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The title instrument is mounted on the 65 cm solar Coudé telescope at the Okayama observatory. Observation is usually of the Fei 5250 Å line. The data obtained are briefly described.Paper presented at the IAU Third Asian-Pacific Regional Meeting, held in Kyoto, Japan, between 30 September–6 October, 1984.  相似文献   
Shock recovery experiments for single crystal and powdered specimens of TiO2 with the rutile structure were performed in the pressure range up to 72 GPa. Single crystal specimens were shocked parallel to [100], [110] and [001] directions. X-ray powder diffraction analysis showed that the amount of -PbO2 type TiO2 produced by shock-loading depended strongly on the shock propagation direction. The maximum yield (about 70%) was observed for shock loading to 36 GPa parallel to the [100] direction. In the [001] shock direction, the yield is much smaller than that of the [100] direction. This anisotropic yield was consistent with the observed anisotropy of the phase transition pressure in shock compression measurements. However, transformation to the -PbO2 type cannot explain the large volume change observed above about 20 GPa. On the basis of the high pressure behavior of MnF2, we assumed that the high pressure phase was either fluorite or distorted fluorite type and that the phase conversion to the -PbO2 type was induced spontaneously in the pressure reduction process.We present a displacive mechanism of phase transition under shock compression from the rutile structure to the fluorite structure, in which the rutile [100] is shown to correspond to the fluorite [001] or [110] and the rutile [001] to the fluorite [110]. Direct evidence is obtained by examining the [100] shocked specimen by high resolution electron microscopy.  相似文献   
Radio images and spectra of an eruptive prominence were obtained from simultaneous multifrequency observations at 36 GHz, 89 GHz, and 110 GHz on May 28, 1991 with the 45-m radio telescope at Nobeyama Radio Observatory (NRO), the National Astronomical Observatory, Japan (NAOJ). The radio spectra indicated that the optical depth is rather thick at 36 GHz whereas it is thin at 89 and 110 GHz. The H data, taken at Norikura Solar Observatory, NAOJ, suggest that the eruption of an active region filament was triggered by an H flare. The shape and position of the radio prominence generally coincided with those of H images. The radio emission is explained with an isothermal cool thread model. A lower limit for the electron temperature of the cool threads is estimated to be 6100 K. The range of the surface filling factors of the cool threads is 0.3–1.0 after the H flare, and 0.2–0.5 in the descending phase of the eruptive prominence. The column emission measure and the electron number density are estimated to be of the order of 1028 cm–5 and 1010 cm–3, respectively. The physical parameters of a quiescent prominence are also estimated from the observations. The filling factors of the eruptive prominence are smaller than those of the quiescent prominence, whereas the emission measures and the electron densities are similar. These facts imply that each cool thread of the prominence did not expand after the eruption, while the total volume of the prominence increased.  相似文献   
The Pliocene and Quaternary Patagonian alkali basalts of southernmost South America can be divided into two groups. The cratonic basalts erupted in areas of Cenozoic plateau volcanism and continental sedimentation and show considerable variation in 87Sr/86Sr (0.70316 to 0.70512), 143Nd/144Nd (Nd) and 206Pb/204Pb, 207Pb/204Pb, and 208Pb/204Pb ratios (18.26 to 19.38, 15.53 to 15.68, and 38.30 to 39.23, respectively). These isotopic values are within the range of oceanic island basalts, as are the Ba/La, Ba/Nb, La/Nb, K/Rb, and Cs/Rb ratios of the cratonic basalts. In contrast, the transitional basalts, erupted along the western edge of the outcrop belt of the Pliocene and Quaternary plateau lavas in areas that were the locus of earlier Cenozoic Andean orogenic arc colcanism, have a much more restricted range of isotopic composition which can be approximated by 87Sr/86Sr=0.7039±0.0004, Nd, 206Pb/204Pb=18.60±0.08, 207Pb/204Pb=15.60±0.01, and 208Pb/204Pb=38.50±0.10. These isotopic values are similar to those of Andean orogenic are basalts and, compared to the cratonic basalts, are displaced to higher 87Sr/86Sr at a given 143Nd/144Nd and to higher 207Pb/204Pb at a given 208Pb/204Pb. The transitional basalts also have Ba/La, Ba/Nb, La/Nb, and Cs/Rb ratios higher than the cratonic and oceanic island basalts, although not as high as Andean orogenic are basalts. In contrast to the radiogenic isotopes, 18O values for both groups of the Patagonian alkali basalts are indistinguishable and are more restricted than the range reported for Andean orogenic are basalts. Whole rock 18O values calculated from mineral separates for both groups range from 5.3 to 6.5, while measured whole rock 18O values range from 5.1 to 7.8. The trace element and isotopic data suggest that decreasing degrees of partial melting in association with lessened significance of subducted slabderived components are fundamental factors in the west to east transition from arc to back-arc volcanism in southern South America. The cratonic basalts do not contain the slab-derived components that impart the higher Ba/La, Ba/Nb, La/Nb, Cs/Rb, 87Sr/86Sr at a given 143Nd/144Nd, 207Pb/204Pb at a given 208Pb/204Pb, and 18O to Andean orogenic arc basalts. Instead, these basalts are formed by relatively low degrees of partial melting of heterogeneous lower continental lithosphere and/or asthenosphere, probably due to thermal and mechanical pertubation of the mantle in response to subduction of oceanic lithosphere below the western margin of the continent. The transitional basalts do contain components added to their source region by either (1) active input of slab-derived components in amounts smaller than the contribution to the mantle below the arc and/or with lower Ba/La, Ba/Nb, La/Nb, and Cs/Rb ratios than below the arc due to progressive downdip dehydration of the subducted slab; or (2) subarc source region contamination processes which affected the mantle source of the transitional basalts earlier in the Cenozoic.  相似文献   
