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Concrete probes in civil engineering material testing often show fissures or hairline-cracks. These cracks develop dynamically. Starting at a width of a few microns, they usually cannot be detected visually or in an image of a camera imaging the whole probe. Conventional image analysis techniques will detect fissures only if they show a width in the order of one pixel. To be able to detect and measure fissures with a width of a fraction of a pixel at an early stage of their development, a cascaded image analysis approach has been developed, implemented and tested. The basic idea of the approach is to detect discontinuities in dense surface deformation vector fields. These deformation vector fields between consecutive stereo image pairs, which are generated by cross correlation or least squares matching, show a precision in the order of 1/50 pixel. Hairline-cracks can be detected and measured by applying edge detection techniques such as a Sobel operator to the results of the image matching process. Cracks will show up as linear discontinuities in the deformation vector field and can be vectorized by edge chaining. In practical tests of the method, cracks with a width of 1/20 pixel could be detected, and their width could be determined at a precision of 1/50 pixel.  相似文献   
Despite vigorous tidal and wind mixing, observations in an estuarine tidal inlet in the Wadden Sea show that during part of the tidal cycle, vertical stratification and internal waves may still develop. Acoustic Doppler current profiler (ADCP) and conductivity, temperature, depth observations, collected over the past 6 years at 13 h anchor stations (ASs), reveal that these occur especially during slack tide, when there is little wind and large freshwater discharge from nearby Lake IJssel. Measurements with a moored ADCP show that in the same tidal phase, strong cross-channel circulation develops, which may suddenly reverse circulation sense due to passing density fronts. In the vertically stratified phase that follows after the front passage, propagating mode-one solitary internal waves are observed. These are resonantly generated during decelerating tidal ebb currents when the (shear) flow passes a transcritical regime (Froude number equal to 1). A combination of photographs (including one from the International Space Station), bathymetric data, and ASs data leads to the discovery of yet another source of internal waves in this area, produced during slackening tide by propagating lee waves that develop over a deep trench. We suggest that both the cross-channel circulation as well as the (solitary) internal waves may locally be of importance for the (re)distribution and transport of sediments and nutrients and may influence tidally averaged transports.  相似文献   
Studying the diversity‐ecosystem function relationship in the deep sea is of primary importance in the face of biodiversity loss and for our understanding of how the deep sea functions. Results from the first study of diversity‐ecosystem function relationships in the deep sea (Danovaro et al. 2008; Current Biology, 18, 1–8) are unexpected and show an exponential relationship between deep‐sea nematode diversity and ecosystem function and efficiency, although this relationship appears largely restricted to relatively low diversities [ES(51) <25]. Here, we investigate the relationship between nematode diversity and several independent measures/proxies of ecosystem function (sediment community oxygen consumption, bacterial biomass, bacterial extracellular enzyme activity) and efficiency (ratio of bacterial/nematode carbon to organic C content of the sediment) on the New Zealand continental slope. Nematode diversity at our study sites was relatively high [ES(51) = 30–42], and there was no relationship between species/functional diversity and ecosystem function/efficiency after accounting for the effects of water depth and food availability. Our results are consistent with a breakdown of the exponential diversity‐function relationship at high levels of diversity, which may be due to increased competition or greater functional redundancy. Future studies need to take into account as many environmental factors and as wide a range of diversities as possible to provide further insights into the diversity‐ecosystem function relationship in the largest ecosystem on Earth.  相似文献   
This work reports the discovery of solar-type oscillations in thegiant star Hydrae.  相似文献   

Starting from the nonlinear shallow water equations of a homogeneous rotating fluid we derive the equation describing the evolution of vorticity by a fluctuating bottom topography of small amplitude, using a multiple scale expansion in a small parameter, which is the topographic length scale relative to the tidal wave length. The exact response functions of residual vorticity for a sinusoidal bottom topography are compared with those obtained by a primitive perturbation series and by harmonic truncation, showing the former to be invalid for small topographic length scales and the latter to be only a fair approximation for vorticity produced by planetary vortex stretching. In deriving the exact shape of the horizontal residual velocity profile at a step-like break in the bottom topography, it is shown that the Lagrangian profile only exists in a strip having the width of the amplitude of the tidal excursion at both sides of the break, and that it vanishes outside that interval. Moreover, in the limit of small amplitude topography at least, it vanishes altogether for the generation mechanism by means of planetary vortex stretching. The Eulerian profile is shown to extend over twice the interval of the Lagrangian profile both for production by vortex stretching and by differential bottom friction. These finite intervals over which the residual velocity profiles exist for a step-like topography are not reproduced by harmonic truncation of the basic equation. This method gives exponentially decaying profiles, indicating spurious horizontal diffusion of vorticity. In terms of orders of magnitude, the method of harmonic truncation is reliable for residual velocity produced by vortex stretching but it overestimates the residual velocity produced by differential bottom friction by a factor 2.  相似文献   
