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Models of aggradation versus progradation in the Himalayan Foreland   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
A frequent goal of decompaction analysis is to reconstruct histories of basin subsidence and tectonic loading. In marine environments, eustatic and paleobathymetric uncertainties limit the resolution of these reconstructions. Whereas in the terrestrial basins, these ambiguities are absent, it is still necessary to account for depositional slopes between localities in order to analyze three-dimensional patterns of subsidence. We define two end-members for depositional surfaces: aggradation and progradation. The relative importance of either end-member is a function of the interplay between the rate of net sediment accumulation and the rate of basin subsidence. The models predict the patterns of major drainages (transverse versus longitudinal) and the way in which provenance should be reflected within different portions of a basin. Consequently, paleocurrent and provenance data from the ancient stratigraphic record can be used to distinguish between these endmembers. The subhorizontal depositional surfaces that dominate during times of aggradation provide a well defined reference frame for regional analysis of decompacted stratigraphies and related subsidence. Depositional slopes during progradation can not be as precisely specified, and consequently yield greater uncertainties in reconstructions of subsidence. These models are applied to the Mio-Pliocene foreland basin of the northwestern Himalaya, where sequences of isochronous strata have been analyzed throughout the basin. These time-controlled data delineate a distinctive evolution from largely aggradational to largely progradational depositional geometries as deformation progressively encroaches on the foreland. Such a reconstruction of past depositional surfaces provides a well constrained reference frame for subsequent integration of subsidence histories from throughout the foreland.
Zusammenfassung Ein häufiges Ziel der Dekompaktionsanalyse ist es die Beckenabsenkung und die tektonische Belastung zu rekonstruieren. In marinen Ablagerungsräumen limitieren eustatische und paläobathymetrische Unsicherheiten die Auflösung der Rekonstruktion. Bei terrestrischen Becken fehlen diese Zweideutigkeiten; es ist aber trotzdem notwendig, Rechenschaft über den Ablagerungshang zwischen verschiedenen Lokalitäten abzulegen, um dreidimensionale Subsidenzmuster zu analysieren. Wir definieren zwei Endglieder von Ablagerangsflächen: Aggradation und Progradation. Die relative Wichtigkeit des jeweiligen Endglieds ist eine Funktion des Zusammenspiels zwischen der Nettorate der Sedimentakkumulation und der Beckensubsidenz. Die Modelle sagen die Hauptentwässerungsmuster (quer- oder längsverlaufend) vorher, sowie den Weg in dem die Sedimentherkunft innerhalb verschiedener Bereiche des Beckens berücksichtigt werden sollte. Folglich können Paläoströmungs- und Herkunftsdaten alter stratigraphischer Überlieferungen benutzt werden, um zwischen den Endgliedern zu unterscheiden. Die subhorizontale Ablagerungsfläche welche zur Zeit der Aggradation dominant ist, liefert einen gut definierten Referenzrahmen für die regionale Analyse von dekomprimierten Formationen und der damit verknüpften Subsidenz. Ablagerangshänge während Progradation können nicht präzise spezifiziert werden und beinhalten daher größere Unsicherheiten bei der Rekonstruktion der Subsidenz. Diese Modelle wurden übertragen auf das miozäne bis pliozäne Vorgebirgsbecken des nordwestlichen Himalayas, wo Sequenzen von isochronen Schichten durch das gesamte Becken analysiert werden konnten. Diese zeitkontrollierten Daten schildern eine ganz bestimmte Entwicklung, die von einer hauptsächlich aggradierenden zu einer progradierenden Ablagerangsgeometrie verlief, während der die Deformation schrittweise in Richtung Vorland übergriff. Diese Rekonstruktion von ehemaligen Ablagerangsflächen liefert einen guten Referenzrahmen für die folgende Integration der Subsidenzgeschichte des gesamten Vorlands.

