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The terrestrial surface, the “skin of the earth”, is an important interface for global (geochemical) material fluxes between major reservoirs of the Earth system: continental and oceanic crust, ocean and atmosphere. Because of a lack in knowledge of the geochemical composition of the terrestrial surface, it is not well understood how the geochemical evolution of the Earth’s crust is impacted by its properties. Therefore, here a first estimate of the geochemical composition of the terrestrial surface is provided, which can be used for further analysis. The geochemical average compositions of distinct lithological classes are calculated based on a literature review and applied to a global lithological map. Comparison with the bulk composition of the upper continental crust shows that the geochemical composition of the terrestrial surface (below the soil horizons) is significantly different from the assumed average of the upper continental crust. Specifically, the elements Ca, S, C, Cl and Mg are enriched at the terrestrial surface, while Na is depleted (and probably K). Analysis of these results provide further evidence that chemical weathering, chemical alteration of minerals in marine settings, biogeochemical processes (e.g. sulphate reduction in sediments and biomineralization) and evaporite deposition are important for the geochemical composition of the terrestrial surface on geological time scales. The movement of significant amounts of carbonate to the terrestrial surface is identified as the major process for observed Ca-differences. Because abrupt and significant changes of the carbonate abundance on the terrestrial surface are likely influencing CO2-consumption rates by chemical weathering on geological time scales and thus the carbon cycle, refined, spatially resolved analysis is suggested. This should include the recognition of the geochemical composition of the shelf areas, now being below sea level.  相似文献   
CO2 consumption by chemical weathering is an integral part of the boundless carbon cycle, whose spatial patterns and controlling factors on continental scale are still not fully understood. A dataset of 338 river catchments throughout North America was used to empirically identify predictors of bicarbonate fluxes by chemical weathering and interpret the underlying controlling factors. Detailed analysis of major ion ratios enables distinction of the contributions of silicate and carbonate weathering and thus quantifying CO2 consumption. Extrapolation of the identified empirical model equations to North America allows the analysis of the spatial patterns of the CO2 consumption by chemical weathering.Runoff, lithology and land cover were identified as the major predictors of the riverine bicarbonate fluxes and the associated CO2 consumption. Other influence factors, e.g. temperature, could not be established in the models. Of the distinguished land cover classes, artificial surfaces, dominated by urban areas, increase bicarbonate fluxes most, followed by shrubs, grasslands, managed lands, and forests. The extrapolation results in an average specific bicarbonate flux of 0.3 Mmol km−2 a−1 by chemical weathering in North America, of which 64% originates from atmospheric CO2, and 36% from carbonate mineral dissolution. Chemical weathering in North America thus consumes 50 Mt atmospheric CO2-C per year. About half of that originates from 10% of the area of North America.The estimated strength of individual predictors differs from previous studies. This highlights the need for a globally representative set of regionally calibrated models of CO2 consumption by chemical weathering, which apply very detailed spatial data to resolve the heterogeneity of earth surface processes.  相似文献   
Dissolved silica (DSi) is an important control on algae abundance and species composition both in freshwater and marine ecosystems. Although continental and global budgets for DSi exist, understanding of the spatial variability of DSi cycles needs to be improved on those scales. In this study, an empirical model of DSi mobilization into river systems is extrapolated on a 1.4 km2 grid to North America. To analyze changes in DSi mobilization patterns, DSi mobilization is estimated regionally for present day runoff and a runoff projection ensemble for the period 2081–2100. The model predicts present day annual DSi fluxes for the monitored area within 6% of the calculated fluxes. Possible biases by processes not directly represented by applied geodata are discussed (e.g. land use and ecosystem influences) and found to be only minor on the regional scale. Uncertainty of the results is discussed based on a literature review. The projected DSi-mobilization rates at high latitudes for the present day conditions may be overestimated. However, the projected change rate for the period 2081–2100 might even be underestimated, due to e.g. increased thawing in certain permafrost regions, which was not included in the model.  相似文献   

Karst aquifers contribute substantially to freshwater supplies in many regions of the world, but are vulnerable to contamination and difficult to manage because of their unique hydrogeological characteristics. Many karst systems are hydraulically connected over wide areas and require transboundary exploration, protection and management. In order to obtain a better global overview of karst aquifers, to create a basis for sustainable international water-resources management, and to increase the awareness in the public and among decision makers, the World Karst Aquifer Mapping (WOKAM) project was established. The goal is to create a world map and database of karst aquifers, as a further development of earlier maps. This paper presents the basic concepts and the detailed mapping procedure, using France as an example to illustrate the step-by-step workflow, which includes generalization, differentiation of continuous and discontinuous carbonate and evaporite rock areas, and the identification of non-exposed karst aquifers. The map also shows selected caves and karst springs, which are collected in an associated global database. The draft karst aquifer map of Europe shows that 21.6% of the European land surface is characterized by the presence of (continuous or discontinuous) carbonate rocks; about 13.8% of the land surface is carbonate rock outcrop.

Lithological maps have been proved to be a useful tool to evaluate regional and global matter fluxes from chemical weathering. However, lithological classes provide aggregated information of mineralogical, geochemical, sedimentary or diagenetic properties. Thus, using a limited number of lithological classes introduces by their definition a bias to the analysis of weathering fluxes, specifically in the case of multilithological catchments. Here it is shown that the coupling of geochemical with lithological information may help to better identify the sources of the weathering fluxes, using the example of dissolved Ca to better distinguish weathering rates of silicate and non-silicate minerals.  相似文献   
The inflow of terrestrial groundwater into the ocean is increasingly recognized as an important local source of nutrients and pollutants to coastal ecosystems. Although there is evidence of a link between fresh submarine groundwater discharge (SGD)-derived nutrients and primary producer and primary consumer abundances, the effects of fresh SGD on the productivity of higher trophic levels such as ichthyofaunal communities remain unclear. To further investigate this relationship, we sampled three sites inside a coral reef lagoon in Mauritius: One site entailing six distinct groundwater springs, a site highly influenced by freshwater influx through the springs, and a strictly marine control site. Using remote underwater video surveys, we found that fish abundances were significantly higher at the groundwater springs than at the other two sampling sites.Principal component analyses showed that the springs and the spring-influenced part of the lagoon were best described by elevated water nutrient loadings, whereas the control site was characterized by higher water salinity and pH. Macroalgae cover was highest at the control site and the springs. Herbivores and invertivores dominated the fish community at the springs, in contrast to generalists at the control site. At the spring-influenced site, we mainly encountered high coral/turf algae cover and high abundances of associated fish feeding groups (territorial farmers, corallivores). Our results provide evidence of a fresh SGD-driven relationship between altered hydrography and distinct fish communities with elevated abundances at groundwater springs in a coral reef lagoon. These findings suggest that the management and assessment of secondary consumer productivity in tropical lagoons should take into account the effects of groundwater springs.  相似文献   
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