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The distribution of elements among silicate- and oxide minerals is investigated in a metamorphosed gabbro. The silicate minerals are found to be rather insensitive to the metamorphic process and to retain their initial high temperature character. The oxide minerals are completely altered and only show low temperature characteristics. A former high temperature origin is discussed from textural evidence.  相似文献   
Anders Lindh 《Lithos》1975,8(2):151-161
A population of 117 coexisting nonalkaline pyroxene pairs has been studied statistically to evaluate compositional and thermal effects on the element distribution. KDMgopx-cpx is influenced by the Fe/Mg-ratio, by the Ca content—especially of clinopyroxene—and by the content of tetrahedral Al. Fe and tetrahedral Al are found to be negatively correlated. A principal component analysis based on the variation of Si, AlIV, AlVI, Fe, Mg, Mn, Ca is performed. Dropping of highly correlated variables does not affect the result significantly. The first principal component reflects the major chemical variation in Fe and Mg. When using ferrous and ferric iron as separate entries of the analysis, either the second or the third component demonstrates a temperature dependence. It is, however, not possible to obtain pure temperature and chemical components due to the composition not being uncorrelated to temperature of formation. From these components a graph reflecting temperature of formation has been constructed.  相似文献   
Anders Lindh 《Lithos》1974,7(4):197-205
A population of 117 coexisting nonalkaline pyroxene pairs has been studied statistically to evaluate compositional and thermal effects on the element distribution. KDMgopx−cpx is influenced by the Fe/Mg-ratio, by the Ca content—especially of clinopyroxene—and by the content of tetrahedral Al. Fe and tetrahedral Al are found to be negatively correlated. A principal component analysis based on the variation of Si, AlIV, AlIV, Fe, Mg, Mn, Ca is performed. Dropping of highly correlated variables does not affect the result significantly. The first principal component reflects the major chemical variation in Fe and Mg. When using Ferrous and ferric iron as separate entries of the analysis, either the second or the third component demonstrates a temperature dependence. It is, however, not possible to obtain pure temperature and chemical components due to the composition not being uncorrelated to temperature of formation. From these components a graph reflecting temperature of formation has been constructed.  相似文献   
A dolerite sill cutting slightly older basalt in west-central Sweden shows a strong chemical variation (54% < SiO2 < 73%) within a restricted area (< 100 × 100 m2). The linear correlation among almost all elements is extremely high; in addition, NdT is strongly correlated with the SiO2 content. Least-square hyperbolic-ratio and three-element ratio modelling (common denominator) suggests that most of the chemical variation is explained by mixing and/or micro-mingling. In all, we test 407 hyperbolas, of which 402 are fitted. The five ratio pairs, which could not be fitted to a hyperbola using a least-square fitting procedure, have the ratio Th / Eu in common. Testing the goodness of fit is problematic for hyperbolic distributions; for comparing purposes we sum the distances to chords approximating the hyperbola. Mobile and immobile elements behave similarly, suggesting that no elements are lost or added from outside the system. The data suggests that already the most mafic of the analysed rocks is a mixture of the ‘normal’ dolerite and a siliceous crustal rock. A mafic magma intruded into the base of the crust, where it fractionated resulting in a decreased Mg number. The magma was then contaminated with country rocks in an intermediate magma chamber due to country rock melting; during mixing/mingling almost no fractionation took place. The contaminated rock suggests the presence of a fluid phase. This was probably a prerequisite for country-rock melting. Enrichment in some incompatible elements suggests that besides major mixing/mingling a thermochemical separation process has affected the most felsic rock enriching it in light rare earths and Zr.  相似文献   
Summary ¶The lithology, age, geological setting, structural and metamorphic history of the granitic mylonites from the Mylonite Zone (MZ) in southwestern Sweden have been studied extensively. The deformation history, growth of microstructures, intensity of deformation, changes in mineral compositions, and pressure-temperature conditions of deformation have, however, not been addressed. In this study, powder X-ray diffraction, optical microscopy, electron microprobe analysis and transmission electron microscopy of micas, chlorite, and plagioclase are combined to understand the physical and textural changes experienced by the rocks during mylonitization. It is shown that the occurrence of foliated micas in shear bands, recrystallization of quartz and biotite, and undulatory extinction in quartz grains were not uniform throughout the samples studied. Occurrence of dislocations and low-angle grain boundaries confirm that deformation occurred largely by glide dislocations. The low-angle grain boundaries observed are formed by the re-arrangement of these dislocations during grain size reduction processes. The micas show a high degree of spatial stacking order, but spatial stacking disorder in micas and chlorites has also been found.Ordered stacking faults are formed during low strain while disordered stacking faults are formed under high strain conditions. Occurrence of both ordered and disordered stacking faults indicates that the intensity of deformation was not uniform through the entire MZ. Moreover, the chemical composition of plagioclase shows that the exsolution lamellae observed with optical and electron microscopy are due to Ca-subsolidus reactions during low temperature deformation. Several substitution reactions occurring in the micas indicate that deformation took place between 0.3 and 0.4GPa, at a temperature higher than 500°C.Received October 15, 2001; revised version accepted December 25, 2002 Published online June 2, 2003  相似文献   
The Postsvecokarelian development of the Baltic Shield shows a parallel development with tension and dolerite intrusions in the core zone and granite intrusions, compression and crustal shortening in the south-western margin. A crustforming event with calk-alkalic granitoid intrusions which with time moves westwards is followed by remelting and intrusion of alkali-intermediate granites and metamorphism. The south-western margin of the Shield probably was a stable ocean/continent border zone for a very long time. In spite of several attempts, no conclusive testable model for the development can be put forward today.
Zusammenfassung Die postsvekokarelische Entwicklung des Baltischen Schildes ist von einer zeitgemäßen Parallelität mit Tension und Diabasintrusionen in der östlichen Kernzone und Granitintrusionen, Kompression und Krustenverkürzung in der südwestlichen Marginalzone gekennzeichnet. Eine Phase mit Krustenbildung, die mit der Zeit nach Westen rückt, und wo kalkalkalische Granitoide als wesentlichstes neugebildetes Gestein auftreten, wird von Metamorphose und erneutem Aufschmelzen und Intrusionen alkaliintermediärer Granite gefolgt. Die südwestliche Marginalzone des Schildes war ein stabiler Ozean/Kontinent-Grenzbereich während einer langen Zeitperiode. Ein testbares endgültiges Modell der Entwicklung kann heute trotz mehrerer Versuche nicht aufgestellt werden.

