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A general method for representing the flow properties in the three-dimensional boundary layers around ship hulls of arbitrary shape is described. It makes use of an efficient two-point finite-diffirence schem to solve the boundary-layer equations and includes an algebraic eddy-viscosity representaion of the Reynolds-stress ternsor. The numericzal method contains novel and desirable features and allows the calculation of flows in which the circumferential velocity component contains regions of flow reversal across the boundary layer. The inviscid pressure distribution is determined with the Douglas-Neumann method which, if necessary, can conveniently allow for the boundary-layer displacement surface. To allow its application to ships, and particularly to those with double-elliptic and flat-bottomed hulls, a non-orthogonal coordinate system has been developed and is shown to be economical, precise and comparatively easy to use. Present calculations relate to zero Froude number but they can be extended to include the effects of a water wave and local regions of flow separation which may stem from bulbous-bow geometries.  相似文献   
An extensive study of peridotitic sulfide inclusion bearing diamonds and their prospective harzburgitic host rocks from the 53 Ma Panda kimberlite pipe, Ekati Mine, NWT Canada, has been undertaken with the Re–Os system to establish their age and petrogenesis. Diamonds with peridotitic sulfide inclusions have poorly aggregated nitrogen (<30% N as B centers) at N contents of 200–800 ppm which differs from that of chromite and silicate bearing diamonds and indicates residence in the cooler portion of the Slave craton lithospheric mantle. For most of the sulfide inclusions, relatively low Re contents (average 0.457 ppm) and high Os contents (average 339 ppm) lead to extremely low 187Re/188Os, typically << 0.05. An age of 3.52 ± 0.17 Ga (MSWD = 0.46) and a precise initial 187Os/188Os of 0.1093 ± 0.0001 are given by a single regression of 11 inclusions from five diamonds that individually provide coincident internal isochrons. This initial Os isotopic composition is 6% enriched in 187Os over 3.5 Ga chondritic or primitive mantle. Sulfide inclusions with less radiogenic initial Os isotopic compositions reflect isotopic heterogeneity in diamond forming fluids. The harzburgites have even lower initial 187Os/188Os than the sulfide inclusions, some approaching the isotopic composition of 3.5 Ga chondritic mantle. In several cases isotopically distinct sulfides occur in different growth zones of the same diamond. This supports a model where C–O–H–S fluids carrying a radiogenic Os signature were introduced into depleted harzburgite and produced diamonds containing sulfides conforming to the 3.5 Ga isochron. Reaction of this fluid with harzburgite led to diamonds with less radiogenic inclusions while elevating the Os isotope ratios of some harzburgites. Subduction is a viable way of introducing such fluids. This implies a role for subduction in creating early continental nuclei at 3.5 Ga and generating peridotitic diamonds.Electronic Supplementary Material Supplementary material is available for this article at and is accessible for authorized users.  相似文献   
Summary The Magellanic Clouds play a fundamental role in a number of fields of astronomical research. Their distances are most relevant to the extragalactic distance scale. Their relative proximity offers exceptional opportunities for detailed studies of their stellar and interstellar content. They serve therefore as testing grounds for modern astrophysical theories, in particular concerning the chemical evolution of stars and galaxies.In this review we will discuss recent attempts to determine accurate distances to the Magellanic Clouds. We will consider their stellar generations as the results of interactions between the Large and the Small Magellanic Cloud as well as between the Clouds and the Galaxy. Recent determinations of the chemical abundances of the various age groups will be presented. The fact that the evolution of the Clouds has been slower than that of our Galaxy gives us the opportunity to study the conditions in slightly metalpoor galaxies. Recent progress in observing techniques has added much to our knowledge about the interstellar medium of the Clouds.The Magellanic System, which comprises the Magellanic Clouds, the Inter-Cloud Region and the Magellanic Stream, will be described. We will in particular consider the complex structure of the Large and the Small Cloud and the kinematics of their populations.  相似文献   
The article investigates the potential and challenges of integrating geography with other school subjects. The analysis is based on the outcomes of a course that introduced the principles of discipline-based integration. The course was included in multicultural-class teacher education programme at the University of Helsinki. For a project within the course, the students worked in small groups and made short films that integrated three subjects – geography, physics, and visual arts – in order to evoke questions of space in children's minds. The students were asked to write essays in which they analysed their understanding of space from the three subjects’ viewpoints, describe the aims and contents of their short films, and lastly reflect on their experiences of the potential and possible problems in discipline integration. In this article, the authors analyse the students’ experience of the integration between the geography, physics, and visual arts. In general, the students experienced discipline-based integration as an interesting way of working. Moreover, the project seemed to deepen their understanding of different grounds for integrative pedagogy. Although the students reported some difficulties regarding the subject knowledge required for fruitful integration, the process enabled them to construct a better understanding of the identity of each discipline.  相似文献   
