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Mineralogy and Petrology - The Plio-Quaternary alkaline volcanic rocks from the northwest of Marand (NW Iran) consist of trachy-andesites, trachy-basaltic andesites, leucite-tephrites and...  相似文献   
The origin of the oil in Barremian–Hauterivian and Albian age source rock samples from two oil wells (SPO-2 and SPO-3) in the South Pars oil field has been investigated by analyzing the quantity of total organic carbon (TOC) and thermal maturity of organic matter (OM). The source rocks were found in the interval 1,000–1,044 m for the Kazhdumi Formation (Albian) and 1,157–1,230 m for the Gadvan Formation (Barremian–Hauterivian). Elemental analysis was carried out on 36 samples from the source rock candidates (Gadvan and Kazhdumi formations) of the Cretaceous succession of the South Pars Oil Layer (SPOL). This analysis indicated that the OM of the Barremian–Hauterivian and Albian samples in the SPOL was composed of kerogen Types II and II–III, respectively. The average TOC of analyzed samples is less than 1 wt%, suggesting that the Cretaceous source rocks are poor hydrocarbon (HC) producers. Thermal maturity and Ro values revealed that more than 90 % of oil samples are immature. The source of the analyzed samples taken from Gadvan and Kazhdumi formations most likely contained a content high in mixed plant and marine algal OM deposited under oxic to suboxic bottom water conditions. The Pristane/nC17 versus Phytane/nC18 diagram showed Type II–III kerogen of mixture environments for source rock samples from the SPOL. Burial history modeling indicates that at the end of the Cretaceous time, pre-Permian sediments remained immature in the Qatar Arch. Therefore, lateral migration of HC from the nearby Cretaceous source rock kitchens toward the north and south of the Qatar Arch is the most probable origin for the significant oils in the SPOL.  相似文献   
Eslamy peninsula, 360 km2 in area, is located in the eastern coast of Urmieh lake in the northwest of Iran. This peninsula is a complex stratovolcano with a collapsed center, which is elevated due to later intrusions of sub-volcanic masses with trachytic to microsyenitic composition. The composite cone consists of a sequence of leucite tephrite, tephrite, leucite basanite, basanite and related pyroclastic rocks. Magmatic activities in the Eslamy peninsula begin with potassic alkaline to ultrapotassic and basic, silica-undersaturated shoshonitic rocks and they are followed by intrusions of lamprophyric dykes and end with acidic magmatism including trachytic, microsyenitic, syenitic and phonolitic domes. The original magma of the Eslamy peninsula rocks has a potassic alkaline nature (Roman type) rich in LREE and LILE and depleted of HREE. These characteristics suggest that the origin of magma can be from deep mantle with a garnet lherzolite composition, a low partial melting rate which has been contaminated by crustal materials in its way up. Fractional crystallization of olivine, diopsidic clinopyroxene and leucite played an important role in the evolution of magmas. Scrutinizing the geodynamic environment of Eslamy peninsula rocks in discrimination diagrams indicates that these rocks must have been formed in a post-collision magmatic arc setting.  相似文献   
Granite- and gabbrodiorite-associated skarn deposits of NW Iran   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Field and laboratory studies show that there are two types of skarn deposits in NW Iran: granite-associated (type I) and gabbrodiorite-associated (type II). Granite-associated deposits are accompanied by Cu and Fe mineralisation, whereas Mn and Fe are the main ore metals in gabbrodiorite-associated skarn deposits. There are some differences in the mineralogy of these skarn deposits. Bixbyite, piemontite and Cr-bearing garnet are found only in gabbrodiorite-associated skarns, whereas idocrase occurs only in granite-associated deposits. Type II skarns show exoskarn features, whereas some type I skarns have developed endoskarn as well. Evidence of boiling of hydrothermal fluid can be seen in both types and seems to be a common mechanism of mineral deposition. Gabbrodiorite-associated skarns show higher fO2 than granite-associated deposits. Based on mineralogical and textural evidence, mineralisation in both groups has started from about 550 °C. Early formed anhydrous minerals have begun to be replaced by hydrous minerals from about 400 °C.It seems that due to low fluid content in the gabbrodioritic magma, heated meteoritic water in the surrounding volcanoclastic and tuffaceous rocks was the main source of hydrothermal solution in the gabbrodiorite-associated skarn system.  相似文献   
The Misho plutonic complex consists of a series of granitic bodies which range from syenogranite, alkali granite to monzogranites. They include metaluminous to peraluminous compositions. The garnitoid bodies are intruded into the unmetamorphosed late Paleozoic rocks and are located between two dextral, oblique-slip fault systems along which they have been uplifted as a major positive flower structure. The Misho granitoid belongs to the alkaline granitoid series that have been attributed to a Late Permian post-collisional setting. The studied granitoid displays high SiO2 contents between 67.71 and 76.4 wt%. On both FeO/(FeO + MgO) and [(Na2O + K2O) ? CaO] vs. SiO2 diagrams, the samples, plot in the ferroan and alkaline fields, therefore, show an A-type granitoid signature. Trace and rare earth elements distribution patterns for the Misho rocks indicate a distinctive depletion in Nb, Sr, Ba, P, and Ti relative to other trace elements and a greater enrichment in large-ion lithophile elements compared to high field strength elements that are also typical features of A-type granites. The granitoid samples are geochemically similar to typical A2-type granites, e.g., high K2O + Na2O, FeO/MgO, Ga/Al, and Y/Nb values and low CaO, Ba, Sr, and Eu contents. They have initial Sr isotopic ratios in the range >0.712 and negative ε Ndt values of ?1 to ?3.2 for a time of generation of 232 Ma. We suggest that shear zones play an important role in providing suitable conduits for ascending asthenospheric material and heat influx in the lower crust continental. It is proposed that the Misho parental granitoid magmas were produced by the partial melting of the lower crust continental at extensional setting in active continental margin setting that was formed after the collision of the Eurasia plate and Iranian plate following closure of paleo-Tethyan oceanic crust during Middle Jurassic times.  相似文献   
