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The structure, functioning and hydrodynamic properties of aquifers can be determined from an analysis of the spatial variability of baseflow in the streams with which they are associated. Such analyses are based on simple low‐cost measurements. Through interpreting the hydrological profiles (Q = f(A)) it is possible to locate the aquifer(s) linked to the stream network and to determine the type of interrelated flow, i.e. whether the stream drains or feeds the aquifer. Using an analytical solution developed for situations with a positive linear relationship, i.e. where the baseflow increases linearly with increasing catchment size, it is also possible to estimate the permeability of the aquifer(s) concerned at catchment scale. Applied to the hard‐rock aquifers of the Oman ophiolite, this method shows that the ‘gabbro’ aquifer is more permeable than the ‘peridotite’ aquifer. As a consequence the streams drain the peridotites and ‘leak’ into the gabbro. The hydrological profiles within the peridotite are linear and positive, and indicate homogeneity in the hydrodynamic properties of these formations at the kilometre scale. The permeability of the peridotite is estimated at 5 · 10?7 to 5 · 10?8 m/s. Copyright © 2004 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   
The Bouillante geothermal field provides about 8% of the annual electricity needs of the French West Indies island of Guadeloupe. It has been the subject of several studies covering various disciplines. A hydrogeological conceptual model of the field is proposed. The reservoir consists of two perpendicular sets of fractures and faults, related to major regional tectonic structures, which have been clogged near surface by self sealing. The heat exchanges of the reservoir with the outside are reduced, through thermal and hydraulic blanketing, to conductive transfers. Convection cells are active within the reservoir, ensuring its thermal and geochemical homogeneity. Heat exchange with the magmatic chamber is only conductive. The Na–Cl geothermal fluid in the reservoir is composed of 60% seawater and 40% freshwater and has reached a chemical equilibrium with a mineralogical assemblage at 250–260°C. Many arguments (equilibrium state, absence of tritium, low in/out fluxes, large reservoir volume) suggest a long residence time (>100 years) of the geothermal fluid. Three factors explain the existence and location of the geothermal field: a heat source (cooling hypovolcanic intrusion), a network of permeable fractures at the origin of the geothermal aquifer, and an impermeable surface cover, limiting the loss of energy and ensuring the durability of the field.  相似文献   
Ophiolites are found all over the world: from the Alps to the Himalayas, in Cuba, Papua-New Guinea, New Caledonia, Newfoundland, etc. They are composed of hard rocks—basalt, dolerite, gabbro and peridotite, which are formed at the mid-oceanic ridges, with specific ridge-related tectonic fracturing and intense hydrothermal alteration. Their geological and thus their hydrogeological properties differ from those of both granite or classical gabbro and classical basaltic lava. A conceptual hydrogeological model of these hard-rock aquifers was developed based on the convergent results of a multidisciplinary approach at several spatial scales, from rock-sample (centimetre) to catchment (kilometre), on well-preserved ophiolite rocks in Oman. In ophiolite rocks, groundwater circulation takes place mostly in the fissured near-surface horizon (50 m thick), and, to a lesser degree, in the tectonic fractures. Hydrograph analysis (Water Resour Res 34:233–240, 1977), interpretation of numerous pumping tests using both classical Theis and dual porosity models [Water Resour Res 32:2733–2745, 1996; Comput Geosci J (in press)], and mercury porosity and hydraulic conductivity lab-measurements support the aquifer parameter estimates. The hydraulic conductivity K of the fissured horizon is estimated at 10–5 to 10–6 m/s for gabbro and dolerite, and 10–7 m/s for peridotite. The storage coefficient S of the peridotite aquifer is estimated at 10–3 and appears to be controlled mainly by microcracks (20 to 100 m wide). Tectonic fractures in the ophiolite have similar hydrodynamic properties regardless of lithology (10–1<T<10–4 m2/s and 10–1<S<10–3) though the probability of obtaining productive wells is two to three times greater in gabbro and dolerite than in peridotite. Some of the tectonic fractures produce small hydrothermal, hyperalkaline springs in the peridotite. The water budget and hydrochemistry of the Oman ophiolite are characterized and support the conceptual hydrogeological model. Despite low annual rainfall, a relatively low hydraulic conductivity and a significant storage coefficient explain why most of the streams in peridotite are perennial.
