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Ongonite from Ongon Khairkhan,Mongolia   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
Summary Albite-topaz kerotophyres, termed ongonites, were discovered byV. I. Kovalenko and coworkers at Ongon Khairkhan in Mongolia in 1970. The type area was revisited, described, resampled, the new data is compared with the earlier data and that from similar rocks elsewhere (Beauvoir and Cinovec granites; Macusani glass).Ongonites are fluorine-rich peraluminous sodic two feldspar granitoids with orthoclase and albite phenocrysts, high modal and normative albite content and the presence of topaz as common accessory mineral. They contain variable amounts of lithium micas or muscovite. Chemically, ongonite is similar to highly fractionated S-type or ilmenite series granitoids. In the type area, F-rich water-poor ongonite melts have intruded to a high crustal level.Ongonite displays a long history of subsolidus reactions and hydrothermal alteration. The hydrothermal alteration may be linked to a spatially associated quartz-wolframite stockwork not genetically related to ongonite. Ongonite has a low W content and an elevated Sn content despite a lack of association with Sn deposits.
Ongonite von Ongon Khairkhan, Mongolei
Zusammenfassung Albit-Topas-Keratophyre, auch als Ongonite bezeichnet, wurden 1970 von V. E. Kowalenko und Mitarbeitern bei Ongon Khairkhan in der Mongolei entdeckt. Die TypLokalität wurde beschrieben und beprobt und die neuen Daten werden mit den früher erhaltenen, und denen von ähnlichen Gesteinen in anderen Bereichen (die Granite von Beauvoir und Cinovec, das Glas von Macusani) verglichen.Ongonite sind Fluor- und Aluminiumreiche (Peraluminous), zwei-Feldspat-Natriumgranitoide mit idiomorphen Orthoklasen und Albit, hohem modalem und normativem Albitgehalt, und Topas als verbreitetem Nebenmineral. Sie führen wechselnde Gehalte von Lithiumglimmern oder Muskovit. Chemisch sind Ongonite stark fraktionierten S-Typ Granitoiden vergleichbar oder auch Granitoiden der Ilmenit-Serie. Im Gebiet der Typlokalität sind fluorreiche wasserarme Ongonit-Schmelzen in ein hohes Krustenniveau intrudiert worden.Ongonite zeigen eine lange Geschichte von Subsolidusreaktionen und hydrothermaler Umwandlung. Die hydrothermale Umwandlung kann mit einem räumlich assoziiertem Quarz-Wolframit Stockwerk in Beziehung gesetzt werden, das genetisch nicht mit den Ongoniten zusammenhängt. Ongonit hat einen niedrigen Wolframgehalt und einen erhöhten Zinngehalt, obwohl keine Assoziation mit Zinnlagerstätten zu beobachten ist.
Zdeněk Švestka 《Solar physics》1989,121(1-2):399-417
One has to distinguish between two kinds of the gradual phase of flares: (1) a gradual phase during which no energy is released so that we see only cooling after the impulsive phase (a confined flare), and (2) a gradual phase during which energy release continues (a dynamic flare).The simplest case of (1) is a single-loop flare which might provide an excellent opportunity for the study of cooling processes in coronal loops. But most confined flares are far more complicated: they may consist of sets of unresolved elementary loops, of conglomerates of loops, or they form arcades the components of which may be excited sequentially. Accelerated particles as well as hot and cold plasma can be ejected from the flare site (coronal tongues, flaring arches, sprays, bright and dark surges) and these ejecta may cool more slowly than the source flare itself.However, the most important flares on the Sun are flares of type (2) in which a magnetic field opening is followed by subsequent reconnection of fieldlines that may continue for many hours after the impulsive phase. Therefore, the main attention in this review is paid to the gradual phase of this category of long-decay flares. The following items are discussed in particular: The wide energy range of dynamic flares: from eruptions of quiescent filaments to most powerful cosmic-ray flares. Energy release at the reconnection site and modelling of the reconnection process. The post-flare loops: evidence for reconnection; observations at different wavelengths; energy deposit in the chromosphere, chromospheric ablation, and velocity fields; loops in emission; shrinking loops; magnetic modelling. The gradual phase in X-rays and on radio waves. Post-flare X-ray arches: observations, interpretation, and modelling; relation to metric radio events and mass ejections, multiple-ribbon flares and anomalous events, hybrid events, possible relations between confined and dynamic flares.  相似文献   
Summary This study is a follow up of the investigation of some magnetic properties and metastability of greigite in samples obtained from Miocene claystones in the Kruné hory (Erzgebirge) Piedmont basins (Bohemia). Three different methods of upgrading the smythite were applied; the magnetic properties of the concentrates are compared. The thermal conversion of smythite sets in at 200°C while greigite converts at 250°C. The first intermediate products to be formed are iron sulphides, marcasite clearly dominating over pyrite and pyrrhotite. Apart from a Fe3+ sulphate with a composition of Fe2(SO4)3, oxidation of these sulphides gives rise to -Fe2O3. The result of the subsequent decomposition of the mentioned sulphate is the formation of -Fe2O3, which retains the sulphate structure. The final product of the thermal decomposition at 800°C is -Fe2O3. In the smythite concentrate the conversion to Fe3+ sulphate and -Fe2O3 is about twice as intensive as in greigite. No direct conversion to -Fe2O3 was found. During the thermal process self-reversals of remanence were observed, in various samples as many as four reversals in the temperature interval from 340 to 590°C. The occurrences of self-reversals of remanence were only observed at high degrees of thermal demagnetization, of the order of 10–2 down to 10–3 in the temperature interval of sulphide origin (below 400°C), and of the order of 10–4 down to 10–6 in the temperature interval of Fe-oxides origin (above 400°C).Presented at the 3rd Conference on New Trends in Geomagnetism, Castle of Smolenice, Czechoslovakia, June 22–29, 1992  相似文献   
