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This paper presents data on the properties of coal and fly ash from two coal mines and two power plants that burn single-source coal from two mines in Indiana. One mine is in the low-sulfur (<1%) Danville Coal Member of the Dugger Formation (Pennsylvanian) and the other mines the high-sulfur (>5%) Springfield Coal Member of the Petersburg Formation (Pennsylvanian). Both seams have comparable ash contents (11%). Coals sampled at the mines (both raw and washed fractions) were analyzed for proximate/ultimate/sulfur forms/heating value, major oxides, trace elements and petrographic composition. The properties of fly ash from these coals reflect the properties of the feed coal, as well as local combustion and post-combustion conditions. Sulfur and spinel content, and As, Pb and Zn concentrations of the fly ash are the parameters that most closely reflect the properties of the source coal.  相似文献   
CCD 相机检校是 CCD输入影象处理的一个必不可少的过程。本文对 CCD成象系统的几何性能进行了分析,提出了测定 CCD影象象素比例因子和象主点初值的简易实验方法。在此基础上,构造了一种同时顾及光、电误差的二维检校方法,井进行了相机检校实验。最后对检校结果进行了分析和讨论。  相似文献   
In 1990 the Polish Geological Institute initiated geochemical mapping of the country aimed at determining the actual conditions of chemistry in the Earth's surficial environments (soils, water sediments, and surficial waters as well) and sea-floor deposits in the Polish economic sector of the Baltic Sea. The geochemical mapping on different scales covered the entire area of the country and selected more important urban agglomerations and industrial districts. Approximately 15,100 samples of soils, 16,200 samples of fresh water sediments, 14,600 samples of surface waters and 467 samples of marine deposits were collected and analysed. A list of geochemical atlases published by the Polish Geological Institute is presented. Investigation of the distribution of radionuclides (natural and artificial) has been done since 1992. Concentrations of U, Th, K, post-Chernobyl Cs and γ dose rate were measured. Approximately 20,000 points covering the whole country were measured. More detailed mappings were executed in the areas polluted by Cs.  相似文献   
The apparition of Comet C/1996 B2 (Hyakutake) offered an unexpected and rare opportunity to probe the inner atmosphere of a comet with high spatial resolution and to investigate with unprecedented sensitivity its chemical composition. We present observations of over 30 submillimeter transitions of HCN, H13CN, HNC, HNCO, CO, CH3OH, and H2CO in Comet Hyakutake carried out between 1996 March 18 and April 9 at the Caltech Submillimeter Observatory. Detections of the H13CN (4–3) and HNCO (160,16–150,15) transitions represent the first observations of these species in a comet. In addition, several other transitions, including HCN (8–7), CO (4–3), and CO (6–5) are detected for the first time in a comet as is the hyperfine structure of the HCN (4–3) line. The observed intensities of the HCN (4–3) hyperfine components indicate a line center optical depth of 0.9 ± 0.2 on March 22.5 UT. The HCN/HNC abundance ratio in Comet Hyakutake at a heliocentric distance of 1 AU is similar to that measured in the Orion extended ridge— a warm, quiescent molecular cloud. The HCN/H13CN abundance ratio implied by our observations is 34 ± 12, similar to that measured in giant molecular clouds in the galactic disk but significantly lower than the Solar System12C/13C ratio. The low HCN/H13CN abundance ratio may be in part due to contamination by an SO2line blended with the H13CN (4–3) line. In addition, chemical models suggest that the HCN/H13CN ratio can be affected by fractionation during the collapse phase of the protosolar nebula; hence a low HCN/H13CN ratio observed in a comet is not inconsistent with the solar system12C/13C isotopic ratio. The abundance of HNCO relative to water derived from our observations is (7 ± 3) × 10−4. The HCN/HNCO abundance ratio is similar to that measured in the core of Sagittarius B2 molecular cloud. Although a photo-dissociative channel of HNCO leads to CO, the CO produced by HNCO is a negligible component of cometary atmospheres. Production rates of HCN, CO, H2CO, and CH3OH are presented. Inferred molecular abundances relative to water are typical of those measured in comets at 1 AU from the Sun. The exception is CO, for which we derive a large relative abundance of 30%. The evolution of the HCN production rate between March 20 and March 30 suggests that the increased activity of the comet was the cause of the fragmentation of the nucleus. The time evolution of the H2CO emission suggests production of this species from dust grains.  相似文献   
Résumé Le gisement polymétallique de Kowary (Pologne) est formé de deux types de minéralisations: 1. des lentilles de magnétites formées pendant l'orogenèse calédonienne, 2. des minéralisations polymétalliques plus jeunes avec uranium. L'étude géochronologique des pechblendes par la méthode Uranium — Plomb montre que le gisement uranifère a été formé à l'époque permienne de l'orogenèse hercynienne, il y a environ 265 M. A., qu'il a été remanié au cours de l'époque laramienne, il y a 70 M. A. L'âge de formation du gisement de Kowary correspond très exactement à l'âge des gisements français (Limousin et Vendée).
