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Abstract— The microtextures of pigeonite in four ureilites, Allan Hills (ALH) 77257, Reckling Peak (RKP) A80239, Yamato (Y‐) 791538, and Allan Hills A81101, chosen to span a range of composition and shock level, were investigated by transmission electron microscopy (TEM); two of the samples were also investigated by single crystal X‐ray diffraction to determine Fe2+‐Mg cation site partitioning. The low‐shock and compositionally homogeneous pigeonites in ALHA77257 and RKPA80329 (Wo 6.4 for both, mg 86.3 and 84.3 respectively) display irregularly spaced, shock‐induced stacking faults oriented parallel to (100), and large antiphase domains (50–100 nm). Antiphase domains have no preferential orientation. No evidence of exsolution was observed. The low‐shock Y‐791538 pigeonite is homogeneous and has higher Ca and mg (Wo 9.4, mg 91.2). TEM investigation showed spinodal decomposition, indicative of incipient exsolution; small antiphase domains were observed (~5 nm). Single crystal refinement yielded R4s? = 5.71%, with Fe2+‐Mg partitioning coefficient kd = 0.077(8) and Tc = 658(35) °C. ALHA81101 has compositionally heterogeneous pyroxenes, with large local variations in Wo and mg (Wo = 4–13, mg = 86–68). No compositional gradients from core to rim of grains were observed, and the heterogeneity is interpreted as related to cation migration during shock. In one relatively Ca‐rich region (Wo~12), TEM analysis showed augite‐pigeonite exsolution lamellae, with spacing 145(20) nm. Results for ALHA77257, RKPA80239, and Y‐791538 support a model of rapid cooling following breakup of the ureilite parent body. The presence of exsolution lamellae in ALHA81101 can be related to a local shock‐induced Ca enrichment and provides no constraint on the late cooling history.  相似文献   
We investigate the flux of main-belt asteroid fragments into resonant orbits converting them into near-Earth asteroids (NEAs), and the variability of this flux due to chance interasteroidal collisions. A numerical model is used, based on collisional physics consistent with the results of laboratory impact experiments. The assumed main-belt asteroid size distribution is derived from that of known asteroids extrapolated down to sizes of ≈ 40 cm, modified in such a way to yield a quasi-stationary fragment production rate over times ≈ 100 Myr. The results show that the asteroid belt can supply a few hundred km-sized NEAs per year, well enough to sustain the current population of such bodies. On the other hand, if our collisional physics is correct, the number of existing 10-km objects implies that these objects either have very long-lived orbits, or must come from a different source (i.e., comets). Our model predicts that the fragments supplied from the asteroid belt have initially a power-law size distribution somewhat steeper than the observed one, suggesting preferential removal of small objects. The component of the NEA population with dynamical lifetimes shorter than or of the order of 1 Myr can vary by a factor reaching up to a few tens, due to single large-scale collisions in the main belt; these fluctuations are enhanced for smaller bodies and faster evolutionary time scales. As a consequence, the Earth's cratering rate can also change by about an order of magnitude over the 0.1 to 1 Myr time scales. Despite these sporadic spikes, when averaged over times of 10 Myr or longer the fluctuations are unlikely to exceed a factor two.  相似文献   
Thermo-mechanical oscillations of a radiating spherically-symmetric shell containing a fermion gas (i.e., oscillation where only mechanical, thermodynamical, and eventually radiation phenomena are taken into account) are studied. With a reasonable choice of the three relevant parameters all other observational data are similar to the ones of X-ray bursters and recurrent novae.Therefore, thermo-mechanical oscillations could play an important role in the oscillation spectrum of these astronomical objects.  相似文献   
A new method for the calibration of a superconducting gravity meter is described, in which a 273 Kg annular mass is placed around the meter and is moved up and down. The geometry of the apparatus is easy to model and the accuracy in the computation of the gravity variation induced by the mass, 6.7µgal, is limited only by the accuracy in the knowledge of value of the gravitational constant. Measurements done in 91 and 92 for the calibration of the instrument GWR-T015 are described. The calibration factor has been determined with a precision of about 0.3%.  相似文献   
The Proterozoic basement of the Province of Zambezia (Mozambique) is located near the southern end of the so called Mozambique Belt. Rb-Sr data derived from the analyses of 66 whole rocks and a few mineral samples bear witness of a magmatic and metamorphic episode referable to the Kibaran (ca. 1000 Ma) and helped to model the late-Proterozoic evolution as follows. At 1100–1050 Ma a pre-orogenic, calc-alkaline magmatism was responsible for the emplacement of now deformed granite and granodiorite. This phase was accompanied by rhyolitic volcanism. A subsequent peak of deformation and metamorphism occurred at 1000-950 Ma and was associated with a second generation of substantially post-tectonic granites. A thermal event resulting in the emplacement of a final generation of granites and pegmatites can be dated to around 500-450 Ma.The metamorphic basement has not preserved its protolith age, probably as a result of extensive isotopic homogeneization of Sr in Kibaran times. Its maximum time of differentiation from the mantle should be around 1600 Ma.The very low values of initial Sr isotopic ratios suggest the absence of Archean crustal precursors and support the rather young, yet pre-Pan-African evolution of the southernmost Mozambique Belt.
