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Motions of asteroids in mean motion resonances with Jupiter are studied in three-dimensional space. Orbital changes of fictitious asteroids in the Kirkwood gaps are calculated by numerical integrations for 105 – 106 years. The main results are as follows: (1) There are various motions of resonant asteroids, and some of them are very complicated and chaotic and others are regular. (2) The eccentricity of some asteroids becomes very large, and the variation of the inclination is large while the eccentricity is large. (3) In the 3:1 resonance, there is a long periodic change in the variation of the inclination, when (7 : ) is a simple ratio (7: longitude of perihelion, : longitude of node). (4) In the 7:3 resonance, the variation of the inclination of some resonant asteroids is so large that prograde motion becomes retrograde. Some asteroids in the 7:3 resonance can collide with the Sun as well as with the inner planets.  相似文献   
Thirty-three new measurements on the seaward slope and outer rise of the Japan Trench along a parallel of 38°45′N revealed the existence of high heat flow anomalies on the subducting Pacific plate, where the seafloor age is about 135 m.y.. The most prominent anomaly with the highest value of 114 mW/m2 is associated with a small mound on the outer rise, which was reported to be a kind of mud volcano. On the seaward slope of the trench, heat flow is variable: high (70–90 mW/m2) at some locations and normal for the seafloor age (about 50 mW/m2) at others. The spatial variation of heat flow may be related to development of normal faults and horst/graben structures due to bending of the Pacific plate before subduction, with fluid flow along the fault zones enhancing the vertical heat transfer. Possible heat sources of the high heat flow anomalies are intra-plate volcanism in the last several million years like that discovered recently on the Pacific plate east of the Japan Trench.  相似文献   
Infrared polarimetry of Venus over the phase angles from 18 to 171° has been made extending previous measurements (S. Sato, K. Kawara, Y. Kobayashi, H. Okuda, K. Noguchi, T. Mukai, and S. Mukai (1980). Icarus43, 288) in both wavelength λ and phase angle θ. The results of polarization measurements at 2.25 μm ? λ ? 5.0 μm are (i) small positive and negative values at K(2.25 μm), (ii) a remarkable variation with λ in the CVF(2.2?4.2μm) filter region, (iii) a nearly smooth curve as a function of θ having a peak value of ~36% at θ ~ 90° at both 3.6 μm and L′(3.8 μm), and (iv) a decrease with increasing field of view at M(5.0 μm) due to the contamination of thermal emission from the dark crescent. Furthermore, at 3.6 μm and L′(3.8 μm), (v) higher values at the poles than at the equator and (vi) 4.5- to 5.9-day periodic fluctuations are also found. From a comparison with model calculations, the results confirm the existence of a thin haze layer consisting of submicron-size particles above the main clouds of Venus; e.g., its optical thickness is about 0.1 at λ ~ 0.94 μm. In addition, result (vi) could be explained by a variation of the optical thickness of the haze layer or that of the brightness temperature of the main clouds.  相似文献   
Field observations on ground motions from recent earthquakes imply that current knowledge is limited with regard to relating vertical and horizontal motions at liquefiable sites. This paper describes a study with the purpose of clarifying this emerging issue to some extent. A series of numerical analyses is carried out on a liquefiable soil deposit with a verified, fully coupled, nonlinear procedure. It is shown that the transformation of vertical motions in the deposit differs considerably from the transformation of horizontal motions. Both the amplitude and frequency content of the horizontal motions are strongly dependent on the shaking level or the associated nonlinear soil behavior. The transfer function for vertical motions is however likely to be independent of the intensity of input motions; no reduction in the amplitude occurs even in the case of strong shaking. The results are shown to be in consistence with the laboratory observations on shaking table tests and recent field observations that less nonlinearity exists for vertical motions. It is also shown that the possibility exists for using information on spectral ratios between the horizontal and vertical surface motions to quickly identify in situ soil behavior and liquefaction that are not readily covered by conventional field or laboratory experimentation procedures.  相似文献   
Abstract. The Umanotani-Shiroyama pegmatite deposits, the largest producer of K-feldspar and quartz in Japan, are of typical granitic pegmatite. Ilmenite-series biotite granite and granite porphyry, hosting the ore deposits, and biotites separated from these rocks yielded K-Ar ages ranging from 89.0 to 81.4 Ma and 95.2 to 93.7 Ma, respectively. Muscovite and K-feldspar separated from the ore zone yielded K-Ar ages with the range of 96.2 to 93.1 Ma and 87.3 to 80.7 Ma, respectively. Muscovites from quartz-muscovite veins in the ore zone and in the granite porphyry yielded K-Ar ages of 90.4 and 76.3 Ma, respectively. K-feldspar is much younger in age than coexisting muscovite. It is noted that the K-Ar ages of biotite separates and the whole-rock ages are identical to those of muscovite and K-feldspar in the ore zone, respectively. These time relations, as well as field occurrence, indicate that the formation of the pegmatite deposits at the Umanotani-Shiroyama mine is closely related in space and time to a series of granitic magmatism of ilmenite-series nature. Using closure temperatures of the K-Ar system for biotite and K-feldspar (microcline), cooling rate of the pegmatite deposits is estimated to be about 82C/m.y. at the beginning, but slowed down to about 15C/m.y. in the later period.  相似文献   
Summary The chemical composition of olivine phenocrysts was determined for 13 basaltic samples taken from the central part of the Cameroon Volcanic line to estimate the compositions of the primary olivine phenocrysts and the primary magmas. The Mg/(Mg + Fe) ratios of the olivines attain 0.91, though many of the magnesian olivines are identified on a textural basis as xenocrysts from peridotite inclusions. Most magnesian olivine phenocrysts have Mg/(Mg + Fe) ratios of 0.87–0.88 and NiO contents of 0.32–0.35 wt %. The NiO versus Mg/(Mg + Fe) ratios of the olivines can be used to estimate the compositions of the primary phenocrysts in a range of Mg/(Mg + Fe) = 0.88–0.90. Assuming the Fe(3)/(total Fe) ratios of the magmas are 0.17–0.25, which is estimated from the Fe-Mg partitioning between plagioclase and groundmass, the compositions of the primary magmas were obtained from the Fe2+-Mg partition equilibrium with the primary olivine phenocrysts. The primary magmas of the Cameroonian basalts have 13.5 ± 4.0 wt MgO, which is similar to the compositions of basalts with highest MgO contents reported so far from the Cameroon volcanic line.