We discuss the problems connected with the measurements and evaluation of line-of-sight velocities, obtained with a scanning photoelectric magnetograph using a line-shifter with enhanced sensitivity. We bring arguments for the validity of the results of our photoelectric Doppler velocity recordings. We have found a network of cellularly shaped patterns in the distribution of photo-electrically measured line-of-sight motions, upflowing in the magnetically quiet (blue-shifted) and downflowing in magnetically active (red-shifted) areas of the photosphere, if the mean velocity level is estimated for a sufficiently large measured area. The features of both directions are mutually complementary. We demonstrate the effect of the shift of the reference zero velocity level on the topology of the line-of-sight velocity maps, and the dependence of this level on the size of the area from which it is estimated.  相似文献   
For almost 30 hr after the major (gamma-ray) two-ribbon flare on 6 November 1980, 03:30 UT, the Hard X-Ray Imaging Spectrometer (HXIS) aboard the SMM satellite imaged in > 3.5 keV X-rays a gigantic arch extending above the active region over the limb. Like a similar configuration on 22 May 1980, this arch formed the lowest part of a stationary post-flare radio noise storm recorded at metric wavelengths at Nançay and Culgoora. 6.5 hr after the flare a coronal region below the arch started quasi-periodic pulsations in X-ray brightness, observed by several SMM instruments. These brightness variations had no response in the chromosphere (H), very little in the transition layer (O v), but they clearly correlated with similar variations in brightness at 169 MHz. There were 13 pulses of this kind, with apparent periodicity of about 20 min, until another flare occurred in the active region at 15:00 UT. All the brightenings appeared within a localized area of about 30000 km2 in the northern part of the active region, but they definitely did not occur all at the same place.The top of the X-ray arch, at an altitude of 155 000 km, was continuously and smoothly decaying, taking no part in the striking variations below it. Therefore, the area variable in brightness does not seem to be the footpoint of the arch, as we supposed for similar variations on 22 May. More likely, it is a separate region connected directly with the source of the radio storm; particles accelerated in the storm may be dumped into the low corona and cause the X-ray enhancements. The X-ray arch was enhanced by two orders of magnitude in 3.5–5.5 keV X-ray counts and the temperature increased from 7.3 × 106 to 9 × 106 K when the new two-ribbon flare occurred at 15:00 UT. Thus, it is possible that energy is brought into the arch via the upper parts of the reconnecting flare loops - a process that can continue for hours.  相似文献   
Book review     
Z. Švestka 《Solar physics》1975,45(2):543-543
The paper deals with a selection of the climatological baseline, GCM validity and construction of the climate change scenarios for an impact assessment in the Czech territory. The period of 1961–1990 has been selected as the climatological baseline. The corresponding database includes more than 50 monthly mean temperature and precipitation series, and 16 time series of daily meteorological data that contain also the solar radiation data. The 1× CO2 outputs produced by four GCMs, provided by the CSMT (GISS, GFD30, GFD01, and CCCM), were compared with observed temperature and precipitation conditions in western and central Europe with a particular attention devoted to the Czech territory. The GCM ability to simulate annual cycles of temperature, precipitation and radiation was thoroughly examined. The GISS and CCCM were selected as a basis for constructing climate change scenarios as they simulated reasonably the observed patterns. According to the GISS variant, 2× CO2 climate assumes a higher winter and lower summer warming, and an increase in annual precipitation amounts. A dangerous combination of the summer temperature increase and declining precipitation amounts is a specific feature of the CCCM scenario. An incremental scenario for temperature and precipitation is based on the combination of prescribed changes in both annual means and annual courses.  相似文献   
Ozone is one of the most significant secondary pollutants with numerous negative effects on human health and environment including plants and vegetation. Therefore, more effort is made recently by governments and associations to predict ozone concentrations which could help in establishing better plans and regulation for environment protection. In this study, we use two Artificial Neural Network based approaches (MPL and RBF) to develop, for the first time, accurate ozone prediction models, one for urban and another one for rural area in the eastern part of Croatia. The evaluation of actual against the predicted ozone concentrations revealed that MLP and RBF models are very competitive for the training and testing data in the case of Kopa?ki Rit area whereas in the case of Osijek city, MLP shows better evaluation results with 9% improvement in the correlation coefficient. Furthermore, subsequent feature selection process has improved the prediction power of RBF network.  相似文献   
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