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The widely distributed late‐collisional calc‐alkaline granitoids in the northern Arabian–Nubian Shield (ANS) have a geodynamic interest as they represent significant addition of material into the ANS juvenile crust in a short time interval (∼630–590 Ma). The Deleihimmi granitoids in the Egyptian Central Eastern Desert are, therefore, particularly interesting since they form a multiphase pluton composed largely of late‐collisional biotite granitoids enclosing granodiorite microgranular enclaves and intruded by leuco‐ and muscovite granites. Geochemically, different granitoid phases share some features and distinctly vary in others. They display slightly peraluminous (ASI = 1–1.16), non‐alkaline (calc‐alkaline and highly fractionated calc‐alkaline), I‐type affinities. Both biotite granitoids and leucogranites show similar rare earth element (REE) patterns [(La/Lu)N = 3.04–2.92 and 1.9–1.14; Eu/Eu* = 0.26–0.19 and 0.11–0.08, respectively) and related most likely by closed system crystal fractionation of a common parent. On the other hand, the late phase muscovite granites have distinctive geochemical features typical of rare‐metal granites. They are remarkably depleted in Sr and Ba (4–35 and 13–18 ppm, respectively), and enriched in Rb (381–473 ppm) and many rare metals. Moreover, their REE patterns show a tetrad effect (TE1,3 = 1.13 and 1.29) and pronounced negative Eu anomalies (Eu/Eu* = 0.07 and 0.08), implying extensive open system fractionation via fluid–rock interaction during the magmatic stage. Origin of the calc‐alkaline granitoids by high degree of partial melting of mafic lower crust with subsequent crystal fractionation is advocated. The broad distribution of late‐collisional calc‐alkaline granitoids in the northern ANS is related most likely to large areal and intensive lithospheric delamination subsequent to slab break‐off and crustal/mantle thickening. Such delamination caused both crustal uplift and partial melting of the remaining mantle lithosphere in response to asthenospheric uprise. The melts produced underplate the lower crust to promote its melting. The presence of microgranular enclaves, resulting from mingling of mantle‐derived mafic magma with felsic crustal‐derived liquid, favours this process. The derivation of the late‐phase rare‐metal granites by open system fractionation via fluid interaction is almost related to the onset of extension above the rising asthenosphere that results in mantle degassing during the switch to post‐collisional stage. Consequently, the switch from late‐ to post‐collisional stage of crustal evolution in the northern ANS could be potentially significant not only geodynamically but also economically. Copyright © 2011 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   
Zarif  Fardous  Slater  Lee  Mabrouk  Mohamed  Youssef  Ahmed  Al-Temamy  Ayman  Mousa  Salah  Farag  Karam  Robinson  Judy 《Hydrogeology Journal》2018,26(4):1169-1185

Understanding and developing groundwater resources in arid regions such as El Salloum basin, along the northwestern coast of Egypt, remains a challenging issue. One-dimensional (1D) electrical sounding (ES), two-dimensional (2D) electrical resistivity imaging (ERI), and very low frequency electromagnetic (VLF-EM) measurements were used to investigate the hydrogeological framework of El Salloum basin with the aim of determining the potential for extraction of potable water. 1D resistivity sounding models were used to delineate geoelectric sections and water-bearing layers. 2D ERI highlighted decreases in resistivity with depth, attributed to clay-rich limestone combined with seawater intrusion towards the coast. A depth of investigation (DOI) index was used to constrain the information content of the images at depths up to 100 m. The VLF-EM survey identified likely faults/fractured zones across the study area. A combined analysis of the datasets of the 1D ES, 2D ERI, and VLF-EM methods identified potential zones of groundwater, the extent of seawater intrusion, and major hydrogeological structures (fracture zones) in El Salloum basin. The equivalent geologic layers suggest that the main aquifer in the basin is the fractured chalky limestone middle Miocene) south of the coastal plain of the study area. Sites likely to provide significant volumes of potable water were identified based on relatively high resistivity and thickness of laterally extensive layers. The most promising locations for drilling productive wells are in the south and southeastern parts of the region, where the potential for potable groundwater increases substantially.