The poly-metallic deposit of Kowary (Poland) is formed by two types of mineralizations: 1. lenses of magnetite formed during the Caledonian orogeny, 2. more recent polymetallic mineralizations with Uranium. The geochronological study of the pitchblende by Uranium — Lead method shows that the Uranium deposit was formed at the Permian epoch of the Hercynian orogeny about 265 M. Y. ago and it has been modified during the Laramide epoch, about 70 M. Y. ago. The formation age of the Kowary deposits corresponds exactly to that of the French deposits (Limousin and Vendée).
On the assimilation of total-ozone satellite data   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
A two-dimensional model for advection and data assimilation of total-ozone data has been developed. The Assimilation Model KNMI (AMK) is a global model describing the transport of the column amounts of ozone, by a wind field at a single pressure level, assuming that total ozone behaves as a passive tracer. In this study, ozone column amounts measured by the TIROS Operational Vertical Sounder (TOVS) instrument on the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration (NOAA) polar satellites and wind fields from the Meteorological Archive and Retrieval System (MARS) archives at ECMWF have been used. By means of the AMK, the incomplete space-time distribution of the TOVS measurements is filled in and global total-ozone maps at any given time can be obtained. The choice of wind field to be used for transporting column amounts of ozone is extensively discussed. It is shown that the 200-hPa wind field is the optimal single-pressure-level wind field for advecting total ozone. Assimilated ozone fields are the basic information for research on atmospheric chemistry and dynamics, but are also important for the validation of ozone measurements.  相似文献   
We present radio observations of HCO+, H3O+ and CO+ in Hale-Bopp. This revised version was published online in July 2006 with corrections to the Cover Date.  相似文献   
Fine structure in solar microwave bursts   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
We have designed and constructed a new multi-channel radio spectrograph for the study of short-lived structures in solar microwave bursts. It measured the integrated flux over the whole solar disc in two circular polarizations at 36 frequencies between 4 and 8 GHz, with a time constant of 0.5 ms. We have analyzed all 119 recorded bursts observed in 1981 and 1983. We focused our attention on events with a lifetime of less than 1 s. Fine structure occurs in about 30% of the observed bursts, and can be as rich in detail as in bursts observed at lower frequencies. We found at least four different classes of events. In one event neither bandwidth nor time resolution of the receiver appear to be sufficient to resolve the fine structure. The bulk of the drifts is found to be towards higher frequencies. Periodic flux variations were found in two cases.  相似文献   
The deglaciation history and Holocene environmental evolution of northern Wijdefjorden, Svalbard, are reconstructed using sediment cores and acoustic data (multibeam swath bathymetry and sub-bottom profiler data). Results reveal that the fjord mouth was deglaciated prior to 14.5±0.3 cal. ka BP and deglaciation occurred stepwise. Biomarker analyses show rapid variations in water temperature and sea ice cover during the deglaciation, and cold conditions during the Younger Dryas, followed by minimum sea ice cover throughout the Early Holocene, until c. 7 cal. ka BP. Most of the glaciers in Wijdefjorden had retreated onto land by c. 7.6±0.2 cal. ka BP. Subsequently, the sea-ice extent increased and remained high throughout the last part of the Holocene. We interpret a high Late Holocene sediment accumulation rate in the northernmost core to reflect increased sediment flux to the site from the outlet of the adjacent lake Femmilsjøen, related to glacier growth in the Femmilsjøen catchment area. Furthermore, increased sea ice cover, lower water temperatures and the re-occurrence of ice-rafted debris indicate increased local glacier activity and overall cooler conditions in Wijdefjorden after c. 0.5 cal. ka BP. We summarize our findings in a conceptual model for the depositional environment in northern Wijdefjorden from the Late Weichselian until present.  相似文献   
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