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The transfer formulas are used to compute hourly values of sensible and latent heat exchanges for the period July 29 to July 31, 1974. Also, values of eddy shearing stress at the sea surface, Bowen's ratio and dissipation of kinetic energy are computed. The data used cover part of the GATE period for station 20 occupied by the Brazilian Naval Ship R/V Sirius in the Equatorial Atlantic (0730 N 4000 W). The variations in the computed values are studied in relation to rainfall and the synoptic situation.  相似文献   
In an effort to better understand the dynamics of westward velocities of the nocturnal F-region plasma, the climatology of the westward traveling plasma bubbles – WTB – occurring during quiettime is studied here. The climatology of the WTB is analyzed here based on airglow images obtained during 14 quiet days between 2001 and 2006 at the Brazilian station São João do Cariri (Geographic 7.45°S, 36.5°W, dip ~20°S). The frequency of occurrence of the WTB maximizes in the descending phase of the solar cycle. The WTB velocities ranged between ~20 and 40 ms?1. The frequency of occurrence had a peak value of only 3.65% at 2345 LT. The maximum occurrence of the WTB was in July–September. No WTB have been observed from November until April in all years 2001–2006. We show for the first time theoretically that the WTB dominant forcing mechanisms during geomagnetically quiet days are westward thermospheric winds.  相似文献   
A key component that guarantees stability of coastal sand dunes (CSDs) is vegetation. In this study, the floristic composition and distribution from CSDs of India is reviewed. Analysis revealed a total 338 species of CSD flora, of which 92 species are found to be common to the west and east coasts. The west coast showed a greater diversity than the east coast, accounting for 267 and 163 species respectively. Fabaceae members dominated the flora and 62% of dune species exhibited an herbaceous habit. The non-metric multi-dimensional scaling (nMDS) resulted in three groups at 20% similarity. The CSD vegetation appeared to be more influenced by the geological setting and climatology of the region. The higher number of coastal dune species along the west coast is attributed to larger and extensive sandy areas. The CSD flora of India is under constant anthropogenic pressure due to rapid elimination of sand dunes and its associated vegetation. The prevailing Coastal Regulation Zone (CRZ) notification does not guarantee the health of sand dune flora. A coastal vegetation conservation policy that ensures a succession of species in the form of a three layered biozone is proposed as a long term sustainable option to maintain biodiversity of coastal flora.  相似文献   
Coastal gill net entanglement and debris intake are important threats to the survival of sea turtles. Two sea turtles (Lepidochelys olivacea and Chelonia mydas) were found stranded along the coast of Paraíba. After necropsy, plastic debris were found in the stomach. The debris is described. This is the first record of this sort of problem for the Paraíba littoral.  相似文献   
The climatology of ionospheric plasma bubbles is studied here by means of a comparison of the frequency of occurrence of the spread-F/plasma bubble events over the South American region using the images from two OI 630 nm imager systems located at the subequatorial station São João do Cariri—CA (7.4 S, 36.5 W, 20 S dip) and the low-latitude station Cachoeira Paulista—CP (22.5 S, 45 W, 33 S dip) in Brazil during the years of 2004 and 2005. The results are discussed in the light of current theory and geomagnetic parameters of the two observation stations.  相似文献   
An East – West, one-dimensional radio interferometer array consisting of five parabolic dish antennas has been set up at Cachoeira Paulista (longitude 45°0′20″ W, latitude 22°41′19″ S) for observations of the Sun and some of the strong sidereal sources by the Instituto Nacional de Pesquisas Espaciais (INPE), Brazil. This is Phase-I of the proposed Brazilian Decimetric Array and can be operated at any frequency in the range 1.2 – 1.7 GHz. The instrument has been in operation since November 2004 onwards at 1.6 GHz. The angular and temporal resolutions at this frequency are ∼3′ and 100 ms, respectively. Details of the array, analog/digital receiver system, and a preliminary East – West one-dimensional solar image at the 1.6 GHz are presented in this paper.  相似文献   
A Small Autonomous Surface Vehicle for Ocean Color Remote Sensing   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
