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Based on the recent research results on dry and wet deposition of nutrient elements and sulphate,we estimate the atmospheric flux of nutrient elements and sulphate to the southern Yellow Sea and the East China Sea in each season.The results suggest that the concentrations of nutrient elements and sulphate in aerosol and precipitation show an apparent seasonal cycle with the maximum values in winter and the minimum values in summer.Depositions of nitrate and sulphate are dominated by wet deposition,while the deposition for phosphate is mainly dry deposition.Moreover,compared with the riverine inputs,the atmospheric deposition may be the main source of dissolved inorganic nutrients in the southern Yellow Sea and the East China Sea.  相似文献   
组件化的城市配电GIS管理信息系统的设计   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
介绍了组件和组件GIS的特点,并详细论述了使用组件思想设计和实现一个配电GIS管理信息系统。  相似文献   
Through analyzing the principle of data sharing in the database system, this paper discusses the principle and method for integrating and sharing GIS data by data engine, introduces a way to achieve the high integration and sharing of GIS data on the basis of VCT in VC , and provides the method for uniting VCT into RDBMS in order to implement a spatial database with object-oriented data model.  相似文献   
Uncoupling protein 2 (UCP2) is a proton transporter located in the inner mitochondrial membrane, and inhibits the formation of adenosine triphosphate and reacti...  相似文献   
The northwestern sub-basin of South China Sea(SCS) is a unique tectonic unit formed in the early spreading of the SCS. The northwestern Sub-basin has a series of complex geological structures such as seamounts and fault zones surrounded by the Xisha Trough, the Zhongsha Massif, and the Pearl River Valley. These extensional structures and magmatic activity in the northwestern sub-basin are closely related to the lithospheric structure and its deformation. However, details of the deep lithosphere structure are still poorly known. Here, we obtained detailed data of water and Moho depth using sonar buoys,Extended Spread Profiles(ESP), Ocean Bottom Seismometer(OBS), both Multi-beam and land-sea joint seismic surveys in the northwestern sub-basin and its surrounding areas. Then we adopted a thermal isostasy method to calculate the depth of the Lithosphere-Asthenosphere Boundary(LAB) in the northwestern sub-basin of the SCS and its surrounding regions. Results show that the range of LAB depth is ~25–110 km. The shallowest burial depth is 25–60 km occurring in the ocean basin. The depth increases to 60–110 km toward the continental margin. The lithospheric structure on the north and south sides of the Xisha Trough is symmetrical and shows the deep structure and thermal features