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The Jeribe Formation (Early Middle Miocene) in the central and southern Iraq consists mainly of shallow marine carbonates. Many microfacies have been identified: mudstone, wackestone, packstone, and grainstone with seven submicrofacies. Four major depositional cycles were determined. Microfacies developments and their distribution are controlled by cyclicity and relative sea level fluctuations. The Allochems in the Jeribe Limestone Formation are dominated by bioclasts. Peloids, ooids, and intraclasts are less abundant. The fossils are represented by benthonic forams and very rare planktonic forams. Calcite and dolomite are the predominant mineral components of Jeribe Formation. The carbonates of Jeribe have been affected by a variety of diagenetic processes such as compaction, dissolution, cementation, neomorphism, dolomitization, anhydritization, and silicification. By using the lithofacies association concepts, the depositional model of the Jeribe Formation environment was built. The Jeribe was deposited in open to restricted platforms which indicated lagoonal environment with warm and restricted-open circulation and the lower part (in well Hemrin-2) was deposited in foreslope environment.  相似文献   
Proposed engineering of gypsiferous soil classification is given. This classification depends on soil texture, mineralogy, geochemistry and engineering properties. Study areas are located within the Mesopotamian plain and include four locations, namely, Najaf, Karbala, Falluja and Samarra which are located between latitudes 32° and 35° and longitudes 43° and 44° 30??. The study performed includes analyses of soil samples for their mineralogy and physical and engineering properties as well as the chemical analyses of soil water extracts. The results suggest that these soils consist of different percentages of sand, silt, clay and some gravel. Analysis also detected secondary gypsum, quartz, calcite, feldspar, different types of rock fragments and different types of heavy minerals in trace amount. Clay minerals are dominated by palygorskite. Hydrochemical analysis results of soil water extracts show that the calcium and sulphate ions are most common, followed by sodium, bicarbonate, chloride, magnesium and potassium. Bicarbonate and chloride show increased values in Karbala and Najaf areas. The highest gypsum content reached 67.5% in the Samarra area, while the lowest is in Karbala, which reached 28.9%.The physical and engineering properties of the studied soils were determined. Samples which were allowed to soak in water show a sudden drop in unconfined compressive strength, compression and shear values immediately after soaking and then decreased gradually. This classification of gypsiferous soils is composed of two classes: gypsiferous soil and highly gypsiferous soil, according to their gypsum content and initial void ratio, coefficient of curvature, coefficient of uniformity, the collapse potential, the compressive strength, cohesion, plasticity index, content of fines and the total dissolve solids of the soil water extracts. It is believed that this newly proposed classification for gypsiferous soils can be applied to other locations and therefore will be useful for other soil scientists and engineers as well because this classification depends on soil texture, mineralogy, geochemistry and engineering properties, while the other existing classifications deal with only one of these variables.  相似文献   
Nineteen subsurface sections and a large number of thin sections of the Mauddud limestone (age Albian?CEarly Cenomanian) were studied to unravel the depositional facies and environments. The allochems in the Mauddud Formation are dominated by bioclasts (reach 23%) and peloids (reach 60%), whereas intraclasts are less abundant (reach 2.3%). The sedimentary microfacies of the Mauddud Formation includes lime mudstone, wackestone, wackestone?Cpackstone, packstone, packstone?Cgrainstone, in addition to dolostone lithofacies and green shale lithofacies. These microfacies have been deposited in shallow warm marine environment of varying salinities and energy levels. Cementation, neomorphism, dolomitization, compaction, and dissolution are observed affecting variably both ground mass and particles. The formation displays various extents of dolomitization and is cemented by calcite and dolomite. Dolomitization increases toward the north of the study area and exhibits different textures. Similarly cementation shows a variety of textures. In addition, authigenic minerals, such as glauconite and pyrite, are scattered within the groundmass and along solution surfaces. The formation has gradational contact with the underlying Nahr Umr Formation but is unconformably overlain by the Ahmadi Formation, despite local conformity. Thus, the vertical bioclast analysis indicates that the Mauddud Formation is characterized by four major depositional cycles, which control the distribution of reservoir quality as well as the patterns of calcite and dolomite, cement distribution. Petrographical study shows that the fossil represents the main Allchem, Peloids, whereas intraclasts come second in abundance. Calcite (more than 50%) and dolomite (as diagenetic products, range between 20% and 50%) are the predominant mineral components of Mauddud Formation. Fossils were studied as an environmental, age, and facial boundary indicators. Five major depositional microfacies are recognized. These depositional microfacies have been subdivided according to their primary and diagenetic constituents into ten submicrofacies. The determined four major depositional cycles were representing normal sequential regression from base upward. The lateral analysis shows the same regressive cycle and by using the lithofacies association concepts to build the depositional model of the Mauddud Formation environment.  相似文献   
