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The crystallographic structures of the synthetic cheralite, CaTh(PO4)2, and its homolog CaNp(PO4)2 have been investigated by X-ray diffraction at room temperature. Rietveld analyses showed that both compounds crystallize in the monoclinic system and are isostructural to monazite LnPO4 (Ln = La to Gd). The space group is P21/n (I.T. = 14) with Z = 2. The refined lattice parameters of CaTh(PO4)2 are a = 6.7085(8) Å, b = 6.9160(6) Å, c = 6.4152(6) Å, and β = 103.71(1)° with best fit parameters R wp = 4.87%, R p = 3.69% and R B = 3.99%. For CaNp(PO4)2, we obtained a = 6.6509(5) Å, b = 6.8390(3) Å, c = 6.3537(8) Å, and β = 104.12(6)° and R wp = 6.74%, R p = 5.23%, and R B = 6.05%. The results indicate significant distortions of bond length and angles of the PO4 tetrahedra in CaTh(PO4)2 and to a lesser extent in CaNp(PO4)2. The structural distortions were confirmed by Raman spectroscopy of CaTh(PO4)2. A comparison with the isostructural compounds LnPO4 (Ln = Ce and Sm) confirmed that the substitution of the large rare earth trivalent cations with Ca2+ and Th4+ introduces a distortion of the PO4 tetrahedra.  相似文献   
In an earlier paper Arp, Bi, Chu and Zhu investigated various quasar samples and recognized a periodicity of remarkable degree in them. Their conclusion was that the existence of such a periodicity is a counterevidence against the cosmological origin of quasar redshifts. Since this question is of great importance in a cosmological context, here we reanalyze some of the samples together with a galaxy sample of the pencil-beam survey of Broadhurstet al. Our result is that on the plane of cosmological parameters (0, 0) there is a non-negligible region where two quasar samples and the galaxy sample are simultaneously fairly periodic. Pure periodicity is still compatible with cosmological principles, at least on length scales much longer than the period length. So the regularities can fit into a cosmological context.  相似文献   
Cu-poor meneghinite from La Lauzière Massif (Savoy, France) has the composition (electron microprobe) (in wt%): Pb 59.50, Sb 20.33, Bi 1.19, Cu 0.87, Ag 0.05, Fe 0.03, S 17.62, Se 0.05, Total 99.64. Its crystal structure (X-ray on a single crystal) was solved with R1=0.0506, wR2=0.1026, with an orthorhombic symmetry, space group Pnma, and a=24.080(5) Å, b=4.1276(8) Å, c=11.369(2) Å, V=1130.0(4) Å3, Z=4. Relatively to the model of Euler and Hellner (1960), this structure shows a significantly lower site occupancy factor for the tetrahedral Cu site (0.146 against 0.25). Among the five other metallic sites, Bi appears in the one with predominant Sb. Developed structural formula: Cu0.15Pb2(Pb0.53Sb0.47)(Pb0.46Sb0.54)(Sb0.75Pb0.19Bi0.06)S6; the reduced one: Cu0.58Pb12.72(Sb7.04Bi0.24)S24. The formation of such a Cu-poor variety seems to be related to specific paragenetic conditions (absence of coexisting galena), or to crystallochemical constraints (minor Bi). To cite this article: Y. Moëlo et al., C. R. Geoscience 334 (2002) 529–536.  相似文献   
The natural river water certified reference material SLRS‐5 (NRC‐CNRC) was routinely analysed in this study for major and trace elements by ten French laboratories. Most of the measurements were made using ICP‐MS. Because no certified values are assigned by NRC‐CNRC for silicon and 35 trace element concentrations (rare earth elements, Ag, B, Bi, Cs, Ga, Ge, Li, Nb, P, Rb, Rh, Re, S, Sc, Sn, Th, Ti, Tl, W, Y and Zr), or for isotopic ratios, we provide a compilation of the concentrations and related uncertainties obtained by the participating laboratories. Strontium isotopic ratios are also given.  相似文献   
Summary Properties of the thermoremanent magnetization of various archaeological materials (baked-clay objects, samples from old trees, bones and stones) were investigated with the purpose to assess the possibility of their use for the determination of the earth's magnetic field in the historical past and to apply the data for solving some practical problems. It turns out that most of those materials yield magnetic values that can be used for making the radiocarbon dating method more accurate, for determining the degree of burning and for direct archaeomagnetic dating. The new conclusions also contribute to the knowledge of changes in the earth's magnetic field in the past.  相似文献   
