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Aqueous phosphate removal by three geomaterials from Ivory Coast was evaluated to determine their potential application as low-cost phosphate adsorbents in wastewater treatment. Batch experiments showed that phosphate uptake strongly depended on pH. Laterite and sandstone dissolution was less pronounced compared to shale. A correlation between concentrations of aqueous cation species released from shale and phosphate uptake was observed. The kinetics were well described using the pseudo-second-order model. Isotherms displayed a saturation level on shale, while phosphate uptake continuously increased for laterite and sandstone. The removal efficiency decreased in the following ranking order: laterite > sandstone > shale. Laterite was also the most efficient adsorbent in column experiments. The high phosphate removal efficiency of laterite (8.3 mg PO4 g?1) was attributed to the presence of superparamagnetic low grain sizes of goethite. Laterite is a particularly promising material for further investigation in wastewater treatment technology such as constructed wetlands.  相似文献   
In this paper, an early stopped training approach (STA) is introduced to train multi-layer feed-forward neural networks (FNN) for real-time reservoir inflow forecasting. The proposed method takes advantage of both Levenberg–Marquardt Backpropagation (LMBP) and cross-validation technique to avoid underfitting or overfitting on FNN training and enhances generalization performance. The methodology is assessed using multivariate hydrological time series from Chute-du-Diable hydrosystem in northern Quebec (Canada). The performance of the model is compared to benchmarks from a statistical model and an operational conceptual model. Since the ultimate goal concerns the real-time forecast accuracy, overall the results show that the proposed method is effective for improving prediction accuracy. Moreover it offers an alternative when dynamic adaptive forecasting is desired.  相似文献   
Calcareous fens are unique environments whose history is almost unexplored. The radiocarbon dates of the basal layers of 49 undisturbed calcareous fens showed that in the Western Carpathians (central Europe) many of the extant fen sites originated fairly recently, with two peaks in the High Middle and Roman Ages, the former corresponding to human‐induced changes of the landscape. Conspicuous number of fens also appeared in the Lateglacial and later in the Bronze Age owing to suitable environmental conditions. The Lateglacial calcareous fens were of semi‐open character with coniferous trees, a heliophilous understorey, and mollusc communities composed of several snail species typical of glacial landscapes. We found wood of Taxus baccata in six localities between 7390 and 600 cal. a BP, suggesting that calcareous fens could have represented a refugial habitat for this red‐listed species during the middle Holocene. Using plant macrofossil and mollusc analyses of three representative profiles we illustrate the most common developmental types: (i) fens originating in the Lateglacial, having an open or semi‐open character during the whole Holocene; (ii) open fens originating as wooded wetlands; and (iii) open fens starting their development de novo in the late Holocene. Human activities were responsible for the formation of a high number of calcareous fens, especially in the Outer Western Carpathians, and became important drivers of fen biodiversity development. Only a few recently existing calcareous fens contain old sequences of calcareous deposits. They represent unique natural archives and harbour highly endangered relic populations of fen specialists, making their strict protection urgent.  相似文献   
Alternative water supply, storage, and treatment (AWSST) systems, which utilize aquifers to supply, store, and naturally treat water, are increasingly being implemented globally to address water scarcity and safety. The failure of some AWSST systems to meet water quality expectations was caused by conceptual model error, in which local hydrogeological conditions were less favorable than recognized or considered during project feasibility assessments, economic analyses, and design. More successful implementation of AWSST projects requires that conceptual model error be explicitly and rigorously addressed. Recommended approaches to addressing conceptual model uncertainty include more detailed aquifer characterization, recognition of a wide suite of possible alternative conceptual models, and then screening the models as to whether or not they are plausible and relevant in terms of materially impacting predictive results. Subjective professional judgement remains the basis for assigning probabilities to relevant conceptual models (contingencies).  相似文献   
Water monitoring networks are generally classified into surface water, precipitation, groundwater or water quality monitoring networks. The design of these networks typically occurs in isolation from each other. We present a regionalization approach to identify homogeneous subregions of large basins that are suitable as areas for the optimization of an integrated water monitoring network. The study area, which comprises a portion of the St. Lawrence Basin, was spatially divided using ecological units. For each ecological unit, 21 attributes were derived including both environmental and hydrological indicators. A spatially constrained regionalization technique was applied to define the final regions. A scree plot was used to determine the number of regions. The sensitivity of the technique to the correlation in the attribute data was removed by utilizing principal component analysis to reduce correlation between attribute data. During regionalization, the component values were weighted by their proportion of the total variance explained. The four regions in the final configuration had areas from 19% to 31% of the total area, 63,597 km2. For the St. Lawrence Basin, this approach is effective for defining homogeneous regions that can be used in further research on the optimization of integrated water monitoring networks. The approach is portable to other regions and can incorporate any set of attribute data that is valuable to the regionalization objective.  相似文献   
In drylands, groundwater is often the sole source of freshwater for industrial, domestic and agricultural uses, while concurrently supporting ecosystems. Many dryland aquifers are becoming depleted due to over-pumping and a lack of natural recharge, resulting in loss of storage and future water supplies, water-level declines that reduce access to freshwater, water quality problems, and, in extreme cases, geologic hazards. Conservation is often proposed as a strategy for managing groundwater to reduce or reverse the depletion, although there is a need to better understand its potential effectiveness and benefits at the local scale. This study assesses the impact of water-conservation planning strategies on groundwater resources in the Wadi El Natrun (WEN) area of northern Egypt. WEN has been subjected to groundwater depletion and quality degradation since the 1990s, attributed to agricultural and industrial groundwater usage. Initiatives have been proposed to increase the sustainability of the groundwater resource in the study area, but they have yet to be evaluated. Simultaneously, there are also proposals to increase the extent of arable land and thus demand for freshwater. In this study, three water management scenarios are developed and assessed to the 2060s for their impact on groundwater resources using a hydrogeologic model. Results demonstrate that demand management implemented through an optimized irrigation and crop rotation strategy has the greatest potential to significantly reduce risk of groundwater depletion compared to the other two scenarios—“business as usual” and “30% water-use reduction”—that were evaluated.  相似文献   
The geographical distribution of a flash flood's occurrence could be an important consideration in assessing its severity and social impacts. In this study, the spatial distribution of survey responses is analysed with respect to features such as the stream network (natural water path), the drainage network, buildings, and catchments. This provides information on both flash flood distribution causes in an urban setting and residents' perceptions of the hazard that would otherwise not be revealed. The study demonstrated the possibility of taking into account people's experience in detecting the location of potential flash flood hazards. It also illustrates the usefulness of GIS-supported spatial analysis of survey results in identifying factors that increase the occurrence of urban flash floods.  相似文献   
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