Olivin Kristalle in einigen Basalten aus Kamerun: Hinweise auf die Zusammensetzung des primitiven Magmas
Zusammenfassung Die chemische Zusammensetzung von Olivin Phenokristallen wurde in 13 Basalt-Proben, die vom Zentralteil .des Kamerun-Vulkangürtels stammen, bestimmt, um Hinweise auf die Zusammensetzung der primären Olivineinsprenglinge and des primären Magmas zu erlangen. Die Mg/(Mg + Fe) Verhältnisse der Olivine reichen bis 0.91, obwohl viefle dieser Mg-Olivine auf Grund textureller Kriterien als aus Peridotit-Einschlüssen stammende Xenokristalle zu identifizieren sind. Die Mg/(Mg + Fe) Verhältnsse der Hauptmasse der Olivin-Phenokristalle liegen im Bereich von 0.87 bis 0.88, die Ni0 Gehalte zwischen 0.32 und 0.35 Gew %. Die Ni0 gegen Mg/(Mg + Fe) Verhältnisse eignen sich zur Abschätzung der Zusammensetzung der primären Phenokristalle, solange die Mg/(Mg + Fe) Verhältnisse im Bereich von 0.88 bis 0.90 liegen. Die Zusammensetzung des Primärmagmas wurde mittels der Fe2+-Mg-Verteilung zwischen dem Magma und den sich mit dem Magma im Gleichgewicht befindlichen primären Olivinkristallen unter der Annahme eines Fe3+/Fe total Verhältnisses von 0.17–0.25, welches sich aus der Mg-Fe Verteilung zwischen Plagioklas und Grundmasse ergibt, bestimmt. Demnach ergibt sich für das primäre Magma der Kamerun Basalte ein MgO Gehalt von 13.5 + 4.0 Gew%. Dieser Wert ist mit der Zusammensetzung von Basalten mit höchsten MgO-Gehalten, wie sie bisher vom Kamerun-Vulkangürtel berichtet worden sind, vergleichbar.

With 6 Figures  相似文献   
钙质石灰岩中桩基轴向承载特性的有限元分析   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
为了研究钙质石灰岩中桩基的合理设计理论及开发相关的变形破坏数值分析方法,利用弹塑性有限元方法对以硫球石灰岩作为持力层的桩基现场轴向载荷试验进行了数值分析。有限元分析中钙质石灰岩被假定为理想弹塑性材料。结果表明,如果能在有限元解析中合理地考虑桩侧摩阻力的低减效果,弹塑性有限元计算可以较好地模拟与分析钙质砂土中桩基的轴向承载力特性。最后还对开口钢管桩基的土塞效应的发生机制进行了分析。  相似文献   
The early Cambrian pentamerous microfossil Olivooides/Punctatus in South China, which is characterized by a diagnostic stellate tubular apex, has been well-known for its almost complete development sequence that can be confidently traced from embryos and hatched juveniles, to conical adults. However, its zoological affinity remains highly controversial. Here we describe the internal microanatomic structures of the soft-body inside the peridermal theca of Olivooides multisulcatus Qian, 1977, including interradial pairs of tentacles, adradial and perradial frenula, perradial oral marginal lappets and twins of perradial gastric saccule-like humps as well as a circular velarium with striated coronal muscles. Particularly, one specimen shows bifurcated velarial canals along the bell aperture. Both the components of the soft-body and the external theca (or cyst) are arranged in perfect pentaradial symmetry. These characteristics are more compatible with those of living cubomedusans and co-occurring Cambrian athecate embryonic cubozoans. Concerning the presence of peridermal theca, Olivooides most likely represents an extinct thecate stem-group cubomedusae but devoid of both perradial eyes and specialized pedalia. The well-grown soft body inside the peridermal tube displays a set of mixed features of both polyp and medusa.  相似文献   
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