Résumé Les ophiolites se trouvent partout dans le monde : des Alpes à lHymalaya, à Cuba, Papouasie Nouvelle-Guinée, Nouvelle Calédonie, etc. Les ophiolites sont composées de roches dures basaltiques, de dolérites, gabbros et péridotites, qui sont formées aux rides mi-océaniques, avec, en relation avec les rides, une fracturation tectonique et une altération hydrothermale intense. Leurs propriétés géologiques et hydrogéologiques diffèrent de celles des granites ou des gabbros classiques ou des laves basaltiques classiques. Un modèle hydrogéologique conceptuel des aquifères de hard-rock a été développé sur les résultats convergents dune approche multidisciplinaire à différentes échelles spatiales, de léchantillon de roche de quelques centimètres à la taille du bassin versant en kilomètres, des ophiolites bien conservées dOman. Dans les roches ophiolitiques, la circulation des eaux souterraines est surtout localisée dans les fissures dun horizon de surface de plus dune cinquantaine de mètres et à un degré moindre dans les fractures tectoniques. Lanalyse des hydrographes (Water Resour Res 34:233–240, 1977), linterprétation des nombreux essais de pompage utilisant des modèles classiques de Theis et des modèles à double porosité (Water Resour Res 32:2733–2745, 1996; Comput Geosci J (Soumis), la porosité au mercure et la conductivité hydraulique calculée en laboratoire supportent lestimation des paramètres de laquifère. La conductivité hydraulique K de lhorizon fissuré est estimée entre 10–5 et 10–6 m/s pour les gabbros et les dolérites, et 10–7 m/s pour les péridotites. Le coefficient demmagasinement S de laquifère de péridotite est estimé à 10–3 et semble être contrôlé par les micro-fractures (20 à 100 m de largeur). Les fractures tectoniques dans les ophiolites possèdent des propriétés hydrodynamiques en regard de la lithologie (10-1<T<10-4 m2/s et 10-1/S/10-3) bien que la probabilité dobtenir des puits productifs est trois plus grand dans le grabbro et la dolérite que la péridétite. Quelques unes des fractures tectoniques produisent de petites sources hydrothermales hyperalcalines dans la péridotite. Le bilan hydrologique et hydrochimique de lophiolite dOman caractérise le modèle hydrogéologique conceptuel. Malgré des faibles précipitations annuelles, une relativement basse conductivité hydraulique et un coefficient demmagasinement significatif expliquent pourquoi la plus part des cours deau sur les péridotites ne sont jamais taris.

Resumen Las rocas ofiolitas se encuentran en muchas partes del mundo desde los Alpes a los Himilaya, Newfoundland, Nueva Caledonia etc. Son rocas duras compuestas de basalto, dolerita, gabro y peridotita que son formadas por los cordones medio-oceánicos y por fracturación relacionada con los cordones tectónicos específicos y alteración hidrotermal intensa. La geología y los propiedades hidrogeológicas varian entre las de granito y gabro clásico y lava de basalto clásico. Se desarrolló un modelo conceptual de los acuíferos de las rocas duras Basado en los resultados convergentes de un enfoce multidisciplinario a varias escalas a partir de muestras de roca (centímetro) a cuenca kilómetro) enfocado en las rocas ofilíticas bien preservados en Oman. En las rocas ofiolíticas la circulación de agua ocurre principalmente en el horizonte de fisuras cercanas a la superficie (>50 m de espesor) y en un grado menos importante en fracturas tectónicas. Los estimados de los parámetros de estos acuíferos se basan en análisis de hidrógrafos (Water Resour Res 34:233–240, 1977), en la interpretación de pruebas de bombeo usando los modelos clásicos de Theis y de porosidad doble (Hamm y Bidaux 1996; Lods y Gouze, [en prensa]), y porosidad de mecurio y conductividad hidraúlica medida en el laboratorio. La conductividad hidraúlica K del horizonte fisurado se estima en 10E-5 a 10E-6 m-s para gabro y dolerita y 10E-7 para peridotita. El coeficiente de abastecimiento S del acuífero peridotita se estima en 10–3 y parece ser controlado principalmente por microfracturas (20 to 100 m de ancho). Las fracturas tectónicas en la ofiolita tienen propiedades hidrodinámicas similares independientes de la litología (10–1<T<10–4 m2/s and 10–1<S<10–3) pero la probabilidad de obtener pozos productivos es dos o tres veces mayor en gabro que en dolerita o peridotita. Algunas de las fracturas tectónicas producen pequeñas descargas de agua hidrotermal hiperalcalina en la peridotita. El presupuesto e hidroquímica de las ofilitas de Omán se caracteriza y apoya en el modelo conceptual hidrogeológico. La baja lluvia anual, una conductividad hidraúlica relativamente baja y un coeficiente de abastecimiento importante explican porqué la mejoría de los drenajes en peridotita es peremne.
