ICM-PSO to the traditional formulation solved by both gradient-free and gradient-based methods. In all comparisons, both FCM and ICM show very good to superior performances.  相似文献   
Meandering channels and valleys are dominant landscape features on Earth. Their morphology and remnants potentially indicate past base-level fluctuations and changing regional slopes. The prevailing presence of meandering segments in low-slope areas somewhat confuses the physically based relationships between slope and channel meandering. This relationship underlies a fundamental debate: do incised sinuous channels actively develop during steepening of a regional slope, or do they inherit the planform of a preexisting sinuous channel through vertical incision? This question was previously explored through reconstructed evolution of meandering rivers, numerical simulations, and controlled, scaled-down laboratory experiments. Here, we study a rare, field-scale set of a dozen adjacent perennial channels, evolving in recent decades in a homogeneous erodible substrate in response to the Dead Sea level fall (> 30 m over 40 years). These channels are fed by perennial springs and have no drainage basin or previous fluvial history; they initiated straight and transformed into incising meandering channels following the emergence of the preexisting lake bathymetry, which resulted in increased channel lengths and regional slopes at different rates for each channel. This field setting allows testing the impact of changing regional slope on the sinuosity of a stream in the following cases: (a) relatively long and low-gradient shelf-like margins, (b) a sharp increase in the basinward gradient at the shelf-slope transition, and (c) gradually steepening slopes. Under a stable and low valley slope, the channels mainly incise vertically, inheriting a preexisting sinuous pattern. When the regional slope steepens, the channels start to meander, accompanying the vertical incision. The highest sinuosity evolved in the steepest channel, which also developed the deepest and widest valley. These results emphasize the amplifying impact of steepening regional slope on sinuosity. This holds when the flow is confined and chute cutoffs are scarce.  相似文献   
Temperature and currents were measured 100 m south of the Pipe Organ vent site on the Juan de Fuca Ridge during a 5-day interval in September 1997 to examine the temporal variability of hydrothermal heat signals close to a source. Temperatures were sampled at three depths every 15 s while current speed and direction were sampled at a single depth hourly. Results show that rapid potential temperature () changes of as much as 0.02°C occurred at all three depths, partly caused by changes in current speed and direction. Spectra of showed no prominent spectral peaks, however. An analytic model of heat transport under variable currents was used to help put observed temporal variability into context and to point out problems with estimating hydrothermal heat fluxes from mooring data. Model distributions, when contoured on a horizontal plane and animated, demonstrate the pooling of effluent over vents at various times, the streaming of effluent as a very narrow plume away from vents at times of large current speed, and the spawning of boluses of heated fluid and their transport away from venting regions when a pooling period is followed by a streaming period. Model results also show that estimated heat flux based on mooring data is strongly dependent on analysis assumptions and suggest that vents are capable of causing measurable anomalies as far as several kilometers downstream.  相似文献   
Rainfall products can contain significantly different spatiotemporal estimates, depending on their underlying data and final constructed resolution. Commonly used products, such as rain gauges, rain gauge networks, and weather radar, differ in their information content regarding intensities, spatial variability, and natural climatic variability, therefore producing different estimates. Landscape evolution models (LEMs) simulate the geomorphic changes in landscapes, and current models can simulate timeframes from event level to millions of years and some use rainfall inputs to drive them. However, the impact of different rainfall products on LEM outputs has never been considered. This study uses the STREAP rainfall generator, calibrated using commonly used rainfall observation products, to produce longer rainfall records than the observations to drive the CAESAR-Lisflood LEM to examine how differences in rainfall products affect simulated landscapes. The results show that the simulation of changes to basin geomorphology is sensitive to the differences between rainfall products, with these differences expressed linearly in discharges but non-linearly in sediment yields. Furthermore, when applied over a 1500-year period, large differences in the simulated long profiles were observed, with the simulations producing greater sediment yields showing erosion extending further downstream. This suggests that the choice of rainfall product to drive LEMs has a large impact on the final simulated landscapes. The combination of rainfall generator model and LEMs represents a potentially powerful method for assessing the impacts of rainfall product differences on landscapes and their short- and long-term evolution. © 2020 The Authors. Earth Surface Processes and Landforms published by John Wiley & Sons Ltd  相似文献   
Artificial reefs have been suggested as a tool for conservation and restoration of marine habitats. However, the relationships between coral reef habitats and man-made structures are poorly understood. We experimentally tested whether artificial reefs change grazing patterns in their surrounding environment. We exposed heaps of the macroalgae, Ulva lactuca, to natural grazing, at various distances from three artificial reefs. Results suggest that artificial reefs change grazing patterns in the neighboring area. In all the locations examined grazing was 2-3 times higher near the artificial reefs than in control sites (p < 0.05). We suggest that herbivorous fishes are attracted to the artificial reefs, creating a zone of increased grazing. Therefore, while planning deployment of such artificial reefs it is necessary to consider their overall influence on their natural surroundings, in order to maintain the natural community trophic dynamics.  相似文献   
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