Résumé Le développement postsvécokarélien du bouclier baltique est caractérisé par un parallélisme dans le temps entre l'extension et l'intrusion de diabases dans la zone centrale de l'Est et par des intrusions granitiques, une compression et un rétrécissement crustal dans la zone marginale du Sud-ouest. Une phase avec formation d'une croûte, qui se propage vers l'ouest, et au cours de laquelle les nouvelles roches formées sont essentiellement des granitoïdes calco-alcalins, est suivie d'un métamorphisme et d'une palingenèse avec intrusions de granites alcalins intermédiaires. La zone marginale du Sud-ouest du bouclier était un domaine-limite océan-continent »stable«, pendant une longue période de temps. Une modélisation controlable du développement ne peut être avancée aujourd'hui malgré plusieurs tentatives.

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Contrary to earlier opinions, the southwestern margin of the Baltic Shield was formed after the Svecokarelian orogenic event (2.2-1.8 Ga). During the initial stages of its formation (1.7-1.6 Ga), granitoid rocks intruded the southwestern margin and simultaneously also the already cratonized part of the shield. Among these granitoids, the most important chemical difference is between calc-alkalic differentiated granitoids to the west and alkalicalcic more evolved granites to the east of an intraorogenic “suture” (the Mylonite Zone). The chemical differences between alkali-calcic granites found on both sides of the interorogen boundary proper (the Protogine Zone) are less significant. As yet, a final choice cannot be made between wholly actualistic and non-actualistic, possibly intracratonic(?) variants of precursory plate-tectonic processes.  相似文献   
The Åmål granitoids in southwest Scandinavia form a calc-alkaline group. Based on 71 major-element analyses their chemical range seems to be constrained to less evolved and somewhat less aluminous compositions than the Svecokarelian synkinematic granitoids. The Åmål granitoids occur in three occurrence types: rather homogeneous massifs, intermingled with other rocks, and as bands in banded gneiss complexes. No statistically confident difference in chemical composition can be proved as a function of occurrence type. The K/K+Na-ratio increases somewhat towards the former Baltic continent. Some of the possible interpretations of this observation are discussed. Most of the chemical variation is due to magmatic differentiation, the mentioned K-Na variation is the most important additional variable. A discussion of geological, isotopic, and paleomagnetic data to the background of ideas on Earth development suggests a nonactualistic model for the generation of the granitoids.
Zusammenfassung Die südwestskandinavischen Åmål Granitoide stellen eine typische kalkalkalische Reihe dar. Das Resultat von 71 Hauptelementeanalysen ergibt einen Variationsbereich, der im Vergleich mit den svekokarelischen synkinematischen Granitoiden weniger differenziert erscheint. Sie sind im Vergleich mit diesen Gesteinen auch aluminiumärmer. Die Åmål-Granitoide kommen in mehr oder weniger homogenen Massiven vor, aber auch mit anderen Gesteinen vermischt oder als Glieder von Bändergneisen. Es ist nicht möglich, eine statistische Differenz als Funktion des Vorkommens nachzuweisen. Das K/K + Na-Verhältnis erhöht sich etwas gegen den älteren Baltischen Kontinent. Die chemische Variation beruht hauptsächlich auf Differentiation, die genannten K-Na-Variationen sind die wesentlichsten Zusatzvariablen. Eine Diskussion der geologischen, isotopenchemischen und paleomagnetischen Daten im Rahmen der Entwicklung der Erdkruste führt zu einem nichtaktualistischen Modell der Granitoidgenese. Das Modell wird hier nicht weiter erörtert.

Résumé Les granitoïdes d'Åmål, dans le Sud-Ouest de la Scandinavie, constituent une série calco-alcaline typique. 71 analyses chimiques portant sur les éléments majeurs montrent que l'ampleur de leur variation est moins différenciée que celle des «granitoïdes syncinématiques svécokaréliens»; ils sont aussi plus pauvres en aluminium que ces derniers. Les granitoïdes d'Åmål se présentent en massifs plus ou moins homogènes, et aussi mélangés à d'autres roches ou comme composants des gneiss rubanés. Il n'est pas possible de faire apparaître statitisquement une différence en fonction de leur occurrence. Le rapport K/K+Na croît vers l'ancien continent baltique. Il est possible d'interpréter l'observation de façons différentes. La différenciation explique la majeure partie de la variation chimique; les variations K/Na mentionnées sont les autres variables principales. Les résultats sont discutés dans le cadre des données géologiques, de la chimie des isotopes, et du paléomagnétisme sur la base du développement de l'écorce terrestre, ce qui conduit, pour la genèse des granitöïdes, à un modèle de type non actualiste.

Åmål - . 71 , « ». . Åmål , , , . , . / + Na . . . . K-Na . , - .
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