Zusammenfassung Das proterozoische Grundgebirge der Provinz Zambesi (Mosambique) befindet sich in der Nähe des südlichen Endes des sogenannten Mozambique Belt. Rb/Sr Daten aus 66 Ganzgesteins- und einigen Mineralanalysen zeugen von einer magmatischen und metamorphen Episode die sich dem Kibaran (ca. 1000 Ma) zuordnen läßt, und wie sich im folgenden zeigt, hilfreich bei der Modellisierung der spätproterozoischen Entwicklung ist. Um 1100 bis 1050 Ma erfolgte ein präorogener kalkalkalischer Magmatismus, bestehend aus Graniten und Granodioriten, die heute deformiert vorliegen. Diese Phase wurde von rhyolithischem Vulkanismus begleitet. Von 1000 bis 950 Ma folgte der Höhepunkt der Deformation und Metamorphose, begleitet von einer bedeutenden 2. Generation posttektonischer Granite. Bedingt durch ein weiteres thermales Ereignis intrudierte die letzte Granit- und Pegmatitgeneration vor 500 bis 450 Ma.Im metamorphen Grundgebirge ist das Eduktalter vermutlich aufgrund der starken isotopischen Homogenisierung von Sr während der Kibara-Zeit nicht erhalten. Seine maximale Differentiationszeit vom Mantel muß vor 1600 Ma gewesen sein.Die sehr niedrigen Gehalte der initialen Sr-Isotopenverhältnisse lassen die Abwesenheit von archaischen Krustenvorläufern vermuten, und unterstützen die sehr junge, bis jetzt Prä-Pan-Afrikanische Entwicklung des südlichsten Mozambique Belts.

Résumé Le socle protérozoïque de la province du Zambèze, au Mozambique, se trouve à proximité de l'extrémité sud du «Mozambique Belt». Des mesures Rb/Sr effectuées sur 66 roches totales et sur quelques minéraux témoignent d'un épisode magmatique et métamorphique attribuable au Kibarien (environ 1.000 Ma), ce qui permet de se représenter comme suit l'histoire de cette région au Protérozoïque supérieur. Il y a 1.100 à 1.050 Ma, la région a connu une phase de magmatisme calco-alcalin qui s'est traduite par la mise en place de granites et granodiorites, aujord'hui déformés. Cette phase s'est accompagnée d'un volcanisme rhyolitique. Elle a été suivie, entre 1.000 et 950 Ma, d'une activité tectono-métamorphique majeure, à laquelle est associée une deuxième et importante génération de granites, post-tectoniques. Ultérieurement, la région a connu encore un épisode thermique, daté à 500-450 Ma, responsable de la mise en place d'une dernière génération de granite et de pegmatite.Le socle métamorphique n'a pas gardé de témoins de l'âge de son protolithe, en raison probablement de la forte homogénisation isotopique du Sr à l'époque kibarienne. Lâge maximal de sa différenciation à partir du manteau doit se situer autour de 1.600 Ma.La valeur très basse des rapports isotopiques initiaux du Sr suggère l'absence de précurseurs crustaux archéens et incite à admettre une évolution relativement jeune — bien que pré-panafricaine — du «Mozambique Belt» méridional.

