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Abstract— The microtextures of pigeonite in four ureilites, Allan Hills (ALH) 77257, Reckling Peak (RKP) A80239, Yamato (Y‐) 791538, and Allan Hills A81101, chosen to span a range of composition and shock level, were investigated by transmission electron microscopy (TEM); two of the samples were also investigated by single crystal X‐ray diffraction to determine Fe2+‐Mg cation site partitioning. The low‐shock and compositionally homogeneous pigeonites in ALHA77257 and RKPA80329 (Wo 6.4 for both, mg 86.3 and 84.3 respectively) display irregularly spaced, shock‐induced stacking faults oriented parallel to (100), and large antiphase domains (50–100 nm). Antiphase domains have no preferential orientation. No evidence of exsolution was observed. The low‐shock Y‐791538 pigeonite is homogeneous and has higher Ca and mg (Wo 9.4, mg 91.2). TEM investigation showed spinodal decomposition, indicative of incipient exsolution; small antiphase domains were observed (~5 nm). Single crystal refinement yielded R4s? = 5.71%, with Fe2+‐Mg partitioning coefficient kd = 0.077(8) and Tc = 658(35) °C. ALHA81101 has compositionally heterogeneous pyroxenes, with large local variations in Wo and mg (Wo = 4–13, mg = 86–68). No compositional gradients from core to rim of grains were observed, and the heterogeneity is interpreted as related to cation migration during shock. In one relatively Ca‐rich region (Wo~12), TEM analysis showed augite‐pigeonite exsolution lamellae, with spacing 145(20) nm. Results for ALHA77257, RKPA80239, and Y‐791538 support a model of rapid cooling following breakup of the ureilite parent body. The presence of exsolution lamellae in ALHA81101 can be related to a local shock‐induced Ca enrichment and provides no constraint on the late cooling history.  相似文献   
Thermo-mechanical oscillations of a radiating spherically-symmetric shell containing a fermion gas (i.e., oscillation where only mechanical, thermodynamical, and eventually radiation phenomena are taken into account) are studied. With a reasonable choice of the three relevant parameters all other observational data are similar to the ones of X-ray bursters and recurrent novae.Therefore, thermo-mechanical oscillations could play an important role in the oscillation spectrum of these astronomical objects.  相似文献   
By means of a new homogeneous set of data from 34 double-lined detached systems, we have recalibrated the colour-surface brightness correlation in the interval –0.3(B-V)o0.95. A comparison is made with Wesselink's calibration. We find that Wesselink's method can provide a good estimate of the stellar radii.  相似文献   
Major volcanogenic structures within the Marifil Formation allowed to determine the location of a claderas field that spreads along 400 kilometers. This field has at least three large calderas with diameters near to 100 kilometers, recognizable by regional distribution of associated dikes and rhyolite lava flows present at the caldera border that separates a monotonous ignimbritic plateau from a depressed (150 meters) inner volcanic collapsed caldera. The Marifil ignimbritic plateau cover more than 50,000 square kilometers with thicknesses that reach 800 meters. Associated with these plateau ignimbrites there is an important fluorite mineralization.  相似文献   
In underground coal mining any increase in coal recovery rate is dependent on a decrease in pillar size. Backfilling is one way of reducing the required size of pillars and hence the volume of coal left underground. Therefore any comparisons made between a self-supported mine layout and backfill supported mine layout are based directly on pillar design. The most effective way to examine the effect of backfill on pillar support, and subsequently the rate of recovery, would be to incorporate the mechanisms of backfill support directly into the current design procedure for coal pillars. This paper presents a review of the mechanics of backfill support, a method of estimating the magnitude of that support based on earth pressure theory, and an example that incorporates backfill support into current coal pillar design.  相似文献   
The Taranto Gulf of southern Italy provides an excellent case where it is possible to document the importance of normal faults in displacing terraced deposits. The study area is located at the front of the southern Apennines, that is a fold-and-thrust belt developed following the closure of the Mesozoic Tethys Ocean, and the deformation of the Adriatic passive margin during Tertiary and Quaternary times. The outer, eastern parts of the belt were structured in Quaternary, i.e. up to Middle Pleistocene times.The front of the chain is partially sealed by Pliocene–Pleistocene foredeep deposits, which represent the infill of the Bradanic Trough. The upper portion of the middle Pleistocene succession consists of marine sands and conglomerates that in the previous literature have been arranged in several orders of terraces. Analysis of aerial photographs and geomorphological mapping has shown the occurrence of prominent geomorphic lineaments, which appear to control the local drainage pattern. Some of these structures coincide with the map trace of normal faults that produce vertical offsets of the marine terrace surfaces in the order of ca. 10 m each. Many of the fault escarpments reduce their elevation and terminate laterally. In other cases fault escarpments are laterally continuous and can be traced for up to 3–4 km. Scarp height is between 2 and 10 m. Their mean trend ranges from NNE–SSW to ENE–WSW and defines an arcuate pattern that mimics the present coastline.An accurate geomorphological, sedimentological and stratigraphic analysis has been carried out in a selected area of the Bradanic Trough (Pisticci transect) to investigate in detail the relationships between normal faults and the development of the terraces. This analysis allowed us to recognise five facies associations related to the upper and lower beachface and to the neritic clays which represent the substratum of the terraces. More importantly, we observed that all the terraced deposits in the Pisticci transect could be referred to a single sedimentary body displaced by faults. The terraced deposits are related to an event of beach progradation, of Middle Pleistocene age, which has been documented in other areas of the Italian peninsula. These results outline an intimate relationship between the arcuate trend of the recognised fault set and the present coastline pattern. The development of the normal faults can be related to large-scale gravitational processes developed after the general tilting towards the SE of the Bradanic Trough.  相似文献   