Fluoreszenz und Gelbstoff im Bottnischen und Finnischen Meerbusen   总被引:6,自引:0,他引:6  
Kurt Kalle 《Ocean Dynamics》1949,2(4):117-124
Zusammenfassung In der folgenden Arbeit wird der erstmalige Versuch unternommen, einen quantitativen Einblick in die gegenseitigen Beziehungen zweier im Meerwasser vorhandenen ausgesprochen organischen Stoffe in ihrer Abhängigkeit vom Salzgehalt zu gewinnen. Derartige Messungen waren bisher noch nicht möglich vor allem wegen der überaus geringen Konzentration, in der die organischen Stoffe im Meerwasser vorzukommen pflegen, sodann auch wegen der verhältnismäßig großen Abbaugeschwindigkeit, der diese Stoffe unter den natürlichen Bedingungen im Meere unterliegen. Bei den hier angestellten Untersuchungen handelt es sich um zwei verhältnismäßig stabile den Humusstoffen nahestehende Verbindungen, die sich einmal durch ihr Vermögen, im ultravioletten Licht zu fluoreszieren und zum anderen durch ihre gelbe Farbe auszeichnen. Als Untersuchungsgebiet wurden der Bottnische und Finnische Meerbusen ausgewählt, die an diesen Stoffen verhältnismäßig reich sind. Legt man vier Ausgangswässer zugrunde, so läßt sich die eigenartige Verteilung dieses Fluoreszenz- und Gelb-Stoffes in dem Untersuchungsgebiet zwangslos aus den gegenseitigen Mischungsvorgängen dieser Wässer deuten. Der Vorzug der neuartigen Methodik für zukünftige Messungen liegt in dreierlei. Erstens verspricht die Bestimmung eine tieferen Einblick in den bisher noch so ungeklärten Mechanismus der Humusbildung, ferner ermöglicht sie eine genauere Kontrolle des Aussüßungsvorganges in den Randmeergebieten als es bisher möglich war, und schließlich scheint sie berufen, bei weiterer Durchentwicklung der Methodik für die Aufklärung der chemisch-biologischen Grundvorgänge im Zusammenhang mit der Produktionsfrage des Meeres eine wichtige Lücke ausfüllen zu können.
Fluorescence and contents of yellow substance in the Gulfs of Bothnia and Finland
Summary In the following paper it is tried for the first time to provide a quantitative insight into the relations between two clearly organic substances in the sea-water as depending on salinity. Measurings of this kind could not be made so far especially because the organic substances usually occur in sea-water in very low concentration, furthermore because they decay rather rapidly under the natural conditions prevailing in the sea. The investigations in question deal with two relatively stable compositions closely related to the ulmous substances which are characterized on the one hand by their capability of fluorescence in ultraviolet light and on the other hand by their yellow colour. The investigations are based on water-samples from the Gulfs of Bothnia and Finland, which are relatively abounding in these substances. Assuming four primary kinds of water, the peculiar distribution of these fluorescence and yellow substances in the investigated area can be explained without restriction by mixing processes of these waters. The advantages of the new method of investigation are: firstly that it may be expected to get a deeper insight into the genesis of humus which is only very little elucidated so far, furthermore it allows to control more exactly the process of freshening of the water in marginal seas, and finally, in case of further development it seems to be qualified to fill up a remarkable gap in the elucidation of the fundamental processes in biological chemistry in connection with the problem of marine production.

Die Veröffentlichung der im wesentlichen bereits vor etwa zehn Jahren abgeschlossenen Arbeit ist durch den Krieg verzögert worden.  相似文献   
Filtration systems, used for the preparation of coastal seawater samples for trace analysis, have been intercompared to determine the extent of contamination arising during the filtration process. The results show that all the systems intercompared are able to provide uncontaminated filtrates for copper, nickel, cobalt and manganese and, with two exceptions, for cadmium and iron, at levels that would be encountered in uncontaminated coastal waters.  相似文献   
Rocks of the Archaean Kuhmo greenstone belt and the fine fraction (− 63 μm) of 236 till samples were analysed for Co, Cr, Cu, Mn, Ni, Pb, Zn and Fe mainly with the AAS method. The influence of bedrock upon the lithology and geochemistry of till is clear, and can be seen immediately at the proximal contact. Expected trace-metal contents for the fine fraction of till were calculated using the average metal contents of the rock types and the proportions of these rock types in the till (2–6 cm pebbles). The expected values were then compared with the measured values in the fine fraction of till at the same locality. This approach seems effective for lithological comparison between various grain-size fractions of till.In general, the measured metal contents are clearly lower than expected. This indicates that the proportion of the greenstone material in the fine fraction of the till is smaller than in the coarse fraction. Correlations between measured and expected values of individual trace metals as well as their correlation with the different rock types are low, in most cases indicating inconsistent variation in the lithology of the coarse and fine fraction of the till. Good positive correlations between the number of pebbles of mafic metavolcanics and contents of Cu, Co, Mn and Fe in the fine fraction of till show that the influence of these rocks on the trace-element geochemistry of the tills in the study area is most significant as might be expected.  相似文献   
Ohne Zusammenfassung  相似文献   
K. Kalle  F. Nusser 《Ocean Dynamics》1959,12(6):272-273
Ohne Zusammenfassung  相似文献   
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