of aborted rifts. The LAB depth in the Zhongsha Trough and the Zhongsha Massif increased from 60 to 70 km southwestwards, consistent with the trend of surface morphology.The LAB depth to the west side of the Pearl River Valley is 60–80 km, and the thinning of the lithosphere is related to the distribution of faults, depressions and the magmatic activity. The LAB depth in the northwestern sub-basin and the eastern subbasin is less than 60 km with the thinnest part being less than 46 km. Combining ocean drilling, seismic investigation, and seafloor topography, we show that the ocean basin of the northwestern sub-basin of the SCS locates within the 46 km isobath of the LAB. The formation of the rifted valleys and discrete blocks surrounding the ocean basins is both controlled by the regional tectonic movement and the deep thermal state, where their lithospheric structures show strong heterogeneity.  相似文献   
喀斯特地表水和地下水的交换活跃,地下水系统容易受到地表污染物的污染。为了解喀斯特城市地表水—地下水系统污染特征和污染物质来源,对贵阳市地表水、地下水、雨水和城市排污污水的硫同位素和氯同位素组成变化进行了研究。贵阳市不同类型水体的δ37Cl值在-4.07‰~+2.03‰之间变化,δ34SSO4值变化为-20.4‰~+20.9‰。大气输入物质和城市排污污水的δ37Cl、δ34S及Cl-/SO42-比值与地表水和地下水的不同,稳定硫和氯同位素的结合研究为示踪地下水污染物来源提供了有效研究手段。贵阳市地下水中的Cl-和SO42-至少有4种来源,人为活动通过城市排污和大气输入向地下水系统大量输入了硫酸盐和氯离子。   相似文献   
浅谈基于ERDAS IMAGINE软件的几何精纠正方法   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
随着遥感技术日新月异的发展,它在各个领域的应用已经越来越广泛。目前市场上遥感软件的种类很多,比较具有代表性的软件为美国ERDAS公司开发的遥感图像处理系统。遥感图像的几何精纠正是遥感图像分类、专题制图的基础,也是遥感应用研究的基础。本文正是基于ERDAS IMAGINE软件浅谈遥感影像的几何精纠正方法。  相似文献   
近年来,随着开采深度和边坡高度的不断增加,内蒙古宝日希勒露天矿区边坡稳定性问题日益突出,对矿区周围的工矿设备和工作人员的生命安全构成了威胁.2020年4月30日,该矿区工作帮发生体积约130万m3的大型滑坡,为研究此次边坡滑前的形变特征,本文采用39景Sentinel-1A卫星IW模式序列影像,以时序合成孔径雷达干涉(...  相似文献   
四川丹巴伟晶岩型白云母矿床是我国第二大白云母产地,但其研究程度很低,形成机理的研究停留在定性推断的水平上,本文拟从流体的角度来研究其形成机理。丹巴北部的布衣沟位于白云母矿区的中心地带,自西向东穿过混合岩化变质带→部分混合岩化变质带→夕石化变质带,分布有蒋家→下蒋家→水大→二道桥等伟晶岩矿脉,其流体包裹体的均一温度峰值依次降低,CO2-H2O包裹体的数量逐渐减少,盐度有增高的趋势。碳、氢、氧同位素示踪出成岩成矿流体主要由携带深源碳的岩浆热液、建造水及脱碳反应产生的CO2组成。从蒋家→下蒋家→水大→二道桥伟晶岩脉,流体中的CO2/CH4和CO2/N2呈降低。这些特征显示出成岩成矿流体的演化过程:携带深源碳的岩浆热液自春牛场穹隆体的深部向外迁移,在部分混合岩化带与脱碳反应产生的CO2混合,在夕石带与建造水混合而稀释。因此丹巴白云母矿床属于“岩浆 变质”混合成因。  相似文献   
西藏谢通门县雄村铜金矿的成矿与含眼球状石英斑晶的角闪石英闪长玢岩有关,并至少受3个玢岩岩枝控制。主成矿元素为Cu,伴生元素为Au、Ag、Zn、Pb,其他微量元素Mo、As、Ba、Bi、Cd、Co、Mn、Ni、Sb含量较高。元素在垂向上具有分带特征,即从矿体中心向外可依次划分为Cu、Au、Ag、As、Sb、(Bi)→Co、Ni→Mo→Mn→Ba→Pb、Zn、Cd、Bi、(Sb),上述元素的异常和组合是寻找和评价该类矿床的重要地球化学标志。矿床的形成经历了早期Cu—Au—Ag成矿和晚期Zn—Pb—Cu—Au—Ag成矿两个阶段:早期成矿阶段形成了Cu—Au—Ag主矿体,晚期叠加Zn—Pb—Cu—Au—Ag矿化。Cu与Au、Ag呈显著的正相关,Cu主要呈独立矿物黄铜矿产出,Au、Ag主要赋存于黄铜矿中。矿石的K/Na值为6.9、Rb/Sr值为0.8,显示出矿床矿富K、Sr和贫Na、Rb的成矿环境;而Au(平均品位0.6×10-6)0.4×10-6、Au(0.6×10-6)/Cu(0.4%)1和n(Cu)/n(Au)(为20678)40000以及Mo(19.7×10-6),说明该矿床富金而贫钼。矿床所处的大地构造位置,成矿与偏中性的斑岩有关,元素组合特征,异常元素在垂向上的分带特征,主成矿阶段的Cu—Au—Ag矿化和晚期叠加的Zn—Pb—Cu—Au—Ag矿化,富Cu、Au、Ag和贫Mo的成矿元素组合及富K、Sr和贫Na、Rb的成矿环境,均表明矿床具有产于岛弧或类似岛弧环境的斑岩型铜金矿床的特征且叠加斑岩成矿系统晚期呈脉状产出的浅成低温热液型Zn—Pb—Cu—Au—Ag矿化。  相似文献   
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