Geochemical evaluation of the sources and movement of saline groundwater in coastal aquifers can aid in the initial mapping of the subsurface when geological information is unavailable. Chloride concentrations of groundwater in a coastal aquifer near San Diego, California, range from about 57 to 39,400 mg/L. On the basis of relative proportions of major‐ions, the chemical composition is classified as Na‐Ca‐Cl‐SO4, Na‐Cl, or Na‐Ca‐Cl type water. δ2H and δ18O values range from ?47.7‰ to ?12.8‰ and from ?7.0‰ to ?1.2‰, respectively. The isotopically depleted groundwater occurs in the deeper part of the coastal aquifer, and the isotopically enriched groundwater occurs in zones of sea water intrusion. 87Sr/86Sr ratios range from about 0.7050 to 0.7090, and differ between shallower and deeper flow paths in the coastal aquifer. 3H and 14C analyses indicate that most of the groundwater was recharged many thousands of years ago. The analysis of multiple chemical and isotopic tracers indicates that the sources and movement of saline groundwater in the San Diego coastal aquifer are dominated by: (1) recharge of local precipitation in relatively shallow parts of the flow system; (2) regional flow of recharge of higher‐elevation precipitation along deep flow paths that freshen a previously saline aquifer; and (3) intrusion of sea water that entered the aquifer primarily during premodern times. Two northwest‐to‐southeast trending sections show the spatial distribution of the different geochemical groups and suggest the subsurface in the coastal aquifer can be separated into two predominant hydrostratigraphic layers.  相似文献   
The Nd and Sr isotopic ratios on a suite of continental alkali basalts from Marie Byrd Land, West Antarctica, define a change in the source over the range of K/Ar dates between 1 and 28 m.y. ago. The 87Sr/86Sr isotopic ratios (0.7026 to 0.7031) are unusually low for continental alkali basalts, although the corresponding 143Nd/144Nd ratios (0.51283 to 0.51299) are similar to previously reported values. On a 87Sr/86Sr vs. 143Nd/144Nd diagram, they define a trend on the low 87Sr/86Sr side of the “mantle array”, which has a slope steeper than the mantle array. An explanation for the light rare earth elements (LREE) enrichment of the alkali basalts, with high 143Nd/144Nd ratios and low 87Sr/86Sr ratios, is suggested by a model which modifies the source region with a mantle-derived, CO2-enriched metasomatic fluid.  相似文献   
The direct measurement of the height of the radio source above a solar active region was done by the Westerbork Synthesis Radio Telescope when the source crossed the west limb. The height of the brightest part was 12000 km above the limb. The result of the disk observation is also presented and the emission mechanisms of the observed sources are discussed.Paper presented at the IAU Third Asian-Pacific Regional Meeting, held in Kyoto, Japan, between 30 September–6 October, 1984.  相似文献   
Groundwater, surface water, and soil in the Goose Lake oil field in northeastern Montana have been affected by Cl-rich oil-field brines during long-term petroleum production. Ongoing multidisciplinary geochemical and geophysical studies have identified the degree and local extent of interaction between brine and groundwater. Fourteen samples representing groundwater, surface water, and brine were collected for Sr isotope analyses to evaluate the usefulness of 87Sr/86Sr in detecting small amounts of brine. Differences in Sr concentrations and 87Sr/86Sr are optimal at this site for the experiment. Strontium concentrations range from 0.13 to 36.9 mg/L, and corresponding 87Sr/86Sr values range from 0.71097 to 0.70828. The local brine has 168 mg/L Sr and a 87Sr/86Sr value of 0.70802. Mixing relationships are evident in the data set and illustrate the sensitivity of Sr in detecting small amounts of brine in groundwater. The location of data points on a Sr isotope-concentration plot is readily explained by an evaporation-mixing model. The model is supported by the variation in concentrations of most of the other solutes.  相似文献   
The Sm-Nd isotopic system of a tonalitic augen gneiss and its constituent minerals from northern Michigan was disturbed during metamorphism. Sm-Nd zircon ages are lower than the wholerock Sm-Nd model age. However, closely associated pairs of minerals (for example, sphene and biotite or apatite and plagioclase) retain their apparent metamorphic ages. The Sm-Nd model age for the tonalitic augen gneiss of 3919 ± 30myr, appears to reflect open system behavior during metamorphism. A mineralogically different gneiss from the same location has a Sm-Nd model age of 3520 ± 70 myr. The two whole rocks differ in their Sm-Nd and Rb-Sr systematics and in their chondrite-normalized rare earth element (REE) patterns. The whole-rock-normalized mineral REE patterns show the contribution of the major and trace minerals to the REE content of the whole rock. The trace minerals contain a significant amount of the total REE.  相似文献   
Basalts dredged from the Mid-Indian Ocean Ridge System have rare earth, Rb, and Sr concentrations like those from other mid-ocean ridges, but have slightly higher Sr87/Sr86 ratios. Underlying gabbroic complexes are similar to the basalts in Sr87/Sr86, but are poorer K, Rb, and in rare earths. The chemical and isotopic data, as well as the geologic relations suggest a cumulate origin for the bulk of the gabbroic complexes.  相似文献   
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