A country-scale (1:1,000,000) methodology has been developed for hydrogeologic mapping of hard-rock aquifers (granitic and metamorphic rocks) of the type that underlie a large part of the African continent. The method is based on quantifying the “useful thickness” and hydrodynamic properties of such aquifers and uses a recent conceptual model developed for this hydrogeologic context. This model links hydrodynamic parameters (transmissivity, storativity) to lithology and the geometry of the various layers constituting a weathering profile. The country-scale hydrogeological mapping was implemented in Burkina Faso, where a recent 1:1,000,000-scale digital geological map and a database of some 16,000 water wells were used to evaluate the methodology.  相似文献   

Artesian aquifers offer interesting opportunities for water supply by providing a low-vulnerability groundwater resource that is easily abstracted without any installation of pumps or power supply costs. However, hydraulic tests are challenging to perform, notably where the piezometric head is above ground level with free-flowing wells not equipped with valves and open for years. This paper describes a low-cost, easy to reproduce and adaptable device, the free-flowing artesian well device (FFAWD), which is mainly designed with a set of PVC tubes equipped with a pressure probe and a valve. This device is used to perform hydraulic tests on free-flowing artesian wells, to measure the piezometric head of the aquifer and to compute its transmissivity. The practical use of the FFAWD is described and a method is proposed to compute the piezometric head and the transmissivity of the aquifer from this data set (free-flowing well discharge and pressure increase measurements) with any adapted analytical solution, using the Houpeurt-Pouchan method. Artefacts such as post-production effects, surge effects, and the impact of a leaky well are identified to avoid any misinterpretation. The FFAWD was applied to the volcano-sedimentary artesian plain of Pasuruan (Indonesia). The advantages and limitations of using the device, along with the interpretation methodology, are also discussed.

In volcanic areas, the quality of the geological data at the various scales is of paramount importance for the estimation of aquifer potentialities and thus for groundwater exploitation. Geological and hydrogeological investigation (synthesis of existing data, field geological observations, reconstruction of the infra-volcanic morphology, stream gauging, field hydrogeology, etc.) have been performed on the 450-km2 Aubrac basaltic plateau (Massif Central, France). These results allow us to specify the hydrological structure and functioning of this volcanic plateau that were quite unknown before. It is mainly constituted by the piling up of lava flows resting on a plutonic and metamorphic substratum. This volcanic unit constitutes an aquifer of regional importance whose groundwater resources are currently underexploited. These results allow us to delineate zones and strategies for priority hydrogeological prospecting. To cite this article: P.-Y. Bourlier et al., C. R. Geoscience 337 (2005).  相似文献   
Pumping tests carried out in the fissured layer of a granitic hard-rock aquifer, interpreted at the observation wells by means of the analytical solution of Neuman and at the pumping wells with that of Gringarten show the existence of a strong vertical anisotropy of this layer of the aquifer; the horizontal permeability is clearly and systematically higher than the vertical one. These results agree perfectly with the geological observations, the fissured layer of the weathered granite profile showing the existence of many sub-horizontal fissures. It confirms that, within the fissured layer, the permeability of sub-horizontal fissures due to the weathering process dominates over that of sub-vertical fissures of tectonic origin. To cite this article: J.-C. Maréchal et al., C. R. Geoscience 335 (2003).To cite this article: J.-C. Maréchal et al., C. R. Geoscience 335 (2003).  相似文献   
We present a high‐resolution conceptual hydrogeological model for complex basaltic volcanic islands based on Mayotte Island in the Comoros. Its geological structure and hydrogeological functioning are deduced from a large dataset: geological mapping, geophysics, some forty new boreholes, piezometric data, hydraulic conductivity, hydrochemical data, etc. We describe previously unknown deep cut‐and‐fill palaeovalleys. The resulting conceptual geological and hydrogeological model of the island is very different from the Hawaiian model, in that it lacks a low‐elevation basal aquifer and dyke‐impounded high‐level aquifers. It is closer to the Canary Islands model, which has, however, not yet been described at a high‐resolution scale. It does not have a continuous aquifer, but rather a discontinuous succession of perched aquifers separated by aquicludes and aquitards. This results more from the complex geological structure of the island, which has experienced several phases of volcanism, erosion and weathering, than from its age, but is also a result of the high‐resolution scale of the model. High‐resolution conceptual modelling is now necessary to solve problems of applied geology and hydrogeology.  相似文献   
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