The aim of this survey was to study the cover and the composition of macroepiphytic species on the leaves of Posidonia oceanica in the east of Tunisia. Surveys were conducted in December 2009 (winter period), March (spring period) and August 2010 (summer period) in a fringing reef located in Chebba. At each sampling date, 15 adult leaves were randomly collected and divided into basal and apical parts. The inner face of each part was examined with ocular glasses and microscope to estimate species cover by orthogonal projection. PERMANOVA and ANOSIM were used to test for differences of cover between sampling dates and leaf parts. SIMPER, cluster analysis, and PCA were used to ordinate species assemblages. Comparison of epiphytic cover along leaf blades showed significant differences for all groups, except cyanophycea, with high cover of hydrozoans and bryozoans in the basal part and high cover of algae in the apical part. The species composition and cover also vary with sampling date; minimum values were detected in December and the epiphytic community was composed of a few pioneer species, whereas maximum epiphytic cover values were registered in August, with the epiphytic community being composed of a more mature and more diverse community, termed ‘climax’. The main regulatory factors for this distribution are discussed.  相似文献   
The aim of this work is to study the temporal dynamics of rhizome epiphytes and sessile animals living on the rhizomes of the seagrass Posidonia oceanica in the east of Tunisia. Surveys were conducted in October 2009, and in January, April and August 2010 on a fringing reef located in Chebba. Rhizomes were sampled by SCUBA diving at three stations. Samples were examined with a microscope to estimate the cover of macroinvertebrate and macroalgal organisms on the top 10 cm of each rhizome. Results revealed a high diversity of epiphytes on P. oceanica rhizomes with a dominance of red and brown algae, ascidians, and bryozoans. Distinct temporal changes were observed in Oued Lafrann, with a high January cover (winter period) for all groups. These winter increases can be attributed to: (i) the low phenological parameters of P. oceanica in winter that reduce the effects of shading, (ii) life cycles of the epiphytes and invertebrates, (iii) water motion and (iv) grazing.  相似文献   
Our study presents preliminary biostratigraphic results from the Jurassic siliceous series of northwestern Tunisia. For the first time, radiolarians are extracted from the Jédidi formation and provide a direct age determination. They are the first radiolarian fauna documented from Tunisia. Two age assignments are comprised within the following intervals: (1) Late Bathonian–Early Callovian, (2) Late Bathonian–Early Oxfordian. These ages are compatible with recent stratigraphic synthesis proposed for the Jurassic series of Tunisia. The data suggest the correlation of the Jédidi formation with siliceous series of Middle–Late Jurassic age from the external zone of the Maghrebides belt rather than with true oceanic units from the Maghrebian flyschs or the internal zones of western Tethys. To cite this article: F. Cordey et al., C. R. Geoscience 337 (2005).  相似文献   
The structure and the trophic interactions of the planktonic food web were investigated during summer 2004 in a coastal lagoon of south-western Mediterranean Sea. Biomasses of planktonic components as well as bacterial and phytoplankton production and grazing by microzooplankton were quantified at four stations (MA, MB, MJ and R) inside the lagoon. Station MA was impacted by urban discharge, station MB was influenced by industrial activity, station MJ was located in a shellfish farming sector, while station R represented the lagoon central area. Biomasses and production rates of bacteria (7–33 mg C m−3; 17.5–35 mg C m−3 d−1) and phytoplankton (80–299 mg C m−3; 34–210 mg C m−3 d−1) showed high values at station MJ, where substantial concentrations of nutrients (NO3 and Si(OH)4) were found. Microphytoplankton, which dominated the total algal biomass and production (>82%), were characterized by the proliferation of several chain-forming diatoms. Microzooplankton was mainly composed of dinoflagellates (Torodinium, Protoperidinium and Dinophysis) and aloricate (Lohmaniellea and Strombidium) and tintinnid (Tintinnopsis, Tintinnus, Favella and Eutintinnus) ciliates. Higher biomass of these protozoa (359 mg C m−3) was observed at station MB, where large tintinnids were encountered. Mesozooplankton mainly represented by Calanoida (Acartia, Temora, Calanus, Eucalanus, Paracalanus and Centropages) and Cyclopoida (Oithona) copepods, exhibited higher and lower biomasses at stations MA/MJ and MB, respectively. Bacterivory represented only 35% of bacterial production at stations MB and R, but higher fractions (65–70%) were observed at stations MA and MJ. Small heterotrophic flagellates and aloricate ciliates seemed to be the main controllers of bacteria. Pico- and nanophytoplankton represented a significant alternative carbon pool for micrograzers, which grazing represented 67–90% of pico- and nano-algal production in all stations. Microzooplankton has, however, a relatively low impact on microphytoplankton, as ≤45% of microalgal production was consumed in all stations. This implies that an important fraction of diatom production would be channelled by herbivorous meso-grazers to higher consumers at stations MA and MJ where copepods were numerous. Most of the microalgal production would, however, sink particularly at station MB where copepods were scare. These different trophic interactions suggest different food web structures between stations. A multivorous food web seemed to prevail in stations MJ and MA, whereas microbial web was dominant in the other stations.  相似文献   
The aim of this research was to study spatial and temporal variation in epiphyte cover and leaf biomass of Posidonia oceanica in Eastern Tunisia. Sampling was conducted at four stations on the Mahdia coast during October and December 2010, and April and August 2011, which correspond respectively to autumn, winter, spring and summer in this area. Posidonia oceanica shoots were collected at two depths (5 and 10 m). Cover of macroinvertebrates and macroalgae was estimated on adult leaves. The results showed that leaf and epiphyte biomasses vary significantly according to sampling date, with the highest values recorded in August. We found a high diversity of epiphytic assemblages on the leaves of P. oceanica with clear qualitative and quantitative dominance of Rhodophyceae compared to other groups, followed by Phaeophyceae. Most epiphyte species on the leaves of P. oceanica in Eastern Tunisia are the same as those in other parts of the Mediterranean Sea. No bathymetrical variation in the epiphytic community was found in our study area, which can be explained by the high levels of water clarity in Mahdia.  相似文献   
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