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Aquifers from the same typology can have strongly different groundwater chemistry. Deducing the groundwater quality of less well-characterized aquifers from well-documented aquifers belonging to the same typology should be done with great reserve, and can only be considered as a preliminary approach. In the EU’s 6th FP BRIDGE project “Background cRiteria for the IDentification of Groundwater thrEsholds”, a methodology for the derivation of threshold values (TV) for groundwater bodies is proposed. This methodology is tested on four aquifers in Flanders of the sand and gravel typology. The methodology works well for all but the Ledo-Paniselian aquifer, where the subdivision into a fresh and saline part is disproved, as a gradual natural transition from fresh to saline conditions in the aquifer is observed. The 90 percentile is proposed as natural background level (NBL) for the unconfined Pleistocene deposits, ascribing the outliers to possible influence of pollution. For the Tertiary aquifers, high values for different parameters have a natural origin and the 97.7 percentile is preferred as NBL. The methodology leads to high TVs for parameters presenting low NBL, when compared to the standard used as a reference. This would allow for substantial anthropogenic inputs of these parameters.  相似文献   
Estuarine soft sediments support a diverse group of eukaryotic and prokaryotic organisms though the role of the sediment per se for the functioning of these organisms remains largely unknown. The present study aimed to test the effect of sediment grain size on the grazing activities of harpacticoid copepods. In controlled experiments, two common intertidal harpacticoid species (Paramphiascella fulvofasciata and Nitokra spinipes) were each offered a mix of two benthic diatom species (Navicula phyllepta and Seminavis robusta) in different sedimentary conditions. Several microcosms were created using a variety of sediment types, including fine silt (<63 microm), coarser grained sands (125-250, 250-450, 100-300 microm), artificial 'sediments' of glass beads (250-500, 2000 microm) and even the absence of sediment was tested. The diatoms were enriched in the stable carbon (13)C to facilitate tracing in the harpacticoids. Both copepod species were able to graze on the diatoms with highest uptake when sediment was absent. In contrast, both harpacticoid species showed no uptake in silty conditions. In general, grazing was favoured when mean sediment grain size increased. The strong negative effect of fine grains on the grazer's efficiency can be explained by the resulting differences in the structure (and accessibility) of the diatom biofilm on the one hand and the mobility of the grazer on the other hand. In view of the subtle equilibrium between primary producers and grazers, these results might have important implications for the effect of siltation of tidal flats due to, e.g., human activities.  相似文献   
Text, talk, things, and the subpolitics of performing place   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
This article tells the story of how a group of Dutch and Belgian citizens organized themselves to promote an area that they valued, to put it on the map, to raise awareness about its qualities, and to protect it from urban and industrial development. Our theoretical perspective focuses on the performative and political aspects of this place-making process and the discursive and material practices involved. We connect this to Beck’s concept of subpolitics.Our findings show how the group performed this place not only through text and talk - giving the area a name, using their knowledge and expertise to raise awareness about its values, lobbying and cooperating with decision-makers -, but also through things - installing art objects and information signs that articulate certain characteristics and values of the area. Our findings demonstrate the struggles involved in these performances. The group involved multiple perspectives on what the important values and characteristics of the area are and on what strategies would work best in trying to influence decision-making and protect the area. However, the use of expertise as the main strategy to gain influence excluded the more critical and activist strategies and privileging archaeological and historical values and characteristics came at the expense of attention on agricultural and natural values.Our findings make clear that performing place cannot be taken to be homogeneous and that it inevitably involves multiple perspectives and demands. The struggles, power relations and dynamics of inclusion and exclusion that this multiplicity implicates reveal a form of sub-politics that involves both politicization and depoliticization. Also, it is a form of subpolitics that is more diverse and ambiguous than Beck’s conceptualization presupposes by its emphasis on the role of outsiders as a homogeneous group.  相似文献   