河北平原水系密度与隐伏活动构造的关系   总被引:4,自引:1,他引:4  
以1926年出版的比例尺为1:5万的顺直地形图作为基础图件,用地理信息系统技术对河北平原作水系密度计量分析,揭示隐伏在第四纪巨厚的沉积物之下活动构造的信息,研究结果证实水系线密度统计图与使用其它地球科学方法获得的成果,例如基底活动断块图,地貌类型图和第四纪厚度图都有很好的对应,特别与布格重力图对应更好,研究结果发现水系密度图与布格重力异常图在总体一致性较好的前提下,多处反向异常区均为近代强震发生的区域,提出这种地表水系密度统计研究的成果不仅可以揭示深部隐伏的活动构造,而且具有较明确的时间含义。  相似文献   
Integrating novel and published swath bathymetry (3,980 km2), as well as chirp and high-resolution 2D seismic reflection profiles (2,190 km), this study presents the mapping of 436 pockmarks at water depths varying widely between 370 and 1,020 m on either side of the Strait of Gibraltar. On the Atlantic side in the south-eastern Gulf of Cádiz near the Camarinal Sill, 198 newly discovered pockmarks occur in three well localized and separated fields: on the upper slope (n=14), in the main channel of the Mediterranean outflow water (MOW, n=160), and on the huge contourite levee of the MOW main channel (n=24) near the well-known TASYO field. These pockmarks vary in diameter from 60 to 919 m, and are sub-circular to irregularly elongated or lobate in shape. Their slope angles on average range from 3° to 25°. On the Mediterranean side of the strait on the Ceuta Drift of the western Alborán Basin, where pockmarks were already known to occur, 238 pockmarks were identified and grouped into three interconnected fields, i.e. a northern (n=34), a central (n=61) and a southern field (n=143). In the latter two fields the pockmarks are mainly sub-circular, ranging from 130 to 400 m in diameter with slope angles averaging 1.5° to 15°. In the northern sector, by contrast, they are elongated up to 1,430 m, probably reflecting MOW activity. Based on seismo-stratigraphic interpretation, it is inferred that most pockmarks formed during and shortly after the last glacial sea-level lowstand, as they are related to the final erosional discontinuity sealed by Holocene transgressive deposits. Combining these findings with other existing knowledge, it is proposed that pockmark formation on either side of the Strait of Gibraltar resulted from gas and/or sediment pore-water venting from overpressured shallow gas reservoirs entrapped in coarse-grained contourites of levee deposits and Pleistocene palaeochannel infillings. Venting was either triggered or promoted by hydraulic pumping associated with topographically forced internal waves. This mechanism is analogous to the long-known effect of tidal pumping on the dynamics of unit pockmarks observed along the Norwegian continental margin.  相似文献   
We investigate the dynamical evolution of hierarchical three-body systems under the effect of tides, when the ratio of the orbital semi-major axes is small and the mutual inclination is relatively large (greater than 20°). Using the quadrupolar non-restricted approximation for the gravitational interactions and the viscous linear model for tides, we derive the averaged equations of motion in a vectorial formalism which is suitable to model the long-term evolution of a large variety of exoplanetary systems in very eccentric and inclined orbits. In particular, it can be used to derive constraints for stellar spin-orbit misalignment, capture in Cassini states, tidal-Kozai migration, or damping of the mutual inclination. Because our model is valid for the non-restricted problem, it can be used to study systems of identical mass or for the outer restricted problem, such as the evolution of a planet around a binary of stars. Here, we apply our model to various situations in the HD 11964, HD 80606, and HD 98800 systems.  相似文献   
Monopole annihilation and pair creation are investigated in a first order GUT symmetry breaking phase transition without inflation. It is found that even with complete initial monopole suppression, some monopoles are inevitably produced during the transition. According to this, some constraints are obtained for initial and equilibrium monopole densities in order to be compatible with the present observational limits even without inflation.  相似文献   
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