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The fracturing analysis in the Permian basins of Jebilet and Rehamna (Hercynian Morocco) and the underlying terranes allowed us to suggest a model for their opening. Three tectonic episodes are distinguished: a transtensional episode NNE–SSW-trending (Permian I), occurring during the opening along sinistral wrench faults N70–110-trending, associated with synsedimentary normal faults; a transpressive episode ESE–WNW-trending (Permian II), initiating the closure, the normal faults playing back reverse faults and the N70 trending faults dextral wrench faults; a compressional episode NNW–SSE (post-Permian, ante-Triassic), accentuating the closure and the deformation and putting an end to the Tardi-Hercynian compressive movements. To cite this article: A. Saidi et al., C. R. Geoscience 334 (2002) 221–226.  相似文献   
The aquifer of early Cretaceous age in the Meskala region of the Essaouira Basin is defined by interpretation of geological drilling data of oil and hydrogeological wells, field measurement and analysis of in situ fracture orientations, and the application of a morphostructural method to identify lineaments. These analyzes are used to develop a stratigraphic–structural model of the aquifer delimited by fault zones of two principal orientations: NNE and WNW. These fault zones define fault blocks that range in area from 4 to 150 km2. These blocks correspond either to elevated zones (horsts) or depressed zones (grabens). This structural setting with faults blocks of Meskala region is in accordance with the structure of the whole Essaouira Basin. Fault zones disrupt the continuity of the aquifer throughout the study area, create recharge and discharge zones, and create dip to the units from approximately 10° to near vertical in various orientations. Fracture measurements and morphometric-lineament analyzes help to identify unmapped faults, and represent features important to groundwater hydraulics and water quality within fault blocks. The above geologic features will enable a better understanding of the behaviour and hydro-geo-chemical and hydrodynamics of groundwater in the Meskala aquifer.  相似文献   
The HySuf‐FEM code (Hydrodynamic of Subsurface Flow by Finite Element Method) is proposed in this article in order to estimate the spatial variability of the transmissivity values of the Berrechid aquifer (Morocco). The calibration of the model is based on the hydraulic head, hydraulic conductivity and recharge. Three numerical tests are used to validate the model and verify its convergence. The first test case consists in using the steady analytical solution of the Poisson equation. In the second, the model has been compared with the hydrogeological system which is characterized by an unconfined monolayer (isotropic layer) and computed by using PMWIN‐MODFLOW software. The third test case is based on the comparison between the results of HySuf‐FEM and the multiple cell balance method in the aquifer system with natural boundaries case. Good agreement between the Hydrodynamic of Subsurface Flow, the numerical tests and the spatial distribution of the thickening of the hydrogeological system is deduced from the analysis and the interpretations of hydrogeological wells. Copyright © 2011 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   
Irrigation, urbanization, and drought pose challenges for the sustainable use of ground water in the central Couloir sud rifain, a major agricultural region in north-central Morocco, which includes the cities of Fès and Meknès. The central Couloir is underlain by unconfined and confined carbonate aquifers that have suffered declines in hydraulic head and reductions in spring flow in recent decades. Previous studies have surveyed ground water flow and water quality in wells and springs but have not comprehensively addressed the chemistry of the regional aquifer system. Using graphical techniques and saturation index calculations, we infer that major ion chemistry is controlled (1) in the surficial aquifer by cation exchange, calcite dissolution, mixing with deep ground water, and possibly calcite precipitation and (2) in the confined aquifer and warm springs by calcite dissolution, dolomite dissolution, mixing with water that has dissolved gypsum and halite, and calcite precipitation. Analyses of 2H and 18O indicate that shallow ground water is affected by evaporation during recharge (either of infiltrating precipitation or return flow), whereas deep ground water is sustained by meteoric recharge with little evaporation. Mechanisms of recharge and hydrochemical evolution are broadly consistent with those delineated for similar regional aquifer systems elsewhere in Morocco and in southern Spain.  相似文献   
The aquifer of the Rharb Basin is constituted by heterogeneous material. The seismic reflexion interpretation carried out in this area, highlighted a permeable device compartmentalized in raised and subsided blocks. Depressions identified in the northern and southernmost zones are characterized by Plio-Quaternary fillings that are favourable to the hydrogeological exploitation. Two mechanisms contribute to structure the Plio-Quaternary aquifer: the Hercynian reactivation in the southernmost part, and the gravitational mechanism of the Pre-Rifean nappe. The groundwater flow and the aquifer thickening are controlled by this reactivation.  相似文献   
Lahcen Zouhri 《水文研究》2010,24(10):1308-1317
An electrical prospecting survey is conducted in the Rharb basin, a semi‐arid region in the southern part of the Rifean Cordillera (Morocco) to delineate characteristics of the aquifer and the groundwater affected by the marine intrusion related to Atlantic Ocean. Analysis and interpretations of electrical soundings, bi‐logarithmic diagrams and the geoelectrical sections highlight a monolayer aquifer in the southern part, a multilayer system in the northern part of the Rharb basin and lenticular semi‐permeable formations. Several electrical layers have been deduced from the analysis of bi‐logarithmic diagrams: resistant superficial level (R0), conducting superficial level (C0), resistant level (R), intermediary resistant level (R′), conducting level (Cp) and intermediary layer of resistivity (AT). Spatial distribution of the resistivity deduced from the interpretation of apparent resistivity maps (AB = 400 and 1000 m) and the decreasing of resistivity values (35–10 Ωm), in particular in the coastal zone show that this heterogeneity is related to several anomalies identified in the coastal area, which result from hydraulic and geological processes: (i) heterogeneous hydraulic conductivity in particular in the southern part of the Rharb; (ii) lateral facies and synsedimentary faulting and (iii) the relationship between the electrical conductivity and chloride concentration of groundwater shows that salinity is the most important factor controlling resistivity. The distribution of fresh/salt‐water zones and their variations in space along geoelectrical sections are established through converting subsurface depth‐resistivity models. Copyright © 2010 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

