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 The melting reaction: albite(solid)+ H2O(fluid) =albite-H2O(melt) has been determined in the presence of H2O–NaCl fluids at 5 and 9.2 kbar, and results compared with those obtained in presence of H2O–CO2 fluids. To a good approximation, albite melts congruently at 9 kbar, indicating that the melting temperature at constant pressure is principally determined by water activity. At 5 kbar, the temperature (T)- mole fraction (X (H2O) ) melting relations in the two systems are almost coincident. By contrast, H2O–NaCl mixing at 9 kbar is quite non-ideal; albite melts ∼70 °C higher in H2O–NaCl brines than in H2O–CO2 fluids for X (H2O) =0.8 and ∼100 °C higher for X (H2O) =0.5. The melting temperature of albite in H2O–NaCl fluids of X (H2O)=0.8 is ∼100 °C higher than in pure water. The PT curves for albite melting at constant H2O–NaCl show a temperature minimum at about 5 kbar. Water activities in H2O–NaCl fluids calculated from these results, from new experimental data on the dehydration of brucite in presence of H2O–NaCl fluid at 9 kbar, and from previously published experimental data, indicate a large decrease with increasing fluid pressure at pressures up to 10 kbar. Aqueous brines with dissolved chloride salt contents comparable to those of real crustal fluids provide a mechanism for reducing water activities, buffering and limiting crustal melting, and generating anhydrous mineral assemblages during deep crustal metamorphism in the granulite facies and in subduction-related metamorphism. Low water activity in high pressure-temperature metamorphic mineral assemblages is not necessarily a criterion of fluid absence or melting, but may be due to the presence of low a (H2O) brines. Received: 17 March 1995/Accepted: 9 April 1996  相似文献   
Phase equilibria in the ternary systems H2O–CO2–NaCl and H2O–CO2–CaCl2 have been determined from the study of synthetic fluid inclusions in quartz at 500 and 800 °C, 0.5 and 0.9 GPa. The crystallographic control on rates of quartz overgrowth on synthetic quartz crystals was exploited to prevent trapping of fluid inclusions prior to attainment of run conditions. Two types of fluid inclusion were found with different density or CO2 homogenisation temperature (Th(CO2)): a CO2-rich phase with low Th(CO2), and a brine with relatively high Th(CO2). The density of CO2 was calibrated using inclusions in the binary system H2O–CO2. Mass balance calculations constrain tie lines and the miscibility gap between brines and CO2-rich fluids in the H2O–CO2–NaCl and H2O–CO2–CaCl2 systems at 500 and 800 °C, and 0.5 and 0.9 GPa. The miscibility gap in the CaCl2 system is larger than in the NaCl system, and solubilities of CO2 are smaller. CaCl2 demonstrates a larger salting-out effect than NaCl at the same P–T conditions. In ternary systems, homogeneous fluids are H2O-rich and of extremely low salinity, but at medium to high concentrations of salts and non-polar gases fluids are unlikely to be homogeneous. The two-phase state of crustal fluids should be common. For low fluid-rock ratios the cation compositions of crustal fluids are buffered by major crustal minerals: feldspars and micas in pelites and granitic rocks, calcite (dolomite) in carbonates, and pyroxenes and amphiboles in metabasites. Fluids in pelitic and granitic rocks are Na-K rich, while for carbonate and metabasic rocks fluids are Ca-Mg-Fe rich. On lithological boundaries between silicate and carbonate rocks, or between pelites and metabasites, diffusive cation exchange of the salt components of the fluid will cause the surfaces of immiscibility to intersect, leading to unmixing in the fluid phase. Dispersion of acoustic energy at critical conditions of the fluid may amplify seismic reflections that result from different fluid densities on lithological boundaries.Editorial responsibility: I. Parsons  相似文献   
Using 172 plates taken with the 40-cm astrograph of the Sternberg Astronomical Institute(Lomonosov Moscow University) in 1976–1994 and digitized with a resolution of 2400 dpi, we discovered and studied 275 new variable stars. We present the list of our new variables with all necessary information concerning their brightness variations. As in our earlier studies, the new discoveries show a rather large number of high-amplitude Delta Scuti variables, predicting that many stars of this type remain not detected in the whole sky. We also performed automated classification of the newly discovered variable stars based on the Random Forest algorithm. The results of the automated classification were compared to traditional classification and showed that automated classification was possible even with noisy photographic data. However, further improvement of automated techniques is needed, which is especially important when considering the very large numbers of new discoveries expected from all-sky surveys.  相似文献   

Siliceous unicellular microalgae — diatoms and silicoflagellates from sediments in Amur Bay were analyzed with high temporal resolution to examine changes over the last 150 years. The age of sediments was estimated from unsupported 210Pb controlled by 137Cs. Siliceous microalgae examined in each cm of two sediment cores demonstrated significant changes in the ecological structure of the assemblages that reflected changes in sedimentation conditions. During the years 1860–1910 the sediments accumulated under the great influence of river runoff. For about the next 50 years the number of freshwater species and marine benthic diatoms in sediments sharply declined, which is probably connected with the weakening of the effects of river runoff due to deforestation. Since the early 1960s the sedimentation conditions in the Amur Bay changed significantly. Marine planktonic diatoms and silicoflagellates began to prevail in sediments and this reflects increasing microphytoplankton productivity. One consequence of this was the formation of seasonal bottom hypoxia in Amur Bay. The ecological structure of diatom and silicoflagellate assemblages indicates that the sea level began to rise since the early 1960s and this corresponds to the water and air temperature increase in the area for that period. The obtained data suggest that the environmental changes over the last 150 years in Armur Bay are associated with the weakening of river runoff due to deforestation, sea level rise caused by global warming, and the increase of siliceous microplankton productivity that resulted in the formation of seasonal bottom hypoxia.

