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A paleolimnological evaluation of cladoceran microfossils was initiated to study limnological changes in Lake Apopka, a large (125 km2), shallow (mean depth = 1.6 m), warm, polymictic lake in central Florida. The lake switched from macrophyte to algal dominance in the late 1940s, creating a Sediment Discontinuity Layer (SDL) that can be visually used to separate sediments derived from macrophytes and phytoplankton. Cladoceran microfossils were enumerated as a means of corroborating extant eutrophication data from the sediment record. Inferences about the timing and trajectory of eutrophication were made using the cladoceran-based paleo-reconstruction. The cladoceran community of Lake Apopka began to change abruptly in both total abundance and relative percent abundance just before the lake shifted from macrophyte to algal dominance. Alona affinis, a mud-vegetation associated cladoceran, disappeared before the SDL was formed. Planktonic and benthic species also began to increase below the SDL, indicating an increase in production of both planktonic and benthic species. Chydorus cf. sphaericus, an indicator of nutrient loading, increased relative to all other cladocerans beginning in the layer below the SDL and continuing upcore. Changes in the transitional sediment layer formed before the lake switched to phytoplankton dominance, including an increase in total phosphorus concentration, suggest a more gradual eutrophication process than previously reported. Data from this study supported conclusions from other paleolimnological studies that suggested anthropogenic phosphorus loading was the key factor in the hypereutrophication of Lake Apopka.  相似文献   
The primary producer community of Lake Apopka, a large (125 km2), shallow (mean depth, 1.7 m), polymictic Florida lake, shifted from macrophyte dominance to phytoplankton dominance in the 1940s. Today, frequent wind resuspension of highly organic, unconsolidated sediments supports a meroplanktonic community that is predominantly diatoms, but during calm periods the algal community is dominated by planktonic cyanobacteria. Sedimentary algal pigments (chlorophyll derivatives and carotenoids) and chemical proxies for nutrient enrichment (polyphosphate, total phosphorus and biogenic silica) in three sediment cores were used to investigate historic changes in primary producers. Sediments were separated into three stratigraphic zones using multivariate statistical techniques. Stratigraphic zonation was established in each core although sediment deposition at one site was insufficient to adequately resolve temporal changes. These results show the importance of selecting suitable sites for paleolimnological studies. The oldest zone represents macrophyte-derived sediments, and the two overlying zones represent phytoplankton-derived sediments deposited since the 1940s. Algal pigments in the most recent sediment zone show little degradation, which might be due to the presence of viable meroplankton in the sediment. After the initial primary producer shift from macrophytes to phytoplankton, the lake experienced a short period of cyanobacterial dominance followed by a period of benthic diatom abundance before being replaced by the present algal community consisting of cyanobacteria and meroplanktonic diatoms. Chlorophyll derivatives and carotenoids were highly correlated with total phosphorus. Historic trends inferred from the data include algal and cyanobacterial productivity that increased with increased phosphorus loading. The study demonstrates that valid paleolimnological proxies for historic eutrophication are available in loosely consolidated sediments of shallow, subtropical lakes.  相似文献   
Empirical power laws are frequently used to relate parameters in complex hydrological and hydrometeorological processes. The validity of power laws relating two parameters with a common variable may be compromised by spurious influences of the common variable. Theoretical results are presented that allow both the spurious self-correlation coefficient and the slope of a spurious self-correlation to be determineda priori. Raising a common variable to a higher power in either parameter amplifies the spurious effects.Power law regression equations are not single-valued analytical functions and must not be treated as such. Because of the strong influence of a common variable on the correlation coefficient, the transfer of a common variable from one side of a power-law regression equation to another (by cross-multiplying) may severely distort the results. Examples from lake hydrology are presented.  相似文献   
We analyzed 210Pb-dated sediment cores from four relatively shallow lakes (zmax < 10 m) in the Upper Ocklawaha River Basin, Florida, USA to compare primary producer community structure before and after anthropogenic impacts. We measured physical and chemical sediment variables including density, organic matter (OM), water-soluble phosphorus, polyphosphate (Poly-P), total P (TP), total carbon to total nitrogen mass ratios of OM (TC:TN), biogenic silica (diatoms, sponge spicules), total amorphous silica, and stable carbon and nitrogen isotope ratios of bulk OM. Principal component analysis showed that diatom biogenic silica, TC:TN, Poly-P and TP displayed discernible stratigraphic changes associated with the shift in the primary producer community. We applied k-means cluster analysis to these variables to identify macrophyte-derived, transitional, and phytoplankton-derived sediments. Our approach provides an objective method for identifying sediment sources that may be applied to shallow lakes in other regions. The four study lakes shifted from a macrophyte-dominated state to a transitional state before major anthropogenic disturbances, and became phytoplankton-dominated after ~1950.  相似文献   