The evolution of groundwater chemistry along the direction of groundwater flow was studied using hydrochemical data from samples collected along a flow line in the Neogene Aquifer, Belgium. Infiltrating water was found to have a very low mineral content and low pH because the sediments are strongly decalcified. Increasing SiO2 and cation concentrations along the groundwater flow line indicate silicate-weathering processes, confirmed with the aid of saturation indices, calculated with PHREEQC, and stability diagrams. A classification system based on redox sensitive species was developed and shows that an extensive redox sequence is present in the aquifer. At a shallow depth, pyrite oxidation has caused an increase in sulphate, while iron is precipitated as hydroxides. Elevated arsenic concentrations are related to the reduction of these iron hydroxides at a relatively shallow depth and to the dissolution of siderite at greater depth. Dissolution of carbonate in the aquifer material, present in deep layers and to the north, has lead to increased Ca2+ and HCO3 ? concentrations. The Ca2+ from the groundwater is exchanged for Na+, Mg2+ and K+ adsorbed to the clay surfaces at the bottom of the groundwater reservoir. Although the Neogene Aquifer is well flushed, there are still some marine influences present in the deepest parts.  相似文献   
Late Holocene local vegetation succession is reconstructed in twodifferent sites in a small-scale open marsh ecosystem in southwest Turkey.This is done by comparison of the fossil local pollen assemblage zones in twocores with the local pollen data of 40 surface samples from the marsh. Thepollen data are supplemented with sedimentological and archaeological data. Theinsertion of the mean pollen data of the local pollen zones as passive samplesinto the canonical correspondence analysis triplot of the modern samples allowsus to detect modern analogues for the fossil pollen zones. From this numericalcomparative approach it is concluded that the marsh area was relatively dryuntil ca 2500 BP. After 2500 BP the area shifts towards a wet area dominated bySparganium and/or Typha angustifolia. A diversification of the marsh vegetationstarts at ca 2400/2300 BP. The area around one core site seems to have beensituated in an area with slowly flowing source water, whereas the other coresite is likely to have been characterised by damp conditions. The steadilyincreasing dryness of the marsh area starts after ca 680 BP. The drying upappears to be associated with recent agricultural and grazing pressure.  相似文献   
Large benthic foraminifera are major carbonate components in tropical carbonate platforms, important carbonate producers, stratigraphic tools and powerful bioindicators (proxies) of environmental change. The application of large benthic foraminifera in tropical coral reef environments has gained considerable momentum in recent years. These modern ecological assessments are often carried out by micropalaeontologists or ecologists with expertise in the identification of foraminifera. However, large benthic foraminifera have been under-represented in favour of macro reef-builders, for example, corals and calcareous algae. Large benthic foraminifera contribute about 5% to modern reef-scale carbonate sediment production. Their substantial size and abundance are reflected by their symbiotic association with the living algae inside their tests. When the foraminiferal holobiont (the combination between the large benthic foraminifera host and the microalgal photosymbiont) dies, the remaining calcareous test renourishes sediment supply, which maintains and stabilizes shorelines and low-lying islands. Geological records reveal episodes (i.e. late Palaeocene and early Eocene epochs) of prolific carbonate production in warmer oceans than today, and in the absence of corals. This begs for deeper consideration of how large benthic foraminifera will respond under future climatic scenarios of higher atmospheric carbon dioxide (pCO2) and to warmer oceans. In addition, studies highlighting the complex evolutionary associations between large benthic foraminifera hosts and their algal photosymbionts, as well as to associated habitats, suggest the potential for increased tolerance to a wide range of conditions. However, the full range of environments where large benthic foraminifera currently dwell is not well-understood in terms of present and future carbonate production, and impact of stressors. The evidence for acclimatization, at least by a few species of well-studied large benthic foraminifera, under intensifying climate change and within degrading reef ecosystems, is a prelude to future host–symbiont resilience under different climatic regimes and habitats than today. This review also highlights knowledge gaps in current understanding of large benthic foraminifera as prolific calcium carbonate producers across shallow carbonate shelf and slope environments under changing ocean conditions.  相似文献   
