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Tomographic-SAR (Synthetic Aperture Radar) is a 3D Radar imaging technique, based on spectral estimation tools. This technique is used to estimate the distribution of the backscattering signal in the elevation axis, for each azimuth-range resolution cell of the SAR image. Spectral estimation algorithms belong to two families, non parametric estimation algorithms which include DFT (Discrete Fourier Transform), SVD (Single Value Decomposition), MUSIC (Multiple Signal Classification), CAPON and parametric estimation algorithms such as LS (Least Square) and ESPRIT (Estimation of signal parameters via rotation invariance techniques). In this paper we present an inversion algorithm based on the fusion of DFT and LS for the estimation of the reflectivity signal along the elevation axis. With an appropriate combination of these two algorithms and a realistic modeling of the signal distribution, we obtain a high resolution estimate of the reflectivity signal with medium computational effort. The inversion algorithm is tested on a forested area (Västerbotten in northern Sweden), with multibaseline data set acquired in L-band (BioSAR-2008 project). Results are promising with the proposed algorithm. We used MUSIC and RVoG (Random Volume over Ground) inversions for comparison and LIDAR (Laser Imaging Detection And Ranging) image as datasets for validation of the results.  相似文献   
Groundwater pumped from the semi-confined Complexe Terminal (CT) aquifer is an important production factor in irrigated oases agriculture in southern Tunisia. A rise in the groundwater salinity has been observed as a consequence of increasing abstraction from the aquifer during the last few decades. All sources of contamination were investigated using hydrochemical data available from the 1980s. Water samples were taken from drains and observation wells tapping both the CT and the phreatic aquifers and analyzed with regard to chemistry, temperature, isotopes and other environmental tracers. Local salinization mechanisms are suggested, i.e. the upwelling of saline water from the underlying, confined Continental Intercalaire (CI) aquifer, as well as backflow of agricultural drainage water. At this stage, the main salt pan, the Chott el Djerid, is not a contamination source. A finite difference model was also developed to simulate groundwater flow and contaminant transport in the oases. Calibration for the period 1950–2000 was carried out in order to adjust geological and chemical system parameters. The simulation of planned extraction projects predicts a worsening of the present situation. Maintenance of the present abstraction regime will not reduce or stop the salinity increase.
Résumé L’eau souterraine pompée dans l’aquifère semi-captif du Complexe Terminal (CT) est un facteur de production important pour l’agriculture des oasis irriguées du sud de la Tunisie. Une augmentation de la salinité de l’eau souterraine a été considérée comme la conséquence de l’augmentation des prélèvements dans l’aquifère au cours des dernières décades. Toutes les sources de contamination ont été étudiées à l’aide de données hydro-chimiques disponibles depuis les années 80. Des échantillons d’eau ont été prélevés dans des drains et des puits d’observation qui captent à la fois le CT et les aquifères phréatiques; la chimie, la température, les isotopes ainsi que d’autres traceurs environnementaux ont été analysés. Des processus locaux de salinisation sont proposés, comme par exemple la remontée d’eau salée en provenance de l’aquifère captif du Continental Intercalaire (CI) sous-jacent, ainsi que le reflux des eaux du drainage agricole. A ce stade, le principal marais salé, le Chott el Djerid, n’est pas une source de contamination. Un modèle aux différences finies a également été élaboré pour simuler les écoulements souterrains et le transport de contaminants dans les oasis. Une calibration pour la période 1950–2000 a été effectuée afin d’ajuster les paramètres des systèmes géologique et chimique. La simulation de projets planifiés d’extraction prédit une aggravation de la situation actuelle. La conservation du régime d’extraction actuel ne réduira ou ne stoppera pas l’augmentation de la salinité.

