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The bimodal Naivasha complex (central Kenya) comprises 2 suitesof transitional basalts and 7 chemostratigraphic groups of comendites.The early basalt series (EBS) predates the Group 1 comenditeswith the later series (LBS) erupted between Groups 5 and 6.Basalts from both suites are notable for their relatively radiogenic207Pb/204Pb isotope ratios which are higher than in the majorityof ocean island basalt (OIB, Zindler & Hart, 1986), and87Sr/86Sr ratios more radiogenic than basalts from northernKenya. Both basalt suites exhibit systematic trace element andisotopic variations which appear related to greater assimilationof Proterozoic amphibolite facies crust by the chemically moreevolved rock types. Their mantle source regions show evidenceof residual plagioclase and have a ‘Dupal’-likeOIB trace element and Pb-Sr-Nd isotope signature (Hart, 1984).A contribution from the sub-continental lithosphere is proposedin basalt genesis. The seven comendite groups have distinct trace element and isotopesystematics. Hydration of comendite glass causes significantchanges in Sr and Pb isotope ratios. In terms of their Sr-Ndisotope relationships the unaltered comendites could be derivedfrom the basalts by an assimilation-fractional crystallization(AFC) process dominated by the fractional crystallization offeldspars. However, the Pb systematics clearly demonstrate thatthe basalts and comendites are not part of a cogenetic suite.Chemical variations within individual comendite groups are predominantlythe result of fractional crystallization of the observed phenocrystassemblages (i.e. alkali feldspar dominated) and minor crustalinteraction. The majority of the chemical and isotopic differencesbetween Groups 1–7 cannot be explained by fractional crystallizationand appear to represent crustal melts derived from close tothe interface between Pan African basement and the overlyingMiocene-Holocene volcanoclastic rocks, at approximately 6 kmdepth (KRISP working group, 1987). Halogens play a fundamental role in the petrogenesis of thecomendites (Cl+F<1?7 per cent) permitting small degree meltsof low viscosity to be extracted from the crust and causingthe breakdown of minor phases e.g, zircon. These factors explainthe extreme enrichment of certain incompatible trace elements(Zr<2500, Nb<700) in the comendites and coupled with theretention of zircon in the source of the halogen poor comendites(Group 1<0?6 per cent Cl+F) result in notable fractionationamong the HFSE (Zr/Nb 1?5–5?5). Halogens may be concentratedin the source region from the surrounding crust by the presentlyactive hydrothermal system. Each of the chemostratigraphic comenditegroups is chemically distinct, implying that partial meltingof the heterogeneous crust is on a limited scale and that noextensive magma chambers exist beneath Naivasha.  相似文献   
Perennial ice from caves on and to the east of the Canadian Great Divide yield δ18O and δD values, which are unusually high measurements when compared with the average precipitation for the region. Furthermore, these ice data fall below and along lines of lower slope than the Global Meteoric Water Line. To explain the observed relationships, we propose the following process. A vapour-ice isotopic fractionation mechanism operates on warm-season vapour when it precipitates as hoar ice on entering the caves. The subsequent fall of hoar to the cave floor through mechanical overloading, along with ice derived from ground-water seepage (with a mean annual isotopic composition), results in massive ice formation of a mixed composition. This mixed composition is what is observed in the characteristic relationships found here. Such findings suggest that a warm versus cold climate interpretation for ancient cave ice may be the opposite of that found in the more familiar polar and glacial ice cores.  相似文献   