The Euphrates Formation (Lower Miocene) in the Central Iraq consists mainly of shallow marine carbonates. Two hundred ten samples were collected from 21 wells (1E to 21ED) at Bahar Najaf area, and 18 samples were collected at Wadi Asadi in Baghdadi area, from Euphrates Formation. Four microfacies are identified, namely mudstone, wackestone, packstone, and rare grainstone with ten submicrofacies. The allochems in the Euphrates Formation are dominated by bioclasts. Peloids, ooids, and intraclasts are less abundant. The common fossils in the Euphrates Formation are miliolids, algae, ostracods, Miogypsina, and abundant shells of pelecypods and gastropods. Calcite and dolomite are the predominant mineral components of the Euphrates Formation. The carbonates of the Euphrates Formation have been affected by a variety of diagenetic processes such as micritization, dissolution, neomorphism, cementation, stylolitization, dolomitization, dedolomitization, and silicification. The Euphrates Formation was deposited in open to restricted platforms which indicated lagoonal environment with warm and restricted open circulation. In fact, prevalence and abundance of micrite provide an evidence of a shallow marine of low-energy environment and, in some places, may be approaching to be stagnant environment. The average of CaO in Najaf area (51.5 %) is slightly lower than that in Baghdadi area (53.3 %), which was reflected in calcite content found being 91 % in Najaf and 94 % in Baghdadi. Dolomite and gypsum appeared as minor minerals beside calcite, so low concentration of MgO (0.83 % in Najaf; 0.63 in Baghdadi) and SO3 (0.55 % in Najaf; 0.53 % in Baghdadi) was reflected information of small amounts of dolomite (2 % in Najaf; 1.6 % in Baghdadi) and gypsum (0.7 % in Najaf and 0.6 in Baghdadi) in the Euphrates Formation. The insoluble residue in Najaf area (4.37 %) is relatively higher than that in Baghdadi area (1.9 %), indicating that the Euphrates Formation in Najaf Area has deposited in an environment closer to the shoreline. Concentrations of the trace elements Sr, Mn, and Fe which support the conclusion that reminds the Euphrates Formation had been deposited in a shallow marine environment of quiet energy, with the likelihood that the shoreline was the nearest to Najaf rather than to Baghdadi.  相似文献   
Eight subsurface sections and a large number of thin sections of the Mishrif Limestone were studied to unravel the depositional facies and environments. The allochems in the Mishrif Formation are dominated by bioclasts, whereas peloids, ooids, and intraclasts are less abundant. The sedimentary microfacies of the Mishrif Formation includes mudstone, wackestone, packstone, grainstone, floatstone, and rudstone, which have been deposited in basinal, outer shelf, slop followed by shoal reef and lagoonal environments. The formation displays various extents of dolomitization and is cemented by calcite and dolomite. The formation has gradational contact with the underlying Rumaila Formation but is unconformably overlain by the Khasib Formation. The unconformity is recognized because the skeletal grains are dominated by Chaophyta (algae), which denotes the change of environment from fully marine to lacustrine environment. Thus, the vertical bioclast analysis indicates that the Mishrif Formation is characterized by two regressive cycles, which control the distribution of reservoir quality as well as the patterns of calcite and dolomite cement distribution. Mishrif Formation gradationally overlies Rumaila Formation. This was indicated by the presence of the green parts of Chaophyta (algae) as main skeletal grains at the uppermost part of well Zb-47, which refer to lacustrine or fresh water environment. Petrographical study shows that the fossils, peloids, oolitis, and intraclasts represent the main allochem. Calcite and dolomite (as diagenetic products) are the predominant mineral components of Mishrif Formation. Fossils were studied as an environmental age and facial boundaries indicators, which are located in a chart using personal computer programs depending on their distributions on the first appearance of species. Fifteen principal sedimentary microfacies have been identified in the Mishrif Formation, which includes lime mudstone, mudstone–wackestone, wackestone, wackestone–packstone, packstone, packstone–grainstone, grainstone–floatstone, packstone–floatstone, packstone–rudstone, and wackestone–floatstone. Markov chain analysis has been used to study the transitional pattern of different microfacies types vertically in each well and laterally in all wells as a composite section. The vertical analysis indicates that the Mishrif Formation characterized by two regressive cycles, the main one started with basinal or outer shelf environment, slop environment followed by shoal or reefal environment, and ended with a lagoonal environment. The lateral analysis shows the same regressive cycle, and by using the lithofacies association concepts, we built the depositional model of the Mishrif Formation environment.  相似文献   