Resumen El agua subterránea que se bombea del acuífero semi-confinado Terminal Complejo (CT) es un importante factor de producción en la agricultura de riego con oasis en el sur de Túnez. Se ha observado un incremento en la salinidad del agua subterránea como consecuencia de la abstracción creciente del acuífero durante las últimas décadas. Se investigaron todas las fuentes de contaminación usando datos hidroquímicos disponibles de la década de 1980s. Las muestras de agua se tomaron de drenajes y pozos de observación alojados tanto en el CT como los acuíferos freáticos y se analizaron en relación con química, temperatura, isótopos y otros trazadores ambientales. Se sugieren mecanismos de salinización local, i.e. el ascenso de agua salada a partir del acuífero confinado subyacente Intercalado Continental (CI), así como también retorno de flujo de agua de drenaje agrícola. En esta etapa, el pan salado principal, el Chott el Djerid, no es una fuente de contaminación. También se desarrolló un modelo de diferencia finita para simular el flujo de agua subterránea y el transporte de contaminantes en los oasis. Se calibró el modelo para el periodo 1950–2000 para de este modo ajustar parámetros del sistema químico y geológico. La simulación de los proyectos de extracción que se han planeado predice un empeoramiento de la situación actual. El mantenimiento del régimen de extracción actual no reducirá o detendrá el incremento de salinidad.
This paper aims at examining the increase of phenol adsorption breakthrough curves spreading caused by the chemical heterogeneity of granular activated carbon fixed beds. The local and the thermodynamic equilibrium assumption, as well as the nonlinear adsorption obeying to Langmuir isotherm, are considered. This study particularly tempts to link the reduced variance of phenol breakthrough curves to a measurable quantifying parameter of the chemical heterogeneity. The investigated artificial heterogeneous media are prepared by alternating layers of two types of granular activated carbon, active and non-active ones, that have similar physical properties. On the one hand, the chemical heterogeneity is quantified by the active layer relative thickness of the column length, l1/L. On the other hand, it is quantified by the mean value of the probability distribution γ. The latter also represents the mean active grains mass ratio of the total medium mass, hence the medium mean capacity. The obtained results show an increase in the reduced variance and thus the effective global dispersion with the heterogeneity; the increase is as important as the medium capacity decreases. However, the dispersion increase achieves a limit value, even when the heterogeneity increases. The results are statistically modelled using a regression equation function of the capacity variation in terms of γ and the chemical heterogeneity in terms of l1/L. The relationship combining the medium capacity and the chemical heterogeneity is obtained. The relationship implicitly takes into account the effect of the column length.  相似文献   
The Enfida aquifer system is of importance to the economic activity of the eastern center of Tunisia. The planning of a marina is likely to present a significant risk on groundwater. Classical physically based modeling is used to better understand salty water intrusion in the aquifers. The transport model (MT3DMS) is coupled with the groundwater model (Modflow). Model calibration was carried out over the period 1972–2005. Four scenarios were then simulated for a 50-year period, to assess the effects of both planned marina and future abstraction regime. We predict a rise in the groundwater salinity generated by the planned pumping infrastructure. The impact of the planned project will be observed only near the marina. However, limited measurements of transmissivity may affect the model’s results. Thus, the second part of the paper is aimed to assess the models output error due to the uncertainty in transmissivity, using a stochastic approach. Hundred realizations of a log-normal random transmissivity field had been performed. According to the most pessimistic realizations, the uncertainty may reach 49 % in the sector of an important pumping field. Accordingly, the calculated concentration may reach 6.5 g/l in 2055 instead of 3.2 g/l.  相似文献   
Groundwater is the main source of water in arid regions. Thus, groundwater pollution becomes a major issue due to the increasing contamination, which poses serious and harmful risk to the environment. Groundwater vulnerability maps can be used as a tool to help decision makers to protect groundwater resources from contamination. The vulnerability of the Mio-Plio-Quaternary shallow aquifer (Southeast Tunisia) has been assessed using a DRASTIC model based on Geographic Information System (GIS). The different parameters of the model were collected from several sources and converted into thematic maps using ArcGis©. Each DRASTIC parameter was assigned a weight and rating based on a range of information within the parameter. Groundwater vulnerability map shows a large area (48%) with high risk of pollution. It indicates that the Southern part of the aquifer and the wadi beds are the most susceptible to contamination. The measured nitrate concentration is coherent with the DRASTIC model results.  相似文献   
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