The Mamora area (Morocco) is located in the northern part of the Meseta and the southern part of Rharb. The recent formations (Mesozoic to Quaternary) lie unconformably on a Paleozoic basement. This study based on hydrogeological, sedimentological, drilling data and seismic reflection profiles interpretation, proposes new interpretations of geodynamical evolution of this area particularly in terms of tectonic patterns. The most ancient formations recognized in this region are Paleozoic schists and quartzites in the Tifíete sector. They represent the basement of the basin on which Triassic conglomerates and red mudstones associated with basalts lie unconformably. Jurassic and Cretaceous sediments are limestones and marls. The Mio-pliocene formations are open marine blue marls. Plio-quaternary sediments are limestones and sands containing gravel and pebbles. Miocene to Pliocene blue marls facies corresponds to deep marine marls (bathyal as indicated by planctonic foraminifers) with an attributed age from upper Miocene [9] to middle Pliocene [7]. A facies distribution map of the top of the blue marls has been realized where four main facies—conglomerate, shelly sandstone, limestone and marls—indicate a major regression in the Mamora basin. The datation of the formations was mostly realized by Wernli [22, 23, 24, 25], and Cirac [10], In the Mamora area, Hercynian faults show two main structural directions, N020°E-N040°E (Agadir-Rabat), N120°E (Rabat- Tiflète) [5], and a new major Hercynian fault (K2S). The seismic profiles have been studied between Sidi Slimane and Sidi Yahia area, to illustrate the structure of the Mamora, and to replace it, in the geodynamical evolution. The seismic reflection lines and drilling data show that the eastern Mamora was subdivided into two sectors: i) the southern sector is affected by Hercynian faults which create horsts and grabens in the Paleozoic. Mio-Pliocene formations infill these depressions and are covered by Quaternary sediments; ii) the northern sector is constituted by various formations: 1. Paleozoic formation as basement covered by autochthonous Mesozoic to Miocene, 2. Prerifain nappes (marls and evaporites), 3. Mio-Plio-Pleistocene formations as subautochthonous to autochthonous. These two sectors are separated by a major fault (K2S). On the other hand, in the occidental Mamora, the facies distribution and the Plio-Pleistocene thickening seem to be induced by faults with a NE-SW and NW-SE trends which affect the Paleozoic basement. Then, between the Meseta domain and the septentrional Rharb basin, two major Hercynian initially dextral shear zones, Rabat- Tiflete and K2S, have been recognised. During the Atlantic Ocean opening, they are probably senestral shear zones. At the same time the subsidence in Rharb basin is active, major action of these faults is normal. Therefore, Mamora represents a real hinge between stable Meseta and unstable septentrional Rharb basin. © 2001 Éditions scientifiques et médicales Elsevier SAS  相似文献   

Des modèles analogiques de réservoirs ont été élaborés à partir de l'analyse de débits de décrue de deux sources karstiques. La première source est caractérisée par une linéarité entre le débit et le temps; la seconde l'est par une loi en puissance. Pour les deux sources, il n'y a pas linéarité entre le volume d'eau souterraine stocké et le débit de la source pour un même temps. Les modèles analogiques élaborés sont constitués d'une association verticale en série de réservoirs. Pour la première source, il s'agit de réservoirs à parois verticales uniquement. Pour la seconde, il s'agit de réservoirs à parois verticales et d'un réservoir dont la géométrie des parois suit une loi en puissance à dimension non entière. La plausibilité et la reproductibilité des modèles analogiques proposés ont été validées en fonction des données disponibles. Il a été démontré que le cas de réservoirs linéaires en milieu karstique est un cas très particulier. Il correspond à des réservoirs à géométrie hyperbolique ou à des réservoirs à parois verticales à filtre poreux.

Editeur Z.W. Kundzewicz

Citation Carlier, E., Zouhri, L. et Shahrour, I., 2012. Explication de décrues anormales par modèles analogiques de réservoirs. Hydrological Sciences Journal, 57 (5), 913–927.  相似文献   
A groundwater flow model has been developed in order to study the chalk aquifer of Paris Basin, based on most of the geological and hydrological available data. The numerical processes are intended to modelling the groundwater flow in the Senonian (Late Cretaceous) formations and to visualize the tracer movement in groundwater resources in the experimental site of LaSalle Beauvais (northern part Paris Basin). Both objectives were achieved as follows: (i) the comprehension of the spatial distribution of the hydraulic conductivity in the chalk aquifer taking into account the characteristics of the hydrogeological system and (ii) the use of the analytical solution for describing one‐dimensional to two‐dimensional solute transport in a unidirectional steady‐state flow tracer with scale‐dependent dispersion. Advection and diffusion mechanisms are taken into account. Comparison between the breakthrough curves of the analytical and the numerical solutions provided an excellent agreement for various ranges of scale‐related transport parameters of interest. The developed power series solution facilitates fast prediction of the breakthrough curves at each observation point. Thus, the derived new solutions are widely applicable and are very useful for the validation of numerical transport. The numerical approach is carried out by MT3DMS, a Modular 3‐D Multi‐Species Transport Model for Simulation of Advection, Dispersion, and Chemical Reactions of Contaminants in Groundwater Systems, and based on total variation‐diminishing method using the ULTIMATE algorithm. The estimation of the infected surface could constitute an approach in water management and allows to prevent the risks of pollution and to manage the groundwater resource from a durable development perspective. Copyright © 2016 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   
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