Résumé L'analyse de décompaction a souvent pour but de reconstituer l'histoire de la subsidence d'un bassin et de la charge tectonique. Dans les milieux marins, de telles reconstitutions sont limitées par des incertitudes de caractère eustatique et paléobathymétrique. Par contre, ces ambiguïtés ne se présentent pas dans le cas des bassins continentaux, où il convient néanmoins de tenir compte de la pente de la surface de dépôt entre les divers points considérés pour établir un schéma tridimensionnel de la subsidence. Nous définissons deux situations extrêmes pour les surfaces de dépôt: l'aggradation et la progradation. L'importance relative de ces deux extrêmes est fonction de l'interaction entre le taux d'accumulation net des sédiments et le taux de subsidence du bassin. Les modèles prévoient la répartition des drainages principaux (transverse ou longitudinal) et la manière dont l'origine des sédiments peut se répercuter dans les diverses parties d'un bassin. Il en résulte que des informations fournies par les relevés stratigraphiques à propos des paléocourants et de la source des sédiments peuvent être utilisées pour faire la distinction entre les deux cas extrêmes. Les surfaces de dépôt subhorizontales, qui prédominent pendant les périodes d'aggradation, fournissent un bon cadre de référence pour les analyses régionales de formations décompactées et de la subsidence qui leur est associée. Les surfaces de dépôt inclinées qui se présentent au cours des progradations ne peuvent pas être définies de manière aussi précise et engendrent par conséquent plus d'incertitude dans la reconstitution de la subsidence. Les auteurs appliquent ces modèles au bassin mio-pliocène d'avant-pays de l'Himalaya nord-occidental, dans lequel des séquences de couches isochrones ont été suivies à travers tout le bassin. Ces données, chronologiquement définies, fournissent l'image d'une évolution nette, depuis des géométries typiques d'aggradation jusqu' à des géométries typiques de progradation, au fur et à mesure de l'emprise progressive de la déformation sur l'avant-pays. Une telle reconstitution des surfaces de dépôt anciennes fournit un bon cadre de référence en vue de l'intégration ultérieure de l'histoire de la subsidence dans l'ensemble de l'avant-pays.

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Ion-microprobe was used to measure Li abundances and isotopic compositions in pyroxenes from three Martian meteorites belonging to the nakhlite family. The profiles performed across augite crystals from Northwest Africa 817 show a large isotopic zoning from crystal cores (δ7Li ∼ 0‰) to rims (δ7Li ∼ +20‰) while Li abundances are almost constant (∼9.2 μg/g). Unlike NWA 817, the pyroxene studied in the Miller Range 03346 nakhlite shows a zoning in Li abundance, with concentrations increasing from ∼2.5 μg/g in the core to ∼9 μg/g in the rim. The augite rim (δ7Li = +7‰) is slightly enriched in 7Li with regard to the core (δ7Li = +4‰), but most of the isotopic variations observed occur at an intermediate position along the profile, where δ7Li falls down to ∼−11‰. In the case of Nakhla, Li concentrations in augite increase from cores (∼3.5 μg/g) to rims (∼6.5 μg/g), while the δ7Li variation is restricted (i.e., between δ7Li = +6.0 and +12.6‰). For the three meteorites the Li abundances were also measured in the groundmass, which was found to be enriched in lithium (∼10 μg/g). Conventional magmatic and post-magmatic processes such as alteration and fractional crystallization, fail to explain the dataset obtained on nakhlites. Degassing processes, which were previously proposed to explain the Li distribution in shergottite crystals, cannot result in the strong decoupling between Li abundances and isotopic composition observed in nakhlites. We suggest that the original magmatic Li distributions (concentrations and isotopic compositions) in nakhlites have been modified by diffusion of Li from the Li-rich groundmass towards the pyroxene crystals during sub-solidus cooling. Diffusion appears to have been efficient for NWA 817 and MIL 03346 but, apparently, did not produce a significant migration of Li in Nakhla, possibly because of the lower abundance of groundmass in the latter. Diffusion induced Li redistributions may also affect terrestrial porphyric rocks but very specific cooling rates are required to quench the diffusion profiles as observed in two of the present nakhlites.  相似文献   
Several Triassic and earliest Jurassic sedimentary units from the Colorado Plateau region have distributions of virtual geomagnetic poles (VGPs) that are highly elongate along the path of apparent polar wander (APW). This suggests that the remanent magnetizations measured in these units were acquired over an extended period of time, possibly approaching 35 m.y., and are not precisely coeval with the stratigraphic age of the rock. Comparison with other paleomagnetic studies shows that the observed elongation is not a general attribute of the age of the rock, nor is it related to paleolatitude. The rocks that yield elongate VGP distributions are dominantly red to brown mudstones, and it is possible that their remanence is dominated by a slowly acquired chemical remanent magnetization, as suggested by Larson et al. [J. Geophys. Res. 87 (1982) 1081] and other authors. However, several superficially similar units from the Colorado Plateau have nearly circular VGP distributions. The process by which remanence is acquired in clastic sedimentary rocks merits further study.  相似文献   