The Torfaj?kull volcano, Iceland's largest silicic centre, issituated close to the junction of the active, southerly propagatingEastern Rift Zone and the South Eastern Zone, an older crustalsegment. This paper provides major, trace, and some Sr isotopedata on postglacial (<10000 y) rocks, i.e., tholeiitic magmasof the Eastern Rift Zone and transitional basalts, icelandites,and rhyolites of the Torfaj?kull centre, and assesses the relationshipsbetween the magma types in terms of the development of the Icelandiccrust. Tholeiitic magmas from the Eastern Rift Zone are LILE-enrichedrelative to MORB. They have undergone extensive olivine-plagioclase-clinopyroxenefractionation at low pressures. Compared with the tholeiites,Torfaj?kull transitional basalts show LILE/HFS enrichment andhigher (87Sr/86Sr)1 ratios. They define several magmatic lineagesand have equilibrated over a wide range of pressures. Both basalttypes were derived by very small degrees of partial meltingof compositionally similar mantle sources, the main differencebeing that the tholeiites were generated in the spinel Iherzolite,and the transitional basalts in the garnet lherzolite, stabilityfields, a conclusion previously reached by Meyer et al. (1985).The mantle sources may have contained LILE-enriched streaks. Low-pressure differentiation of Torfaj?kull transitional basaltproduced an iceiandite to sub-alkaline rhyolite sequence bycrystal fractionation, the rhyolites representing >90% crystallizationof parental basalts. The rhyolites were emplaced as nine separatelava fields, formed during 11 eruptive episodes. The compositionalrange within each field is limited, and, although similar, theranges define several magmatic lineages. Continued fractionationof plagioclase-alkali feldspar-clinopyroxene-magnetite-apatite-zirconassemblages generated peralkaline rhyolites in certain post-glacialeruptions. Chemical variations in the deposits from the Hrafntinnuskerperalkaline eruption were related predominantly to alkali feldsparfractionation, and the melts were erupted from a zoned magmachamber. All postglacial volcanic rocks at Torfajokull havebeen mantle derived and thus represent new additions to theIcelandic crust.  相似文献   
A sediment core from Lake Yarnyshnoe-3 (69°04'N; 36°04'E), an emerged coastal lake from the tundra of the north-central Kola Peninsula, has been analyzed for fossil pollen and diatoms. The pollen record shows the Younger Dryas event marked by increasing Artemisia coupled with decreases in Poaceae, Cyperaceae and Salix at c. 10 700 to 10 000 BP. This core provides the first well-defined palynological record of the Younger Dryas event on the Kola Peninsula. Stomates from Pinus were recovered from the core interval between 8000 and 6000 BP. The stomates, coupled with elevated values of pine pollen, indicate that Pinus sylvestris grew near the arctic coastline of the central Kola Peninsula in the middle Holocene. However, the small number of stomates suggests that pines were not plentiful. The diatom record from the core reflects basin isolation from the sea and indicates additional limnological changes during the climate transition between c. 5000 and 4000 BP. The broadly similar climate and vegetation history on the north-central Kola Peninsula and in Fennoscandia demonstrates the propagation of late glacial and Holocene climate events from the North Atlantic region into the Eurasian Arctic.  相似文献   
Geochemistry of High-silica Peralkaline Rhyolites, Naivasha, Kenya Rift Valley   总被引:17,自引:3,他引:17  
The Recent (<15000 y) volcanic complex of southwest Naivasha,Kenya, consists of mildly peralkaline (comenditic) rhyolitedomes, lava flows, air fall pumices, and lake sediments, withminor, peripheral, basalts and hawaiites. The comendites areeither aphyric or sparsely porphyritic, few samples containing>5 per cent phenocrysts. Phenocryst minerals are quartz-sanidine-ferrohedenbergite-fayalite-titanomagnetite-ilmenite-riebeckite-arfvedsonite-aenigmatite-biotite-zircon.Ferrohedenbergite and zircon are restricted to less peralkaline,and amphibole, aenigmatite, and biotite to more peralkaline,rocks. The comendites show unusually strong enrichment in Cs, F, Hf,Nb, Rb, REE, Ta, Th, U, Y, Zn, and Zr, and extreme depletionin Mg, Ca, Ba, Co, and Sr. REE patterns are moderately LREE-enriched,with large, negative Eu anomalies. Values of LIL/HFS elementratios, such as Th/Ta and Rb/Zr, are unusually high for peralkalinerhyolites, and are consistent with a substantial crustal componentin the comendites. Parameters such as LREE/HREE and Zr/Nb ratiosindicate that the Naivasha rhyolites represent several pulsesof closely related, but subtly different, magmas. Sanidine/glasspartition coefficients for Ba, Pb, Rb, Sr, U, and the REE arepresented for one specimen. Major and trace element modelling, and feldspar-rock relationships,show that closed system crystal fractionation cannot alone accountfor the overall compositional variations in the comendites.A model involving partial melting of variable crustal sourcerocks and migration of dissolved volatile-metal complexes maybe appropriate at Naivasha.  相似文献   
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