The synthetic amphibole Na0.95(Li0.95Mg1.05)Mg5Si8O22(OH)2 was studied in situ at high-T, using IR OH-stretching spectroscopy and synchrotron X-ray powder diffraction. At room-T the sample has P21 /m symmetry, as shown by the FTIR spectrum. It shows in the OH region two well-defined and intense absorptions at 3,748 and 3,712 cm−1, respectively, and two minor bands at 3,667 and 3,687 cm−1. The main bands are assigned to the two independent O–H groups in the primitive structure. The two minor bands evidencing the presence of small amount of vacant A-site (A0.05). With increasing T, these bands shift continuously and merge into a unique absorption at high temperature. A change as a function of increasing T is revealed by the evolution of the refined unit-cell parameters, whose trend shows a transition to C2/m at about 320–330°C. The spontaneous scalar strain, fitted with a tricritical 2–6 Landau potential, gives a T c of 325(10)°C (β parameter = 0.27). Comparison with the second-order P21 /mC2/m phase transition at 255°C for synthetic amphibole ANa0.8B(Na0.8Mg1.2)CMg5Si8O22(OH)2 indicates that the substitution of Na with Li at the B-sites strongly affects the thermodynamic character and the T c of the phase transition. The comparison of LNMSH amphiboles with cummingtonitic ones shows that the high-T thermodynamic behaviour is affected by A-site occupancy.  相似文献   
Noble gas isotopes are widely used to elucidate the history of the rocks in which they have been trapped, either from distinct reservoirs or by accumulation following radioactive decay. To extract noble gases from their host rocks, stepwise heating is the most commonly used technique to deconvolve isotopically different components, e.g., atmospheric, in situ radiogenic, or excess radiogenic from mantle or crustal reservoirs. The accurate determination of the isotopic composition of these different components is of crucial importance, e.g., for ages obtained by 40Ar-39Ar stepheating plateaus. However, diffusion theory-based model calculations predict that the stepwise thermal extraction process from mineral phases induces isotope fractionation and, hence, adulterates the original composition. Such effects are largely unconsidered, as they are small and a compelling experimental observation is lacking. We report the first unequivocal evidence for significant mass fractionation of argon isotopes during thermal extraction, observed on shungite, a carbon-rich Precambrian sedimentary rock. The degree of fractionation, as monitored by 38Ar/36Ar and 40Ar/36Ar ratios, very well agrees with theoretical predictions assuming an inverse square root dependence of diffusion coefficient and atomic mass, resulting in easier extraction of lighter isotopes. Hence, subatmospheric 40Ar/36Ar ratios obtained for argon extracted at low temperatures may not represent paleoatmospheric argon. Shungite argon resembles modern atmospheric composition, but constraints on the timing of trapping appear difficult to obtain, as shungites are multicomponent systems.In 40Ar-39Ar stepwise heating, the isotope fractionation effect could cause systematic underestimations of plateau ages, between 0.15 and 0.4% depending on age, or considerably higher if samples contain appreciable atmospheric Ar. The magnitude of this effect is similar to the presently achieved uncertainties of this increasingly precise dating technique. Our results also indicate the importance of thermally activated diffusion as a possible fractionation mechanism, e.g., for hydrothermal gas exhalations, or for carbonaceous carrier phases such as “Q” in meteorites that have been suggested as carriers of highly fractionated noble gas residues from the early solar nebula.  相似文献   
Manganese oxides form typically in natural aqueous environments via Mn(II) oxidation catalyzed by microorganisms, primarily bacteria, but little is known about the structure of the incipient solid-phase products. The Mn oxide produced by a Pseudomonas species representative of soils and freshwaters was characterized as to composition, average Mn oxidation number, and N2 specific surface area. Electron microscopy, X-ray diffraction, and X-ray absorption near edge structure spectroscopy were applied to complement the physicochemical data with morphological and structural information. A series of synthetic Mn oxides also was analyzed by the same methods to gain better comparative understanding of the structure of the biogenic oxide. The latter was found to be a poorly crystalline layer type Mn(IV) oxide with hexagonal symmetry, significant negative structural charge arising from cation vacancies, and a relatively small number of randomly stacked octahedral sheets per particle. Its properties were comparable to those of δ-MnO2 (vernadite) and a poorly crystalline hexagonal birnessite (“acid birnessite”) synthesized by reduction of permanganate with HCl, but they were very different from those of crystalline triclinic birnessite. Overall, the structure and composition of the Mn oxide produced by P. putida were similar to what has been reported for other freshly precipitated Mn oxides in natural weathering environments, yielding further support to the predominance of biological oxidation as the pathway for Mn oxide formation. Despite variations in the degree of sheet stacking and Mn(III) content, all poorly crystalline oxides studied showed hexagonal symmetry. Thus, there is a need to distinguish layer type Mn oxides with structures similar to those of natural birnessites from the synthetic triclinic variety. We propose designating the unit cell symmetry as an addition to the current nomenclature for these minerals.  相似文献   
Using three methods from nonlinear dynamics, we contrast the level of organization inthe vertical wind velocity (w) time series collected in the atmospheric surface layer(ASL) and the canopy sublayer (CSL) for a wide range of atmospheric stability ()conditions. The nonlinear methods applied include a modified Shannon entropy, waveletthresholding, and mutual information content. Time series measurements collected overa pine forest, a hardwood forest, a grass-covered forest clearing, and a bare soil, desertsurface were used for this purpose. The results from applying all three nonlinear timeseries measures suggest that w in the CSL is more organized than that in the ASL, and that as the flows in both layers evolve from near-neutral to near-convective conditions, the level of organization increases. Furthermore, we found that the degree of organization in w associated with changes in is more significant than the transition from CSL to ASL.  相似文献   
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