Fifty-seven surface sediment samples from 35 Florida lakes were collected to study testate amoebae. Seven genera, 17 species, and 28 strains were identified in the 46 sediment samples from 31 lakes that contained testate rhizopods. Seven species accounted for ≥90% of the individuals in all samples. Sediment total phosphorus (TPsed), organic matter (OM), and total carbon:total nitrogen ratio (TC:TN) were measured to assess the effect of these variables on thecamoebian assemblages. OM content was the only sediment variable that influenced presence/absence of thecamoebians. Samples with <5% OM contained no thecamoebians. Lakes with multiple surface sediment samples showed high Morisita–Horn similarity values (0.74–0.99), indicating that all sites at which samples were collected in a lake provided representative thecamoebian assemblages. No relationship was observed between thecamoebian diversity indices and sediment variables. Lake trophic state and pH were examined to explore potential water column influences on thecamoebian communities. Highest thecamoebian diversity indices were found in mesotrophic to eutrophic lakes with pH near 8.0. These results suggest that water column conditions have a greater influence on thecamoebian assemblages than do sediment variables. We used multivariate analysis to evaluate the relations between water quality variables and testate rhizopod assemblages. Canonical correspondence analysis (CCA) showed that alkalinity and pH are the water column variables that most influence the relative abundance of species. Thecamoebians thus hold promise as bioindicators of acidification in Florida lakes. Thecamoebian remains in lake sediment cores should be useful to infer past anthropogenic shifts in lake pH.  相似文献   
Gamma spectroscopy was used to measure radioisotope (210Pb, 226Ra, 137Cs) activities in sediment cores from 20 lakes and a wetland in Florida, USA. Nine profiles display relatively low (<5 dpm g–1) and constant 226Ra activities, whereas 12 show high (>5 dpm g–1) and variable 226Ra activities. In the latter group, most display up-core increases in activity. Upper sediments from two lakes (Round and Rowell) possess very high (>20 dpm g–1) 226Ra activities that exceed total 210Pb activities, clearly illustrating disequlibrium between 226Ra and supported 210Pb. Supported 210Pb activity is generally thought to come from in situ, 226Ra-containing detrital mineral particles, and is typically assumed to be in secular equilibrium with 226Ra activity. Since 1966, Round Lake has been augmented hydrologically with 226Ra-rich (6.2 dpm L–1) groundwater pumped from the local deep aquifer. Adsorption of dissolved 226Ra to recent Round Lake sediments probably accounts for the high measured 226Ra activities and the pronounced disequilibrium between 226Ra and supported 210Pb in topmost deposits. We suspect that many Florida waterbodies receive some 226Ra-rich runoff and seepage from groundwater pumped for irrigation, residential use, industrial applications, and mining. This may account for up-core increases in 226Ra activity measured in sediment cores from some Florida lakes. Significant groundwater pumping began within the last century, and there has been insufficient time for supported 210Pb to come into equilibrium with adsorbed 226Ra in uppermost deposits. Input of 226Ra-rich groundwater to lakes may occur in any geographic region where local bedrock contains 238U and its daughters. When dissolved 226Ra adsorbs to recent sediments, it complicates accurate estimation of supported 210Pb activity, and confounds calculation of unsupported 210Pb activity that is used in dating models.  相似文献   
We studied sediment cores from four Florida (USA) lakes that have received groundwater hydrologic supplements (augmentation) for >30 years to maintain lake stage. Top samples (0–4 cm) from sediment cores taken in Lakes Charles, Saddleback, Little Hobbs, and Crystal had 226Ra activities of 44.9, 17.5, 7.6, and 8.5 dpm g−1, respectively, about an order of magnitude greater than values in deeper, older deposits. The surface sample from Lake Charles yielded the highest 226Ra activity yet reported from a Florida lake core. Several lines of evidence suggest that groundwater augmentation is responsible for the high 226Ra activities in recent sediments: (1) 226Ra activity in cores increased recently, (2) the Charles, Crystal, and Saddleback cores display 226Ra/210Pb disequilibrium at several shallow depths, suggesting 226Ra entered the lakes in dissolved form, (3) cores show recent increases in Ca, which, like 226Ra, is abundant in augmentation groundwater, and (4) greater Sr concentrations are associated with higher 226Ra activities in recent Charles and Saddleback sediments. Sr concentrations in Eocene limestones of the deep Floridan Aquifer are high relative to Sr concentrations in surficial quartz sands around the lakes. Historical water quality inferences for the lakes were based on diatom assemblages in sediments. Recent alkalization in Lakes Charles, Saddleback, Little Hobbs, and Crystal was inferred from weighted-averaging calibration (WACALIB). The lakes also show recent trophic state increases based on WACALIB-derived estimates for limnetic total P. Although residential and agricultural sources might contribute to increased P loading, P in augmentation waters probably has had significant influence on eutrophication. Dystrophic diatoms were abundant in the early history of Lakes Saddleback, Little Hobbs, and Crystal, which suggests that these lakes contained more tannic waters during the past than at present, perhaps as a consequence of greater inflows from surrounding wetlands. Ionic content of lake waters increased, as indicated by diatom autecological analysis. Recent geochemical and biological changes detected in cores from these lakes probably are a result of deliberate groundwater augmentation, although inputs of groundwater pumped for agricultural and residential development in the watersheds also might have contributed to limnological changes.  相似文献   
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