We use paleomagnetic data to map Mesozoic absolute motion of North America, using paleomagnetic Euler poles (PEP). First, we address two important questions: (1) How much clockwise rotation has been experienced by crustal blocks within and adjacent to the Colorado Plateau? (2) Why is there disagreement between the apparent polar wander (APW) path constructed using poles from southwestern North America and the alternative path based on poles from eastern North America? Regarding (1), a 10.5° clockwise rotation of the Colorado Plateau about a pole located near 35°N, 102°W seems to fit the evidence best. Regarding (2), it appears that some rock units from the Appalachian region retain a hard overprint acquired during the mid-Cretaceous, when the geomagnetic field had constant normal polarity and APW was negligible.We found three well-defined small-circle APW tracks: 245–200 Ma (PEP at 39.2°N, 245.2°E, R=81.1°, root mean square error (RMS)=1.82°), 200–160 Ma (38.5°N, 270.1°E, R=80.4°, RMS=1.06°), 160 to 125 Ma (45.1°N, 48.5°E, R=60.7°, RMS=1.84°). Intersections of these tracks (the “cusps” of Gordon et al. [Tectonics 3 (1984) 499]) are located at 59.6°N, 69.5°E (the 200 Ma or “J1” cusp) and 48.9°N, 144.0°E (the 160 Ma or “J2” cusp). At these times, the absolute velocity of North America appears to have changed abruptly.North America absolute motion also changed abruptly at the beginning and end of the Cretaceous APW stillstand, currently dated at about 125 and 88 Ma (J. Geophys. Res. 97 (1992b) 19651). During this interval, the APW path degenerates into a single point, implying rotation about an Euler pole coincident with the spin axis.Using our PEP and cusp locations, we calculate the absolute motion of seven points on the North American continent. Our intention is to provide a chronological framework for the analysis of Mesozoic tectonics. Clearly, if APW is caused by plate motion, abrupt changes in absolute motion should correlate with major tectonic events. This follows because large accelerations reflect important changes in the balance of forces acting on the plate, the most important of which are edge effects (subduction, terrane accretion, etc.). Some tectonic interpretations: (1) The J1 cusp may be associated with the inception of rifting of North America away from land masses to the east; the J2 cusp seems to mark the beginning of rapid spreading in the North Atlantic. (2) The J2 cusp signals the beginning of a period of rapid northwestward absolute motion of western North America; motion of tectonostratigraphic terranes in the westernmost Cordillera seems likely to have been directed toward the south during this interval. (3) The interval 88 to 80 Ma saw a rapid decrease in the paleolatitude of North America; unless this represents a period of true polar wander, terrane motion during this time should have been relatively northward.  相似文献   
Norbert I. K 《冰川冻土》2004,26(Z1):310-318
The exploration of ice sheets by melting vertical holes into the ground has some tradition in terrestrial glaciology. Such probes have been used since the 1960's to investigate the vertical structure of the ice in Greenland and Antarctica and in alpine glaciers. In this paper we look into the possibility to develop similar devices for use on extraterrestrial icy bodies, like e.g. the polar areas on Mars or the icy satellites of the outer solar system. We report on some basic experiments performed in the cryo-vacuum laboratory of the Space Research Institute of the Austrian Academy of Sciences, Graz. In these experiments the penetration of a simple melting probe into compact and porous water ice (with a snow-like texture) was monitored, both under vacuum conditions and under air pressure. The observed penetration speeds for a given power supply are compared with a simple mathematical model. We conclude that a miniature melting probe with small overall dimensions and a reasonable power demand could well be part of the payload of a future planetary mission, for example to the poles of Mars. Such missions are currently under discussion in several space agencies. Moreover such probes could also e? ectively be used in terrestrial environments. A possible design is presented at the end of the paper.  相似文献   