The Shanderman eclogites and related metamorphosed oceanic rocks mark the site of closure of the Palaeotethys ocean in northern Iran. The protolith of the eclogites was an oceanic tholeiitic basalt with MORB composition. Eclogite occurs within a serpentinite matrix, accompanied by mafic rocks resembling a dismembered ophiolite. The eclogitic mafic rocks record different stages of metamorphism during subduction and exhumation. Minerals formed during the prograde stages are preserved as inclusions in peak metamorphic garnet and omphacite. The rocks experienced blueschist facies metamorphism on their prograde path and were metamorphosed in eclogite facies at the peak of metamorphism. The peak metamorphic mineral paragenesis of the rocks is omphacite, garnet (pyrope‐rich), glaucophane, paragonite, zoisite and rutile. Based on textural relations, post‐peak stages can be divided into amphibolite and greenschist facies. Pressure and temperature estimates for eclogite facies minerals (peak of metamorphism) indicate 15–20 kbar at ~600 °C. The pre‐peak blueschist facies assemblage yields <11 kbar and 400–460 °C. The average pressure and temperature of the post‐peak amphibolite stage was 5–6 kbar, ~470 °C. The Shanderman eclogites were formed by subduction of Palaeotethys oceanic crust to a depth of no more than 75 km. Subduction was followed by collision between the Central Iran and Turan blocks, and then exhumation of the high pressure rocks in northern Iran.  相似文献   
Eslamy peninsula in NW of Iran is formed by a strato-volcano with collapsed calderon, which is intruded by lamprophyric dykes with minette composition. Also trachytic and microsyenitic dykes have intruded the volcanic rocks. The oldest volcanic activity includes eruption of leucite basanite, leucite tephrite, basanite and tephrite, which are associated with pyroclastic rocks. Lamprophyric dykes are distinguishable with large mica phenocrysts. Mica-clinopyroxenite xenoliths can be found in the rocks. The source magma of the rocks had a ultrapotassic to shoshonitic nature, rich in LREE and LILE. Eslamy peninsula lamprophyres are between alkaline and calc-alkaline lamprophyres in terms of REE patterns and spider diagrams for trace elements, but are closer to clac-alkaline lamprophyres. The behaviour of trace elements studied by the means of spider diagrams show that the magma, producing the lamprophyres, is generated from deep-mantle probably from a garnet-bearing source (garnet lherzolite) with high CO2/H2O content. The resulted magma had interacted with crustal materials and had formed Eslamy peninsula lamprophyres in a post-collisional tectonic setting. Geochemistry of rare elements indicate an extensive rutile-rich metasomatism in the source magma of the lamprophyres.  相似文献   
The aim of this article is to examine the geochemistry and geochronology of the Cadomian Mishu granites from northwest Iran, in order to elucidate petrogenesis and their role in the evolution of the Cadomian crust of Iran. The Mishu granites mainly consist of two-mica granites associated with scarce outcrops of tonalite, amphibole granodiorite, and diorite. Leucogranitic dikes locally crosscut the Mishu granites. Two-mica granites show S-type characteristics whereas amphibole granodiorite, tonalities, and diorites have I-type signatures. The I-type granites show enrichment in large-ion lithophile elements (e.g. Rb, Ba and K) and depletion in high field strength elements (e.g. Nb, Ti and Ta). These characteristics show that these granites have been formed along an ancient, fossilized subduction zone. The S-type granites have high K, Rb, Cs (and other large ion lithophile elements) contents, resembling collision-related granites. U–Pb zircon dating of the Mishu rocks yielded 238U/206Pb crystallization ages of ca. 550 Ma. Moreover, Rb–Sr errorchron shows an early Ediacaran age (547 ± 84 Ma) for the Mishu igneous rocks. The two-mica granites (S-type granites) show high 87Sr/86Sr(i) ratios, ranging from 0.7068 to 0.7095. Their ?Nd values change between ?4.2 and ?4.6. Amphibole granitoids and diorites (I-type granites) are characterized by relatively low 87Sr/86Sr(i) ratios (0.7048–0.7079) and higher values of ?Nd (?0.8 to ?4.2). Leucogranitic dikes have quite juvenile signature, with ?Nd values ranging from +1.1 to +1.4 and Nd model ages (TDM) from 1.1 to 1.2 Ga. The isotopic data suggests interaction of juvenile, mantle-derived melts with old continental crust to be the main factor for the generation of the Mishu granites. Interaction with older continental crust is also confirmed by the presence of abundant inherited zircon cores. The liquid-line of descend in the Harker diagrams suggests fractional crystallization was also a predominant mechanism during evolution of the Mishu I-type granites. The zircon U–Pb ages, whole rock trace elements, and Sr–Nd isotope data strongly indicate the similarities between the Mishu Cadomian granites with other late Neoproterozoic–early Cambrian (600–520 Ma) granites across Iran and the surrounding areas such as Turkey and Iberia. The generation of the Mishu I-type granites could be related to the subduction of the Proto-Tethyan Ocean during Cadomian orogeny, through interaction between juvenile melts and old (Mesoproterozoic or Archaean) continental crust. The S-type granites are related to the pooling of the basaltic melts within the middle–upper parts of the thick continental crust and then partial melting of that crust.  相似文献   
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