Serikagni Formation (lower–middle Miocene) was studied at four outcrop sections within Sinjar Anticline, Para (the western plunge), Jaddala, Sinjar, (Southern limb), and Noaniaa (Northern limb) of Sinjar Mountain, which is part of foothill zone in northwest Iraq. This formation is composed of Globigerina limestone, marly limestone intercalated with marl, deposited in quiet, deep marine environment. Palynological analyses and the percentages of palynological matter were determined. Palynofacies analysis was recorded for paleoenvironmental interpretation. Mineralogical investigations and petrographical analyses were done. Geochemical analyses for the determination of the major constituents (CaO, MgO, and I.R.),the secondary constituents (SiO2, Al2O3, Fe2O3, Na2O, K2O, and trace elements (Sr, Mn, Cu, Zn, Co, Cr, Pb) in the rock samples were accomplished. The calcite is the predominant mineral which is mostly of micrite types as well as spary calcite. The insoluble residue (I.R.) has negative correlation with the carbonate percentages in the rock formation as observed by the XRD analyses. Clay minerals show low occurrence represented by palygorskite, montmorillonite, and sepiolite. Geochemical differences can be noticed between the limy and marly facies constituting the same formation. Differences are also observed between the geochemistry and mineralogy of the four studied localities such as the relatively more pure limestone in Jaddala and Para sections than Sinjar and Noaniaa sections which indicate the higher percentages of marly limestone. This is believed to be due to the geographic location of these sections within the main depositional environment, as well as the consequences of sea level fluctuation. Two palynofacies (PF-1) and (PF-2) were identified. Palynomorphs are more numerous with high percentages (>80%) of amorphous organic matter (AOM) is present in the PF-1. The lithological association of this palynofacies is limestone and marly limestone. This palynofacies 1, indicate the deep marine depositional environment. The second palynofacies (PF-2) reflect low quantities (less than 40%) of AOM, with increase of phytoclasts (translucent-type) to more than 30% and the miospores (small spores and pollen grains) to more than 20%. The lithological association of this palynofacies is marl and marly limestone. This palynofacies 2, indicate the nearshore and shallow marine depositional environment.  相似文献   
Variations in the mineralogy and chemistry of the shells of the filter-feeding organism Mytilus edulis have allowed discrimination of subenvironments of growth within the Tay estuary. Aragonite proportions higher than those predictable for the temperate, tidal, growth conditions are associated with stretches of the estuary affected by organic pollution. Accumulation and concentration of copper (Cu) in the organic periostracum suggest that Mytilus shell may also prove useful as a monitor of metallic element pollution.The relatively fragile nature of the polylayer shell of Mytilus and the layer specific distribution of components require the use of either complete, undamaged specimens or population groups to discriminate significant variations.  相似文献   
The shells ofMytilus edulis in the Tay estuary, Scotland, show mean aragonite contents of 55%, but in one zone the average aragonite proportion is only 45%. Comparison with data forMytilus edulis from other regions indicates the temperature and salinity are not the only significant determinants of the aragonite/calcite ratio. Elimination of other variables suggests that sewage discharges may influence the mineralogy of the shell secreted byMytilus edulis in the relatively nutrient-enriched areas.  相似文献   
The depositional facies and environments were unraveling by studying 21 subsurface sections from ten oilfields in the central and southern Iraq and a large number of thin sections of the Nahr Umr (siliciclastic deposit) Formation (Albian). This formation is mainly composed of sandstone interlaminated with minor siltstone and shale, with occurrence of thin limestone beds. Nahr Umr Formation is subdivided into three lithostratigraphic units of variable thicknesses on the basis of lithological variations and log characters. Mineralogically and texturally, mature quartz arenite and sandstones are the common type of the Nahr Umr Formation. The sandstones are cemented by silica and calcite material and have had a complex digenetic history. Compaction, dissolution, and replacements are the main diagenetic processes. Prodelta, distal bar, distributary mouth bar, distributary channel, over bank, and tidal channel are the main depositional environments recognized for the Nahr Umr Formation, within the studied wells. This formation was deposited in shallow marine and fluvial–deltaic environments and exhibit progradational succession of facies. Eight sedimentary facies that have been identified in the Nahr Umr Formation include claystone lithofacies, claystone siltstone lithofacies, lenticular-bedded sandstone–mudstone lithofacies, wavy-bedded sandstone–mudstone lithofacies, flaser-bedded sandstone–mudstone lithofacies, parallel and cross lamination sandstone lithofacies, trough cross-bedded sandstone lithofacies, and planar cross-bedded sandstone lithofacies. The depositional model of the Nahr Umr Formation environment was built based on the lithofacies association concepts.  相似文献   
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