Characterisation of productivity-diversity relationships forms an essential step towards a better understanding of biodiversity. In terrestrial systems this is a topical subject and most studies reported a hump-shaped relationship. For marine systems, however, the number of studies dedicated to this is low despite the high interest in this productivity-diversity relationship. The present study reports on meiofauna density/diversity patterns in relation to resource availability as an indicator for the productivity of the ecosystem. Standardised meiofauna samples were collected in tropical seagrass beds from three localities (Kenya, Mexico, the Philippines) in order to contrast local patterns with a more global scale. Although these sites were physically comparable, a range of resource availabilities was found. These differences between localities were mainly due to different tidal regimes and related input of organic matter. At all sites a significant positive effect of resource increase on meiofauna densities was found. This positive effect was less clear for meiofauna diversity. Highest density and diversity levels were reported for the Kenyan site and this is probably linked to a high tidal range. Pooling all localities together resulted in a significant positive linear relationship between resource availability and meiofauna density/diversity. Caution should be taken when choosing resource indicators. Chlorophyll a concentrations, for example, resulted in a positive density-productivity relationship while organic carbon content, an indicator for more refractory material, showed a negative relationship. In all cases, no hump-shaped relationship could be found suggesting that each ecosystem and each group of organisms may show a particular productivity-diversity/density relationship.  相似文献   
The objective of this paper is to build a general correction model that takes into account all the different radiocarbon-dilution reactions and resolving the processes that are geochemically “aging” the groundwater in the Neogene Aquifer. For this, δ13C and radiocarbon in groundwater are investigated with their relationship to other chemical components in groundwater. The δ13C values in the Neogene Aquifer are influenced by various geochemical reactions like calcite dissolution, oxidation of organic matter and methanogenesis. Calcite dissolution and CH4 production increase δ13C while the oxidation of organic matter decreases δ13C in the groundwater. The reactions that modify δ13C also influence the 14C activity. Due to the complex geochemical environment, existing correction models are not applicable to this situation. A correction model for initial 14C activity is formulated in which the different C sources that influence 14C activity are taken into account. It is observed that recent dissolved organic matter plays an important role in redox reactions. The corrected 14C ages lie between −0.792 and 6.425 ka representing the maximum age. If a part of the organic matter that oxidises is fossil, the determined age will represent an overestimated age.  相似文献   
The particular objective of the present work is the development of a new radiocarbon correction approach accounting for palaeoclimate conditions at recharge and hydrochemical evolution. Relevant climate conditions at recharge are atmospheric pCO2 and infiltration temperatures, influencing C isotope concentrations in recharge waters. The new method is applied to the Ledo-Paniselian Aquifer in Belgium. This is a typical freshening aquifer where recharge takes place through the semi-confining cover of the Bartonian Clay. Besides cation exchange which is the major influencing process for the evolution of groundwater chemistry (particularly in the Bartonian Clay), also mixing with the original porewater solution (fossil seawater) occurs in the aquifer. Recharge temperatures were based on noble gas measurements. Potential infiltration water compositions, for a range of possible pCO2, temperature and calcite dissolution system conditions, were calculated by means of PHREEQC. Then the sampled groundwaters were modelled starting from these infiltration waters, using the computer code NETPATH and considering a wide range of geochemical processes. Fitting models were selected on the basis of correspondence of calculated δ13C with measured δ13C. The 14C modelling resulted in residence times ranging from Holocene to Pleistocene (few hundred years to over 40 ka) and yielded consistent results within the uncertainty estimation. Comparison was made with the δ13C and Fontes and Garnier correction models, that do not take climate conditions at recharge into account. To date these are considered as the most representative process-oriented existing models, yet differences in calculated residence times of mostly several thousands of years (up to 19 ka) are revealed with the newly calculated ages being mostly (though not always) younger. Not accounting for climate conditions at recharge (pCO2 and temperature) is thus producing substantial error on deduced residence times. The derived 14C model ages are correlated with He concentrations measured in the groundwater of the aquifer. The obtained residence times show a gap between about 14 and 21 ka indicating possible permafrost conditions which inhibited any groundwater recharge.  相似文献   
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