This paper provides a study on the development and the use of a small autonomous surface vehicle (ASV) that automatically follows programmed mission transects, while measuring sensor outputs along the tracks. It discusses the mechanical construction of the ASV, the distributed architecture of controller area network (CAN)-based nodes for science and vehicle payloads, high-speed radio-frequency (RF) communications, the performance of the heading autopilot, global positioning system (GPS)-based guidance algorithm, and the mission programming technique. The field trials of the ASV, performed off the coast of Goa, India, are focused on retrieving the 2-D spatial distribution of surface chlorophyll, which is one of the useful parameters in characterizing the nature of calibration-validation (CALVAL) sites for ocean remote sensing needs. A further benefit of ASVs is that they can be built at a low cost and used in monitoring applications of diverse coastal ecosystems.  相似文献   
We propose an extension of the shifted Grünwald-Letnikov method to solve fractional partial differential equations in the Caputo sense with arbitrary fractional order derivative α and with an advective term. The method uses the relation between Caputo and Riemann-Liouville definitions, the shifted Grünwald-Letnikov, and the traditional backward and forward finite difference method. The stability of the method is investigated for the implicit and explicit scheme with homogeneous boundary conditions, and a stability criterion is found for the advective-dispersive equation. An application of the method is used to solve contaminant diffusion and advective-dispersive problems. The numerical solution for the fractional diffusion and fractional advection-dispersion is compared with their respective analytical solutions for different time and space grid refinements. The diffusion simulation exhibited a good fit between the analytical and numerical solutions, with the explicit scheme going from stable to unstable as the time and space refinement changes. The fractional advection-dispersion application produced small deviations from the analytical solution. These deviations, however, are analogous to the numerical dispersions encountered in conventional finite difference solutions of the advection-dispersion equation. The new method is also compared with the traditional L2 method. Notably, an example that involves asymmetrical fractional conditions, a fractional diffusivity that depends on time, and a source term show how the methods compare. Overall, this study assesses the quality and easiness of use of the numerical method.  相似文献   
In the present investigation, an age model of carbonate‐rich cores from a seamount top in the Central Indian Basin (CIB) was constructed using both isotopic (230Thexcess, AMS 14C, oxygen isotopes) and biostratigraphic methods. The chronologies using the two methods are in good agreement, yielding a record of the late Middle Pleistocene to the Pleistocene–Holocene transition (550 to 11.5 ka). The first appearance datum (FAD) of the radiolarian Buccinosphaera invaginata (180 ka) and coccolith Emiliania huxleyi (268 ka) and the last appearance datum (LAD) of the radiolarian Stylatractus universus (425 ka) were used. A monsoon‐induced productivity increase was inferred from carbonate, organic carbon and δ13C records in response to the Mid‐Brunhes Climatic Shift (MBCS), consistent with an increased global productivity. While the coccolith diversity increased, a decrease in coccolith productivity was found during the MBCS. At nearly the same time period, earlier records from the equatorial Indian Ocean, western Indian Ocean and eastern Africa have shown an increased productivity in response to the influence of westerlies and increased monsoon. The influence of easterlies from Australia and the intensification of aridity are evidenced by increased kaolinite content and clay‐sized sediments in response to the MBCS. An increased abundance of Globorotalia menardii and other resistant species beginning from marine isotope stage (MIS) 11 and the proliferation of coccolith Gephyrocapsa spp. indicate increased dissolution, which is consistent with the widespread global carbonate dissolution during this period. The relatively high carbonate dissolution during the transition period of MIS 3/2 and glacial to interglacial periods (MIS 6, 7 and 8) may be due to the enhanced flow of corrosive Antarctic Bottom Water (AABW) into the CIB.  相似文献   
Hydrographic data collected along the West Coast of North America between January 1997 and January 1999 have been compiled into a web-based Atlas of the 1997–8 El Niño event. This paper discusses the organization of the Atlas, describes the data that were incorporated into the Atlas and explains how vertical and horizontal distributions for the different properties were constructed. Examples of figures from the Atlas are shown.  相似文献   
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