We present the latest enhancement of the nonlinear monotone finite volume method for the near-well regions. The original nonlinear method is applicable for diffusion, advection-diffusion, and multiphase flow model equations with full anisotropic discontinuous permeability tensors on conformal polyhedral meshes. The approximation of the diffusive flux uses the nonlinear two-point stencil which reduces to the conventional two-point flux approximation (TPFA) on cubic meshes but has much better accuracy for the general case of non-orthogonal grids and anisotropic media. The latest modification of the nonlinear method takes into account the nonlinear (e.g., logarithmic) singularity of the pressure in the near-well region and introduces a correction to improve accuracy of the pressure and the flux calculation. In this paper, we consider a linear version of the nonlinear method waiving its monotonicity for sake of better accuracy. The new method is generalized for anisotropic media, polyhedral grids and nontrivial cases such as slanted, partially perforated wells or wells shifted from the cell center. Numerical experiments show noticeable reduction of numerical errors compared to the original monotone nonlinear FV scheme with the conventional Peaceman well model or with the given analytical well rate.  相似文献   
Phase equilibria in the ternary system H2O-CO2-NaCl were studied at 800 °C and 9 kbar in internally heated gas pressure vessels using a modified synthetic fluid inclusion technique. The low rate of quartz overgrowth along the `b' and `a' axes of quartz crystals was used to avoid fluid inclusion formation during heating, prior to attainment of equilibrium run conditions. The density of CO2 in the synthetic fluid inclusions was calibrated using inclusions in the binary H2O-CO2 system synthesised by the same method and measured on the same heating-freezing stage. In the two-phase field, two types of fluid inclusions with different densities of CO2 were observed. Using mass balance calculations, these inclusions are used to constrain the miscibility gap and the orientation of two-phase tie-lines in the H2O-CO2-NaCl system at 800 °C and 9 kbar. The equation of state of Duan et al. (1995) approximately describes the P-T section of the ternary system up to about 40 wt% of NaCl. At higher NaCl concentrations the measured solubility of CO2 in the brine is much smaller than predicted by the EOS. A “salting out” effect must be added to the equation of state to include coulomb interaction in the model of Anderko and Pitzer (1993) and Pitzer and Jiang (1996). The new experimental data together with published data up to 5 kbar (Shmulovich et al. 1995) encompass practically all subsolidus crustal P-T conditions. A feature of the new experimental results is the large compositional range in the H2O-CO2-NaCl system occupied by the stability fields of halite + CO2-rich fluid ± H2O-NaCl brine. The prediction of halite stability in equilibrium with CO2-rich fluid in deep-crustal rocks is supported by recent petrological and fluid inclusion studies of granulites. Received: 29 June 1998 / Accepted: 17 March 1999  相似文献   
In order to test different hypotheses concerning the Paleozoic evolution of the Ural–Mongol belt (UMB) and the amalgamation of Eurasia, we studied Middle Devonian basalts from two localities (11 sites) and Lower Silurian volcanics, redbeds, and intra-formational conglomerates from three localities (20 sites) in the Chingiz Range of East Kazakhstan. The Devonian rocks prove to be heavily overprinted in the late Paleozoic, and a high-temperature, presumably primary, southerly, and down component is isolated at only four sites from a homoclinal section. Most Silurian redbeds are found to be remagnetized in the late Paleozoic; in contrast, a bipolar near-horizontal remanence, isolated from Silurian volcanics, is most probably primary as indicated by positive tilt and conglomerate tests. Analysis of paleomagnetic data from the Chingiz Range shows that southward-pointing directions in Ordovician, Silurian, and Devonian rocks are of normal polarity and hence indicate large-scale rotations after the Middle Devonian. The Chingiz paleomagnetic directions can be compared with Paleozoic data from the North Tien Shan and with the horseshoe-shaped distribution of subduction-related volcanic complexes in Kazakhstan. Both paleomagnetic and geological data support the idea that today's strongly curved volcanic belts of Kazakhstan are an orocline, deformed mostly before mid-Permian time. Despite the determination of nearly a dozen new Paleozoic paleopoles in this study and other recent publications by our team, significant temporal and spatial gaps remain in our knowledge of the paleomagnetic directions during the middle and late Paleozoic. However, the paleomagnetic results from the Chingiz Range and the North Tien Shan indicate that these areas show generally coherent motions with Siberia and Baltica, respectively.  相似文献   
Presented paper describes the basic principles and features of the implementation of a robotic network of optical telescopes MASTER, designed to study the prompt (simultaneous with gamma radiation) optical emission of gamma-ray bursts and to perform the sky survey to detect unknown objects and transient phenomena. With joint efforts of Sternberg astronomical institute, High altitude astronomical station of the Pulkovo observatory, Ural state university, Irkutsk state university, Blagoveshchensk pedagogical university, the robotic telescopes MASTER?II near Kislovodsk, Yekaterinburg, Irkutsk and Blagoveshchensk were installed and tested. The network spread over the longitudes is greater than 6?h. A further expansion of the network is considered.  相似文献   
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