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Geotectonics - In our research we summarized data obtained on the composition, structure, and geochemical characteristics of the granitoid plutons of the eastern part of the Krasnoleninsky arch of...  相似文献   
Geotectonics - Vendian and Permian–Triassic plagiogranite magmatism is distinguished for the Ust-Belsky and Algansky terranes of West Koryak fold system. The U‒Pb zircon ages from...  相似文献   
The Late Paleozoic–Early Mesozoic Mongol-Okhotsk Ocean extended between the Siberian and Amur–North China continents.The timing and modalities of the oceanic closure are widely discussed.It is largely accepted that the ocean closed in a scissor-like manner from southwest to northeast(in modern coordinates),though the timing of this process remains uncertain.Recent studies have shown that both western(West Transbaikalia)and eastern(Dzhagda)parts of the ocean closed almost simultaneously at the Early–Middle Jurassic boundary.However,little information on the key central part of the oceanic suture zone is available.We performed U-Pb(LA-ICP-MS)dating of detrital zircon from wellcharacterized stratigraphic sections of the central part of the Mongol-Okhotsk suture zone.These include the initial marine and final continental sequences of the East Transbaikalia Basin,deposited on the northern Argun-Idemeg terrane basement.We provide new stratigraphic ages for the marine and continental deposits.This revised chronostratigraphy allows assigning an age of~165–155 Ma,to the collisionrelated flexure of the northern Argun-Idemeg terrane and the development of a peripheral foreland basin.This collisional process took place 5 to10 million years later than in the western and eastern parts of the ocean.We demonstrate that the northern Argun-Idemeg terrane was the last block to collide with the Siberian continent,challenging the widely supported scissor-like model of closure of the MongolOkhotsk Ocean.Different segments of the ocean closed independently,depending on the initial shape of the paleo continental margins.  相似文献   
Isotopic dates newly obtained for the northwestern portion of the Angara–Vitim batholith are consistent with preexisting data on the duration of the Late Paleozoic magmatic cycle: 55–60 Ma (from 325 to 280 Ma). These data also indicate that alkaline mafic magmatism in western Transbaikalia began simultaneously with the transition from crustal granite-forming processes to the derivation of granites of a mixed mantle–crustal nature, with gradual enrichment of the juvenile component in the source of the magmas. Analysis of the currently discussed geodynamic models of Late Paleozoic magmatism shows that a key role in all models of extensive granite-forming processes in the region is assigned to mafic mantle magmas, which can be generated in various geotectonic environments: subduction, delamination, decompression, and a mantle plume. The plume model is most consistent with the intraplate character of the Angara–Vitim batholith. The derivation of the vast volume of granitic material (approximately 1 million km3) should have required a comparable volume of mafic magma that should have been pooled in the middle crust of the Baikal fold area. However, the density structure of the region does not provide evidence of significant volumes of mafic rocks. This suggests that the mechanism of plume–lithospheric interaction that should have induced extensive crustal melting and the origin of vast granite areas was more complicated than simply conductive melting of crustal protoliths in contact with mafic intrusions.  相似文献   
The results of LA–ICP–MS U–Pb analyses of detrital zircons from the Precambrian deposits of Luga–Ladoga monocline are discussed. The age spectra of the zircons separated from the Riphean to Upper Vendian sandstones from the Shotkusa-1 well demonstrate dominance of the Paleo- and Mesoproterozoic grains while the Archaean zircons are subordinate. The Riphean debris sources were local swells of the Northern Ladoga basement. The sequence interval presumably corresponding to the Vasilieostrov Formation (Upper Vendian) has yielded not only Paleo- and Mesoproterozoic zircon ages, but Neoproterozoic as well, implying a Timanide provenance: these zircons (527 ± 9 and 516 ± 13 Ma) allow deposition of a significant part of the Shotkusa-1 sequence at the very beginning of the Cambrian.  相似文献   
We present results of geochronological (40Ar-39Ar, U-Pb SHRIMP-II, and LA-ICP-MS) and geochemical studies of alkaline rocks of the Amalat, Sirikta, Tsipa, Pravyi Uligli, and Verkhnii Uligli massifs in the Vitim plateau (western Transbaikalia). The formation of the alkaline rocks and the accompanying albitization are dated at 261-242 Ma. The isotope inhomogeneity (?Nd(T) = + 8.4 to -1.7) of the alkaline rocks indicates the heterogeneous composition of the source of their material, having a depleted component, an enriched juvenile metasomatic fluid, and a crustal substrate.  相似文献   
The model of geological structure of sedimentary cover of the Laptev Sea accepted by most geologists suggests that the lower seismic complex of the cover begins by the Aptian–Albian sedimentary rocks. They can be studied in natural outcrops of Kotelnyi Island. The section of the Tuor-Yuryakh Trough, which exposes the lower part of the Cretaceous complex, is described in the paper. It is composed of continental coaliferous rocks ~100 m thick. The marking beds divide it into five members, which are traced along the western wall of the trough at the distance up to 3 km. The spore–pollen complexes and plant megafossils indicate that almost the entire visible section of the mid-Cretaceous is Albian. Only its lower part no more than 14 m thick can probably belong to the Aptian. Marine facies with Albian foraminifers were found 15 m above the bottom of the Cretaceous complex. The section of the Cretaceous rocks is underlain by the Lower Jurassic marine clays and siltstones. The foraminifer assemblages of this part of the section are typical of the upper Sinemurian–Pliensbachian and fossil bivalves indicate late Sinemurian age of the host rocks. The hiatus ~70 Ma duration has no expression in the section and this boundary can de facto be substantiated only by microfossils. This vague contact between the Lower Jurassic and mid-Cretaceous rocks does not correspond to geophysical characteristics of the bottom of the lower seismic complex of the cover of the eastern part of the Laptev Sea. The latter is described as the most evident seismic horizon of the section of the cover, suggesting unconformable occurrence of the lower seismic complex on a peneplenized surface of lithified and dislocated rocks. This is mostly similar to the bottom of the Eocene sediments, which were observed on Belkovsky and Kotelnyi islands. The paper discusses possible application of our land results for interpretation of the shelf seismic sections of the Laptev Sea. It is concluded that local reasons are responsible for a vague boundary between the Lower Jurassic and mid-Cretaceous sequences in the section studied. Our observations support ideas on possible Aptian–Albian age of the rocks of the basement of the lower seismic complex; however, it is proposed to use also the previously popular idea on the Eocene age of the lower seismic complex of sedimentary cover of the eastern part of the Laptev Sea as one of the possible working scenarios.  相似文献   
Doklady Earth Sciences - This work presents the results of the isotope dating of detrital zircons from sandstones of the Bratsk (O3), Kezhemskaya (S1), and Baeronovka (C1) formations of the...  相似文献   
Doklady Earth Sciences - We reconstructed the history of the Angara–Vitim batholith (AVB), characterized by the formation of huge volumes of granitic magma using thermochronological analysis...  相似文献   
Geology of Ore Deposits - The article discusses the features of the composition, age, and genesis of gold–antimony mineralization of the East Sayan based on the example of the largest...  相似文献   
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