 A simple moments model used in studying the large-scale thermally driven ocean circulation, in one hemisphere, is extended with a set of evolution equations for the basin-averaged salinity gradients. Natural formulations of the boundary conditions for the heat flux and the (virtual) salt flux are given, the latter based on the SST-evaporation feedback. Stommel’s box model result, a coexisting thermal and saline solution, is retrieved in the limit of no rotation. Including rotation in a salt-dominated setting, a steady circulation is found which bifurcates for higher Rayleigh numbers in a periodic solution which becomes chaotic through a cascade of subharmonic bifurcations. Periodic motion results from two different mechanisms. First, the stable stationary state bifurcates into a periodic solution where anomalously saline water is advected by the overturning circulation. Second, this periodic solution bifurcates into a state which is dominated, during the larger part of the cycle, by diffusion and inertia, characterized by a decreasing overturning rate, and, during the subsequent shorter part of the cycle, by rapid advection and restratification of the entire basin. The basin-averaged vertical density field is stably stratified in the steady and the periodic regimes and remains statically stable in the chaotic regime. Received: 16 July 1996 / Accepted: 29 December 1997  相似文献   
The dynamics of a stratified fluid contained in a rotating rectangular box is described in terms of the evolution of the lowest moments of its density and momentum fields. The first moment of the density field also gives the position of the fluids centre-of-mass. The resulting low-order model allows for fast assessment both of adopted parameterisations, as well as of particular values of parameters. In the ideal fluid limit (neglect of viscous and diffusive effects), in the absence of wind, the equations have a Hamiltonian structure that is integrable (non-integrable) in the absence (presence) of differential heating. In a non-rotating convective regime, dynamically rich behaviour and strong dependence on the single (lumped) parameter are established. For small values of this parameter, in a self-similar regime, further reduction to an explicit map is discussed in an Appendix. Introducing rotation in a nearly geostrophic regime leads through a Hopf bifurcation to a limit cycle, and under the influence of wind and salt to multiple equilibria and chaos, respectively.  相似文献   
Sea-level and current measurements have been performed in the Mok Bay, a tidal embayment in the Dutch Wadden Sea, situated on the island of Texel, the Netherlands. Characteristic for this estuary is its nonuniform hypsometry. Oscillations in both water level and inflow of the estuary were observed, with characteristic frequencies of 31 and 48 cycles per day. The significant change in basin shape between low and high water is the cause for the existence of these two frequencies of resonance. Due to its semi-enclosed nature, the basin could at both tidal phases be characterized as a Helmholtz resonator, albeit of different dimensions. Depth measurements were performed to find these characteristic dimensions of the estuary, allowing the determination of its theoretical Helmholtz frequencies. These estimates match to within 10% with the observed frequencies, and this deviation can partly be explained. Although sea level oscillations at these frequencies have small amplitude (of order 1 cm), the accompanying oscillatory flow at the entrance is of similar magnitude as the tidal flow. The water level measurements (spanning only 8 days of data) were therefore modeled using a piecewise-uniform hypsometry that approximates the real hypsometric curve well. The simplified semi-analytical piecewise-linear viscous Helmholtz model captures the observed combination of tidal and eigenoscillations well. However, despite its simplicity, this model is able to display nonlinear behavior for certain parameter values. This is because of the intrinsic nonlinearity that accompanies the matching of the low and high water phases. In the setting studied here, bifurcations up to period 13 were found. This nonlinear type of response may be of importance in facilitating an extra exchange of sediments and nutrients between the Bay and the sea.  相似文献   
In this methods note, we present a simple analytical formula to quantify the steady‐state leakage flux (Q) over a perforated aquitard. The flux depends on the aquitard thickness (D), the radius of the perforation (R), the hydraulic conductivity of the material inside the perforation (kfill), the conductivities of the overlying and underlying aquifers (k1 and k2, respectively), and the head difference between the two aquifers (ΔH): This equation assumes an aquitard separating two homogeneous and infinite aquifers (R ? aquifer thickness) in which radial flow to and from the perforation occurs, with no other recharge or discharge boundaries near the perforation. The flux through a perforation in a hypothetical case study with D = 10 m, k1 = 10 m/d, k2 = 20 m/d, R = 0.072 m, and ΔH = 1 m ranges between less than 1 mL/d if the hole is backfilled with bentonite (kfill = 10?4 m/d), to several liters per day if the perforation is backfilled with sand from the overlying aquifer (kfill = 10 m/d), to several m3/d if the perforation forms an open conduit (kfill = 105 m/d). The leakage fluxes calculated with this model agree well with those calculated using a numerical model (MODFLOW).  相似文献   
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