() .. . , Rb/Sr 66 , , Kibara, 1000 , , , . 1100 1050 - - , , . . 1000 950 , - . , 500 450 . , , , Kibara. , , 1600 my . - .
By means of a new homogeneous set of data from 34 double-lined detached systems, we have recalibrated the colour-surface brightness correlation in the interval –0.3(B-V)o0.95. A comparison is made with Wesselink's calibration. We find that Wesselink's method can provide a good estimate of the stellar radii.  相似文献   
Major volcanogenic structures within the Marifil Formation allowed to determine the location of a claderas field that spreads along 400 kilometers. This field has at least three large calderas with diameters near to 100 kilometers, recognizable by regional distribution of associated dikes and rhyolite lava flows present at the caldera border that separates a monotonous ignimbritic plateau from a depressed (150 meters) inner volcanic collapsed caldera. The Marifil ignimbritic plateau cover more than 50,000 square kilometers with thicknesses that reach 800 meters. Associated with these plateau ignimbrites there is an important fluorite mineralization.  相似文献   
Tropical forest mapping is one of the major environmental concerns at global and regional scales in which remote sensing techniques are firmly involved. This study examines the use of the variogram function to analyse forest cover fragmentation at different image scales. Two main aspects are considered here: (1) analysis of the spatial variability structure of the forest cover observed at three different scales using fine, medium and coarse spatial resolution images; and (2) the study of the relationship between rescaled images from the finest spatial resolution and those of the medium and coarse spatial resolutions. Both aspects are analysed using the variogram function as a basic tool to calculate and interpret the spatial variability of the forest cover. An example is presented for a Brazilian tropical forest zone using satellite images of different spatial resolutions acquired by Landsat TM (30 m), Resurs MSU (160 m) and ERS ATSR (1000 m). The results of this study contribute to establishing a suitable spatial resolution of remotely sensed data for tropical forest cover monitoring.  相似文献   
In underground coal mining any increase in coal recovery rate is dependent on a decrease in pillar size. Backfilling is one way of reducing the required size of pillars and hence the volume of coal left underground. Therefore any comparisons made between a self-supported mine layout and backfill supported mine layout are based directly on pillar design. The most effective way to examine the effect of backfill on pillar support, and subsequently the rate of recovery, would be to incorporate the mechanisms of backfill support directly into the current design procedure for coal pillars. This paper presents a review of the mechanics of backfill support, a method of estimating the magnitude of that support based on earth pressure theory, and an example that incorporates backfill support into current coal pillar design.  相似文献   
The synthetic amphibole Na0.95(Li0.95Mg1.05)Mg5Si8O22(OH)2 was studied in situ at high-T, using IR OH-stretching spectroscopy and synchrotron X-ray powder diffraction. At room-T the sample has P21 /m symmetry, as shown by the FTIR spectrum. It shows in the OH region two well-defined and intense absorptions at 3,748 and 3,712 cm−1, respectively, and two minor bands at 3,667 and 3,687 cm−1. The main bands are assigned to the two independent O–H groups in the primitive structure. The two minor bands evidencing the presence of small amount of vacant A-site (A0.05). With increasing T, these bands shift continuously and merge into a unique absorption at high temperature. A change as a function of increasing T is revealed by the evolution of the refined unit-cell parameters, whose trend shows a transition to C2/m at about 320–330°C. The spontaneous scalar strain, fitted with a tricritical 2–6 Landau potential, gives a T c of 325(10)°C (β parameter = 0.27). Comparison with the second-order P21 /mC2/m phase transition at 255°C for synthetic amphibole ANa0.8B(Na0.8Mg1.2)CMg5Si8O22(OH)2 indicates that the substitution of Na with Li at the B-sites strongly affects the thermodynamic character and the T c of the phase transition. The comparison of LNMSH amphiboles with cummingtonitic ones shows that the high-T thermodynamic behaviour is affected by A-site occupancy.  相似文献   
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