Assessment of past drought in boreal regions, a region predicted to be strongly affected by climate warming, can provide insights into future availability of water. However, limited instrumental data and paleoclimatic data are available for this assessment. To address this lack of data in the boreal region of northwest Ontario, a regional study of lakes in the Winnipeg River Drainage Basin was initiated. Diatom-inferred (D-I) depth models were developed based on surface samples collected along a depth gradient within 8 small boreal lakes. Weighted-averaging and modern analog approaches provided robust within-lake depth models for each of the study lakes, with bootstrapped r2 values ranging from 0.90 to 0.98, and root-mean-squared-errors of prediction (RMSEP) between 1.1 and 2.5 m. Large differences in the estimated depth optima for three representative, but common diatom species across our 8 study lakes suggested that within-lake calibration datasets are more appropriate for inferring past drought based in depth models than a regional multi-lake calibration dataset, and that light and related variables are controlling factors governing the maximum depth of benthic taxa. A down-core application of the D-I depth models on a near-shore core from Meekin Lake, retrieved near the present-day ecotone between the benthic and planktonic diatom assemblages indicated highly similar trends in inferred depth (r = 0.96). The models have significant correlations with other metrics of changes in depth including diatom species richness (r = 0.74–0.78) and evenness (r = 0.76–0.8), thereby allowing a check on the strength and direction of the depth inferences down-core. Near-shore cores located near the benthic:planktonic transition is a sensitive region that can provide estimates of past droughts in lakes where such inferences have been difficult to estimate.  相似文献   
The declining health of marine ecosystems around the world is evidence that current piecemeal governance is inadequate to successfully support healthy coastal and ocean ecosystems and sustain human uses of the ocean. One proposed solution to this problem is ecosystem-based marine spatial planning (MSP), which is a process that informs the spatial distribution of activities in the ocean so that existing and emerging uses can be maintained, use conflicts reduced, and ecosystem health and services protected and sustained for future generations. Because a key goal of ecosystem-based MSP is to maintain the delivery of ecosystem services that humans want and need, it must be based on ecological principles that articulate the scientifically recognized attributes of healthy, functioning ecosystems. These principles should be incorporated into a decision-making framework with clearly defined targets for these ecological attributes. This paper identifies ecological principles for MSP based on a synthesis of previously suggested and/or operationalized principles, along with recommendations generated by a group of twenty ecologists and marine scientists with diverse backgrounds and perspectives on MSP. The proposed four main ecological principles to guide MSP—maintaining or restoring: native species diversity, habitat diversity and heterogeneity, key species, and connectivity—and two additional guidelines, the need to account for context and uncertainty, must be explicitly taken into account in the planning process. When applied in concert with social, economic, and governance principles, these ecological principles can inform the designation and siting of ocean uses and the management of activities in the ocean to maintain or restore healthy ecosystems, allow delivery of marine ecosystem services, and ensure sustainable economic and social benefits.  相似文献   

Collision of the Kohistan island arc with Asia at ~100 Ma resulted in N-S compression within the Neo-Tethys at a spreading center north of the Indo-Pakistani craton. Subsequent India-Asia convergence converted the Neo-Tethyan spreading center into a short-lived subduction zone. The hanging wall of the subduction zone became the Waziristan, Khost and Jalalabad igneous complexes. During the Santonian- Campanian (late Cretaceous), thrusting of the NW IndoPakistani craton beneath Albian oceanic crust and a Cenomanian volcano-sedimentary complex, generated an ophiolite-radiolarite belt. Ophiolite obduction resulted in tectonic loading and flexural subsidence of the NW Indian margin and sub-CCD deposition of shelf-derived olistostromes and turbidites in the foredeep. Campanian-Maastriehtian calci- clastic and siliciclastic sediment gravity flows derived from both margins filled the foredeep as a huge allochthon of Triassic-Jurassic rise and slope strata was thrust ahead of the ophiolites onto the Indo-Pakistani craton. Shallow to intermediate marine strata covered the foredeep during the late Maastrichtian. As ophiolite obduction neared completion during the Maastrichtian, the majority of India-Asia convergence was accommodated along the southern margin of Asia. During the Paleocene, India was thrust beneath a second allochthon that included open marine middle Maastrichtian colored mélange which represents the Asian Makran-Indus-Tsangpo accretionary prism. Latérites that formed on the eroded ophiolites and structurally higher colored mélange during the Paleocene wei’e unconformably overlapped by upper Paleocene and Middle Eocene shallow marine limestone and shale that delineate distinct episodes of Paleocene collisional and Early Eocene post-collisional deformation.  相似文献   
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